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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

J.Crew Freshens Up the Classics {part two}

"Thanks!" to Gem Twin (in this post) who pointed out that there is a video of Jenna Lyons in the Wall Street Journal article that was referenced in this week's "J.Crew Freshens Up the Classics" post.

This video was great as it covered a lot of topics: Success & Disappointment, Advice, Rewards, and Longevity. First, I think Jenna is adorable! In all fairness, I always find her personable in her video interviews. Second, she shared some solid advice about perspective, focusing on what's coming, and not comparing oneself to others. Third, it's clear she genuinely loves what she does.

What are your thoughts on the video? Do you agree with Jenna's advice that she shared?


  1. Jenna Lyons is just so darn likable! She seems to have her head on straight,and is a woman I admire. If all of us followed her advice, we would all be happier at our jobs and in our lives. GREAT interview - thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks so much for posting this. Jenna seems very down-to-eart and I know I could learn a thing or two about business from her. She knows what's she's doing and she's confident.

    I do like her advice: don't worry about other people, essentially. Just worry about yourself and give 110%!

  3. Thanks Gem Twin for sharing and Alexis for posting! Great video, like others I really enjoy hearing Jenna speak about her job and see how passionate she is about her work. Is she wearing the Cashmere cocoon popover? If I won the lottery, I'm so getting it.

  4. Gotta love her! so great to see a young woman who has worked her way up to become president of a major company (FROM A CREATIVE DEPARTMENT). Appreciate MD for trusting her in that capacity. I wasn't very interested in what I thought was the arrogant, catty world of fashion until she and MD came along. I worked down the street from Giorgio Armani's studio for a couple years and have seen a bit of that world...

  5. Great interview. It's always nice to hear her talk. She sounds relaxed and that she has things in focus. No pun intended. I swear.

    (I like these glasses better)

  6. Thanks, gem twin - ITA that it's great to hear a success story like Jenna. (I also like these glasses better!)

  7. Is it just me or does she sound like Kristen Wiig from SNL?


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And now back to J.Crew! :)