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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Conversation with Jenna Lyons

A big "thanks!" to Nicola who shared the following video from Parsons The New School for Design (click here) with us!

The video features a discussion forum featuring Jenna Lyons and Derek Lam that Parson's hosted for their students.

What are your thoughts on the video? Are there any pieces of information shared that you found particularly interesting? If so, please share! :)

1 comment:

  1. How's this for a dedicated JC fan... I watched all 1:09 of the video.

    A few interesting points:
    I didn't realize that Parsons emphasize business as much as the creative process. It's almost like a polytechnic college. Simon Collins, who's the dean of Fashion, said in an interview that in this tough economy, a lot of "garbage companies" will be swept away.

    Derek Lam emphasized a few times about getting back to the intent of the design aka keeping it simple, and making it real for the customer, not just for the glossy photo in the mag or on the runway.

    Jenna's inseam is 40"!!! She seems to be the kind of boss I'd want to work for, someone who has done her time in the business, cares about the people, and is still very passionate about the work. Interesting point she raised about knowing the brand identity and not veering away from it. Hmmm.

    Def. a good video to watch, not just because Jenna's in it, but if you're the least bit interested in the fashion business, it'll be of great interest.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)