Referencing {FAQ}

Friday, September 17, 2010

Good day JCAs!

Good morning JCAs! Thanks again for all the well-wishes on my trip. It was an exciting time to say the least! Unfortunately, I am still jet-lagged from my trip. By the weekend, I plan to catch-up on all the J.Crew news and resume with proper posting. Until then, my apologies for not staying up-to-date.

Have a great weekend! :)


  1. Alexis, so glad to have your happy self back! Paris is one of my favorite places and September is such a beautiful month to go. Welcome back!!!

  2. So glad you're back! Hope you had a lovely and delicious time!

  3. Hooray, you're back! So happy to hear that you had a great trip...take your time recovering from the jet-lag! We definitely missed you :)

  4. Glad you're back!

    OT, received an email re ordering from J. Crew Factory online, today through Sunday.

  5. Good Morning Alexis,

    SOOOOOOO glad you're back. You were missed. I hope you had a terrific trip and hopefully you'll give us some 'tidbits' of what you did. (*_*)

  6. Welcome back, Alexis. I am so glad you're back. We need you here.

  7. Welcome home! I hope Paris was magnifique!

  8. Bonne nuit, Alexis and dream of your trip. I'm very glad you are home.

  9. Hope you had a great trip and enjoyed Paris Alexis.

  10. Alexis, welcome back. We missed you!
    Hope you had a great time in France. :-)

  11. welcome back, alexis!! this place is not the same without you. i hope you had wonderful holiday. i'm sure paris was GLORIOUS!

  12. Welcome back Alexis! Hope you're recharged from your Parisienne vacation!

  13. Welcome back Alexis! If you have some choice pics from your trip, would love to see them!

  14. Welcome back! I hope it was a fantastic trip. You were a gem to have posts that ran in your absence.

  15. Welcome back! Hope your trip was wonderful.

  16. welcome home! we sure did miss you. did you see anyone wearing JC in Paris?

  17. Alexis, I wonder if you would consider a daily post like you had when you were away? Most of the posts are topical and often I'd like to ask a question or talk about something not related to that topic and it seems inappropriate to put it there, plus it's less likely to be answered/responded to. Just a though.

  18. Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about your trip :)

  19. Welcome back, Alexis! And I'd like to 2nd Desert Flowers request.

  20. Glad you're back! Take your time to get back into the swing of things though :) Milk that vacation!

  21. I think Simply JCrew said it best. :) Glad you're back!

  22. Welcome back Alexis. Hope you had a great time (I'm sure you did!). We're glad to have you back and can't wait to hear about your trip.

  23. Hope you had a great time in Paris. I love going there. Such a wonderful city:)

  24. I hope you snapped a pic of your library dress with the Eiffel Tower in the background! Welcome back.

  25. Bienvenue, Alexis, hope you found a little time to shop!

  26. Glad you're back Alexis and hopefully, well-rested. We missed ya.

  27. We missed you! Can't wait to hear about your trip.

  28. Welcome home Alexis. Hope you had a wonderful trip.

  29. I hope you got to read the article in the New Yorker Sept 20 edition about Mickey!

    (sorry I can't scan the whole article, it was someone else's mag)

  30. Thank you again for the sweet notes. :) I can't believe I am still jet lagged. It has never lasted this long before. I am also a bit behind with everything, but I am trying to catch up. :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)