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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

J.Crew Spotted in InStyle {is that you, old J.Crew?}

"Thanks!" to Hexicon, who not only let us know about a J.Crew item being spotted in the August 2010 issue of InStyle Magazine, but also scanned the image for us to view! (Click on the image to see it larger.)

The article features a yet-to-be-released J.Crew Wool Blazer ($325) that reminds me of an earlier J.Crew (circa 2005-2006). {Heart a' fluttering!} With its classic plaid pattern in a tailored silhouette, I am in love with it already. Bravo J.Crew!

What are your thoughts on the new wool jacket from J.Crew? Do you like the style? Does it remind you of an earlier J.Crew? If so, is that a good or bad thing (in your opinion)? :)


  1. I could see this blazer peeking out from the layers in the fall images on and immediately preordered. I am hoping it fits like the school boy but maybe even better--more fitted. can't wait!

  2. How did this escape being ruffled or sequined? :)

  3. LOL. I agree w/Teri. Thank you for rehiring your 2005 staff, J.crew.

  4. Oh that is for me, I adore it.

  5. Dammit, say no to the mad hat? But it adds such panache!

  6. Ooh, $325 breaks my price per wear rule. For eyewear and some jewelry (real gems and metals), and most winter coats, I can justify a higher cost, but a wool blazer? Probably not. Sigh. Maybe it will make it to sale and still be available in my size. :) Probably not, but for all of you who get it, enjoy! It is very pretty and definitely retro J. Crew!

  7. Love, very much reminds me of the "old Jcrew" we all pine for. Not at $325 though. Fingers crossed for a sale!

  8. Wow! to the price tag. I like the jacket but am not in LOVE with it. I prefer jewel or darker tones over beige with my complexion. Maybe there will be more similar styles in great colors!

  9. I won't be buying this because I already have something similar in my closet--from the mid-90s!

    Of course, that doubly proves my point about a lot of old school J.Crew. Not only was the styling classic enough to ride out (heh, no pun intended) the trends, but the quality was good enough to keep for 15+ years. If only current JC had more quality, classic, wearable items as the backbone of their collection, I could better embrace the trendy fluff on the periphery.

  10. Cute jacket, but ugh to the price - it's amazing that we have to pay more to have a designer "hold back" from overly embellishing it with raw-edged chiffon!

  11. Great jacket, and normally I'm ok spending a bit more on classic items like this but $325 is crazy IMO. I could *maybe* see $250...

  12. I may be the only one who finds this kind of boring and old-looking? I don't like the teeny-bopper stuff either but this looks pretty old-ladyish to me. Also like something you could get in the bridge apparel section at any dept store.

  13. We're probably overlooking the fact the wool was effortlessly shorn personally by Prince Harry and the pattern was found in the archives of Balmoral, which is why everyone in the office is coveting one to wear with their sequined shorts, their John Lobb desert booties (made especially for us!) and piles of pearls.

    Meanwhile: I have a dead-ringer for this jacket already in my closet, from LLbean, circa three years ago, still pristine.

  14. La Belle Helene - great JC description! LOL

  15. I can't say I like it until im sure it hasn't been "bedazzled!"

  16. Cass, in a way I agree with you. I think that the jacket in and of itself is a little blah, especially the way InStyle styled it.

    But mostly I am happy to see something that isn't covered in limp chiffon or fraying raw edges--something that will last longer than one season in all senses of that phrase. The one must-have on my fall list is a smashing black jacket in the Bella tradition, and I now have a little more hope I might find it at JC.

  17. This is one of the styles I have been looking for - give me this, and a cashmere hacking jacket in navy, and I am a happy camper. Needless to say, I caved in and pre-ordered. My PS said it was supposed to be released in September.

  18. The Bella jacket is among the best things J.Crew ever put out, IMO. Have it in azalea, charcoal and black, and wear all three heavily. I definitely hope they come out with something similarly fabulous this fall as their "it" jacket - and that it comes in a pretty purple. I need a purple woolen jacket to complete my wardrobe.

    The Ecole didn't entice me, and last year's schoolboy didn't excite me, either.

  19. Its pretty but the price is crazy! I feel like I could pick up some similar at Nordstrom for $100-$150.00 cheaper! I'm happy though to see a return to J.Crew class style though.

  20. Globetrotter, seriously, I have a green-hued jacket like this from LLBean that I picked up on sale for $80 - it's nicer, actually, because it is 20% cashmere. J.Crew's $325 price is robbery. Hope it's not an omen for the fall collection in general.

  21. Speaking of Nordstrom, their Anniversary Sale starts on Friday. I got the catalog this weekend and they had a lot of cute wool jackets at a variety of price points; plus you get the pre-season discount.

  22. I think we should all wait to pass judgment until we make sure that the back isn't tiered in ruffles.

    I think it is a pretty jacket, but it isn't my colors. I also had a nearly identical jacket from the Limited back in the late '80s and another one from BR in the mid '90s. I have no issue with the price, if the quality is there.

    I am holding out for a new grey or black leather jacket anyway, so I doubt I will be that eager to purchase another wool blazer from J Crew this year anyway.

  23. By the way, J Crew isn't the only store that plays inventory games online. I was going to purchase a black leather jacket from BR as soon as I received the next code. I even checked the site yesterday to see if the one I was considering was still there. It was in every size. Today, they came out with the new code and the item wasn't on the site at 5:30 this morning, when I checked for it. I'm waiting to see if it pops back tommorow as my 40% code will have expired. I wish they would just list the exclusions.

  24. Kitsmommy, yes I have noticed several times that BR takes items down for the day of the 40% off promo. It's def pretty irritating. I did still manage to find several items I wanted today, and with my sister's coupon as well as my own, got 40% off 4 new items (plus another 40% off another 2 new items in-store). At least they are consistently giving out nice promos like this, unlike JC which never gives out more than 20% off new items.

  25. OMG there is a pair of BASS WEEJUN PENNY LOAFERS for sale at the Madison Ave Collection Store! This is true! just saw with my own eyes. Must lie down. But not before I ponder how they will look when effortlessly styled with the ostrich feather mini skirt recently in the window at the wedding store. Ah the advantages of life in a major metropolitan area ...

  26. wellfedfred, I envy you. Thanks for the laughs!

    Alexis, hopefully this comment will go through, as I have gotten error messages on my last three tries: congrats on the NYT shout out, and thanks so much for all you do!

  27. wellfedphred--you can get the loafers for under $100 at a few online retailers. I got a pair at JC and then liked so much I wanted the black patent that JC doesn't sell so I found them (and the others)for less. You should try them on first though. I found they run large and required some insert things.

  28. wellfedfred,

    I got a pair of like new vintage weejuns for around $20 at a local vintage shop. jcrew can take their $100+ bass loafers and shove it.

  29. Heh, the advantage of being OLD is that I can vintage shop in my own closet (erm, closets). I just dusted off (literally) my Bass Weejuns from 1987 and am going to take them to the shoe repair for refurbishing. I used to wear them with white socks, LOL.

  30. Hexicon--so funny--I am old enough that my old shoes won't fit for the orthotics I have to put in them now!

  31. I wore my mother's vintage Bass Weejuns until they couldn't be repaired any longer. Then I purchased a pair of my own around 1988, but they were not as well made and didn't last but a year or two and never felt that comfy.

    I am going to buy the cordovan penny loafers that Cole Haan has this year. They are $198, but much more impressive than the Weejuns IMHO.

  32. Wow, thx everyone for the great tips and advice! I do remember that these run wide, so sill wait til I can try them on at an outlet later this summer (if there's anything left in the wallet after the JC presells, that is).

  33. @gem twin, hahaha, I thought for sure my orthotics would fit in them but no go!

  34. Ouch! $325! Hmm, I'd have to see the workmanship. I've been bummed these past 2-3 years. Among other things, JC used to fully line their jackets in silk then they switched to half silk- half acetate(?), now fully acetate lining--when they've lined/half lined at all. If it was well made, inside and out, then I would gladly shell out the full amount, but given their track record, I'm not holding my breath. The boucle jacket fabric from last fall felt so cheap. I used to adore getting cashmere sweaters and jackets every year. My last happy jacket purchase was the Lexington.

    On a side note, I found a similar tweed jacket on Lands Ends' Overstocks page. the second color (tan/clear pink) reminds me a little of this JCrew fall rollout piece. The price doesn't kill the pocketbook either.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)