Referencing {FAQ}

Monday, January 4, 2010

Request & Invite For J.Crew Aficionadas

REQUEST: There are lots of great sites and blogs discussing J.Crew and J.Crew-related topics. Many of those sites are listed on the side of the main page at J.Crew Aficionada blog.

So what is the request?
Please do not post a comment with your URL (and just the URL and nothing else pertaining to the conversation) for the sake of posting your URL. Moreover, please do not post your URL in multiple un-related posts. If you do this, I will just delete the comments. (One post with the URL is okay, two posts is fine, but more than that and it starts to become annoying and frankly, it pisses me off a bit.) Instead, send me an email and I will add you to the blog roll call. A win-win for everyone. :)

I should clarify, I am *not* talking about JCAs posting a comment with a link to your blog or fellow-JCAs' blogs that has a review, real-life image(s), or something pertaining to the conversation at hand. Those comments with URL links I appreciate tremendously as I find them to be useful and helpful.

INVITE: Do you currently have a site/blog that discusses J.Crew (and/or J.Crew related topics like fashion, clothes, and the like)? Please feel free to share with us! Just make a comment in this post -or- send an email to jcrewaficionada at yahoo dot com. I will be sure to add it to the blog roll (which will be up in a day or two). "Thanks!" in advance! :)

PLEASE NOTE #1: It should go without saying, but please do *not* submit your blog for the Roll Call if it is *not* related at all to J.Crew and/or J.Crew related topics like fashion, clothes, and the like.

PLEASE NOTE #2: Many readers request that I clean up the JCA Blog Roll Call of sites that are no longer active. What does that mean? I will remove your blog if you make it private or no longer update it. The latter part means if the site has not been updated in a month or more. The JCA Blog list is long (100+ blogs) and I want to make sure that the ones up are active. Hopefully you can understand my position.

PLEASE NOTE #3: Your blog got removed and you want back in? I do not have a lot of requirements for joining the JCA Blog Roll Call like reciprocal links, just that it is J.Crew related (refer to Note #1) and that it is active. If your site has been removed and you want to be included again, the process is easy! Just start posting regularly again and let me know about it. Afterwards, your site will be {happily} re-listed. :) I also want to add here that one new post about being "absent but will be back blogging soon" does not qualify as active. The Blog Roll is for regularly posting blogs. Again, I hope you can understand my position.

PLEASE NOTE #4: You have at least 25 published posts. Why? I get a lot of requests to add new blogs that only have a handful of posts up. Then the magic of blogging wears off, or time constraints become more of a reality, and the blog is no longer kept up with. Again, I want to make sure those listed are active.


  1. I think this is a great idea! May I also recommend editing the current blog roll as there are some blogs that have gone inactive since it was last updated? Thanks! :)

  2. GingerSnap: Such a good idea about removing inactive sites! I will definitely do this. :)

  3. I would love it if my blog could be added to the blog roll. Thanks :-)

  4. Yikes! I stand guilty as charged, but only just one infraction. ;) Hoping you'll let me slide & add my blog to the blog roll\?

  5. I have noticed that practice and I think you have found a smart way to deal with it!
    My blog DaniBP Mop Philosopher is all about JCrew outfits! I would love to join the blog roll.
    Thank You! :)

  6. Thank you for addressing those comments, Alexis. I think this was a great way to handle the situation. :)

  7. I would love to have my blog added to the roll! I would also like to see new sites on the blogroll because like someone else said, a couple have gone inactive.

  8. Great idea, I love this blog and also follow alot of the ones on the side bar. I'd love you to add mine. Thanks and keep p your great postings!

  9. Good call, Alexis!
    You can remove my site, btw, and make room for others!

  10. Hello ladies! Thanks for the words of support. I think this will work out for everyone. :)

    AppGal: Are you sure you want me to remove your blog? (I really like it.) :)

  11. P.S. I just updated the Blog Roll Call with the new sites. Thank you all so much for sharing. :)

    I will try to remove the inactive ones during the next few days too.

  12. Would love to be added to the roll. I am a bit of a newbie with the blogging and comment on J. Crew. I regularly follow your blog! Thanks in can add me at the following:

  13. Thanks for updating the roll, Alexis! I love getting ideas from other JCAs

  14. It's good of you to put your foot down and "clean up" the comments a bit. It is your blog after all - not a billboard. As a reader I appreciate it.

  15. Ok forgive me as this is slightly OT, but if anyone else was subscribed to Shannon's blog ( through Greader, her feed got dumped and you need to resubscribe in order to get new posts. She has a sticky on her new site mentioning that she lost about 800 readers, so I just wanted to let others know just in case. Even though it's not my blog, I totally empathize with how crappy losing that many readers could be.

  16. Alexis, thank you for updating the blog roll. Awesome!

    Diana Draw, thank you for letting other bloggers know about Wardrobe Review. Shannon has a great blog and I thought she was on a break until the other day. Google Reader and Blogger were not letting me know about her new posts.

  17. Alexis: Yes, I'm sure :) I think I'm hanging up the blog "hat" for now--thanks, though :)

  18. One thing about deleting inactive blogs - they still hold a lot of valuable content for people looking for reviews of older items. Maybe you could think about putting them in a separate category, as an additional resource.

  19. Chris: You are added!

    MommyDearest: I am with you, I love getting inspired from the other great JCAs! :)

    DianaDraw: Thanks for having my back on this! :)

    Rosa In DC: Thanks! :)

    AppGal: When you come back, there will be a spot waiting for you on the list. In the meantime, I will still "follow" you (through Google). :)

    Jenny: You make a good point. I think one way to work around this issue is through my profile. I have all the blogs listed on the Blog Roll Call (past & present) as blogs I follow. So even though they are not on the JCA main page, they are still available through my profile. :)

  20. Hey Alexis! I would love if you included my blog. My website is only a few days old but I will be writing about clothes I love, including J.Crew. I have been reading your blog and commenting occasionally since last year, so don't worry, I'm not a random! :)


  21. I would love if you could add mine! My outfits consist of only J.Crew and Anthropologie, haha.

  22. Hello! I added all those who made a request to join the JCA blog roll call. If I missed anyone, my apologies and please remind me to add you. :)

  23. Hi Alexis! I am a huge fan of your blog, and follow many on the sidebar as well. I would love if my blog could be added to the blog roll! Thanks so much!

  24. My name is Kirby Brooks and I am one-half of The Short and the Sweet of It. To say I am obsessed with J Crew is an understatement and my roommate is a personal shopper at J Crew which only enables my shopping addiction there! We would love The Short and the Sweet of It to be added to your blogroll--we added you to ours!

    Thanks and happy Friday!


  25. Hi there,

    Could you add my blog to the roll? I'm a UK aficionada, and my wardrobe is about 65 percent J Crew - it would be more if not for shipping & taxes!

  26. Hey Alexis! I've decided to come back and start blogging again, so could you add my url to the blog roll again? Many thanks :)

  27. AppGal: Thrilled to hear you are back. I of course, immediately, added you back to the blog roll call. :)

  28. Hi Alexis - I'd like to add my blog please!
    Thank you!

  29. I totally need this just got added to the blog roll call! :)

  30. Hi Alexis! May I be added to your blog roll please?

  31. Hi Shirls! I just added your site to the Blog Roll Call! :)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hello Alexis! I'm posting my reviews on Jcrew items I have or have tried on, as well as makeup :) I'd like to be added to the blog roll if possible.

  34. Hi Momoberry! I just added your lovely site to the Roll Call. Welcome aboard! :)

  35. Hello Alexis!
    I love your blog and follow it regularly.
    If at all possible I would like to be a "member" of the roll call. I just started the my blog as a summer boredom project but would appreciate being added.
    Thank you so much.
    it is:

  36. Love your Blog! and of course love some JCrew! I'd love to be added at:

  37. Would love to exchange blogroll listings, just let me know!

  38. i'd also like to be added. thank you!

  39. I would like to be added! I've been lurking for some time :)

  40. Hi Alexis, could you please add my blog to your blogroll? My blog is about cosmetics/beauty reviews and fashion, but pretty much all of my fashion posts feature J. Crew! (I think my wardrobe is 90% J. Crew!)


  41. I would love to be added to your blogroll. I've been a 'Crew addict for the past couple of years, and, ah, just came back from my local b & m--quite a few mark-downs. :)

  42. Hello! I'll put in my official request for my blog to be added though I've been plugging it enough myself :)

    Just that one, not my other personal JC blog. Thanks!

  43. Life as a cat: Just added it! How did I not know about it until now?!? It's fabulous!!! :)

  44. Hi Alexis! I would love it if you would consider adding my blog to your blog roll. I am so addicted to J.Crew and your site! My blog posts are mostly about J.Crew : )

    Appreciate it!

  45. iroar: Just added your blog to the JCA Blog Roll and I am a follower of it too. :)

  46. Hello Alexis! Love your blog and would love for you to add me to your blog roll! J.Crew is a chic wonderful line that I spend most of my clothing money on!!! Hahaha!

  47. INVITE: I have the Pink Washingtoniette blog! Thanks!!

  48. hi alexis,i am a regular reader and adore your blog and jcrew.
    i am a JCA living in germany and like tabitha if i could my wardrobe would be all jcrew,so its maybe about half.
    i just started my blog featuring OOTD and hopefully some jcrew reviews too since they just started shipping to germany!
    please add my blog to the blogroll.
    thank you

  49. Hi Ina! I just added your blog & am a public follower too. :)

  50. Hey Alexis,

    Would you mind adding my blog to the blog roll? I don't always talk about J.Crew in my blog, but it certainly comes up.

    :) Jen

  51. Alexis I love JCA. I have ramonly been looking at alot of the blogs on the roll call and found many are not upated. I would suggest a Jan 2012 clean up. I have a few favorites that never fail to dissappoint.
    I do not have a blog or web page and it seems this is why I continue to be UNKNOWN. Any solution? Thanks Carolyn from Vancouver

  52. Unknown: I agree about cleaning up the blogs on the Blog Roll Call! Back in December, I removed several blogs that were no longer up or not updated in the last 6 months. I think I will do it again at the end of this month too. :)

  53. Hi Alexis-

    I would love to be added when you get a chance!


  54. Hi Alexis-I love the JCA blog and would love to be added to the blog roll whenever you have a chance.

    Thank you!

  55. Hi Alexis,
    I am new to your blog (came over from Effortless Anthropologie) and would love to be added to your blogroll!

    Thank you in advance, and I so appreciate the forum you facilitate. Is it so informative and helpful!

  56. Hi Alexis,
    I have been a daily(hourly?) reader for years, but recently started a blog
    Is it possible to be added to your blogroll?
    Thank you so much. I love your blog and what a great resource it is!

  57. Hi! I'm a current follower and recently started blogging. I love j crew but sometimes it's too pricey so I like to post my looks and shopping finds that are similar j. Crew pieces for those looking for more affordable options with the same great look.

    Could you add my blog?


  58. Hi, Alexis! As a fellow J Crew lover, I really enjoy the interaction and information on your blog; I've also found quite a few other blogs to read from your blogroll. I would love for my blog - - to be included on your blogroll as well.

    Thanks so much!

  59. Hi Alexis,
    I check your blog all the time, it never even occurred to me to add myself to your blog roll until today. =) Would love to be a part of the club, thanks!

    MC @

  60. I'd also love to be added:
    Denee @

  61. Hi, Alexis!
    My blog was previously on your blogroll (thanks!), but unfortunately my "quick" blog redesign took about 2 months to complete. I am now back to posting daily on my new self-hosted site. I would love for to be added to your blogroll.

    * The old site was I am no longer posting there.

    Thank you SO much!

  62. I'd love to be added!

  63. Hi Alexis,
    I really love your site. And I'd also love to be added in:) Thank you!

  64. Hi there!
    May I be added too, please? I definitely post a lot of stuff on J.Crew sales, clothing, etc (probably too much and should branch out more often).
    Thanks in advance for considering!
    xo, Rena

  65. Hi Alexis, may I be added as well?

  66. Hi Alexis!
    Long time reader and part-time contributor to the JCA community! I have recently started my own blog and wondered if you could add it to your blogroll. The url is maqsadshops dot BlogSpot dot com. You can also see the link via my profile name. Thank you!

  67. Hi Alexis,
    I am a long time reader and brave new commenter on your blog. I have recently just started by own blog and would like to be added to your roll call. The URL is

  68. Hi Alexis -
    I'm a long time reader and semi-regular commenter (previously under the name shopmurphy and more recently updated to reflect my year-old blog) I was hoping to be added to the blog roll...not sure why it took me so long to ask, I feel like it's such an honor to be listed!
    The Fab Life -
    thank you!! :)

  69. hi alexis, i would love to be added to the blog roll call as well. thank you very much! :)
    love, liz

  70. Hi Alexis,
    I really love your site and I would love to be added in if possible. Thank you!
    Moody Girl
    Moody Girl In Style

  71. Hi Alexis! Long time reader and enthusiastic J. Crew reviewer here -- would love to be added to your blog roll if possible. Thanks so much!
    - j.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)