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Monday, September 14, 2009

J.Crew & Jack {knows best} On YouTube

A big "thanks!" to J.Crew Guy In Canada who let us know about a great video from J.Crew, starring J.Crew's men stylist Jack.

According to J.Crew: "Ever wonder what you are supposed to wear? Click here and meet Jack...your new style confidant". Moreover, "for style advice, tips and questions you'd rather not ask your friends "" Although some of Jack's advice is questionable (refer to the September 7th "J.Crew's Jack {he knows best}" post about the regularity of washing jeans), most of his advice is good sense.

I have to admit, I love the concept of the video. I think this is a great marketing tool that J.Crew used to reach their male consumers. I would love to see something similar for the ladies from J.Crew! In fact, I would be happy just to see videos of models wearing the clothes while doing a 360 in them. ;)

What are your thoughts on the video? Do you like the marketing concept? Do you think J.Crew should introduce something similar for Women?


  1. I love it and the guy in the video is sooo cute! They need to do a version for us gals!

  2. As I recall, the washing of jeans comment was pretty spot on, wasn't it? I know some raw denim lovers and they don't wash their jeans at all.

  3. This is some slick and smart marketing; good for J.Crew doing something different.

    I bounced Jack a question about some pants. I'm curious to read his answer. I must admit I watched the video twice, so obvious it caught my attention.

    I bet they do one for CrewCuts or women next.

  4. that is pretty cute and clever.
    Jcrew guy, i'm definitely curious with what they come back with! And if they respond in a timely fashion..

  5. Well Jack is pretty quick to respond. A couple of hours after emailing a question I received a email from Jack. The answer made sense and cleared up an item I was considering.

    Well done J.Crew.

  6. Thanks J. Crew Guy! Alexis they used to do videos of the photo shoots of the models, they were pretty cute, you probably saw them too, seems like years ago.

  7. I would love to see something like this for women, too. It would be neat to see the models move with actual outfits, since with the snapshots of front, side, and back it's hard to tell when they've pinned the clothing or not to look great...

  8. Definitely eye catching! I love all the balled up socks rolling at his feet like they were going to get him. I totally agree that it would be incredibly helpful to get the 360 degree shots. I always hated that they take away all but the main pic when an item goes to the sale page.

  9. You guys want to see the 360 shots so you can see the pins where they have tailored the jackets to fit the models better for the catalog ;)

  10. JCrew Guy In Canada: That's fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I am amazed to hear that he responded and so quickly too. Go Jack! :)

  11. LOL! Yes Laura, you figured me out! ;) I do want to see if items are tailored or just pinned by having those 360 views. :)

  12. hey guys. jack is my cousin. first cousin -- his dad is my mom's brother. he's worked for j.crew for years and is a fashion maven. the "ask jack" campaign is cool because it's organic. it's not like they found some fake person to embody j crew style advice. it's a real dude (my cousin) who loves j.crew, loves what he does and has been there for years. it's funny bcse if you go to his apartment, it looks like a jcrew catalog! his wife is in fashion too. they have superb taste.

  13. COL: Thanks for sharing! That is so cool he is related to you. I can't imagine how a-m-a-z-i-n-g his closet must be! :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)