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Saturday, January 17, 2009

J.Crew's Spring '09 Look Book {yey!}

A big "thanks!" to Slastena who has shared 50 pages of J.Crew's new Spring Look Book on her blog (click here for her post). I should also add, that the following {wonderful} slideshow was created by Slastena as well. {thanks again!} :)

There are so many beautiful items that I cannot wait to see in stores!

From a few comments made throughout posts on the blog, it sounds like the Spring Look Book is not being given to customers as freely as it use to be. Many Aficionadas have been told they can look through the special catalog at the store while they are shopping there, but they cannot take it home. I am not sure why that is.

What items you are most looking forward to purchasing and which ones you are not going to? :) Are you planning to get a hard copy of the Look Book? Can you even get a copy of the Look Book?


  1. It looks very pretty..soft colors and I like the shimmery skirt and pins.

  2. I was thinking that I could achieve quite a few of these looks based on pieces that I already have in my closet, which is *great* news for my wallet! For example, the capri pants that only seem to change each season with a different pattern of stitching at the waistband, or the metallic belts that differ only in thickness.

    I think it's going to be a fun Spring season for me, not just for looking at new merch, but refashioning stuff I already own. I'm also glad that there were a lot of pastels in the fall/winter line, as these pieces will be slashed in the upcoming months, but I'll still be able to wear them in the spring (like the light spearmint perfect-V neck I got for $9, and the silk dupioni skirt).

    Interesting to see that the flower pins are back, as well. Dulken & Derrick have their "Spring 2009" flowers listed on their website, and etsy is also a great place to look for them. I know that several Aficionadas have made their own, too.

    Thanks Slastena and Alexis for posting the lookbook! The last one I received with a rewards card was Fall '08, and they haven't been doing it since then. Bummer.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. bye bye New Year's resolution!

    Also...I missed the Palace Floral Kya cami! It's SOLD out in my size! RATS! I need it! It jumped out of my cart today! Any one finds it in a size 4...I WANT IT!


  5. I'll just basically repeat what I said on jcrewcrewchick's blog:

    1. Not impressed at all. Too much pink + tan and frilly crap (another ruffle tiered skirt, really? That's what 15 year olds were wearing 3 years ago!). The zebra tee is cute, though. I'm more of a fall/winter jcrew girl, I spend far less on spring/summer items, and mostly buy staples like 5" chino shorts, work appropriate lightweight button downs, and the occasional summer dress.

    2. I'm sick of this model. one of jcrew's african-american models would have looked much nicer in these colors. If they wanted to go with a model that 'blended' into the color scheme, the "older" (36?) blonde would have worked (the one with the long hair and crow's feet-- I think she's very natural and Lauren Hutton-esque. By the way, when is jcrew bringing Hutton back?).

    3. JCrew is trying to do too much and I hope they aren't headed for an identity crisis a la the gap.

    4. If you want a floral pin, make one yourself or support a local artist on etsy or a local boutique. Or just go to claires or H&M and get one waaaay cheaper.

  6. Yikes Heather. Had a coffee yet? So much negativity. :(

  7. It's definitely spring-y but my wallet is relieved-- like Heather, I tend to spend more in fall/winter and I think I'll wait.

    Thanks for the preview, though, Alexis and slastena!

  8. Thank you Slastena and Alexis. I love some of the new looks. I'm also happy that the minis haven't disappeared as I have great legs. I was thinking it would be all pencils or the fit and flare skirts. Minis are great for summer.

    There are a lot of nice jackets or sweater jackets (hard to tell exactly) and a few skirts that I like. No handbags that appeal to me but many they will come out later.

    Thanks again, much appreciated.

  9. Thanks to Slastena & Alexis for the preview! I actually love the colors but I think I am in the minority.

  10. Thanks Alexis and Slastena:

    I LOVE everything in the lookbook!! It seems super chic and I the colors are great. I'll start saving now.....

    Hey all you sample sale attendees: let us know if you see any of this at the sale next week!

  11. i LOVE the lookbook, and i do always spend more in spring/summer then fall/winter...

  12. Alexis and Slastena: THANKS for your hard work!! I love the colors, but not quite sure if I can pull them off because of my fair coloring. I do LOVE the super-cute zebra tee. My spring wardrobe needs some updating - so I'm looking forward to the new spring roll-out! Thanks again!

  13. I love the clothes in the lookbook, too...but my wallet will not be so happy. ;)

  14. What lovely images to have at dawn on my computer--a special thanks to SLASTENA [whose claim to have struggled to get a few phone camera shots quickly is trumped! by the enchanting and professional visual display she created for everyone]!

    I was given a lookbook by the store a week ago [no begging was involved, just a quiet request}, and, after reading Slastena's blog, I'm starting a collection, including my favoriate catelogues. SILVER LINING inspired me to "shop my closet" [not eliminating new purchases, of course], and the catelogues and look books, over time, will be great idea-triggers!

    Silver Lining also inspired me on the silk flowers. I had started a collection ages ago when I had a teaching job in Paris, then added many cabbage roses and violets from Dulken & Derrick. Just put them all in a wonderful large wooden bowl--they display and delight wonderfully. Yes, as someone mentioned, one COULD "make them yourself" but they will NOT be the same; these are pieces of art and drape differently, amazing materials, combinations of velvet, silk, organiza, and seem to bloom; silk flowers may not be everyone's thing, though--for some of us these flowers are pure medicine on bleak days. However, the antique ones in stores are similar and have a used patina that enchances the charm.

    Silver LIning also reminded me that I have many spring colors (especially, for me, the champagnes) to use. *** My favorite FS items for Spring is my recently-arrived Silver Sand Jacquard Jacket--amazing fit, I adore it (reduced to $129 from $375, still in FS as of this morning).

    Thank you, Alexis.
    Wishing JCrewers springtime anticipation, inspiration, and the joys of ENCHANCING one's own closet, soon . . .

  15. ^ Ooops.
    Enhancing, not enchancing--though a marriage of enchantment and enhancement has its charm.

  16. Thanks Alexis and Slastena for posting! I was actually given the lookbook at my B&M yesterday when I was there....I think the colors and new pieces in it are beautiful. I'm really excited for the Spring collection, too! :)

  17. i'm actually not too thrilled either, those colors have been around for awhile at jcrew and i'm not a huge fan of a lot of chino for tops and jackets,...i do have high hopes for the taffeta like mini cute as well as the paisley like cami and the ruffle cami with turquoise and honey glaze in it!

    props to slastena and alexis for putting this up!

    i think this fall and winter had some great items that could be worn during spring and summer esp the camis, victoria, quinn, bria, hammered silk...and the taffetas and the dupionis would definitely still be great pieces not to mention a lot of the shoes that couldn't be worn outside in the snow are waiting to come out of my closet as well lol

  18. Very pretty...interested in a few pieces myself!

  19. love the looks ... love the colors they are perfect for spring! can't wait to see everything in the stores!

  20. I agree with Heather!

    I don't see anything I like and that is RARE for me as I usually buy A LOT of spring itmes.

  21. Amen, Heather ... totally agree. Lackluster. Most of the looks I can build from things I already have in my closet. And change the model already .... Having said that, thanks Alexis and Slastena for bringing the Lookbook to us.

  22. Thanks for the post but my excitement quickly faded.

    Boring. I don't like animal prints either. Seems more geared for teens and early 20's. I don't care for the colors or style of garments at all.

    Happy Wallet:)

  23. I'm glad they kept the same model as it help me decipher how things will fit. Sizing has been very inconsistent for this past season. I realize the clothes are pinned to flatter for the photos but the multiple angles on the same model do help.

    Thanks for the post!

  24. I like the zebra Tee.

  25. I am a little disappointed. Nothing really stood out, in fact the entire spread looked a little tired and depressing. I will definitely wait until things go on sale to buy anything.
    Thank you Alexis and Slastena...It was great to see a preview of spring!

  26. Nothing really to get excited about.....I saw a couple of interesting jackets--the buttonless golden one and the oversized-looking double-breasted one. I just hope they won't be overpriced. Other than that, it seems like for several seasons now J Crew has just been rehashing the same designs and concepts. They really had some exciting stuff several years ago, around 2002 and 2003. Still, no one beats their colors for me, and so I imagine I'll be buying a few things just for the colors.

  27. Thanks for posting the lookbook. The blouse with a flower at the neckline on the last page is gorgeous although it would be hard to find an occasion to wear it. (For me anyway)

  28. Nicole - The South Coast Plaza store in CA had the palace floral Kya in size 4 yesterday on sale for $59.99 + 30% off. Might be worth a call to see if they hadn't sold it.

  29. off topic question - If you had brown hair which color plaza would you buy to wear for everyday black, ivory, or camel.

    I need help deciding bc i like them all

  30. So Great to see the lookbook!

    I am excited to see these pieces online and love the looks. I'm not totally sure about the colors though, is that a lot of orange I'm seeing or is that pink?

  31. Anon@ 8:36am,

    I guess the positive side of my criticism is that even if I don't like much of it, I still enjoy looking at new jcrew items. And like some others have said, better for our wallets to look! ;)

  32. Looks promising! I love the jackets, skirts, and ruffle top. Thanks Slastena for the pics!

    If anyone happens upon an extra Look book, I would love one! I can paypal shipping $ even. My store did not have enough to give out and I'd like to add this to my catalog collection

  33. Shanon, unfortunately this look book is not available for the customers. My store has only 1 look book and they only let me look through it.

  34. Vic: My store actually had about 5 of the lookbooks behind the counter, and I was given one to keep. :) I know a couple of other people have posted that they were also given one to keep, as well.

  35. Christina, if you have dark brown hair I would recommend the ivory or camel, the black would be my last choice. If your hair is lighter brown, I'd say ivory, black and then camel. I base my opinion on stylish friends with brown hair.

    You could always pick which you like best and is most practical, likely black, and use some colorful scarves to accentuate your hair and face.

  36. Seeing a few comments for the zebra tee, I wonder if this will be the early spring season's "chiffon rose" or "candy" tee that sells out in a hurry. I wonder what other animals may be featured in this tee.

    I like the styles and colors but I like classic pieces and these are not too daring. A little bit of animal print and shimmer here and there is a nice touch, although I don't wear it myself. My office is so conservative and I actually have trouble wearing all the casual clothes I buy as I seem to have so little time away from work that is not spent getting up close and personal with mother nature in the garden.

    I really appreciate the post, I don't get to the B&M often so won't have a chance to see the lookbook.

  37. I, for one, love their line for this season. I cannot tell you how glad I am that JCrew did not recycle their spring looks that consisted of walking shorts and chino jackets embroidered with lobsters and whales. What a miserable look - apologies to those die-hard preppies out there.

  38. Count me among those who spend more on fall/winter collections than spring/summer, but then I don't wear chinos, and that seems to be a major J.Crew offering in spring. I just find them so boring.

  39. Thank you for posting the Lookbook Alexis and Slastena.

    What I like:

    mint pencil skirt with gold? dots - cute.

    pink silk cowl-neck tank with large paisley print - this will be a must-have for me!

    blush pink sweater? jacket with faded trouser jeans - like the sweater and it makes me glad I bought the light blue matchsticks as I love light jeans for summer.

    flower pins - gorgeous, especially the roses.

    paisley-print high-heel slingbacks - these look sky-high, which is great and I am such a sucker for paisley in feminine colors and patterns.

    Someone posted a while ago about safari as a trend, as well as large bracelets, which looks to be evident in this collection. The bracelet with the pastel multi-color balls looks nice, but I don't buy J.Crew jewelry so I'll admire on others.

    Looks like the oversize bags are still here for another season, including the large satin bow bag, which does not appeal to me. Any moisture from a couple of raindrops or perspiration will likely show up immediately. And those editor bags are just way too large for my style. The small envelope bag with a shoulder strap looks interesting.

    I can't wait to see these pieces in stores and online.

  40. Professor - Do you teach at Santa Clara? I earned my JD from there. No wonder I like your writing ;)

    [I would have posted this to your blog, but I can't figure out how to post there.]

  41. FFM, I am glad you got to keep one. My store had only one and it was in the locked drawer!!!

  42. I also spend a lot more fall and winter. That said, I am loving what the lookbook showed and can not wait to see it in stores. As a huge J. Crew jewelry fan, I am absolutely thrilled to see the showstopper necklace and can not wait to put to put it around my neck. Seeing all the killer jewelry made me happy, as I am pregnant and will not be able to wear the clothes. I really liked the beaded cardi with the zebra tee though. For some reason I can not get enough beading. It is so much fun to wear. People always seem so shocked when you wear beads or sequins to casual events.

  43. I spend a lot on J.Crew in every season and viewing the look book I am sure it will be the same this spring. I always think I have everything I want and could not ask for more and then, the new stuff comes out and I end up with a whole new list of must haves. :P

  44. I am on the fence with the spring line. I too noticed that the Editor purses are large. In the one shot, the chain is hanging down just inches from the ground and the model is likely at least 5'10". For those of us who are short, it would be dragging on the ground. A little ridiculous IMO....

  45. I don't like the editor's bag. With Jamie it was love at first sight. I even wanted to have in all available colors and it was extremely difficult for me to pick one color. With the editor bag it is easy. I like the white color but I don't like the chain strap. I am not in love with this bag.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I am absolutely in love with these colors!

    Marie Claire (Feb 2009, page 31) features the white/light green shorts from this catalog.

    Those of you who do not like the catalog will be happy to know your wallet will be spared- Leslie pointed out on Slastena's blog that this shorts is a "mere" $200 ;)

  48. Anonymous at 2:30, SCU alumni--
    Yes, just started my Jury Law course last week, so love wearing upscale JCrew for third year female law students. Sorry about the blog--it's entirely "in development" and folks are showing me what to do, but I put a few things up since I am a trial lawyer & a social scientist. Winks.

  49. I only like the beautiful flower pins! And those are not exclusive to JCrew. I like the idea of the zebra tee, but not the color. Hopefully, there will be more selection... I really cannot wear the pastel sorbet colors!


  50. Help with hammered silk tank fit:

    If you are a 34C, can you wear the hammered silk tank in size 4?


  51. Professor -

    Your 3rd years are lucky to have you! I graduated many moons ago. I looked at the Faculty list and some of the female professors are still there. No offense to any of them (they are all BRILLIANT women), but NONE of them came close to being as fashionable as you. My only frame of reference for dressing for work once I graduated (and, yes, I posted a couple of comments for the law student who is interning with state the Legis. up in Sacto. this summer) was to dress too old for my age, and dowdy ;)

    Now I think, thank god for JCrew.

  52. I disagree with the person who said this line was made for women in their 20s and girls in their teens. I don't see women that age wearing gold linen tailored jackets, sharkskin pencil skirts, or high-end (or at least high-priced) statement jewelry and handbags. The only piece that arguably falls within that poster's criticism/observation is the tiered skirt that was bashed by several JCAs during the summer posts. The summer lines that were more appropriate for children were those awful critter embroidered linen and chino sets.

    This season, the palette is lovely and the styles feminine and elegant.

  53. Nicole @ 8:19
    I just saw the floral kya cami on my b&m's sales rack this week (Thursday night to be exact). It was marked down to $59.99, minus the extra 30% final sale. They only had one and it was a size 4 or 6. I can't remember which, but you may want to check it out.

    Oakbrook, IL
    630 990 1166

  54. Nicole @ 8:19:

    I also saw a bunch marked down to $59.99 with 30% off at Santa Monica, CA and Woodland Hills, CA. I don't have the numbers handy, but you can check the Stores list on

  55. I usually buy alot for Spring but I agree with Heather there is nothing that makes me want to buy. Orange and putty does not suit me, so hoping summer is better.

  56. Speaking of catalogs(and look books), my husband threw away all of my J Crew fall catalogs-ugh!-anyone want to get rid of theirs? He also threw away the "newspaper-like" ad from the fall with some great pictures in it. Anyone? Thanks.

  57. argyle, I saw in another thread you're returning your CF astrid - mind if an inquiring mind wants to know why? TIA.

  58. I ordered the Penny boucle jacket and they shipped me the cascading flowers boucle. So, wrong item. I never did like the cascading flowers jacket - too many flowers...

  59. I love J.Crew colors but didn't see many of the knee link skirts that I love, love love. I am not crazy about the Nicky because of the grossgrain (not meant to offend those who love it) so I hope there are other knee length skirts out there I am just not seeing. I won't be in a rush to buy anything, at least until it is much warmer than it is now.
    Thanks to Slastena and Alexis for posting!

  60. Oops, in that first instance I meant knee length not knee link! LOL

  61. Has anyone seen the metallic thompson tote in the guava color in ANY of the new york stores? I am trying to get the extra 30% off and placed a quick order a few minutes ago and totally forgot to add this tote to my cart and DO NOT want to pay shipping again. I hope someone has seen it!

  62. Argyle - I am a 34C and wear the hammered silk in a 2. HTH.

  63. Haha, Ameilia, I was just wondering what knee link skirts were. I'm with you, I much prefer knee-length skirts, and straight ones at that. I wanted to like the dupioni ones, but I don't like poufy skirts.

    My only beef with some of J.Crew's straight skirts are the ones that "sit higher on the waist" - I don't find that flattering at all, I prefer slightly below the waist, or at the waist. I see that J.Crew has a new silk mini out for spring - I hope it's longer than the usual 16 inches, but I'll probably be disappointed. 16 inches is just too short for me to wear to work.

    Lastly, that one black mini that's on p. 36 of the Look Book (I was lucky enough to get one) - yikes. When that girl sits down, people are going to see London, France, and her underpants. Maybe they just pinned it to get it that short, but it looks silly.

  64. After seeing several comments from people who like the zebra tee, I spent several minutes trying to find it. I was thinking it was an animal-print item, so when I realized it was a white tee with a picture of a zebra head on the front, I was surprised! It's O.K., nothing I would spend $50 on. I'll stick to Old Navy's huge selection of quirky graphic tees for around $10-14. :)

  65. It would be dreaming if J. Crew had a spring version of the Paris location shoot they had for Fall '07. I guess I will keep dreaming.

  66. Iowa girl, I'll dream along with you. Heck, they could use the April in Paris song and be all set :-)

  67. I agree with some of the other posters, like silver lining. I see things I like, but I don't think I'm going to buy a lot of pieces. I think I'll buy some of the tops in beautiful patterns to go with bottoms I already own, and maybe a couple pieces of jewelry to refresh items I have now.

    I live in the southwest so I tend to buy more spring/summer clothing than fall/winter. Our warm weather takes up much more of the year than the cool weather. The color palettes seem to be carrying over from season to season at J. Crew which makes it nice for those of us who don't want or can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe every season.

    On an unrelated note, who has tried on the Kya cami? It looks like that slit is so deep. Especially in the heat, I don't want a cami I have to wear a cami under! I'm wondering if I could add loops and buttons down the slit like the one that is at the top, make it a bit more decent. The one I want, the olive colored one, is sold out in size 0 on the website, unfortunately, so I may not have this to worry about!

    Thanks for posting the look book. I'm sure my store will have it, I don't know if I'll be able to get one so its nice to see it online.

  68. I like the collection... typical for spring... but nice nonetheless. I like the taupes popped with pink.

  69. Ceecee:

    I have 5 catalogs from late 2008. Email me for more info, if interested.

  70. Thanks for posting Slastena's spring visual aid! Much more fun than point and click on the website.

    That said, nothing that makes my greedy little heart sing "buy, buy, buy." I rarely buy structured stuff for spring/ summer, it's all about jersey dresses and havianas for me. Most of my wardrobe is winter oriented since I'm in Michigan, but the spring colors are nice and soothing.


    I saw the Thompson metallic tote (guava) in the Westport CT store on Thursday. They had quite a few. You may want to give them a call. You may have to pay shipping, but the tax is only 6% here in CT. The phone # is 203-226-2739. Good Luck.

  72. Ohmigod... I am overwhelmingly excited on some of the pieces. A big thank you to Slastena :)! The new pastels are quite charming. I am drooling over the golden yellow aubrey style jacket, the orange mini, and of course the aqua big flower blouse featured at the very last that many of us have their eyes on. Love how the flower pins look on the model but not sure if it would be too much drama for day to day wear. I hope these pieces would be reasonably priced, despite many of them may be collection pieces.

  73. re: aqua big flower blouse on last page. It looks like a big 'ol head o' cabbage growing out of the model's neck. But it's lovely!

  74. Can someone comment on the price of the crackle metallic mary jane's in the B&M? They are still $228 on the website and I'd like to get them on sale, if possible. I need a size 7H or 8 in sherbet.

    Also, are they TTS or do you need to size up due to the small amount of coverage on the toes?


  75. YES I would also love some comments on the crackle Mary JAnes. Not on sale yet?? Also size up or TTS?? Thanks!

  76. Can somebody please help - has there been a review of the CF astrid jacket posted on this blog?

  77. Argyle - Are you going to sell the CF Astrid? What size is it?

    I just brought home my look book from the store. I just love so much. Wonder when we can start pre-orders for the items that we want?

    I know that a lot of retail outlets have paid surcharges to cancel shipments rather that being overstocked. Wonder if J. Crew did this too? Could hurt availability of some of the more "exclusive" or popular items.

  78. IMO, J.crew is screwing up big time by not having more in the stores. I've been to three different stores this week and all were looked desolate.

  79. Thanks for the post, looking forward to it, but nothing in the look book that says "Buy ME NOW".

    Sorry - none topic related -

    CECE - your requested item is on hold at Americana at Glendale CA
    (818)244-4975 until tomorrow (Sunday).

  80. ^ Forgot to sign

    -South Bay Addict

  81. Has anyone seen in their B&Ms the patent bow headbands, in particular the white/cream colored?

    I bought mine in December, and it was stolen from me three days later. SO if anyone has seen it, can they tell me where and what the number is?

    Thank you SOo much

  82. Anon @ 6:57, haha, somewhat agree to what you said. I thought I would only get that top if the cabbage is detachable.

  83. Re crackle mary janes: I thought these ran a tad small compared to other fall and winter styles. I sized up one-half size. IMO, these fit just like the spectator mary janes.

  84. Anon 7:09 PM & Love A Sale

    Re: Crackle metallic mary jane
    I got the crackle metallic mary jane in paisley for $55.99 ($79.99 + 30% off) a week ago. It seems that they were returned to the shop, so I am not sure if all shops carry them at the same price. I think they are TTS, but you might want to size up as they are pointy.

  85. Anon at 8:12- About the Cascading flowers jacket, somebody in a post yesterday claimed it.

    Anon at 5:13- Thanks for the info on the hammered silk tank

  86. My PS said the zebra tee won't be in stores until April :'(

  87. these caught my eye:
    -orange sequin skirt
    -some of the solo shots of sandals
    -the patterned black mini skirt paired with the layered long pale cardigan
    -the tiered yellow a line skirt
    -strapless print coral dress
    -zebra tshirt (no more awkward text spelling fart)
    -the giant flower pin(s) -is that a cluster of a single pins or one big pin
    -the safari style jacket belted with a skinny belt over a pale tiered gauzy skirt
    -the bracelet loaded with different beads, sizes, shapes, and resins
    -chain-link small handbag

    things I was hoping not to see:
    -shells on the ribbon yellow belt
    -resin chains on bags again

    Did anyone like the Skinny silk paisley belt item 13119 online. Are tie-style belts coming back?

    I don't think early 20s and teens when I see animal prints. I think J.Crew has used them tastefully in their lines. With as many critters, bug pins, and animal prints and jewelry, I think a little animal appeal just spices things up.


    CECE- did you seriously take these inside the jcrew dressing room? That's kind of sad if you did!

  89. I would NEVER wear a zebra print anything...not even if you paid me. If I saw someone wearing one I would just laugh to myself...silly print to wear in my opinion but that's fashion for you!

  90. Thanks, Slastena and Alexis for posting the lookbook.

    None of the pieces jumped out at me and scream "must buy." Good for my wallet. And some of pixs just reminds me again not to wear a light color pant - even the skinny model looks bottom heavy, what hope is there for me with my pear shape body?

  91. off topic but does anyone have the black madarin ruffle collar jacket from the knits section? How does it run? I ordered a small but I am usually an 8 so I hope it runs a bit big! Thanks ladies! :-)

  92. Maggie: I think I saw some of those patent bow headbands at the J.Crew in Evergreen Walk Shops in South Windsor, CT. Hopefully they will have the color you are looking for. :)

  93. While I love the shiny and sequined items, I simply cannot wear them outside of the holiday party season. I work in a conservative office, in a conservative city and people would definitely be whispering about me if I showed up downtown in an orange sequin skirt. My friends would organize an intervention. People do not even wear that kind of outfit to the clubs.

    So, I'm curious. Those of you who would buy the shiny and sequined items, where do you wear them? If you wear them to work, what kind of work do you do? As cute as they are, I don't need any more special items in closet purgatory.

  94. Is there a review of the Owen Hobo out there? Someone has one for sale and I'd like to know if others like it.


  95. Anon @ 9:38. I lived in many conservative cities. D.C., Columbus, among others. I always wore my sequined and shiny things all year round. People are NOT prepared for it and I almost always got amazing comments from women saying they wished they could wear something like that and men saying they loved to see a girl dressed up. It is really a confidence thing. If you do not feel comfortable dressed in a way in which you will be on display, do not wear it. I just felt I look great and do not really worry about what anyone else says. that said, I rarely wore them to work. It was always out, but even to a quiet restaurant or bar. I am not really a club person.

    Anon with Owen Hobo - I love mine. It takes a while to get used to something hard on your shoulder, but once that is over, it is a very nice style and size.

  96. Anon 9:41, here is a review of the Owen hobo.

  97. Anon 10:51 - you are braver than I. Certainly I could never wear sequins to work in my office. Well, not if I want to keep climbing the corporate ladder, which I do and have worked hard at so far, with great success. But it would be fun to wear the glittery pieces out. Maybe it's just not for me.

  98. I hear that the flower pins will not be sold, that they used the flower pins from last fall for this shoot.

  99. Sorry, OT but the sequin discussion made me think of this. FFM, could you please do a polyvore for the lux satin sash in citron? I had to have it and am interested in looks for work. Cold climate. Fairly relaxed workplace dress code, but jeans only on friday. On a typical day I'd wear a pencil skirt and knee high boots or spectator pumps. Suits and jackets only ocassionally.

    Thanks in advance if you have any ideas!

  100. What happened to the items for men?

  101. I really like the editor bag minus the chain link strap. Once they reduce the price, I will definitely be on the lookout for one.

  102. Abijah, what do you mean?

  103. I love wearing sequins or something that sparkles or shimmers with my "work" clothes. I think it adds a bit of uniqueness and youth to my outfits. I think the trick is that it still needs to be somewhat subtle, like not a full sequin tank, but maybe the cashmere shell trimmed with sequins or a belt.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. re: wearing sequins:
    I'd wear a sequined piece with anything -- jeans, pencil skirt, mini skirt, etc-- but I prefer the items to have the sequins just on the front (like the popular sweater vest/shell). I worry about the sequins falling off or pulling at the fabric if they're on my back or bottom. My favorite 'dressy' clutch is covered in silver sequins and is a nice pop to a simple black dress. I'm also the kind of girl who wears yellow tights, bright blue pumps, and dueling plaids to the office, so sequins are not all that 'out there' to me. A conservative look with sequins could go something like this: sequined sweater vest in putty, white button down, grey pantsuit, black pumps.

  106. I have the merino sequined shell in putty. I bought it when it first hit the stores. I did get 20% off that day. There was a sale. I LOVE IT! I wear it under the blue velvet ecole jacket with matchstick jeans and a gold thin metallic belt. I always get compliments. It is toned down shiny not crazy shiny. I hardly wear any jewelry with it. It's my fav piece. I can even wear it in the spring summer. GREAT quality stitching of the sequins and the wool is very nice stretchy and soft. I stare at it in my closet everytime I go in to get dressed. LOVE IT!!!

  107. ANON @3:47AM I dont know which CECE missycece is but its not me. Gosh I guess I need to change my signature coz people might start throwing comments at me for things I havent done. I will make it CECEofGA. I will probable make a blog thing so i wouldnt have any mistaken identity issues. Thanks anon 3:47 am for your comment coz otherwise I wouldnt have known theres another CECE here.

    CECE of GA

  108. SOUTHBAY ADDICT: this is my new blog name. thanks again for holding the item for me!

  109. Owen Hobo Review: I absolutely love this bag! I have it in the terra cotta, buttercup and soon to arrive the champagne!!! The quality is amazing and the design is unique. The horn handle makes it so desirable. It is very well made and Im sure you will get many compliments on this bag.

    hope you find one coz this bag was very hard to find!

  110. what happened to gigiofca? She used to post here regularly, haven't seen here in ages...

  111. ^gigi went on hiatus

  112. could someone who has a copy of any look book please let me know if it contains any information as to who the graphic designers, photographers, or printers are?

    i am dying to know who is the creative/art director for the print publications at j. crew. i believe they have an in-house team, but i have yet to find out anything more.

    if ANYONE has ANY information, please share!

    brittany.labarre at gmail dot com

  113. Daymion Mardel is a photographer for J. Crew...some of his images from the new lookbook are on his site


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)