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Thursday, October 2, 2008

J.Crew's Book: Rules Of Engagement

There is an interesting article (click here) over at GQ about J.Crew's latest offering.

The Rules of Engagement
By Johnathan Durbin
October 01, 2008

As reported earlier, J.Crew's first book is finally available. (And nope, it's not the latest masterwork from Mitch Albom.) Written by Max Blagg and illustrated by Hugo Guinness, What a Man Should Know is a collection of 50 (very) whimsical tips for the modern male. So what should you know? Chess, wine, and figure-drawing, yes, but also:

- Where Jackson Pollock is buried: "Jackson lies beneath an enormous rock in Green River Cemetery, East Hampton, NY. Also interred in the same graveyard are several other great Americans, including Frank O'Hara, Lee Krasner, and the divine muse Patsy Southgate. Take an afternoon off from the beach to pay your respects."

- How to properly fold a newspaper (broadsheet, not tabloid): "And under extreme or life-threatening conditions, be prepared to fashion it into a weapon on the lines of the so-called 'Millwall Brick' favored by certain English soccer hooligans."

- When to ignore certain rules of clothing etiquette: "For instance, the canard that he should not bedeck himself in shades of white or linen fabrics once Labor Day has come and gone. Refuse such orthodoxy! You're a big boy now. You can dress yourself."

$20, available at, and at the J.Crew Tribeca Men's Shop at the Liquor Store, 235 W. Broadway, NYC, (212) 226-5476

I am not sure I would spend $20 for a book about whimsical tips. Although I find the topics interesting, I am certain that if I gave this book to my husband or my brother, they would not read it. Also, considering the book's cover says "Volume I", should we be expecting J.Crew to create additional volumes?

What are your thoughts about this book? Do you think it is a smart move on J.Crew's part to offer this? Do you think you will purchase this book?


  1. i think there are very few real men out there that would have any interest in this one! i'm thinking that jcrew & co. spend their time on this kind of stuff just to be edgy and different. they can't actually expect to make much of profit on this book, can they?

  2. Anonymous at 8:26AM: I don't know how much demand there is for this kind of book too. I agree with you that J.Crew considers moves like this to be edgy and different, and to also create buzz around their name. I am sure the free marketing (with newspapers and sites picking this up as a story) is worth it for J.Crew. :)

  3. WTH?!!!? J Crew is all over the place, watches (Rolex to Timex), pins (that re sold out), and now venturing into silly books? I think this book is geared for the female to purchase for the man in her life. But still... FOCUS J Crew on what you do best, quality clothes with first class colors and designs at reasonable prices!

  4. Haha MMiller would love this book. It might be part of his x-mas gift. He does actually own The Preppy Handbook (which is pretty darn funny). I also have another friend (also a guy) who I think might really like this book.

    I think the demand is limited to a small fraction of the population but within that small fraction I would bet a lot of men would read it.

  5. I would not purchase this for my husband, or any other man I know, for that matter...I agree with blumre that the demand on this is definitely limited.

  6. I can see this book appealing to insecure men who think owning and/or reading it makes them cool...sort of like how some guys read Hemingway because they think it gives them a manly demeanor rather than in appreciation of the actual writing and storytelling. Just think: Trees died for this :-(

  7. I do not think that my husband would read it even if I put it near the toilet where he keeps all his reading material!

  8. Anonymous @ 9:54: I have to say I am a little hurt by you comment. I wonder if maybe before you wrote it you didn't see my comment that said my boyfriend and friend would love this book. They are in no way "insecure."

    Its meant to be a coffee table book for comic relief-- just like women own the Post etiquette -- I use mine mostly for humor though one it did get me out of fight with my grandmother on a certain table manner! Please just remember that other people post here who may have different views that you and its important to try and not hurt people.

  9. I think that making this part of a gift sounds great! I could certainly see myself packing this in my husband's suitcase as something light and fun to read while on a business trip!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I laughed at the blurb about white after Labor Day. :) I did think it was more "no white shoes" after Labor Day, though, than white clothes, because white shoes are definitely a spring / summer item!

  12. Anon @ 9:54, I totally agree with you! (Sorry Blumre!). The book should be titled "Useless Tidbits of Irrelevant Knowledge for the Pretentious Metrosexual":0

  13. I think this book would be kind of cool to have. It's not a life changing piece of literature, but just something fun and interesting to read. I'm surprised some people think this book is related to individual they feel maybe insecure.

    I can't see how a book like this would make someone feel more secure. Most likely the purpose of this book is just to entertain; not to change lives.

  14. Hmmmm . . . Playboy used to publish etiquette articles for men. There are dozens of fun old fashioned guides like this out there. This isn't weird or even "edgy" it's just a quirky coffee table type book. And the price is pretty normal. I think it's funny that it's considered "metrosexual" to know things like how to play chess or basics of wine. (Was James Bond metrosexual? He dressed well and knew an awful lot about wine.)

    It seems like the guy who would like this book might also own a few cocktail shakers, watch old movies and maybe even have his own soda siphon. It's sad that books on style and some old-fashioned trivia (that are clearly written with a bit of humor) are considered pretentious and stupid. I think my husband would love this!

  15. I'm buying this for my brother! He is going to get a kick out of this. He would appreciate the witty banter of this book, especially as he is discovering his own interest in fashion. I don't think this book is to be taken too seriously, though there are probably some helpful tips in there! I'll admit it - I buy books like this - such as Tim Gunn's book!

    Also, in terms of J.Crew being "all over the place" - J.Crew has always been a brand, an ideology, a lifestyle, a way of approaching fashion and life. They are expanding the brand so we can incorporate them into all parts of our lives. As someone who very much believes in and loves what J.Crew strives to be, I'm fine with buying the pieces to go along with the clothes (I may pass on the $1800 Rolex watch though, as much as I would love to get it)

  16. Shoegal and anonymous @ 1:38: I completely agree with you both. Even though I said I would wait till the holiday rool out I ordered some items from the sale page today. I wish I would ahve seen this post about the book before placing my order. This book will definitely make it into my shopping basket next time. It should be a fun read. And no I'm not insecure.

  17. JCrew is using the Ralph Lauren approach by evolving into a life style brand. I admire Mickey's vision. Will I buy the book or the mini sweaters? No. That said more good than not will come from this approach.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)