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Monday, October 6, 2008

Article On What To Expect This Christmas At J.Crew

There is an interesting article in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune (in Sarasota, FL) about J.Crew's expectations this holiday season. For the article in its entirety, click here.

Get ready for a weak holiday season
By Toni Whitt

October 6, 2008

The coming Christmas season -- combined with this year's tepid back-to-school shopping -- is expected to mark a long-term retreat by consumers to less extravagant spending.

Analysts believe the precipitous downturn in the housing market that has led to a loss in home values, and the subsequent credit crisis has jolted consumers into the realization that they cannot keep spending beyond their means.

That is likely to mean one of the weakest Christmas shopping seasons in decades. Whatever rise in sales, if any, will likely be driven by inflation, even the more optimistic industry watchers say. ...

Stores are already preparing for a soft season by cutting back inventory and carefully planning out their sales programs.Kohl's Department Stores, Talbots Inc., Bon Ton Stores and J.Crew Group Inc. all are cutting back inventory going into the holiday season. ...

J.Crew is "planning very conservatively" for Christmas, said Millard Drexler, the company's chairman and chief executive. Consumers have become accustomed to waiting for the deep discounts in the two weeks before Christmas, he warned.
"December has become the biggest promotional month in the world, and no one can forget that," Drexler said. "Please, let's not own a mark-down inventory Dec. 22."

But based on the back-to-school season, it is going to take a lot to get consumers to open their wallets much this holiday season regardless of mark-downs, said retail analyst Britt Beemer, the founder of America's Research Group who correctly predicted last year's dismal holiday season.

This article does not paint a positive portrait for retail sales this holiday season, although it is not unexpected. I am curious how J.Crew will fare considering it is still facing some issues with its inventory/system.

What are your thoughts on the article? Disagree or agree with any of the points made? Do you think you will (or already have) curbed your spending with J.Crew due to the economy?


  1. I completely agree. I think looking at the market and the job losses and the fact that even the wealthiest towns in the country are hurting (there was a report lately that listed Darien, CT and Westport, CT as two of the hardest hit towns by the September down-turns) the Christmas season can't be good. I think retailers will hurt, but I think families will be hurting even more.

    As an MSW I would like for everyone to remember to make a donation to their local food pantry. A lot of people will be needing it. That an animal shelters because with the recent foreclosures a lot of animals are now homeless.

    Sorry to be Debby Downer--- I promise to try and remain more positive in the future!

  2. What are the deep discounts that Drexler references in the article? I only ask because I haven't realy noticed any discounts before Christmas, only right after Christmas. I didn't think last year's post-Christmas discounts were anything too exciting, either, but that could be me having a bad memory. :)

  3. I found this bit " said retail analyst Britt Beemer, the founder of America's Research Group who correctly predicted last year's dismal holiday season." somewhat humorous, since I don't think there was anyone last fall who didn't predict a dismal holiday 2007.

    This year, spending already was predicted to be low, and the current chaos is only going to lesen what people spend, on themselves and charities.

    Of course, we should all remember that if money is tight, just send a donation in a person's name to the Human Fund. Everyone loves that gift :-)

  4. PS. It also seems that they have been making dour predictions about the economy for the last couple of years. They always seem to say "spending slowed but still (very) slightly exceeded expectations." Maybe the bar was set low to begin with, then. :)

  5. I agree that this holiday season people will be rethinking their spending (ex: I don't think many people will be joining the J.Crew shoe of the month club for $1000 this year). However, I think that the response would be to discount prices or run special promotions to move merchandise rather than keep prices higher than tight pockets can afford. It just seems a bit contradictory.

    That being said, I hope my hubby still visits J.Crew this holiday season and buys lots even if it is still full price! :-) A girl can hope...can't she?

  6. I think it's a combination of many things, including plain old greed - some very stupid people indulged in living beyond their means, some very greedy bastards on wall street decided to write loans to people that had no business getting loans, decided to offer sub-prime mortgages, decided to buy/sell derivatives, decided people should be absolved from making down payments .... and now we're all paying for it. I hope the fatcat ceos all get coal in their proverbial stockings. Stockings, which, I'm sure, can be purchased at J.Crew :-)

  7. No real surprises here, I have decided to stop spending on clothes and only buy the essentials. When financial institutions start to fall jobs are right behind it.

  8. Sorry if I am a "bit dense" but I don't understand what Mickey is saying (in the blue type) Is he saying that there won't be big discounts and since there is less merchandise it will hopefully be all gone at full price??? Could someone explain:) Thank you.

  9. I think what he is saying is that they will be controlling their inventory levels. Jcrew will probably not have as high a inventory level and therefore will not have to discount as steeply in the few days before Christmas. It also may mean that we will offering more promotional deals such as 20% off private sale, $99 cashmere sweaters, etc. He does not want be left with millions of dollars in inventory after the holidays.

  10. I meant to say "they" rather "we" will be offering promotions. I am not a Jcrew employee. I was merely speculating.

  11. Luckily for me the change in the economy really hasn't changed much in my life. A few things cost more, but I still have enough money to be very comfortable.

    Mickey's comment makes me think that key items or the must have pieces will be limited in number and sell out quickly. If I was running J.Crew I would scale back production and sell out at full pop rather than deeply discount. And it makes sense, the reason so many of us wait is because retailers have taught us to wait for the sale. Now with money being tight and stores limiting inventory many of us may miss out by waiting.

  12. If you see something you like when the holiday stuff rolls out better buy it or else it is going to be gone. This has already happened with the Rose Tee.

    I only plan to to place 1 more order next month and that will be it for me for awhile. Economy, and the value of our Canadian dollar (going down) is making me think twice before hitting the submit button.

  13. J.Crew will find a lot of customers won't be buying anything if there aren't good sales on around the holidays, because customers will just go to a different store that does offer sales. Only a select few will decide to pick J.Crew's name over a better deal elsewhere. And many simply won't be buying as much, period.

    It sounds like almost all retailers will be limiting inventory because companies know what people are up against economically.

  14. mickey would certainly like us to think we have to shop at full price, so it's up to us to be smart and not fall for one of the oldest tricks in the marketing book.

  15. Jcrew guy in Canada-- the only problem with scaling back production is that the materials are already in production--- I am super envious that this market is not hitting you hard--- but I LOVE a good discount...... :)

    While I would love to shop, shop, shop---- I am going to be very selective this holiday season and only buy what I can't live without! :)

  16. I personally think that perhaps Mickey and J.Crew WANT you to believe they won't be producing as much in order to scare you into buying at full price. They are OBVIOUSLY making it more difficult nowadays to get a really great deal, and if their merchandise doesn't sell at full price they will be forced to allow customers a bargain, and we all know how much they hate that. I personally really find it very difficult to pay $120 for a shirt I know only cost $3 to manufacture, even if it does run a high risk of selling out. There will always be something at J.Crew I will find to take its place.

  17. FFM,
    You and I think alike on that point. There isn't anything I've missed out on buying at J.Crew that, while I may wish I'd had it, I haven't soon forgotten about. In fact, only this blog spurs memories :-) .... I'll find something similar somewhere else, like at Nordstrom's or BR or Talbots, or I'll just go without, and save money.

    Put it this way: I like J.Crew, but it's not like shopping there defines who I am.

  18. and yes, the old "you must buy now or MISS OUT!!!" trick is from the original marketer's handbook, I'm sure :-)

  19. Case in point...the rose chiffon tee that has sold out...JCrew purposely made it in small quantities....I had plenty of chance to buy it and passed it up each was a dry clean only tee with fraying ribbon for goodness sakes! ( I guess I could have sold them on ebay for a small fortune.)

    Anyway, I won't be buying into Mickey's old marketing trick...if it's not on sale and at the price I want to pay I will pass. I already started psssing on a lot of things not b/c my finances have changed but like FFM said they are making it hard for the online shopper to get a good deal.

  20. j.crew certainly is not a very honest retailer. they did all kinds of tricks. they used to hide items after morning updates, so customers would think those items were popular.

  21. Anony@4:22. I never noticed this...what exactly are you noticing?

  22. The reality is, if you don't buy now, you really WILL miss out....on certain items. I have lost out on a number of items because I waited for them to go on sale. They seem to be items in neutral, wearable colors that are well cut and offer longevity beyond the current season.

    I do have some business knowledge, and therefore completely understand this strategy. It's a smart strategy on Mr. Drexler's part. From a business perspective, he needs to keep as much profitability as possible, and I can assure everyone, offering deep discounts on a glut of extra merch that isn't selling isn't the way to do it. If cries of " It's aawwnnn Mickey!" while you lose an item that you wanted make you feel better, so be it. Simplistic knee jerk emotionalism is cathartic, I guess.

    Meanwhile, J Crew's core customer is is changing, and we're witnessing the growing pains. J Crew used to be owned by an enterprising man who caught the preppy wave and rode it successfully for a long time. That man no longer owns the company. It reminds me of the time that Gap bought Banana Republic from an enterprising couple, and completely changed it around. I was so mad! I loved that Isak Dineson Out of Africa look! Where was I gong to get my sturdy heavy twill Jodhpurs? I was up in arms. Well, the much duller businessy upscale Gap look seemed to do well for them. I'm still bitter.

    The reality is that j Crew is changing. It has a new vision, a new direction, and a completely different idea of who it's core customer is. You can kick and scream all you like, but somebody else will still be wearing that jacket you wanted.

  23. I used to be a buyer, for a retailer that isn't nearly as popular as Jcrew, but when you have a hot item that sells out, it's hard not to 'chase' the money. The problem with ordering replenishment order is that, often when it's over seas, it takes a long time to turn around, especially during busy times when you haven't already booked the slot. Also, importing often has minimum order quantities. Typically when an item has a sell through of more than 85% in a span of a month, means you're missing out on a lot of sales, so it is common for a retailer to chase hot sellers in hopes of capturing more money.

  24. Drexler's comments are so oblique they are almost meaningless with respect to what J.Crew will be doing this holiday season. J.Crew is planning conservatively? What does that mean? We don't want to own marked-down inventory on 12/22?Again, what does that really mean?

    His comments can be interpreted to suggest lots of promotions or scarcity of product. From what I have read, Drexler believes that scarcity is the marketing ticket to big margins. Guess we will have to see if that's the strategy that will be playing out at J.Crew in the next couple of months.

    Maybe he scarcity strategy has not been in place long enough, because I cannot think of too many J.Crew items that have ever really been that scarce.

    San Remo dress was scarce until they ordered a boat load more to meet demand.

    Sparkle Tweed Skirt seemed scarce when it disappeared from the website, but I've noticed it slowly returning in more and more sizes.

    I know that J.Crew frequently shuttles inventory between channels, moving product from one location to another or shuttling product from stores to catalog. All this movement gives the impression of scarcity, but if you are persistent, you can find most items and a surprising number show up eventually on FS. Think Bellas from last year and the sea glass piper maxi dress.

    Really, the only truly scarce items I ever encounter are petite sized products and that's just because J.Crew has not been really interested in committing to that market, not becaus its trying to demand top dollar from its petite buyers.

  25. Yes, I bet we see a ton of rose chiffon tees in the sale section someday...those sold so fast there have to me more on the way:) So wait it out and you will get a deal.

    Yes, the sea glass dress on sale for $150 is a steal online...I bought one last week! What a deal on a gorgeous collection piece that was around?? $450 or so???

    However, I wonder about the Berry Astrid. That is one I don't see making it to final sale...

  26. My spending won't change as far as JCrew. I am the only on in my family who likes their things! Also, I do 90% of my shopping online and a lot of it from LLBEan b/c they have free shipping, free returns, and rewards with their card! Last year I had over $350 in rewards saved and I used that for gifts! LLBean also has free monograming with their card. I could go on and on about all the perks. We put everything on our LLBEAN VISA, groceries, movies, tickets, etc. pay it in full each month and reap the rewards....

  27. If today's news is any indication, very few people will be able to afford full price anything by Christmas. It doesn't matter what Mickey's strategy is. If you have no money you can't spend it, right? Or is that what got us into this mess in the first place?

    And FFM is right. If you miss something, big deal. There's always something else right around the corner. If J.Crew ceases to fill my wardrobe needs, I'll cultivate a relationship with another retailer, or just wear what I have. And here's to hoping we all have jobs by Christmas.

    PS I stopped by the Rockaway Townsquare b&m in NJ, and they had more final sale merchandise (they are a hub of final sale stuff before it goes back to the warehouse) and it was 50% off. They also permitted my educator's discount. I got a pair of shoes and a Jackie cardigan for around $50.00. However, the mall was EMPTY. I could've rolled a bowling ball down the aisles. It's very scary...the last I remember this kind of thing was when I was a little kid in the 70's: gas lines, recession, unemployment, Watergate, impeachment, hostages...yikes.

  28. Anon @ 5:12, I use my LLBean Visa for everything, too! My husband even uses it for business travel. By the time September rolls around, I have at least a couple hundred to spend on winter coats, hats, etc. for my kids. Their clothes are well made and they have the BEST customer service. I just wish their styles were more "J Crew-y".

  29. I will be completely sitting out this Christmas season. I already have more clothes than I ever needed. I will just enjoy the catalog and try to copy looks with pieces that I already own. On the bright side, isn't it great that JCrew is so timeless? I can wear all of my last year's (and many years before) styles and still look great! I am saving money this year! WE ARE IN FOR A FINANCIAL ROLLER COASTER, FOLKS. I hope that we are all prepared! Consumerism, as we have known and participated in, is dead.


  30. That chiffon rose tee is now selling on EBay for $150!! Come on, people, it's just a t-shirt! I'll bet Mickey is sitting back in his chair and laughing...or maybe he's the one selling it!

  31. slightlyoldersally, I know isn't it a great card with great is so nice to get free LLBean stuff and using the card on things I would buy anyway...even gas...we used ours this summer on a two week vacation...that added up fast to rewards:)

    (I posted the other LLBEAN visa email too:)

  32. slightlyoldersally, I forgot to second your statement about great customer service...YES it is the best of any mail order reps out there and I shop at many...too many to list! Yes, I wish, for me, their stuff was more Jcrewy but it is getting better...I have found some very nice things...I love their barn jackets. Do you have one...Maybe not super stylish like JCrew but perfect for being outside on the weekends! I have two and LOVE does my hubby!


  33. JenG,

    I love your outlook. yes it is wonderful that we can count on them for looks that are timeless yet also current. and it very much helps when trying to conserve $.

  34. I sincerely hope no one buys the rose tees on ebay at that price. I hate to see greedy little poops rewarded. It's just a t-shirt. Another will come along.

  35. I loved last year's Holiday collection so much I'll be delighted to wear it again - esp. as I got much of ON SALE :-) - and therefore at the end of winter, which means I didn't even wear it that much.

  36. Julie, yes! I have the floral print barn jacket from 3 years ago, and I still wear it sometimes. The fit is very boxy, though, and sometimes when I put it on I feel like a big piece of furniture! I remember when I was in college EVERYBODY had the J Crew barn jacket. Today's J Crew wouldn't dream of selling something so totally un-glam!

  37. Since most people have been having trouble using the educator's discount along with additional % off, I am THRILLED that I stocked up real good with lots of stuff. I, too, will enjoy all the new catalogs as I bring out everything from winter of last year.

  38. I don't find JC timeless, yes, they have some items Cashmere Cardigan, but alot of their stuff have roses, sequins, beads, how is that timeless? What looks cute now is gaudy next year.

  39. okay guys, I know this is a bit OT, but I received a catalog in the mail today and felt my heart race because I figured it must be the new roll out - upon closer look I realized it was labeled OCT - just like the one I received two weeks ago - and the pages were exactly the same with a different cover. Oh well. Sure hope this new roll comes with a week or so. My bm had a taffeta skirt this weekend that I didn't love and a purse that I did love so I'm thinking that's the beginning of the new stuff.

  40. I'm not sure if this is clear or not, but you can always use the educator's discount on sale items. My bm always, always stacks for that.

  41. slightlyoldersally, Thanks for the reply! Hmmm...that is interesting about the shape of your barn jacket. I got one at the end of winter 2006 that is sherpa lined and another this spring 2008 that is flannel lined and I don't find them square fitting but maybe I need to look in the mirror again! ha ha (no maybe I better....:) Anyway, maybe the fit is more trim now...I have noticed they are updating their styles and things are getting a bit more stylish for women...can't beat a good LLBean turtleneck for MN winters though....

  42. slightlyoldersally,

    P.S. That was me again...Julie:) forgot to sign my name:)

  43. ANON 6:02p
    Those things are timeless--simple elegance that never goes out of style...hardly gaudy. Now the collection pieces--that is a different story! Those are things that are NOT timeless and they are ALREADY gaudy!

    La Dolce-
    I agree--what a waste of money for J Crew to even send out another catalog like the last 3--there's nary a new item to be found in this thing...DUMB.

  44. slightlyoldersally,

    You made me think...I run the gament on fashion from JCrew and their stylish fashion coats to LLBean barnjackets and a down parka I have from them for many years now that just won't die...I mean it still looks new! I am a mix match of fashion but I must meet my moods!


  45. I expect cookies, milk & bottled water, like every Holiday season at JC. Oh, that & the hordes of people. Booo.

  46. ladolcevita- I think a lot of people have recently had a lot of problems using the educator's discount plus additional % off, especially online. Never was a problem until now.

  47. FYI everyone-There is a nice update on the men's site featuring, you guessed it, the Tribeca men's store. There is a virtual tour with tons of pics.

  48. Anon at 7:37 PM: Funny you should mention that- I literally just finished creating a post on this topic that I am using for tomorrow! :)

  49. Julie, I have one of their fisherman's sweaters from about 8 years ago -- it's my "go to" sweater on really frigid days (I live in CT). Their stuff does last forever. Now I'm eyeing the cashmere hoodie. It looks kinda cute!

  50. If he really meant that they would try to keep the price high, than at least it's good to know. Because I'm going to ask for BR gift card for Christmas gift rather than Jcrew gift cards. (My family has been generous in giving me clothing gift cards for my b-day and for Christmas, and they have been from Jcrew so far. But maybe I should ask for different ones this year)

  51. Anon at 4:56: You may see regular sized Berry Astrids on sale after all! Check the website. Its showing most colors available in most sizes (regular, not petite), with many noted as delivery 11.24.08. Perhaps JC reordered regular sizes. Good luck!

  52. La Belle Helene - I totally hear you on poor underwriting for those that just didn't know what they were doing. Some of us cannot fathom signing up for a 1st and 2nd -- with no money down! -- and then getting to 'choose' between 3 payment options each month. I've never worked in the mortgage industry but even *I* knew something was off with these loan programs. So many people are brainwashed with the American dream which always includes owning a house. That's one of the 1st problems. I don't think a mortgage fits everyone's lifestyle! I wish people could see that. If they had, many would never have tried to purchase a home in the 1st place.

    jcrew guy in Canada - I think Christmas time is a good way to win over new buyers. In the past people spend more time in the shops and are open to new places when on the hunt for gifts. It would be smart to have items on sale to attract a new customer. The customer would quickly learn that J Crew is not a discount retailer, but at least a couple good pieces on sale would encourage them to try the brand. Also -- eeeeveryone is discounting right now. I've never seen so many advertisements from Cole Haan, for example. It will be weird if J Crew doesn't have any specials this season. They don't have to jump overboard with everyone else afraid of a sinking ship, but there is a middle ground, imo. I always respect your opinion so thanks for your thoughts & glad you're doing well in these times.

  53. Gigiofca,
    I agree, there's no way J.Crew doesn't also offer good discounts/sales/promotions - they have to just to stay competitive. People aren't going to choose full-price J.crew cashmere sweaters, for example, over discounted ones at BR, Nordstroms, Macy's, bloomies, etc.

  54. Great choice of picture for this post, Alexis - I loved that shot from last year's holiday catalogue. So festive and merry :-)

  55. La Belle Helene: I love that image too- It is so pretty and fun! :)

    Incidentally, I have the coat she is wearing in poppy red and I can't wait to start wearing it again. :)

  56. Mickey doesn't scare me with those comments. I agree with the others who say that there is no way his strategy will work. If the economy is bad, no one will want to pay full price, even if there are less items available.

    Plus, I'm not worried even if items do sell out. I currently have so many J. Crew items in my closet for fall/winter with tags still on them since it won't be cold in Dallas for a while now. I learned the hard way that most of this stuff that I thought would sell out didn't, and it quickly went to final sale! Plus, even if stuff I like does sell out, like I said, I still have tons of cute, warm stuff that is yet unworn.

  57. Alexis,
    That was a great red J.Crew did last holiday. Is this coat the Sybil? I can't quite tell. I liked that a lot - I think that was what the girl on the cover of Nov. 07 wore - and that may be my favorite ever J.Crew cover - totally made me want to be the girl standing there in the highlands... :-)

    In fact, I hope J.Crew brings that model back for Holiday 2008. I don't care for the one who's featured heavily in Oct. 08 - she has the same vapid expression in every shot. How about trying a smile :-)

  58. OT: Sorry to hijack this conversation, but I can't find the post where we discussed the fit of the chiffon bow city tee cardi. I know everyone said the buttons were tight, but does it generally run TTS?

    Okay...back to your regular programming....

  59. BTW...La Belle Helene: that model recently chopped off her hair into a really cute bob. She was in the Sept. catalog. I agree, they need to use her more. She has such a classic look and fits the JC profile perfectly!

  60. Leslie, I tried it on in the store. It had a VERY boxy fit. It was cropped and hit at the high hip area and generally made me look rather dumpy due to how loosely it fit. I would say pass on it even though the idea of it was cute. It just didn't match up in reality. Also the sleeves were a very odd length, not 3/4 length but also not full length. They hit at my wrist bone.

  61. Speaking of the rose t-shirt for $150 on ebay, I'm shocked at some of the prices people charge (and pay!!) on ebay!! J Crew has some nice stuff, but $159 for a shirt that originally sold for $55, or $325 for a $200 skirt??? WOW!

  62. Thanks blumre! It was between that and the merino lady jacket, so it sounds like I might just get the jacket and skip this cardi. Thanks for your feedback!!

  63. I guess they're so hard to find. I called all the stores in my area and darn it, they're gone. If anyone sees a rose tee I'll take just about any color or size.


    Amy T. *Chicago*

  64. leslie: I have that city-tee cardi .... fits TTS :)

  65. Amy T: I am selling a rose tee on eBay starting bid of $9.99. Worn twice. It just was not me. Size XL in black.

  66. If it's something I really love, I will probably get it full price and see if it goes on sale later. I never seem to get around to wearing the new clothes until a few months later anyway.

    I don't really like the new model on the latest catalog. She just looked a bit sour, like our economy now.

    Is the red sybil coat the one with the same collar as the bella jacket? I have one that I still haven't worn yet from last year.

  67. Hi,

    I was hoping for a brand new one.

    Thanks though!

    Amy T. *Chicago*

  68. OT, but the Floral-ruffle Astrid jacket, it is featured on page 90 of the new US Weekly - And, guess what, there's ruffles on the sleeves!?! (I know there was a post about the diappearing sleeve ruffles not too long ago!) Thought this was funny!

  69. la belle helene:

    It might be the Sybil in poppy. Does it have two gigantic buttons, and a bella-like collar? (different material, same standing-popped-up cut).

    Though the style isn't best suited for my body type, I still adore it. I do have to note, though, it's not very warm. It's perfectly fine for, say, 50 or 40 degree weather, but I'd be hesitant to wear it if it's below freezing.

  70. Slightlyoldersally, I just bought one of the cashmere hoodies last week from JCrew and another cashmere sweater from Land's End. I find the quality better than JCrew plus if I ever have a problem with it no matter how long I have had it...I can get a refund without a worry!

    Nice talking with you!


  71. slightlyoldersally, I meant I got a cashmere hoodie from LLBEAN!!!!

  72. I have the City Tee card. it fits TTS however the length is shorter than other City Tees ( comes to high hip), depending how you like to wear it you might want to size up so it will not be so short.

  73. OT: lindsey b., how did you end up wearing your flower pin and suit?

  74. I like this blog but I am turned off by all the comments bragging about conspicuous consumption: "I have all 7 colors of item xyz!!", I spend $xx,xxx at J. Crew every year!!", especially by people who in the next breath admit that they live beyond their means and can't afford the stuff in the first place because they run a credit card balance.

    Maybe the economic issues will reshuffle people's priorities and teach them a lesson about the difference between "wants" and "needs". It is a lesson sorely needed by many.

  75. FFM: Thanks for asking! Of course, I changed my outfit at the last second (couldn't figure out the skirt issue: did I want to wear hose, no hose, were my legs tan enough for no hose? blah blah) so I wore a black pantsuit with the Amelia tank and cardigan underneath... did my gold metallic belt around just the cardigan, and once we were inside and I took my jacket off, I put the flower on the belt - it was super cute!

    However, after all the thought I put into an outfit, I still have a winter white suit that I bought 4 years ago and still haven't worn - darn!

  76. La Belle Helene: It is the Sybil Coat in that image. :) I should add that I bought the coat in poppy red because of that image on the Nov catalog! :)

    Lindsey B.: Was that image of the Astrid in US Weekly on the girl from the show "Gossip Girl"? Because I noticed her wearing the jacket too! :)

  77. anon at 8:42
    I spend thousands at jcrew a year and have the silver card but pay it off every month. i do not carry a balance on any credit card. some of us do spend a lot and use a card to get perks, but aren't living beyond our means. if i want something but it isn't a need doesn't mean i won't buy it-- but that also doesn't mean i'm being irresponsible.

  78. I have decided I am not going to be shooping at jcrew this holiday season. I just got off the phone with an associate regarding a defective cashmere sweater that I got on final sale a while ago. I recently found a hole in it. I purchased this as a birthday gift for my boyfriend (his birthday is next week). So I asked them to exhange the item. There is a ton of the same sweaters, just different colors. Actually one color I swear looks exactly like the one I purchased, its just called smth different. So they told me AS A COURTESY I can return the item that is final sale. Hello! You sent me a sweater with a hole in it. What does it have to do with courtesy? And they want me to pay FULL price for a new sweater if I want to buy it. Now, this is second cashmere sweater I received from jcrew with a hole in it. Plus now I have to scramble for a new gift since bf's bday is next week. And hell no I am not buying anything from jcrew. I am done.

  79. Anony@10:22. I also had two Cashmere Clementina sweaters from this summer that had holes in them! One hole on the back left shoulder and the other near the side seam! I did pay full price for them so returning was not a problem but I think their cashmere is very poorly made b/c it is made in China...Anyway, call Land's End and get your boyfriend another sweater...their cashmere is 2 ply inner is the best and reasonably priced and I bet you will have it fast. they have great customer service too. Good luck.

  80. Anon at 10:46 AM. Thanks for your response. Do you know how sizing works at lands end? My bf wears XL at jcrew.

  81. He would wear an XL at Land's End too I bet...I buy a lot for my hubby there. If you have any questions just call their customer service. They are super great. You are going to be happy with their cashmere quality, it is super. I have about 10 of their sweaters...anyway, if you ever have a problem with the sweater even 1 or 5 years from now it is 100% returnable no questions asked...

  82. P.S. Lots of great colors in mens to pic from as well....also check retailmenot in the comments section for coupon codes...I have found 2 there in the last 3 months for free shipping no minimum.

  83. Anon @10:02 looking for a gift for BF: I have a free ship/no minimum code for Land's me at and I will give it to you. I can't post it since it's for one time use. :) Expires this Thursday 10/9/08.

  84. Mary--- Rockaway is my preferred choice for b&m..... they always have great sales... I was at Short Hills last nite and they only give 20% final sale!!!1

  85. Count me in as a fan of LLBean cashmere - good quality, good colors, and if I ever find a hole in one, I know I can return the sweater WITHOUT it being considered a courtesy. LLBean and Nordstrom have customer service that is faultless in my experience.

  86. I must say with the economy looking so bad (wall street down, etc), I am rethinking how much I spend on clothing and other items these days. I know so many people looking for jobs and also many of my friends work for companies who are being taken over.

    I have list of people for my holiday shopping and the amount I spend for them will not change. What will change is the amount I spend on myself. :) Normally during the holidays I go crazy for the sales and shop for me as well as others. This season I will definitely be spending less on myself.

  87. Lands End has great cashmere sweaters, in a range of pretty colors. I am a fan of their Long Sleeve Cashmere Tee Sweater, great quality cashmere and thet come in petite sizes! It's not "J.Crew", but for a quality, classic, basic staple in a wardrobe, it works.

  88. Lands End customer service and their cashmere is top rate. They ship out the parcel in record time (unlike JC) and they stand behind their product.

  89. I seem to be in the minority but I do not like Lands End and their cashmere at all. First off they don't make their clothes in a size that would be anywhere near small enough for me. Secondly, the one Lands End cashmere sweater I bought (and returned) for a Christmas present was extremely scratchy. I wound up buying a final sale cashmere sweater from J.Crew instead that was of a much higher quality and fit. My mom used to buy from Lands End quite often, but has told me that since they were bought up by Sears the quality has gone way down.

  90. Casual crew: I received all my online orders within JCrew within 4business days (which doesn't justify their high shipping charges in my opinion :)

    Actually, the best shipping experience I had was with Ralph Lauren for EVERY single purchase I made (I love the flat rate for under $195!!!!!!)

  91. sanfran: Usually my orders are filled pretty quickly, but my last one which was only 1 item took 6 business days to fill, it wasn't a low inventory item, so I do not know what happened. CS told me that they have 9 days to fill Canadian orders, so I wonder if that was a sale item, or low inventory I would have missed out on it.

  92. I just have to say I LOVE EVERYONE for ignoring Anon 8:42--everyone pretty much blew right past it:)

  93. covert5 -

    What is your issue? Like other posters, Anon 8:42 made a general observation related to the topic under discussion (shopping habits, the economy, excessive spending, greed, living beyond one's means, etc.)

    You chose to make a nasty comment directed at a particular poster.

    Isn't there room in this world for more than one point of view?

    Perhaps you might want to read or reread Alexis' (blog owner) "plea for common courtesy".

  94. Just saw this in the Boston Globe related to the topic of slowing retail and the "conspicuous consumption" comment:

    Time to tone things down?
    After several years of conspicuous consumption, some yearn for a return to Boston's frugal roots

    - Anon 7:15 pm

  95. Not sure why the URL cut off:

  96. Nicole R

    I know, Rockaway Townsquare always beats the Short Hills Mall for discounts, so I stop there quite often on my way home from work! It's also great to see stuff there that I've missed out on at Short Hills, and at a better discount. They also get frequent deliveries of final sale merchandise from other stores, so it pays to check in often.

  97. Heads up! Our economy is in a mess because of how leveraged everyone became. You can keep shopping, but don't go crying when you realize you're a well dressed lady with no savings!

    I don't know about all of you, but I'm giving out free hugs this Xmas.

  98. I do think it is excessive to own 5 of the same top in different colors! But if you have a savings, give to charity, and have plenty of money left over than who am I to say you can't own 5 of every shirt color JCrew makes...

    I don't have any debt, paid cash for my car, and do have a savings and give a set amount of my paycheck to charity and church. I am a teacher and I live within my means and I am happy. I buy a few JCrew pieces and that is that!

    I hope everyone has a good holiday shopping season and gets lots of deals!

  99. Upon hearing the news on the economy this morning the post by anon 8:42 was not far from the mark. Even if you have no debt, have savings, or invested in the stock market, or have a 401k, you are still affected by all this.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)