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Thursday, September 4, 2008

J.Crew Creative Director: Colleen Stokes

The following are excerpts from two pieces that focus on Collen Stokes, the Creative Director over at J.Crew.
People to Watch
here for article link)
January 2008

How can new media enhance the user's experience of a brand? Ask Colleen Stokes. The J.Crew creative director has spent her career pondering that question....Stokes' current responsibilities include the creative for all of J.Crew's new media, marketing and PR.

Women to Watch: Collen Stokes

(Click here for article link)
Step Inside Design

The creative force behind J.Crew’s catalog and website fell into e-commerce almost entirely by accident. When Colleen Stokes graduated from design school in the early ’90s, she headed straight for San Francisco. It was well before the internet boom, and the young designer cut her teeth on children’s software packaging. “At that time, no one wanted to do new media,” she says. “Everyone wanted to do print.”

Stokes, however, started to develop an interest in interactive design. And a couple of jobs later she got the chance to put those skills to work

Today she’s the creative director of Direct Business for clothing retailer J.Crew. Stokes oversees the look and feel of the company’s catalog and website—and makes sure the pair works in concert. “It all stems from the clothes,” she says. And recently those have become higher quality and slightly more expensive. Stokes takes that information and translates it into engaging lifestyle imagery for the catalog. Then her team tries to tell that same story on the website.

Since taking her job roughly two years ago, Stokes has made some significant changes. The catalog and site now feature richer photography that’s more location based. She’s also infused a previously white catalog with a bounty of colors and textures. Website traffic is up, and Stokes’ team produces more catalogs with more pages.

But one of the things she’s most proud of is the time she spends with her team. With her catalog designers, for example, she stresses the importance of telling a linear story with imagery and type. She strives to keep them motivated and not look at the catalog as production design. “I would love at some point to teach,” she says. “I really enjoy watching people grow and get better.”

Since joining J.CREW, Stokes has taken a previously stark white catalog and infused it with colors and textures. She's also introduced richer photography that's more location based.
I really think J.Crew does a fantastic job with their catalogs- they are always so beautifully laid out. As mentioned before (refer to "Love or Hate: J.Crew Catalogs"), I love saving them because I think they are great sources for ideas (for outfits, colors, etc.).

Do you think that J.Crew catalogs tell a linear story (and do you like that story)? Do you think the catalog and website sell the "lifestyle imagery" well? What is your favorite catalog issue of all time (so far)? (My favorite: Paris of last year.) :)


  1. I really enjoyed the 2007 catalogs. Fantastic!

    However, I am really bored with the 2008 spring/summer and now Aug., Sept. 2008catalogs...They don't showcase the clothes as well and that is what I want to see!

    I saved all my catalogs from the past 6 years and I look at them over and far with the 2008ones that has not been the case. I may not even keep this year when I move again next summer...

    I LOVED fall/winter 2007 and still look at those...

  2. i love the catalogs in general...fall 2005 is my favorite and i agree with anonymous that the latest catalogs have missed a certain something.

    i'm not sure that an actual 'story' is being told, however, there is a consistent look and feel that seems to showcase a certain history and culture that i appreciate.

  3. I have the purple blazer in the pictures you posted--I love it and it still is going strong...

    I agree with sweetmint and anonymous@5:12...I love the catalogs but lately something is missing...I don't "feel" the story aspect...guess I am missing the whole point! (wink)

  4. the september and accessories catalog make me want to buy every item in every color. i think that's the point but i hate jcrew for sucking me in so well! it used to only be that way with anthro catalogs, the stories and settings are so beautiful they make you think you could dress like that in your own life. jcrew is doing a much better job at that now too, IMO!

  5. I actually quite like the 2008 catalogs. And I know this is kinda off-topic, but does anyone know who the model is on the latest cover (the one wearing the lemon skirt and grey cardi)? She's really cute!

  6. I loved the 2007/early 2008 catalogs. I can't speak for the most recent one as J.Crew never sent it to me. GRRRRRR. But the July one didnt do it for me. Maybe thats because the clothes in it didn't do much for me either. But I did really love the book themed catalog from last fall and the one they shot in chile for the winter clothes

  7. I do enjoy looking at the catalogs...especially the ones shot on location. I would say that Paris, Morocco, and Palm Springs (Kaufmann House) are my faves, and yes, the catalogs do indeed sell a lifestyle. :)

  8. I think I may have mentioned on here how much I LOVED the Paris catalogue :-) My second favorite is Highlands, from Nov. 07. I also loved the London one, I think that was fall 2005.

    I'm disappointed in Sept. 08, for two reasons: I don't think they made very good use of Prague, and I don't like how somber all the models look - why aren't they happy to be wearing these clothes? The older woman model is the worst - J.Crew made her look horrible.

    On the whole, though, J.Crew catalogues are definitely my favorites - and they certainly are infused with color.

  9. I've been following her career for a while (I'm a graphic designer and huge J.crew fan so she pretty much has my dream job), but according to her Linkedin profile, she recently left J.Crew and went to Coach.

  10. I'm in agreement with la belle helene, this past catalog didn't make the best use of the location. And can someone tell me why the women look so down and sad?

    The mens' section is brief as usual but the men featured tend to look a little more up.

    I do like the catalogs very much. The images presented give em great ideas for what to put together and yes what to buy.

  11. martycohen: that's very interesting...notice she left J.Crew in June...right before the *upgrade* was to take place...

  12. j.crew guy: If you have the catalogue handy, take a look at page. 13. The woman looks miserable. I suspect she's upset the jacket doesn't have buttons, but certainly, she's not happy :-)

    In the Paris catalogue a year ago, all the models were beaming. Makes a huge difference as far as perceiving the clothes, I believe.

  13. OT:
    Please, does anyone have Mr Drexler's email? I am royally disappointed with my latest order at the moment and I really really would like to write him a letter. Thanks!


  14. FFM: I noticed the same thing. Smart woman. I sure wouldn't want my good name connected with the website fiasco!

  15. OT: Does anyone have the Slub Cotton Wrap Front tank? How do I wear it so that I don't look like I am having another baby? Do I need to wear it with a cardigan?

  16. jcrewjunkie: I think the Slub Cotton Wrap Front tank does look best with a cardigan. :)

  17. I thought the catalogs this year were nice, but I also never used to look at the catalogs until this blog. I'd just shop by the pictures online, so I don't have any basis for comparison. :) Everyone raving about the Paris one makes me wish I'd seen it.

  18. Good morning, all! I love the comments about the "sad" models. I remember reading someone saying that they look "vapid". LOL!

    I agree with jcrew guy in canada - the smiles in the Paris catalog helped a whole lot in conveying a certain feeling/perception for the catalog AND the clothes.

    And it IS interesting to note that Ms. Stokes left right before the web "upgrade"....I'm sure she'd planned that a while ago though. I mean, leaving. =P

  19. Maybe that's what's missing from this year's catalogs, especially the most recent ones - Ms. Stokes' touch. =(

  20. IMO--I am not bothered by the models in the Prague catalog. It actually seems to fit the mood and evokes a certain Fall in Prague atmosphere. Also-it is only the first 1/4 of the catalog anyway--after that they are smiling in the wedding section and all of the editorial shots thereafter. It does not effect the feelings I get about the DESIRE to have almost all of these items in my wardrobe. I do not have comparison of lat Fall--i cannot remember but I have to say I LOVE the Italy spread!

  21. Yes, anyone who left their job at JCrew BEFORE the website disaster sure was lucky.....I can't believe we are still talking about this months later...I mean, when it first happened, I thought it would be a day or two of problems not month after month after has really got to be hurting...

    Also, disappointed that JCrew is really cutting back on coupon codes...I mean, yes, they are there, but the last extra % off online was with a code so they wouldn't let you use a free shipping code...extra % off OR free used to be automatic extra % off...

  22. Erica, i think it is What happened with your last order?

  23. Could it be the state of the economy, and JC did not want the models to look happy..just a thought.

    On a positive note my last order went off without a problem, 1st one since the upgrade, maybe there is hope yet!!

  24. This is slightly O/T but has anyone applied for a job/worked at J Crew corporate. I like to daydream about moving to Manhattan and working at the Crew.

  25. Boston Brit if they had a foundation I would be there in a second but I work in the non-profit field so alas i can't. But I would love to tell them how to give away money.

  26. Anon. at 12:18 pm:
    Thanks for the email. I have had numerous problems with on-line orders in a past, but never complained. When 2 of my 3 recently ordered items were cancelled without notice, I protested. As no one responds to my emails, I want to send email higher up. Wonder, if that would change anything.

  27. anon 6:14 - Have you tried calling and asking to speak to a supervisor?, I had a similar situation and I found by being firm, polite I got action.

    Don't let CS put you off, keep asking to speak to a higher up. J Crew has hired alot of new staff lately.

  28. Wow, that woman has (had?) an amazing job! I have a feeling she chooses the locations based on where she wants to go: "A vacation in Paris would be nice! Or maybe Rome..." Although it's not really vacation if she has to work =)

  29. Everyone: I loved hearing all of your takes on the catalog over the years. I did notice that the last catalog (Prague), that the models seemed a bit "sad". ;) If it were me, I would be smiling if I got to go to Prague and wear brand new clothes from J.Crew. :)

    Erica: If you email their regular contact us at and address the email to Mickey, he will receive it. (That is how I sent Mickey an email.) :) I am sorry to hear about your order too, hopefully they can resolve it soon for you. :)

    martycohen: I didn't realize she left J.Crew. She was smart to leave before the website upgrade fiasco could tarnish her reputation.:)

    Boston_Brit: I like to have that daydream too! :)

  30. Boston Brit -I've had the same dream - in fact I’m quietly pursuing it. I can tell you that LinkedIn is a very useful source for job openings and existing job profiles at J.Crew. You'd be amazed how much useful information can be found there. A sizable number of employees/roles can be found with a simple search – including the full slate of J.Crew HR recruiters.

  31. Douglas, thanks for the tip! Blumre, I work for a non-profit as well however I do work in marketing and mainly deal with print. I daydream about working on the J Crew catalog! (Although when it comes down to it, it's probably a lot of the same nuts and bolts that I do now and probably comes with it's own set of headaches but I can dream that it is...!)

  32. Isn't the new J.Crew creative director Jenna Lyons? She is in every magazine I open. This months Domino Mag. On the cover: October


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)