Referencing {FAQ}

Friday, September 26, 2008

Be Back Soon... I Remember You! ;)

As many of you have pointed out throughout posts on this blog, J.Crew's website is experiencing "on and off" difficulties. So if you see the "be back soon ..." image on your browser, don't worry- you are not alone! :)

Update: J.Crew's website is up and running as of 3:05PM. Hopefully it works for you too. :)


  1. I got this too, but then 5 min later the web site was up and working again. Lots of traffic with the sale.

  2. I am still getting the be back soon.....guess they can't handle too much traffic yet.....this is almost too much....

  3. Casual-crew: I hesitated about making this into a post because I found the same thing you did- the site would be down and then back up in 5 minutes. I have been experiencing this "on and off" site situation the entire day. Seems weird to me. :)

    Anonymous at 1:48PM: I agree that this is too much after so long. I think I read from someone's comments that the website issues won't be resolved until the beginning of next year. I am hoping J.Crew can fix this before the holiday season. :)

  4. I'm getting the same message and have been for the past hour.

    Do you all remember when we were saying "Hope they fix it in time for the *Fall* roll-out"... sad that now it's getting to be the holiday one and it's still not fixed yet. :(

  5. Does anyone have the CS number? I can call in to make a purchase if only they had postedthe number on the be back soon site...

  6. Alexis: I just checked and I am still showing the website is still down. I agree with you this should have been fixed by now, it is so frustrating for people trying to shop.

  7. This is unrelated, but also disappointing (at least to me). I saw this morning on the sale section a Bowery Chino Jacket from LAST YEAR selling at $69.99 (on sale??) when I paid for it $29 last year!!
    I noticed other items from last year, and (though I had some doubts) they also seemed to be more expensive. Then I saw this jacket and I remember clearly paying $29.

  8. Seriously - how many people does it require to run a web site?!? When one of your main revenue producing platforms either doesn't run well or at all, serious changes are needed.

    OK - my rant is now done.

  9. Weab: I laughed at your comment because I do remember us all hoping that the site would be resolved before the fall arrivals! ;)

    Jacquelyn: I see Vivian gave you the CS number. What is funny is that I have J.Crew's phone number stored on my cell phone for "easy access". ;)

    Casual Crew: I agree that it is frustrating to shop when the site is on and off. :(

  10. well with the site being down my husband will be happy with me for a change! Far too much shopping the past little while for me.

  11. i do think this is a huge embarrassment on jcrew's part. a company of this size should not be having so much problems with a system upgrade, especially when they rely on online sales as a significant source of revenue.

  12. I'm starting to have withdrawl symptoms.

  13. Alexis: I also have the CS number programmed in my cellphone. Worse, it's speed-dial "1". That says a lot! Maybe too much.

    PS: And congrats on your giraffe coat! It's a great statement piece. Please post a review when you get it!

  14. The URL reads:

    For some reason, I kept reading it as FAIL ALL OVER instead of FAIL OVER :)

  15. Vivian: Too much!!! I can't believe you too have J.Crew's number stored on your cell! :) I thought I was the only one. I love it! :)

    Also, I will definitely post a review once I get the jacket. :)

  16. I don't know why people are calling this an embarrassment . . . All companies have to update their sites. They all experience down times. Banana Republic does it, Ralph Lauren does it, even Youtube does it. Why should this come as such a surprise when it's J.Crew?

  17. Alexis: Oops, maybe I shouldn't have posted that. Rereading it - oh so embarrassing! I'm going to reprogram the speed-dial to "5" now.

  18. Jeff - While I agree that all retailers have "down time" to address upgrades etc. J.Crew continues to suffer from an unacceptable (management quote) level of web related issues. Not many retailers I know shut down their site at 2PM on a Friday. Late Saturday or Sunday night is usually the time for this type of activity.

    Unfortunately given the reent history, problems with orders etc. J.Crew just doesn't deserve any slack right now.

  19. Aaaah! So frustrating. I wanted to check and see if they have any puffer jackets online...

  20. I just found your site this past Wednesday, 9/24. I LOVE IT!!! You've done a terrific job. YES, the JCrew website is a complete nightmare. Some days are better than others. The holidays are coming... I've also noticed that many times the stores will have the same item as a much lesser price. Does anyone know if the teacher/educator discount can be used online purchases? If so, how is it done? Thanks again for a great BLOG.

  21. alexis and vivian: don't worry girls, j.crew is in my cell too! I need to put my local store in though also. I call them too much to not be in my "contacts" ;)

  22. Who is actually getting on? I have not been able to get on for 2 hours! I was just about to check out (bought over $300 worth of stuff) and had to step away from my computer. Now I can't get back on to buy!!!! This is so frustrating!

  23. J Crew's number is also on my speed dial, along with UPS.

  24. I called to place the order for the Soiree jacket in XL heather silver. The CS confirmed that the website was having major problems. The associate told me that stock was so low that she could try placing it but in all likelihood it would be canceled. At least she was honest. I would have tried anyway if they had offered free shipping or something but that was not offered. I told her almost everything I had oredered had been canceled or short shipped and that I appreciated her honesty.

  25. Jeff: I agree with Douglas' in that we all acknowledge that retail sites need some "downtime" to upgrade their online sites. Yet in J.Crew's situation, they seem to have taken an exceptionally long time to fix the issues and that's a bit surprising for many of us. But I should note that the site's issues have remarkably improved over the last month, even though some issues (like showing proper inventory) have not been fully resolved. I am hopeful that the issues with the site will be resolved and soon. :)

    Irene: Thanks for the nice words about the blog- I really appreciate it. :) You can use the educator/student discount by calling in your order. Some customer service representatives will apply your educator/student discount in addition to a promotional code (like for free shipping) while some may not. Hopefully this helps. :)

    Kater & Casual Crew: I love that there are others like Vivian and me who store J.Crew's number on our cell phones! :)

  26. jacquelyn: if your soiree gets canceled, and you really want one, I would try the tysons store (mclean Va). they had a lot when I was there yesterday - I'm not sure what the sizes were, but there were literally about 8 on the rack. Plus you would get 40% off instead of 20%!

  27. Alexis: I'm not as worried about the whole site thing as others, but I do ridicule many of their procedures. The worst has to be their way of handling changes in orders. For whatever reason, they don't just "edit" your order to reflect changes. What they do is create a NEW order to apply the changes & cancel the original. That is a terrible practice. Some people, including me, received doubled charges & shipments from this. And this is only one of their problems. I have to admit though, the customer service is indeed very helpful.

  28. I just placed an order. The sad thing is that I doubt it will ever come through.

  29. The JCrew website seems to be up and running again. :)

  30. Yes, another confirmation of the site being back up! Hurry up and order before it goes down again!

  31. J.Crew customers have every right to complain regarding all the issues with the *upgrade* is really pathetic that placing an order is such a *chancey* ordeal. I mean, come on...anytime an order is placed now, you simply *hope* for the best, and keep an eye on your credit card to make sure you don't get billed incorrectly. This is NOT the way a business is supposed to operate!!! I think we have become so accustomed to all the screwups and issues that we lose sight of the fact that THIS IS NOT NORMAL! Yes, there are actually successful orders being placed, but I have not been one of them...not since the end of June when the upgrade took place. EVERY SINGLE ORDER I placed was messed up, shortshipped, overbilled, or cancelled, and to me this is just not acceptable. J.Crew customer service was awesome in the response to my fiasco situation, but I must say the whole ordeal has left me *dreading* to place another online order. I miss the *pre-upgrade* days when everything was simple and ran smoothly. I LOVE J.CREW and I want the old website back!!!

  32. Speaking of items (and websites) running away, does anyone know where that truly great suit went from the men's section? The grey slim fit one with the functional jacket cuffs? The one I was about to purchase? It's the same as the Italian slim suit (even in cost) but it's not there any longer. I'm a little weepy, I can't lie.

  33. nils: when did you last see it on the website?

  34. Nothing new in final sale. Poop. :(

  35. Their "procedures" regarding editing an order is part of the new improved system upgrade(cough), the CS can only do what the system allows them to do, there is probably no edit function for the CS to use, so they have no choice but to cancel the order.

  36. I was having the same issue at around 1:30pm. Now the site seems to be back, but very slow. Anyway, OT, my local store (Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD, 301-365-2000) is having extra 40% off final sale. I visited the store yesterday, and they had tons of Ecole jackets (wool ones for $129), cord pencil skirts in honey glaze and cement, $49), several Belle skirts (Rhubarb and ocean blue), quite a few Marcella blouse (orange color $49, the other colors like red and moss $69, and the ivory one is not on sale), lots of tees, too. Thanks for a tip I learned from this site, I called CS this morning to see whether they would match the 40% off, and they did. But the CS rep told me that the item I ordered is very low in inventory, so it's possible the order may get cancelled. Well, I told her that has happened to me before. We'll see.

  37. i just placed an order! hope i get everything. :)

  38. OT - I remember an aficionada looking for the merino flower cardiagn in plum. I saw all sizes from XS-L at the san francisco center store on market street. cheers!

  39. I have JC number and my b&m's number on my cell phone. :) I got tired of looking them up online every time I needed to call.

  40. Hi, if anyone sees the womens cashmere classic crewneck cardigan in heather plum size large (item #97072) at a store please let me know. I would have to call the US from overseas so can't make a ton of calls looking for it:) Cheers:) Thanks too:)

  41. Oh grrr! In the past two months I have ordered three times from J.Crew. In two orders they "forgot" to ship all the items for which I was billed. In one order, one item got cancelled, even though it keeps showin up on the site as being available.

    When did the website changeover happen, July? For there still to be so many problems is ridiculous.

  42. FFM: Well said, I too want the old site back! :(

  43. Nils: That suit is available in store. It's supposed to be the "in store" alternative to the online exclusive Italian Slim. They took it down because of complications along with the Italian Slim, since that suit is on back order. At least, that's what I'm lead to believe. The good news for you, your suit if still available at most stores. Myself though, I'm on back order for the Italian Slim. I already own a herringbone suit.

  44. lbh: the website changeover took place on June 28th.

  45. wow ffm, so we're three months in ... that's just absurd. I'd be interested to know how much it has cost J.Crew to have it messed up for so long. They're certainly going to be in trouble if it isn't fixed by holiday ordering time.

    I think I've bought more j.crew off ebay in the past two months than the store/website :-)

  46. I placed three orders today, two over the web & one over the phone. All three orders are visible when I check the order status at the website but I failed to receive email confirmations. The phone orders generally take a day to receive but the internet confirmations are usually within a few hours at most.

    Alexis: let's have a "One Year Anniversary" post on the anniversary of the website upgrade. Everyone can re-post all their internet woes from the past year. (LOL) Maybe Micky Mouse, oops I mean Mickey Drexler, will grace your blog with a personal post. (LOL) Better yet, maybe JCrew could offer an anniversary coupon like they do for the one year anniversary of their B&M's.

  47. tigs: I have placed web orders in the last two weeks and I only received my confirmations 12-24 hrs after I placed the order. Today I received it within 1 hr, however the order was placed at 5:30 am.

  48. tigs: I think that's a great idea! :) Gosh, I really hope all these issues are a distant memory by then!

  49. Hey! has anybody else noticed that J crew is selling some of last year items (sale section) for much more than they cost last year?

  50. casual-crew: how strange! Maybe the part of the system that issues the emails was running when you placed your order, & not running when I placed mine later in the a.m.? Who knows - I'm not a computer/software guru so one can only wonder. Just as bizarre as the random timing of the emails they distribute to customers.

    Anonymous @559: Yes I did and buyer beware! You have to remember they changed sizing since last year. If you buy something FS from last year, I'm sure you could return it using the sizing change as a reason.

  51. I ordered today at around 11am EST, 20 minutes before the site went down. I bought two shirts for 15.99 each + 15% student discount. But I didn't get a "Thanks for your order" email....

    and in my account's order status, it said "released" but the two items are still "open"...

  52. the PEEKABOO code works on all items!

  53. How did you apply the extra 15% student discount? Did you so by phone, or e-mail?

  54. FabulousFloridaMommy & Jeff: Thank you both for your feedback. I last saw it three days ago, but if I can find it in the stores, then cha-ching, I just found my fall suit! I will check with our friendly customer service folks.

  55. OT: I just received my latest order from my UPS man. Among other things, I got the grosgrain city-tee cardi. I have to say, I'm not quite sure what to think of it. I love the look and the feel of it, but oh my gosh, the buttons are SO hard to undo and button back up. Right now my thumbs are throbbing! Does anyone else have this cardi and have the same issue? It is very comfy and cute, but if it's going to hurt my thumbs every time I put it on and take if off, then I don't know...

    Also, does anyone have the Merino Lady Jacket? I'm thinking of getting it for my mom for Christmas while the 20% off sale is on--any thoughts?

  56. appgal - I have the merino lady jacket in charcoal. I haven't worn it out yet as we've only had our first 2 days of 60-something degree weather, but I'm certainly looking forward to wearing it. It fits true to size and has a nice close drape, but not too tight. I'll probably wear it with a silk or other bright colored cami.

    Also, I am totally with you on the city tee cardi. I seriously could not handle the buttons myself in the dressing room. They are way too tight! It is cute though. I'm faithfully wearing all my Jackie cardigans right now and plan to switch over to cashmere/dream if the thermometer hovers around 60. The buttons are much easier to handle. But I'd keep at it if you really like the city tee cardi. You can eventually stretch the buttonholes, maybe even by hand with a thicker pen or something.

  57. Nils: On a further note, I didn't think the suit was as slim as advertised though. I tried it on & the sizing was definitely looser than expected, but of you'll get teh chance to check it out yourself.

  58. appgal @625: I tried this on in the store & yes I had problems with the buttons. The bottom two, in the thickest part of the sweater at the waistband, I could not undo at all. I just put it on over my head. It's cute & comfy but I didn't want to pay full price due to the button issue. Plus I felt like it might shrink. I didn't size-up because I didn't have the patience to deal with the buttons. I had problems with the buttons on the Paige jacket too. I think the buttons are too thick for the holes. I should've mentioned this fact yesterday but forgot about it until I read your post.

  59. Irene & Jeff: You can email your order # to from your student/educator's email account and they will credit the discount back to you. I emailed them to see if they would combine free shipping and the student discount and they said "yes"....I'm not sure about the sale discount and student discount.

  60. Regarding the city-tee cardi, if you stretch out the holes than you can't really wear it unbuttoned, right? The way I'm thinking, due to the type of fabric, the holes would look 'stretched' out of shape. Alot of work for a full price item. I bet this will end up in FS sooner than later. I wonder if JCrew changed factories, & if this is going to be an issue with upcoming items?

  61. 3-Penny Princess: Thanks for the info on the Lady jacket. The heather charcoal was the color I was looking at too (my mother's wardrobe is 90% black, so this color will be similar but a nice departure I think). I hope it works on her! Does the jacket have enough room in the bustular area? :)

    3PP & Tigs: Glad you both had the same experience with the buttons. I felt like I was about to break them off accidentally when I was getting it on and off. It's SO cute though--I may stick it out for a while to see if I can get the button holes to loosen up a bit.

  62. Totally OT, but what do you guys think of the cashmere academy sweater? I know the price is outrageous, but what's your opinion on the style/color, etc.?

  63. Tigs: The suggestion of a "one year anniversary of the website downgrade/upgrade" post is a fantastic one! I am hoping that the troubles with the website will be a distant memory by then. ;)

  64. lauren h and jeff: I emailed them. You can combine the extra20 with the student discount!

  65. If we're doing one-year anniversary themed posts, I'll throw in a vote for "what awesome items did you get from Fall 2007"

    My list would include the herringbone bella jackets, adrian skirts, anything the color azalea, dream sweaters....

  66. appgal - I just tried the merino lady jacket on again over a cashmere sweater and a padded bra. I buttoned it completely just to see the closest fit. It still fit fine. It hangs exactly straight down and ends just past my hip, but I'm petite and I have the x-small. The x-small might fit a little shorter on someone who isn't petite. It's definitely not too tight as it doesn't contour to my body like a sweater. But for someone with a medium sized bust, it would show just the right amount of curve at the bustline while still draping like a knit jacket.

    It's darned warm, I can tell you that! I'll probably wear it as outerwear with a cashmere sweater when it gets chilly, but the nice thing is that I can also wear it inside over a cami.

    The color is definitely a dark charcoal, so a fan of black clothing will like it. I personally almost never wear black because I'm pale and have light-medium brown hair, so I find charcoal a better substitute for my coloring. The jacket would really make a yellow/orange/red/magenta cami or shirt pop.

    As far as the button stretching on the city tee cardi, I don't think you'll completely ruin the sweater if you just do a little hand stretching. You just need to loosen up the holes enough, not make them much bigger. I think a thicker pen or something similar would work. Or, if you have very thin manicure scissors, you could always just open and close the scissors into the buttonhole ends for a bit to stretch them out. I do that sometimes and it doesn't tear the fabric. It's really the ends that need stretching the most.

    Good luck!

  67. This is off topic but I don't know where else to post it... I keep seeing references to a sizing change that happened this past year? Can someone explain this and update me? I'm really curious as to what happened and I don't know how I don't know what everyone is talking about considering 90% of my wardrobe is jcrew.

  68. At this point Alexis, thanks to your blog, I'm not so concerned about the web anymore. I have missed out on great deals at the B&M because I used to only shop the website. I mean I 'care' but I don't feel like it's such a catastrophic event.

  69. A little OT: FFM, can you create a Polyvore for the Metallic Giraffe Day Coat that a few of us have ordered? I'd love to see it dressed up AND dressed down if at all possible. Thanks in advance!! Your selections are always awesome...I wish I were as creative as you!!

  70. this is really OT...but has anyone been watching the show priveliged on the cw (tues)?? it's like a j crew fashion show!! i've never noticed a show be so dedicated to one clothing store. there have only been 3 episodes, but i have seen the seahorse necklace, the kayla blouse in bright pink, the stardust sequin cardi, and the printed ruffle shift in moss :) it's a really cute show and i love looking for different j crew pieces haha!

  71. Hi everyone,

    This seems to be a good thread to ask sweater-related questions, so here goes...

    Has anyone tried the "Cashmere cupcake cardigan #93396"? I'm a petite & usually buy the small in regular sizing. The Jackie seems to fit pretty well (tiny bit tight in the bust - incentive to stop eating carbs I guess). Also, is it one of those loose / sheer weaves or something more opaque? It's a little hard to judge the fabric from the online photos. Lastly, can anyone tell if it's intended to be worn over tees & blouses or something more close fitting like a cami? I'm a wee bit worried that the cotton-lawn "icing" will look a little old on me or require white blouses to work. Any help would be appreciated.

    Oh & like an earlier poster, I'm also interested to learn about the Cashmere academy cardigan #97823. I admit that $400 is a little too rich for my blood. However, I'm happy to wait & see if it ever shows up on FS.

    As for the "be back soon" notes... they do seem to be related to both the upgrade & increased demands on the site (such as the 20% sale). I agree with Alexis & FFM that a certain degree of professionalism is a reasonable expectation. We recently upgraded our student database (14,000+ currently enrolled & data for several thousand alums) on our campus. I know that they planned it out at least a year in advance & it went very smoothly all things considered. Then again, I guess jcrew doesn't have to worry about students with placards camped out under the office windows.

    I also agree that things have improved to some degree. Although I'm still seeing items appear, get canceled & reappear on the site.The most recent being the Cashmere shrunken shawl cardigan #91473. It is frustrating unless you'd like to look at it like a "wack-a-sweater" arcade game. On the plus side, most CS's will try to accommodate & get you something similar with free shipping if you explain the trouble. I've found most of them are eager to help once you acknowledge that the online / inventory problems aren't their fault & sincerely ask for help.

    When in these situations I've found it's best to emulate alexis & be hopeful that things will improve. If you see a glass as half full, you'll always have something to drink... Or you might end up with a calorie-free cupcake :}

    Cheers everyone,


  72. anyone noticed that local stores sell velvet École Jackets in a brown or oatmeal type of color? It is definitely not the olive color. I wonder if it is a store only color. Do you know what the color is called?

  73. OT - I wish I could post a poll on this. What is your favorite fabric for coats: wool-cashmere, stadium cloth, heavy wool pique or double cloth? Or one I missed? Thank you so much!

  74. Lindsay - I am enjoyig that about Privileged too. Megan also always carries the little wicker clutch with the patent top too! I think I counted 5 J Crew items in Tuesday's episode

  75. Another TV show that showed JC this week was "Lipstick Jungle". Victory Ford, the designer character, was wearing the pink/orange cashmere martine cardi. I said to my husband, "That's J.Crew". He wanted to know how I knew that....hmmmm.....maybe 'cause there's one in grey/lime sitting in my closet that he doesn't know about???? LOL!!

  76. I love privileged for the Jcrew fashions! The show has been awesome for showing how the Jcrew clothes from the summer collection translate to real life wear. So far I've seen the kaylie blouse, a cashmere cardigan, the martine cardigan in hot pink/orange, the wicker clutch, the kaylie blouse...I love it all :-) Hopefully they will showcase some of the newer fall fashions soon!

  77. Anyone like the Cashmere Femme Sweater? I think it is so pretty in the royal violet. I like the shape of the sweater but I've never tried it on.

  78. I need a little help if someone could offer. I wore my Lulu flats out today for the first time, and I unfortunately didn't think before I walked through the grass and got little dew drops onto the leather. And then later in the day, I accidently rubbed the sole of one shoe against the other and scuffed it, too. :( I'm so upset! Now, there are a few lighter yellow colored spots from the water, and the scuff mark on the shoe. Does anyone have any ideas for what I could do to make them look new again?

  79. ooh and megan on privileged looked absolutely smashing in the stardust sequin cardigan, and in the pintucked cardigan, two pieces I kind of dismissed as being a bit out there for me!

  80. Lauren h and David...Thank you so much for the tip on how to use the teacher discount. I will definitely try it. I'm going to ck out my local store tomorrow for the 40% discount. Shipping is really expensive with JCrew. Yes, I have also noticed that a 'sold-out' item reappears. I ordered 2 of the ruffled neck cashmere sweaters. My order was cancelled...items sold out and CS told me they would not be reordered. There they were the following day on the website. I ordered them again and was able to get 1 of the 2. Let's hope JCrew gets their act together soon. No matter...I love their 'stuff'. Irene

  81. 3PP: Thank you so much for the information!! I went ahead and bought the jacket. It sounds like it'll be perfect :) And as far as the cardi goes, I've tried it on a couple times since I got it, and it seems that the button holes are loosening up each time. Great idea about the manicure scissors...I'll try that tonight.

    Irene: Up until a few weeks ago, I had no problems emailing from my school address asking for the educator's discount. Then I got an email stating that they couldn't combine any discounts (which isn't true!) and since then it's been a fight every time. If they tell you no, you just have to keep asking! It's not fair for them to be so inconsistent, and eventually you should get it, regardless! Good luck!

  82. Re: anonymous at 8:09, I am an associate and I'm pretty sure that color is called pony brown. It is probably a retail-only color. In my store it is currently marked down.

  83. This is totally OT, but I just sat down to watch the Office from last night, and what do you know, in the very first scene, Pam is wearing the Jackie Cardi in Regal Purple!!! She is also wearing a navy skirt which may or may not be J. Crew. Anyway, just thought fellow Office fans would like to know. Man, am I ever a DORK!

  84. David: Thanks. I won't be applying it to a new order though. I'm applying it to my back-ordered Italian Slim suit. Now it's an extra $60 in savings on top of the 30% off I received. :D Thanks again.

  85. I have actually stopped ordering from the website because of all the problems I have had and the lack of stackable codes. I go to the b&m, and the prices are MUCH better plus no hassle. The only time I order off the web anymore is if there's a sale item they don't have in the store.

  86. Michelle: Eh, there's always going to be advantages & disadvantages when ordering online. The problem with purchasing in store is . . . well actually the complete opposite of what you said. The prices. Many items will go on sale sooner online than in store. The other problem would be the limited inventory, but that's about it.

    No, I won't consider traveling there a problem since I enjoy running around.

  87. ashley: you are not a dork! I noticed it, too! I love the office!

  88. sizes!

    Hey, what's happening with the sizing? My 28 jeans from last year fit the same way the 27s do now. The size 0 favorite-fit khakis fit looser than last year's 2s.

    The new corduroy jacket "peplum" fits looser in a 2 than the size 6 Charlie did last year.

    What happens to the truly small people out there?

    Are they getting upset that there's nothing to wear? I mean, I'm short but by no means skinny and I'm taking the smallest sizes in quite a few things.

  89. I know this is going to be off topic, but I just happened to come buy this beautiful Cherbourg Coat in yellow on eBay. I have a feeling someone would love to own it.

  90. In fact, the seller has many J.Crew items on sale. Mostly sold out items, so if you're itching for something that's no longer available, check this seller out!

  91. fidele: I've noticed this, too! Except, I had a baby in the last year, so I thought maybe I was just smaller than before the baby!! haha j/k! You are right, pants expecially are running bigger - and longer!! My sister is 5'1" and doesn't even consider most of J.Crew's clothes because they are all too big (with the exception of tee-shirts and some tops).
    Personally, I LOVE wearing a size smaller than I used to, with it still being a little loose! (even though I know it's total crap!) But I guess that's why they do it, right? Would I love my matchstick cords as much in a size or 2 up? hmmm?

  92. oh, I too think JCrew's sizes have changed! The CS people I spoke with assured me that this was not the case, but I recentely bought a bunch of tees in XS and S(perfect scoop neck, some graphic tees), and all my old JCrew stuff from a few years back were M.

    I actually had to return the perfect scoop tees in S because they were too big even though I double checked what JCrew's measurements are for S specifically. Got the XS and they fit perfectly. not sure what I'll do if they keep sizing "down"

  93. anonymou at 9:37 PM: Thank you for letting me know the name of the color!

  94. no jeff Michelle is accurate, the stores are putting the sales on sooner than on-line, just read this blog, there have been many posts discussing this.

  95. heather:d- i have the cashmere cupcake cardigan, and i love it! it's so soft like the other cashmere sweaters. i think it's fairly lightweight, but warm. the fabric is not not sheer at all. the "icing" is very subtle, although it is a very ivory color, so i didn't think a white shirt looked right under it. i think the champagne colored tees or camis would work very well. i usually wear an xs in jcrew sweaters, but i think this one only came in small, so that's what i got and it's great. the only weird thing is the pockets- they aren't "in" the sweater, they're like little squares attached on the inside with thread, so they separate from the body of the sweater. make sense? it's not a big thing, i'm just not sure why they made it that way. i really like the "icing," i don't think it looks old at all- i'm 29, btw. HTH!

  96. Jeff: The prices are definitely better in stores. Just take the current sale for example: extra 20% online v. extra 40% in stores. in addition, I have seen and purchased many items on sale in stores that are still full price online. In fact I even did that this weekend. Stores also have a better selection of colors (they offer colors that are not offered online). Plus since all sales are now final sales, I just don't like taking the chance ordering online. The prices are not worth it. I feel like J.Crew might be doing this on purpose to encourage those who CAN go to b&m's to do so. I think they want to keep web ordering to those who MUST because no b&m is close by. That keeps web traffic down and gives them time to alleviate their "issues."

  97. Another example of what I'm talking about: the Belle skirts are $39.99 less 20% online, but I saw them for $19.99 less 40% in stores, and the chiffon rosette belts are still full price online, but I just bought two for $6 each at the store. I also got a buttercup Belle on sale in the store and it's still full price online. Also, one of the SA's told me that cashmere is on "secret sale" in the store only. I feel bad for those who can't get to a b&m :(

  98. I hope JCrew works out its kinks on the website soon...three months is too long in any book.

    I will be on holiday with my family for the next 2 weeks and hope to come back to great new fall/winter stuff and a website functioning as before.

  99. They updated the sale section!

  100. Ashley - Pam started wearing jackie cardigans on "THe Office" last season (I'm so glad other people noticed too!). I made a game of counting how many different colors she owned when I re-watched the episodes....I believe she owns Jackies in 7 different colors. My husband thinks I'm crazy....

  101. Update on the velvet bella: There are 10 size P0 in black available 5 mins ago. If you need one, there's a good chance you may actually get it. Good luck!

  102. Sorry, forgot to add I got that info from CS. The website is not accurate at all.

  103. Kristin: I think that is a great poll suggestion that I actually created one. You can find it on the main page, the right side, under "Policies/Discounts". :)

  104. I just got an email drawing my attention to an extra 20% off J.Crew purchases in store and online... I know the online code has been established, but I thought it was 40% in store? Sorry if this was already discussed before - I admit I haven't read every single comment in the thread =)

  105. michelle: I'm not sure if it's just the store in your certain area & in other people's certain areas, but the stores in NY are always low on stock & boast higher prices compared to online sales.

  106. jeff: "Just your store" c'mon read the comments, 40% in the store, 20% on-line, now which is cheaper the store or on-line?

  107. Lol, this is pathetic. Having this "Anon" running around opposing your every comment. I don't even need to explain this. Was my comment in anyway offensive? No. Please Anon, back to High School you go yeah?

  108. vivian: Does that mean that you got another bella? :) If they had had one in my size this morning, I would have ordered one.

  109. math teacher: No, I didn't get another Bella. Wish they have my size. Petite 0 is too small. I find the velvet Bella to be more fitted than the herringbone, and I can even take one size bigger, especially if I'm layering with a sweater.

    Have you had any luck with the Bella on ebay?

  110. vivian: I've checked ebay a couple of times, but haven't gone through with the purchase. I wish I had tried it on last year when I saw it in my store. Maybe they'll get more in. It's so strange that they've suddenly shown back up online.

  111. jeff: It's not just Michelle's store. My store is showing the same prices Michelle listed (along with the 40% off vs. the online 20%). I know this is also the case for many of the stores around the country. Maybe your store is the exception.

  112. math teacher: I hope they'll bring in more Bellas but it sounds like these are leftovers from last fall. Which is also strange considering it was "sold out" last fall.

    This time, the description of the Bella on the website states: "Catalog/J.Crew Online only." So it probably won't show in the stores.

    Have you worn your argyle vest yet?

  113. vivian: I was going to wear my vest today, and it warmed up. 86 is just too warm for cashmere. We're suppose to be in the 70's again by the end of the week, so maybe then.

  114. Hi again,

    Well, I'm glad I re-check threads...

    Thanks for much for the helpful description Melissa. I'm seriously considering buying the cupcake cardi now. Also thanks to Michelle's tip, maybe I can get it with the secret cashmere discount.

    I had planned on resisting the urge to drive over to my local B&M. Guess I just can't resist. Oh well, I always say, "Everyone's allowed one sin other than their significant other". I used to say that mine was sloth & hubby's was gluttony. I guess if I'm willing to hustle for a sweater or two I can change mine to jcrew.

    Happy hunting everyone!


  115. Ok- does anyone else have trouble with not getting every thing they ordered. Not only are you missing items- on the receipt it shows that you were charged for the item that is missing... CUSTOMER SERVICE???
    Then the item sells out?


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And now back to J.Crew! :)