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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Enjoy 30% Off J.Crew's Sale... Not Really

Dear J.Crew what are you doing to me? I have to say, J.Crew is turning into that family member that you love so very much but can be really annoyed by at times. ;)
As mentioned in the "Enjoy 30% off Final Sale & A Free Shipping Code!" post, J.Crew was offering 30% off their Final Sale (as shown in the image above). Many Aficionadas (and Aficionados) mentioned they were not able to use the code while others were able to. Well gigiofca in the same post let us know what is going on ("thanks!" goes to gigiofca who let us know about this!):

I talked to CS at approx 11:45p PST on 8/2 and was told that the exra 30 was a glitch in the computer system. Apparently they didn't mean to offer that, according to her. I asked if the CS reps had been given a projected date of when the Internet issues would be fixed and she said no. Funny. Not. I feel for them. Call center work can be difficult enough, without these issues.

If you go to J.Crew's sale page today, you will notice the offer for 30% off has been removed and replaced with the image shown below.
How do you feel about this glitch? Do you think they should still honor the 30% off?

Update: "Thanks!" to Aly who shared with us in this post the following response from J.Crew: "CSR told me there was a glitch in the system, meaning the additional 30% is being offered but you have to call in your order in order to receive the discount." I am happy to hear that J.Crew will honor the promotional offer. :)


  1. Not sure what's going on...its 8:33am and I still see the 30% off page? How could they accidently put that on their web page? Just doesn't add up?

  2. Um, I know that Mickey Drexler has been calling people and that the company apologized (and sort of semi-retracted their admission of responsibility, but...whatever) but this is truly the most screwed up commercial website I've ever seen. Does anyone know if any other long-standing, reputable business has had such a disastrous website upgrade? Is there even a precedent for it? I can't imagine. A two-day 30% off "glitch?" What does that mean? That the items I purchased yesterday are an illusion? That I won't get them, or that the 30% won't be honored? That's just crazy.

  3. Anonymous at 8:34AM: That is weird! When I click on their main sale page now, I don't see the 30% off image anymore- I still see the "final sale long live summer..." image.

    Mary: This is a very poorly run system upgrade. I agree with you that it is a disaster. :(

    I also believe the sale was a glitch because there was no "end date" for the sale. Usually J.Crew states when it ends, and yesterday they never mentioned the "end date" on the sale page. I must say- I am a bit confused as to what is going on.

  4. i was able to use the 30% off on two orders, so i hope they honor that! otherwise would not have ordered at all...

  5. I just tried the EXTRA30 code and it doesn't work (at least for me) anymore. Going to try the AGR code, will report back shortly.

  6. Melissa: I hope they do honor the discount on your orders. :)

    Mary: I am sorry to hear that the 30% off code didn't work for you. Maybe they will still honor it if you call in the order. :)

  7. The SHIP-2389 is still working on any amount. EXTRA30, strangely enough, is accepted as a code, but no money is deducted from the final balance. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  8. My webpage still shows the Extra 30% off, so I called to place an order for a Metallic Gold belt. The rep said they don't show the 30% and haven't been told to honor it...she spoke to a manager who agreed to honor it but not my educator along with the time all of this took place and she took my payment info, the belt was sold out...what a load of BS...just solidifies my fear and frustration of ordering from the website. :( At least I got all those orders delivered yesterday.

  9. How is your move going, Alexis?

  10. My sale page still states 30% off, but it won't accept the code when I tried a mock checkout. I honestly can't believe/understand how this company let their website get so SCREWED UP!

    MJ in VA

  11. Hmmmm I used the 30% off yesterday. I hope my order doesn't get cancelled. On order status it is showing "released." I bought two things I had been waiting on a further reduction to get.

  12. I get "released" on my order, too. You know, I really don't want to talk to Mickey Drexler or his assistant Brittany. I just want to snag my bargains and go about my business!

  13. I just looked, and my sale page still shows the extra 30%. I think that if the website displays it, that we should be able to get it. You know, if they mismark something in the store, they honor the price. Shouldn't this be the same? While it may not be their "fault" that the screen is up, it isn't the customer's "fault" either. If they want to keep customers, they need to honor it, IMO.

  14. Mary: Thanks for letting us knwo that EXTRA30 didn't work by SHIP-2389 did. :)

    I also hear you about just wanting to purchase your items and then go about your day- not having to check the status of your order to see if there still is an order. :)

    Thanks for asking about my move yesterday! :) It was exhausting. We decided to move the furniture ourselves. We ended up just dumping most of it in the garage of the new house to be sorted out later. ;) Unfortunately, we still have one more move in a month or two- which I am not looking forward to. :)

    FFM & MJ & Math Teacher: Again, weird that the sale page is show ing 30% off for you all and not for me. I wonder if it has something to do with saved cookies (on the computer) or not.

    FFM: Sorry to hear about the belt being sold out- that is frustrating! :(

    Pink1: I hope you get your order too! :)

  15. I really don't understand how a company worth millions...if not billions...can screw up a website upgrade so badly. I think I would have preferred them to shut down the website completely for a week to get things right and to reduce the number of "glitches" that most of us have experienced with our online orders. I can appreciate the fact that Mr. Drexler has apologized for this enormous error, however, I just want to be able to order clothes without having to worry about all of these miscellaneous "glitches."

  16. Erika: Your post is spot on! I too am baffled at how a company like J.Crew is experiencing such major difficulties. I couldn't agree more with your last line: I just want to shop without any worries. :)

  17. Oh my god, you moved your own furniture! You must be exhausted. I wish you the best of luck in your new place!

  18. Morning, ladies! I have placed an on-line order yesterday, and
    extra30 code worked. JC card seems to be charged right ( deductions applied), so we'll see what happens. Shipping is still outrageous, but I wantedmetallic clutch Blumre was raving about so badly, I went for it. I also got Penelope flats in golden metallic
    yesterday from red phone. Hope to receive them soon.
    J cre websit etakes ages to load currently. Anyone else noticed?

  19. I don't know if it was smooth, but Mr. Drexler's recent real estate transaction surely went through. How would he have liked it if he got a call saying they made a mistake on the sale price? Or that they lost the escrow paperwork. Or that his loan actually was *not* approved and not only that, but now they didn't know if the house was still for sale.

    I can't believe the discrepancy with everyone's sale pages. My J Crew sale page says Final Sale...long live website issues. Just kidding. It says long live summer. At any rate, I am convinced that their system is slowing down my Internet overall. Some of my sessions completely drop out or I keep having to reboot because my system gets stuck.

  20. Alexis, congrats on surviving the move! I can ony imagine how exhausting it might have been for you. We moved 4 years ago and I vouched that I will NEVER EVER will partake in moving again. I don't care what money my husband pays, movers will have to do it in a future. (I had a one year old babe on my hands at the time of process, so that did not help either). At any rate, great job keeping this blog going, it's such a fun place to be at. I check it 1st thing I get to my computer ( notice, not J crew website).Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

  21. Alexis & Slastena: I also come here first in the AM! Great job! Good luck with the next move - I honestly can't even help move most our furnitute - we bought a lot from Amish country in Ohio and that stuff is heavy!!

  22. I think I have just come to expect the website to not work. I am not even phased by this glitch. I wasn't even tempted to order yesterday (mostly because the items I want weren't there and I have enough of what is on sale). But yea, ordering online is so expensive compared to the store why should I bother when I have 3 stores within two miles of my house (under 20 minutes via subway). I guess it's pretty sad to know that I have come to expect the website to not work.

  23. Alexis, moving is rough. We just moved into our new house in February. We did it all alone and it took several days. Luckily we didn't move appliances, those were delivered from the store.

    This whole website thing is crazy. I called about my three orders, two from July 1 and one from Friday of this past week. (I had to order the new cotton cricket sweater, I'm sure it will sell out as it's in the look book.) Anyway the gal of the phone was very good and everything is ready to ship, and she's going to email the tracking numbers. Blah blah blah still no email today so I might call and ask where those numbers are. I'm just not sure I want to get 'phone ear' waiting.

  24. haha- Jcrew guy: I love that you actually have a medical condition because of jcrew and you made a name for it. I know all about "phone ear" its a horrible affliction!

  25. I just got off the phone checking on my orders. It's becoming a regular ritual for me, coffee and then calling to ask when will items ship.

    Sunday morning is the time to call. It only took three minutes to get through to someone and yes my items are listed as 'open' and should ship by tomorrow. (Part of me doesn't believe that they will ever arrive and I'll end up wearing stuff I don't like.)

    Say a little prayer for me and maybe my stuff will finally arrive.

  26. And sorry for saying 'stuff' so many times.

  27. yeah, I had my shopping bag full and next thing I know the sale was no longer... I always wait until the last minute to see what else comes avaiable. J Crew and I have been on the outs for a while and this did not help our relationship!

  28. The website still says 30% for me. Glad I did my ordering yesterday. I have one small store about 10 minutes and a larger one about 45 minutes - Blumre I couldn't imagine living that close to three stores - I would go crazy.

    I have my fingers crossed that all will receive these orders at the 30% off discount.

  29. Mary & JCrew Guy in Canada & JCrewBug & Slastena: Thanks for the nice words of support about the move. I won't lie, I am a wee bit exhausted still. We will definitely be using movers for furniture from now on. ;) (Just one more move left and we are all set!)

    Polos & Pearls: I hate it when items disappear from the shopping cart! :(

    JCrew Guy in Canada: I am hoping you get your items soon! :) I think its awful that you have made it a ritual to check on your orders- that shouldn't happen with such a reputable firm like J.Crew. P.S. I agree with Blumre, "phone ear" is a great term!

    JCrewBug: Hopefully J.Crew will honor the discount for your orders, especially if you are still seeing the 30% on their website.

    Blumre: I know what you mean about the website. Normally a free shipping code with no minimum means I would be shopping up a storm, but now, I am just super catious.

    Slastena: I don't know how you manage to move with a baby to take care of- super impressive!!! I also hope your order yesterday goes smoothly! Can't wait to hear how you like the Penelope flats. Also, thanks for the nice words about this blog. :)

    gigiofca: In a way I am happy to hear that you are seeing the same final page that I am- for a second I was feeling like I was the only one with out the 30% off promo. :) I am sorry to hear that you have been dropped out of session on the net- that is awful. :(

  30. OMG...i still just don't quite understand HOW this website got so royally screwed up. BUT WHY the heck it is taking so long to fix? i mean, come on...there has to be people who know how to fix this website...just hire them and have done with it. it's just a database of clothing items. fixing and figuring out the messed up orders is one thing...but what is the reason behind the website STILL being so bad??? It is all fixable so why isn't it getting fixed??

  31. Alexis: congrats on surviving the move...that's major. moving is so not fun. we did it with a 2 year old a couple of years ago...we had to hire movers and it was still very traumatic...we had stuff still in boxes for months! :)

    i also used to check the jcrew website 1st thing in the morn. but now it's this blog :). i usually have a couple of blog tabs open on my browser and a polyvore one now!! such fun! thank you :) :)

  32. oh, and by the way...just checked the jcrew website and the %30 off is showing...go figure...did they add it back or do some people still not have it?

  33. I never had the 30% off show up, but the code did work when I put it in. I placed an order last night that I wouldn't have placed otherwise b/c I was waiting for a pair of $179.99 heels to get marked down more. I bought them for $125.99 with the discount. If they now try to change the prices after the fact, I am calling my cc company to deny the charge. That is breach of contract, b/c I purchased the items under the terms of 30% off.

  34. Okay I called J Crew just now over at Madison Ave and the CS told me the additional 40% of clearance promotion officially ended last night.

  35. webbysuzy: I thought they would go all weekend with that, kind of weird to end on a Sat night isn't it?

  36. I was able to get an order through yesteday. I ordered the cashmere t in heather peony for 55.99, the lightweight pleated cotton top in navy for 13.99, and the city fit surplus chinos in warm stone for 20.99.

    Has anyone seen the heather peony cashmere IRL? I would love to know just how pink/bright it is.

    Once you've agreed to a certain pricing, and received receipts...etc...they won't go back and overcharge you...I think they could get in trouble for that, as you did not authorize that amount.

  37. ccbmum - I also check this blog 1st thing. Have you refreshed your browser? I am not getting the 30% off page. In fact, I never saw that, but the code worked for me. Interestingly, when I ordered online yesterday it showed the net price after 30% in the price column, but promotions said $0.00 in the total.

    cass - I would be surprised if they go back and change the prices. If didn't print out your order while on their site, definitely print the order confirmation you received by email.

    sweetlily - I saw the heather peony but only online and I'm thinking that it's not as bright as some of the other colors. It seems a bit toned down, like a flushed pinky peach. I hope it works for you! If not, you can always come back and sell it here on swap day. ;-)

  38. Thanks gigiofca- I'm hoping you're right...that it's a mellower pink. I own a cashmere cardigan in the punch color (gorgeous on pale brunettes btw) and although it's super pretty, I have to be in the right mood when wearing it, as everybody acts like they've just consumed a triple shot of espresso when they see me in it. ;-)

  39. gigiofca: i had refreshed my browser and it was still there. but just now i deleted cookies, temp. internet files, etc. and now it's gone...oh well ;)

  40. The extra 30 is still showing up for me, but I haven't updated anything or removed any cookies. I still think if some people are seeing it, they have to honor it.

    slastena: let me know when you get the penelope flats. I want them (in metallic) but I am unwilling to pay 150 unless they go to waitlist.

  41. jcrewbug: I just called because I was curious if the 40% off was still on. The CS said no, so I guess J Crew stopped it because the sale section is pretty much depleted. If we need to find anything from the Summer collection, we're going to have to rely on the website.

  42. The 30% off did never show up on my screen starting last night. And it won't work eigher when I tried to use the EXTRA30 code. It won't complain or error out but just no deduction applied to the amount. I'm sad because the SHIP-2389 won't work as well because it seems work for standard shipping but not the one that I have to use which is 3 days shipping method. Frustrated!!

  43. ccbmum: Thanks for the congrats on the move and the nice words about this blog! :)

    Anon at 2:50 PM: There are a few codes to the upper right side of the main blog page. :)

  44. Math teacher:
    I tried them in stores,twice, over a period of last week. :) I just felt in love with the color, so deceided to get at full price ( minus ed. discount). I found them to be little bit on a tight side. I am M and 8. I was thinking to go 8 1/2 which was better width wise, but way too long lenght wise. SA said they will loosen up, not as much as mocs, but to some degree. I found the fit similar to Liv flats , if you ever tried those.Overall, I am taking a risk, but since it's not FS item and I got free shipping via red phone, it might be ok. Will see.

  45. Alexis: Congrats on your move! Moving with movers is exhausting, so I can't even begin to imagine what moving without them is like! I hope that you get settled in quickly.

    Slastena: I tried them on in a 1/2 size bigger and they felt great. I can rationalize spending that much money on a Coach purse, but not on anything else. Don't know why! :) After you wear them around for a while, let me know if you still love them.

  46. I wish the additional 30% was being offered. I really wanted to get the trouser jeans, but they're a little pricey for me. My internet has been out all weekend because the router in my apartment is kind of broken. Is the code still working for anyone?

  47. sorry, anon at 6:36pm was me. I pushed the enter key before I put in my name.

  48. the extra30 didn't work for me Sunday 7:30pm :(

  49. aly: Try your luck calling in. There is no wait time cause its Sunday and its always worth asking if they will honor it. Just say something like, "I see you are showing 30% off but I just can't seem to get the code to work."

  50. Webbysuzy: Thanks for letting us know that the 40% off in stores is over now.

    Math Teacher: Thanks for the congrats on the move. :)

    Aly/ Anon at 6:36 PM: I agree with JCrewbug's suggestion. Maybe you could call in the order for your trouser jean and explain that you would like the 30% off- they may be willing to honor it. :)

    Meg: Same suggestion as Aly- maybe if you call in an order and tell them that you would like 30% off, they might offer it to you. :)

  51. Alexis and Jcrewbug: Thanks for the suggestion! I just called in and they gave the additional 30% but wouldn't honor my student discount on top of that. I might email to ask about that because that seems a little weird to me. I've never been denied my student discount. I'm so excited. Hopefully, the jeans will not get lost in the system or the mail.

  52. By the way, the CSR told me there was a glitch in the system, meaning the additional 30% is being offered but you have to call in your order in order to receive the discount.

  53. I just got back from visiting the SF store. This store is cramped and unpleasant....they've packed it so full of merch, there's barely enough room to walk around. For that reason, I usually just get in, survey things, touch things, make some mental notes, and get out. Some thoughts:

    The Lucille Jacket is a beauty and a classic, although I don't understand why something so lux is adorned with cheapo plastic buttons. So many other new jackets in this price range got specialty buttons... The mustard color in the store lighting appeared to me to be a light heathery chartreuse. I can tell it would look great on a blond, but I'm a brunette, and not a chartreuse person. I am very eager to find out just how orange the orange one is.

    The Lucille is what I went to see, but I aso saw a tweedy jacket (name unknown) that was somewhat Bella-esque, and had a ruffle, button closure-it's not online yet.

    The velvet colors of the Ecole are gorgeous, but the jacket design is just dull to me....I'll be passing on this one sadly.

    Loved the dark forest green cords-so pretty, and a color I don't have.

    After that I had to get out of that cramped store to shop at J

    sweetlily (couldn't sign in for some reason)

  54. aly: I have to say that although their policies are inconsistent, their customer service is generally very good on the phone. They will do what they can to make you happy. I'm surprised they didn't honor your student discount.

    In the store is different, I figure you win some you loose some. For example, I was in the store the other day, bought a shirt that was 39.99 plus 40 off. Well when I pulled the shirt off the rack to try on the sales lady came over to say that it was 40 off and asked me if I was a student - I said yes - she said well then you get an addtional 10 % off. I said thanks, tried on the shirt, and went to check out. Well upon presenting my student card to the cashier she said she couldn't honor it with the 40% off discount too. And turned immediately to the manager and said "right?" The manager gave me a lecturing look and said "you are already getting 40% off" and turned away from me. I was insulted but didn't press the issue because I knew I would be back and maybe the next time I'll get it. I didn't want to get the saleslady in trouble. If she would have rung me out it would have been ok! So its frustrating, I know.

  55. What I'd prefer most right now is for final sale to be over. :) I hate final sale time! The option of not returning is such a drag.

  56. please excuse all my misspellings

  57. sweetlily: thanks for posting about the lucille jacket...i'm happy to know that it is in the SF store now because i want to check it out for myself...especially the color since i'm med. blond. i see what you're saying about the buttons...maybe they just want them to be subtle and blend in with the jacket, who knows, but like you said in another post they can easily be changed ;)

    the SF store is one of the smaller ones but on the plus side, they're a lux store so they carry the good (expensive) stuff to look at...good for when you're scoping things out for later when they go on sale online ;) the lucille is something that i'd really like to go look's probably the most expensive thing from jcrew that i'm thinking of paying full price for...i'm going to try to make it over there soon to check it out! :)

  58. I am watching tv (station is CW) right now. A few minutes ago there was an ad for a new show, and it looked like one of the actresses was wearing a J.Crew print cardigan (Trastavere--sp?). I could be wrong though.

  59. Aly: Happy to hear that they did give you 30% off. I also find it weird that they didn't give you the student discount. Hopefully that can be sorted out as well! :) Also, thanks for sharing with us with the CSR told you- I updated the post with that information.

    Sweetlilly: I didn't realize the buttons on the Lucille were cheap plastic- I will definitely take a closer look next time I am in the store.

    As the tweedy jacket with ruffles- do you think it was the Fiona? I am just curious if they have more than one tweedy jacket with ruffles (which I would LOVE because I love ruffles!) :)

    JCrewbug: I can't believe they didn't give you the student discount and 40% off! Seems a bit mean on that store manager's part. :(

    Melanie: I don't like "final sales" either. Even though I rarely return items (only if there is a true defect), I just don't like the concept of knowing I am "stuck" with an item. :)

    Mekiki: I see J.Crew everywhere too! I think it is great we can spot a J.Crew item on someone from a mile away. :)

  60. I suspected the 30% was a glitch because they never add great stuff like Jackie cardigans the same time as a extra % off. I noticed popular items like that might make FS but they will be removed when an extra % off is added, or they will be marked back up.
    Also, the 30% off ad never dispalyed for me on the site but I read about it and the code worked. I ordered 3 jackie cardis for $35 each yesterday. If they cancel my order I might cry lol, I've been patiently waiting to stock up on these.

  61. I have refreshed and removed cookies and the 30% off still appears. How can it appear for some and not for others? (Obviously, I am not a tech person. I understand very little about how computers work. :P)

  62. ccbmum-

    Yes the SF store has a lot of beautiful items....lots of cashmere, and the gorgeous Lucille. I wish I could see the mustard color in natual lighting....I might like it more. IMO, it will never look dated or 'so 2008' or's very timeless.

    Alexis, I didn't touch the buttons, but they did appear to be plastic. Not a deal breaker though-easy to change.

    I wish I knew my garment terminology better! I'll try to describe the other jacket. It wasn't had full length sleeves. They may have had ruffled edges right by the wrist area-I can't remember. There was a medium size ruffle that ran down the center from the top, and all the wall around the entire base of the jacket. No ruffle on the collar though. It was brand new, and there was a solid color one too...I think. I'm sure it will show up online at some point.

  63. I mean all the WAY around.......oops.

  64. Girliegirl: I saw those Jackie cardigans and love them! I hope you get all 3 too. :)

    Math Teacher: So weird! I don't understand how some of us see the 30% off while others do not.

    Sweetlily: Thanks for letting me know about the new ruffle jacket. That is super exciting- I can't wait to see it online and in stores soon. :)

  65. Ohhh I am excited about the mystery ruffle jacket too. After being dissapointed in the Ecole, I am still hoping jcrew comes out with a great Fall jacket.

  66. Well I think my credit card has had enough - I've made a lot of purchases this weekend and can't wait to get my packages.

    I was thinking a nice thread would be on our favorite find of the summer - we've had a lot of scavenger hunts going on with all the website craziness - what do you think? A "why you think you won the scavenger hunt" thread???

  67. Girliegirl: I know what you mean- excited about the mystery ruffle jacket! :)

    Jcrewbug: Excellent post idea! I will be sure to use it. :)

  68. Alexis: Thanks - but I won't be upset if you don't:) haha. I thought it might be a good way to talk about some positives that may have come out of this mess. I personally get very excited when I finally receive a long awaited and long sought after item:)

    I've placed my third order for a navy Kelly. Cross your fingers:)

  69. sweetlily - Do you remember when JCrew was in the other building where Nordstrom is? I swear that store was much bigger. I think Pleasanton is bigger than the one in SF. You are correct about the size of it.

    to all -- I just phoned in an order. I said I wanted to place an order but it wasn't going through online. She started to take my order and I knew 3 of the items were available -- at least according to the website. Then there other items, such as the Cashmere Bateau that showed as $69.99, but no size or color selections online. I had her check that and the Rapallo (sp) dress. It seemed that whatever I saw online is what she saw in her system. That is -- if I couldn't click on an item and see a size/color selection, she didn't see one either. So she saw the Bateau on sale, but there was no stock available. When she said anything else, I said no and mentioned the 30%. She said yes, some people were seeing that and she'd honor it for me. She didn't give me any grief. I was really thankful. We talked a bit more and I guess she was Santa because she also gave me free shipping. Of course I ended up buying something else because of it. I got the featherweight merino ruffle cardigan (90991) in Brilliant Blue and Orange, a Piper tank in Ivory 94163 (yes, FFM, I had to do it) and the favorite fit wool gab wide leg trouser (74025). I expect them all to be delicious.

    I agree that with previous comments in other threads that the free shipping and coupon codes definitely inspire many of us to spend more than we would have. I am now buoyed by my experience on the phone and am willing to purchase desired items at full price. Esp if I think they may sell out quickly.

  70. gigiofca: Wouldn't it be nice to somehow know which items were going to sell out? Our credit cards might not, but . . . :P And, congrats on your purchases and deals!

  71. gigiofca:Congrats! You're so lucky you got free shipping. I ordered 3 items and shipping was like $10. I'm going to try and get my student discount added on though because I've never been denied it. The ruffle cardigan looks so cute. Let us know what you think when you get them.

  72. gigiofca, sweetlily: i remember when the jcrew store was in the Nordstrom building...that one was bigger i think. i actually live near the Pleasanton, ca. one now and go there all the time :) it is much much bigger and much less crowded than the SF one. they have great CS too :)

  73. math teacher - Thanks! I hope I love them. Yeah, we can't really predict which items will sell out, unfortunately. I was in a b&m one day and there was a stack of them. One week later only 3 of them and it's been hot here. Makes me think I need to snap one up. Do the cashmere cardigans stay in stock? Better question -- do they go on sale?

    Aly - I am super lucky I got free shipping. I'll definitely post about the fit. I know I'll love the piper tank because I have it in the silver/gray color.

    ccbmum - Ok, I'm not loopy. The former SF store *was* bigger. And the Pleasanton store is bigger than SF. They are really, really nice in Pls. And the staff has been very young the times I've gone in, but very sophisticated. Go figure. In WC -- the service is definitely different overall.

  74. math teacher - Oh man, I'm becoming a post hog. But I had to say I admire your pursuit of library science. It must be very exciting with all of the new research tools and information available! No more Dewey Decimal on 3x5 cards. *lol*

  75. I ordered three Jackie cardigans with the 30% off yesterday. I hope I get them this time around. Last time, they cancelled the two academy cardigans.

    I loved the Andrea in the store but cant get myself to ordering is just too hot outside..and I keep hoping that they will bring out more colors of the Andrea - one in camel would be really nice.

  76. gigiofca, ccbmum,

    Yes-I enjoyed the original SF was at least 2 1/2 times as large as the current one. I understand that they wanted to be in the newer, 'cooler' part of the mall, but that space is just toooo small. I wish they could have gotten the space that BR got-that's a great space. I have some friends/coworkers that feel the same way, and complain about how unpleasant it is to shop there.

    I'm so sorry I didn't get the name of that jacket..... I'm hoping it will show up on the website soon.

  77. Has anyone seen the Orange Lucille in their store? I really don't want to order it on-line but it seems all the stores only got it in mustard.

  78. sally: i'll let you know if i see an orange lucille...did you say somewhere else that you changed your oder to the orange one? please post about the color...i'm curious about how the orange looks too:)

  79. I feel bad for complaining, but I feel like they shouldn't be letting us purchase things that end up being cancelled because they can't keep track of their stock. I really hope all our orders go through and J.Crew takes control of the situation better:)

  80. ccbmum: Thanks for your response. I ended up canceling the mustard one but when I tried to do a "we'll find it for you" for the orange one, they wouldn't since the item is in stock online. So I opted not to place the order since I am so put off by the current state of their system.

    If I do end up getting it though, I will definitely post a review.

  81. Mischa: I hear what you are saying. I love J.Crew too, and its weird to complain about them, but at the same time I feel like these issues with the website have been going on too long. In another post, ("J.Crew Student Discount: Temporarily 15% Off") Wendy P. mentioned that the issues might be resolved by the end of this week! I really hope that is true. :)

    Sally: Hopefully you will be able to get the Lucille in the orange version. I will definitely make a post of your review if you do get it. :)

  82. The 30% off deal was really weird. I checked out the web from work yesterday, 8/5, and still saw the 30% off extra. I went home and planned to make some purchase but didn't see the 30% promo anymore. This morning, 8/6, I checked the web again from work and, again, I saw the 30% off promo. I asked my sister to check from her work computer and she didn't see the 30%off, right when I saw it at work! Of course right now, at home, the 30% disappeared again! Don't know what kind of glitch is this!?! Too bad I didn't have time to make purchase from work!!!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)