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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

J.Crew Fall Look Book is {finally} HERE!

An enormous "thank you!" goes to Megan G. who was kind enough to share with us the entire J. Crew Fall Look Book. I am so excited by many of the new items (and not so excited by some). I don't know where to begin! :)

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

What items you are most looking forward to purchasing and which ones you are not going to? :) Are you planning to get a hard copy of the Look Book? Can you even get a copy of the Look Book?

P.S. Megan G. rocks!


  1. LOVE those pink flats with the oversized bow!

  2. I love the yellow trousers in wide leg. Oh I can't wait to see them in person!!! :)

    Again THANK YOU MEGAN!!! :)

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! It's great to finally see what's comin' out for fall!

    That said...I feel like I might get berated for not being overjoyed at the fall line, but I'm kind of disappointed. I'll be the first to admit, I'm pretty conservative when it comes to my wardrobe, but giant puffy jackets and half-sleeved coats (I think) look silly and aren't the least bit functional. The colors (pink quilting anyone?) just don't do it for me. And that image at the end of the brown overcoat thing is hideous. I'd never wear - um - pretty much anything in the whole look book. :(

    Except for the patent leather orange shoes with the wood heels. I would never have anywhere to wear those either, but they look pretty in the picture. Here's hoping the in-store and online selections will be a little more "classic."

  4. THANK YOU MEGAN!! you're awesome :) i love the sweater jackets...

  5. to be honest, i can see a lot of older (i.e. 50+) women wearing a lot of this new fall stuff. i wonder if they really are trying to go high end and older with jcrew so that we will start shopping more at madewell???

  6. RatsOnParade, I agree with you 100%! I hate to be a negative-nelly... but no, didn't see one thing I would buy/wear. The designs are definitely fashionable, but too wild for my conservative taste. I'll focus on the positive: all the money I will be saving this August ;o)

  7. Megan, THANK YOU! I was so looking forward to seeing the lookbook.

    I am kind of in agreement with ratsonparade - at first glace, I am sufficiently underwhelmed at the early fall offerings (which is *great* for my wallet!). I felt like I've seen most of it before (ie, last year's Maddy bags, Teuta heels, cabochon rings, etc) with the exception of some of the accessories. It's cool with me - perhaps I'll grab some accessories to go with my stuff from last year, and then save $$ for the September/October offerings (read: COATS!).

  8. I agree with a lot of other posters. Although the page 17 coat looked like something I would be interested in :o)

    I like J Crew because of classic looks that have a few fun pieces thrown in. This doesn't even look like J Crew. I am underwhelmed.

    I was trying to lose pregnancy weight last fall and winter so I will be on EBay picking up last year's pieces.

    I negotiate contracts all day and there is a fine line between what I really should and shouldn't wear to be taken seriously in the office.

  9. I love the orange coat and the yellow trousers in wide leg! I wonder when these items will be in stores. Since some of this is in the new catalog and some is not, will we see some this week and the rest later? I'm going to have lots to try on! :)

    While the idea of the oversized bow is cute, I think I'd have to see these on. The bow might be too oversized for me.

    Thanks so much for sharing the look book!

  10. Thanks for uploading the lookbook!

    I have to say I'm in agreement with a few of the posters. I am underwhelmed by many of the pieces, except that I like the coat in picture 7 (albeit in hopefully a different color, I am too pale for yellow).
    The tutti-fruiti color combination is not for me; I am beginning a job in government in August and need lots of neutrals! I suppose if they did their whole lookbook in black, brown and blue it would not look as exciting, though.

  11. RatsonParade, Kristina, Silver_Lining: I agree that there are some items that I would definitely not buy for sure (like that brown thing that's half cardigan half jacket- all ugly).

    But previous look books from J.Crew tend to showcase their more expensive pieces. The regular catalog coming out this week, I am sure will look more like the J.Crew we are use to. :)

    CCBmum: Your take about it being targeted to a more older (and wealthier) client base may be something they are trying to do. :)

  12. I should say, I like the orange coat and yellow trousers, but not to be worn together! I love to wear color, so maybe that's why I like a lot of what I saw. Of course, the prices will dictate how much I REALLY love the items. On my teacher's salary, I can only buy maybe one item at full price. Everything else I have to wait for a sale. Even the 15% off doesn't help much when the prices are so high (plus no husband to help pay the bills! :) )

  13. i agree with alexis, the lookbook is always the more extreme pieces/color combinations of their lines. the regular catalog will surely have the more "classic" pieces you love. i am very excited, seeing this book just makes it that much easier to stop spending on the summer sale so i can save up for fall!

  14. alexis - that's kind of funny when you think about it - the most expensive pieces are also the ugliest (I suppose we could refer back to those paint-splattered jeans for more examples of how trendy items tend to be overpriced). Can't wait to see what those will go for on the sale rack...

    So, to that point, why does the most hideous clothing always cost the most? I guess you can justify wearing it by saying "I spent $XXXX on it, so it *must* be fabulous!"

    Actually, to backtrack - seems like sometimes to find truly "classic" and clean designs THOSE actually carry the highest price tags. It's like the designers believe clean lines can't possibly be achieved on a budget. I ran into that when I was looking for a wedding dress (ended up with a new Avery gown from eBay). But - in my dress search - seemed like the most fluffy froo-froo icky lace-covered gowns were also the cheapest. And the sleek, simple (read: classic) dresses cost a fortune.

    Wow, I just contradicted my own argument. Um, nevermind...

  15. Looks like the J Crew design team has not ended their passionate love affair with the 'highway construction zone cone' orange color. I like many oranges and red/oranges, but I was really looking forward to not seeing that particular one again....they od'd on it last year.

    The jackets with the excessive beading, and the jacket with the contrast ruffles....hmm.. it's bordering on kitcsh...ok, not bordering, it's just kitcshy. Once I start my Hummel Figurine collection, and am able to afford to feed my 104 cats, I'll consider wearing these.

    The taupe Marc Jacobs knock off bag looks lovely, but overall, I'm not interested. I think my wallet will be spending more time at Saks this year, buying less but better.

  16. I love the necklace that kind of looks like turquoise life savers. I also like the satin clutch.

    The sleeveless sweater dress (could be silk or cotton, cant tell) looks like ti could be cute-ish. Will have to try on to be sure. Not a fan of the one that reminds me of a packman video game though (that one has full sleeves).

    The metallic bags I will have to wait to see in person to pass judgement on. Thats tough to judge from a picture.

    Not a fan of the sweater jackets there are too embellished.

    I love the yellow pant that is skinier (not the wideleg one), I think that one might already be on the website. But it looks great.

    The pink pants look fun but I dont know if I could or would wear them in the fall.

    The big brown moomoo like jacket is a NO

    The belts look fun though.

    Overall... I go to Jcrew for more traditional pieces. I am hope they will still have those too.

    Thanks Megan for this!It certainly helped my boredom issues.

  17. HAHA Alexis: "like that brown thing that's half cardigan half jacket- all ugly" Amazing comment!

    Ratsonparade, kristina and silverlinging. I agree 100%... some stuff is cute but over all I am not overjoyed with what I am seeing

  18. Megan: Thanks for sharing!!! I did traipse down to my store yesterday evening - and boy oh boy, I love the fall collection (most of it!). I tried some of the pieces. Many are still not out of their bags in the backroom. Not so crazy about the yellow/orange color schemes but I love:

    -- Ecole jacket ($168). Love, love, love the fit. Need to get a few colors.
    -- The tartine cardigans; $88. Great fit and to get that stretched out look, need to downsize. Again, pretty colors. Need to try the crewneck.
    -- Dream ruffle herringbone; $128 - so pretty but terribly scratchy.
    -- Lulu peep toes (with the big bow, nice low 3-inch heel). Just so pretty! ($198)
    -- Juliet mid heels - so basic but comfy, unlike many of J.Crew shoes.
    -- Sparkle plaid tweed pencil skirt ($175). Comes only in one color: emerald. Gorgeous with the gold skinny mirror metallic belt ($35)
    -- Stretch vintage cord skirt (looks fab although I didnt get to try i - $68; the color faded cement looks so pretty)
    - 1.5" wide patent belts; $55(need to figure out how to wear these.)

    Some of the wilder coats are little hard for me to carry off.

    - I had a sizing problem with the Marcella blouse ($- too big - cos that particular piece I tried be mislabeled?
    - The stretch vintage cord peplum jacket ($118) is very pretty but doesn't hang right on me.
    - The Jacinda jacket makes me look frumpy. Maybe I should have tried one size smaller. In any case, it's too long because I'm 5' 4"
    - The "camouflage" top is the watercolor floral rosette tank ($148). Also comes in a dress - watercolor floral madison - $178. I tried the top. I love the rosettes but the print is terrible.

    Sorry for the long post.

  19. OOO I forgot to say the new flower belts look great.

  20. Vivian: You sparked a memory for me. What is with the supposed "dream" soft fabrics being the itchiest i have ever put near my skin!?!?

  21. blumre: The big brown moomoo like jacket is $2,000!!!

    (Doublefaced cashmere Hayward coat)

  22. Vivian: What!!! Well I guess its cashmere! But seriously? Who would buy it? Its kind of like the $300 painted jeans... I am left speechless; a rare thing for me.

  23. I didn't see a single thing I would buy either...which is good b/c my husband said I am not allowed to buy anything from JCrew until I am fully refunded the money owed me....just makes commen sense....

  24. vivian: what a shame about the dream ruffle herringbone being scratchy. I guess I can "scratch" that one off my list (sorry, I couldn't resist). Now, I can't wait to try on the tartine, ecole, and cord skirt! Since I am also 5'4", I'm sure the Jacinda will be too long on my as well, which is what I thought when I saw the pic. Thanks for your descriptions - did you actually buy anything or just try on? And, what did you think of the ecole colors in person?

  25. That shiny coat on p.22 is $1,800! Lucido coat - not very lucid to me.

  26. I have to go back tomorrow and purchase the items because they weren't ready last night. The backroom is a mess - not only new arrivals but the leftover sale stuff.

    I really love the dream ruffle card and the store director asked me to try on a different piece when I return.

  27. vivian: are you going to get the dream ruffle card even though it's scratchy? Is it a warm sweater? It doesn't get cold enough long enough here to be able to put a long sleeve shirt under it to help with the scratchiness. I wonder if they'll even get it in my store in SC.

  28. Kellyanne311: I agree that seeing the new pieces makes it easier to stop spending on the current items. :)

    RatsonParade: I don't know why there are some really ugly pieces at such high prices. The only thing I can think of is that because they are limited (e.g. just 200), they can take a chance on them. :)

    Blumre: I really don't know why that brown cardigan/jacket thing is part of their collection, let alone featured in their look book. Doesn't seem like a flattering style nor fabulous material. And if its for $2,000 (like Vivian said) than J.Crew is crazy! ;)

  29. I would say the collection I saw in the backroom is more tame than the stylebook, which tend to showcase many high-end (and extreme) items.

    My store here doesn't carry the Lucido or the Hayward.

  30. math teacher: It's midweight, I would say. The neck area is a problem, unless I wear a layering piece with a higher neck, which may defeat the purpose of the ruffles. But it's soooo pretty. I'm going retry it. Like the problem I had with the Madras jacket. I returned it ($99.99) because it was scratchy and ended up with it again ($29.99) and this time it was fine.

  31. oh vivian. I am thrilled to hear the back room was more tame than this look book. Thanks.

    So when do we think the website will be under control?

    I e-mailed the manager who has been dealing with my case and I never heard back so I will call today. Since my promotional gift card was sent to the wrong address. Really I am thrilled someone else will get to use my money!

  32. blumre: Whoa! That's crazy but I hope they'll send you a replacement gift card - this time to the right address. If not, they can always send it by mistake to MY address :)

  33. Thanks so much for sharing, Megan.

    Wow, I really hope the lookbook looks aren't representative of the broader fall line, because I can only see myself wearing one "look" in the lookbook. Everything just seems so... froufy. Big bows and berries and rosettes are cute in theory, but I'd be kind of embarrassed to wear that stuff in public, and the garment shapes just aren't flattering.

  34. Thanks Megan. That was stunningly nice of you.

  35. Thank you for sharing the lookbook! I have to say, I love the bright colors, but I really can't wear a lot of that in the office. I love the last cuff bracelet, the green one with the starburst. Very classic. I do hope, like the rest of you, that this isn't a complete trend for the whole fall line.

    Is there any word on when the Website will be updated with the new stuff? Will it be Wednesday to match the roll-out in the stores?

  36. thank you so much megan!

    although my obsession over the astrid jacket (blue with all the ruffles and berries) has only grown...:)

    vivian - which pages are the tartine and ecole on? I can't figure out which names go with which pieces!

  37. vivian: you're right, it will be a different story when it goes on sale. :)

    kater: I don't think the tartine and ecole are in the lookbook, but they are in the catalog. The tartine sweater is on pages 6-7 and the ecole velvet jacket is on pages 12-13.

  38. Thanks, Megan! Does anyone know if J. Crew produces a similar Look Book for the men's collections?


  39. Hi - I have the new catalog and it seems like half of the items from the lookbook are not even in it. The catalog is much better. I didn't like the looks in the lookbook at all but it was great to see it anyway. Thanks for sharing!

  40. I just nabbed the catalog from my store as well - can't wait to flip through it!

  41. Oh my! I love that marigold tie coat!! And the two toned pumps are lovely...

  42. marisa: I know, I'm dying over the shoes (the patent with the wood heels and the peep toes with the big bows) as well as the bow coat. I better win the lotto or something...

    not to go back to the summer stuff seems like the sale section is definitely updating and a polka dot san telmo even came up! Not in my size unfortunately, but I want to try to stay on top of it. Has anyone figured out yet exactly when the updates are coming. Are they at a certain time everyday like they used to be, or are they just coming in randomly?


  43. Phew! The regular fall catalog is normal, and totally cute. JC, you had me scared for a minute there!

  44. Megan: you are awesome! Thanks!

    I have to disagree with many of you. I found the lines of the collection to be quite classic in the true american designer sense. Think Claire McCardell in the 50's and Calvin Klein and Donna Karan in the mid to late 80's. The outfit that reminds me most of their work goes to ......"that brown thing that's half cardigan half jacket- all ugly"!

    Remember that this book and they way the stylists put the looks together is supposed to grab our attention and say Hello! They know that this look is not for everybody. Once the clothes hit the stores the look book will serve as an aspirational reference to sell their more wearable classics to a broader group.

  45. I agree with you, hdayton. That's definitely what I meant by this line being fashionable in the sense that it's more runway-chic as opposed to "everyday chic." Of course, I'm not awesome enough to be able to cite past designer influences ;o)

    And on second thought, people are right in saying that these look books are always higher in shock value than the entire fall line. In fact, ever since I can remember J.Crew coming out with look books, I've always had the same reaction of general distaste and then absolutely loved many of their other pieces not showcased in the look book.

  46. Kevin: I don't think I ever have seen a Look Book devoted to the Men's Collection. Although, come to think of it- J.Crew should totally have one! :)

  47. Kristina: In 20 years you too will be able to cite designer influences!

  48. I just got a call from my J Crew that they're having a Crewcuts party on Thursday and offering 25% off Crewcuts (if a member, which is free to sign up) and 10% off ladies. :) I'm hoping to get the 10% plus 15% teacher's discount. If your local b&m has a crewcuts, call and see if they're offering this as well.

  49. I couldn't agree more, Alexis! :) It sounds like catalogs are in the mail/stores, so that will have to do for those of us male J. Crew fans! :)

    I love the blog - glad to have found this community of fellow J. Crew addicts!


  50. Thank you, Megan G!

    However... I am unimpressed. I don't really like anything here, which is a first! It's all a little too... bright.

    However, it might also be due to my current resentment of J Crew... my order from June 27 STILL hasn't arrived, even though all items were in stock. Bad form, J Crew!

  51. I'm not instantly loving anything like I loved the Bella jacket on sight from last year's fall stuff, but then, I don't see the green tweed skirt in the pixs, and I'm sure I'll like that - I'm a huge tweed fan :-)

  52. Alexis:

    Thanks for posting this, and thanks to Meghan for sharing it!

    You guys are awesome!

  53. Ok, here's a profound question: In the fourth picture from the right, top row, the model is wearing a white t-shirt that comes just to where her jeans start, so one can see the belt she's wearing. How do they do this? I've never found t-shirts that hit right there, without being bunched up. And I hate wearing shirts tucked in, so I hardly ever bother investing in belts, even though I find many of them very cute.

    Any thoughts? :-)

  54. I have to go with the consensus on the look book in that I am underwhelmed...not much I would care to purchase. I do like the coat with the bow on page 6, though I would like to see it in a different color, and I also like the yellow wide leg pants, but would also prefer them in another color than yellow. I'm sure there are other pieces here and there I might consider after studying the book for a longer period of time...but in general I am not overly fond of anything else. I hope the catalog is alot better than this!

    Thanks Megan for the preview!

  55. la belle helene - i have found great basic white shirts in the form of small packages of men's calvin klein undershirts at tjmaxx. they hit at the right spot, are cheap, and last a long time. :)

    i ditto everyone else's thoughts on the look book offerings. if they could just 'grey' those colors down a bit, they might be great. if neutrals are too boring, why not eggplant or forest? those you can get away with at the office without looking so bright. come on, j. crew! don't let us down!

    i want to be more excited, but like everyone, i'm happy about saving some money. can't wait to see the catalog!

  56. Kudos to the person who took the time to make the look book visible to us who do not have it! Before I got to Alexis' "Megan you rock" statement I was already thinking that...I'm more impressed with Megan for putting this together than with the book itself. What a gal!

  57. sweetmint, thanks for the tip. I love the idea of wearing tees like that, I just haven't been able to find them...will try the CKs.

    And absolutely, thanks to Megan for providing this look book. Now if I just get my hands on the August catalogue... :-)

  58. hdayton:

    Absolutely, very Claire McCardell...particularly that brown jacket (her name jumped into my mind as soon as I saw it).

    Lots of bright yellow, no? Not sure I'd be caught dead in canary yellow pants...

    Not so sure about the Astrid jacket anymore, either, now that I've seen it on a model...overly berried or something...might look too precious on someone my age.

  59. "Oh dearest J.Crew, when are you going to stop with the screw?"

    Totally underwhelmed, bummed and agape at what I'm sure will be added to their "collection". I'm going to have to find a new place to shop/

  60. Kevin: Thanks for the nice comment about the blog. :) I also think J.Crew should come out with a Look Book for just men considering they already have the Men's Collection pieces available.

    la belle helene: The picture you describe looks to me like the shirt is bunched up. I have found that in order to show off my belt, the shirt needs to be tucked in. :)

  61. math teacher, i'm sad to say i don't have a crewcuts or jcrew near me... although i did momentarily contemplate a trip for 2 hours to my nearest jcrew for that party! let us know what you get!!

  62. Please, please tell me where I can get the lookbook!!! I can't even find it online like I could last year


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)