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Thursday, August 5, 2021

"Looking to LOVE" with J.Crew


    This is the weekly "Looking to LOVE with J.Crew" post, a place to share our favorite experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a positive situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including stellar experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store


  1. Not sure whether to laugh or cry: this morning in my haste of running out the door, I grabbed the pinstriped seersucker skirt from last summer and the pinstriped seersucker Parke blazer also from last summer. When I got on the subway, I realized the skirt is blue pinstriped and the blazer is gray pinstriped. Last year I went a little crazy and bought the blazer/skirt/Cameron pant co-ords in multiple colors and forgot that I have full seersucker suits in three colors. Now I'm mismatched at work.

    1. Just call it a new trend! I am sure you look great!

    2. I bet it was more noticeable to you than anyone else and I hope you laughed to yourself. How many times have I heard of people wearing two different colored shoes…some people even do that on purpose.

    3. @eeps depending on your career, nobody might have even noticed. My husband (engineer) went to work one day and nobody told him his Ralph Lauren embroidered pony was riding on his back all day instead of his chest. 😂

    4. I was sitting at my desk one day and had tory flats
      and Jcrew flats. When I got up I wore 2 Different ones and did not notice until someone pointed out more
      As compliment and I thought I lost my mind 😂

    5. Oh I’ve done it with my boots before. I have the same boots in navy and black. In the winter it is so dark in the morning that it is easy to mismatch!

    6. No, I am worse. One was grey Tory flat and the other captoe cream and navy from last season. No clue lol

    7. or the opposite - I was wearing my adorable and v.expensive Ralph Lauren paint-spattered pants, and wife of Board President got into elevator with me, gasped, and said “dear, you can’t go out like that, you’ve gotten paint all over your pants!”

    8. Ha! Thanks everyone! No one noticed (or at least no one told me they noticed), and my aunt said it was barely noticeable when I pointed it out to her after I got home from work. It WAS on our Board meeting today though, and I was in and out of the boardroom most of the afternoon and the only person wearing a non-black suit. I came home and checked my closet, and it turns out I didn't buy the blue pinstriped Parke blazer to match the skirt... apparently I should have bought the grey pinstriped skirt to match the Cameron pants/Parke blazer combo in that color but I completely lost track of what color suits I had. Now I know I do not have the full suit in blue!

    9. @eeps. Wearing my pink stripe pants suit today! I have blue stripe pants but no jacket! Usually get sailboat comments when I wear this. But I love it. Makes me feel like summer and maybe not at work for few seconds o have time to run to on the bathroom! 😂


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And now back to J.Crew! :)