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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew


  This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. This is a bizarre vent but maybe a few can relate. I’m having a shoulder mobility issue and literally cannot do a side zip on the left side. Most of my recent jcrew shorts have a side zip on the left side. I asked my husband to help a few weeks ago but that’s not always convenient. 😂
    Tops with only a small keyhole opening that slip over head have also always been an issue for me. I’ve been stuck in a dressing room until I figured out I have to bend over and pull it down inside out to get out of it.
    I’m working on improving the mobility but considering it’s been an issue my entire life maybe it’s anatomical, who knows, but it’s frustrating for sure.
    ISO high waisted shorts I can put on
    And shirts I can get off

    1. Suz, it is anatomical, but possibly not how you might think. A few years ago, while healing from a shoulder fracture, I learned that Himself was a champ at the quick removal of a bra, but had no idea how to help put one on.

    2. I’m dying. That’s so funny.

    3. Suz Has, I know this frustration all too well (though just for the last year or so). The bend forward and pull with your good arm to get a top off is the best move and one I’ve gotten quite used too these days! The most difficult thing for me are structured jackets and coats. Thankfully that season is over and I hope that after my surgery now, my mobility will be much improved. But I feel your pain! Physical therapy has helped tremendously for me.

    4. @wellfedfred! So true!

      Pull over sports bras/tops must be impossible. I have no shoulder issues and can get stuck inside a sweaty longline bra.

    5. PBanos I usually size up as I don’t need much support and hate the feeling of anything constricting around my chest, and at least I can step out of them. Not my favorite garment though!

      Liz, my trainer has been helping me with mobility exercises. I used to do more yoga which helped but with the pandemic I wasn’t doing as much at home and this winter something in there just got stuck. Luckily I’m not in pain, but range of motion is definitely limited—then again it kind of always has been for me.

    6. @SuzHas, I highly recommend Essentrics. I used to do yoga but switched to Essentrics. It’s great for joint mobility. You can search essentrics frozen shoulder for a video that’s free on YouTube (9 min). It’s an example of a quick gentle one for shoulder mobility. Videos are usually 30+ min but I do that quick one a lot because I have neck tension issues. I think it’s Canadian, I know the Montreal Canadians hockey team has taken the classes for mobility and stretching.

    7. Thanks Jan! I’ll look it up. I’ve been doing a few exercises with my trainer and alone combining pressure to release the tight muscle(s) with some movement and it definitely helps. I had carpal tunnel over 25 years ago and I remember going to OT and her putting pressure on my pec muscles that hurt so much it felt like ice picks. I def hold a lot of tension there so I see this issue as a forced way to improve my posture and mobility. So what if I can’t wear my side zip shorts!

  2. OK, now a vent. I keep getting illustrated emails from JC telling me to hurry, things I love are selling out. The “things I love” are things I have never bought, and would never consider. Kind of the opposite of the contents of the list of orders in my account. For example, since I don’t see the point of waist-length raincoats, I have never bought one.

    1. I have a similar vent. My J Crew emails are now male specific. I have never ordered guy anything from J Crew. Have no idea what caused this but it is really annoying.

    2. I was glad when they stopped sending out those emails with the puppies. I now just delete the "Eek" notices. Who comes up with these things?

    3. Probably the same “genius” who though going from 50% off sale to 15% off was a good idea (LOL!).

      @suzhas Wish I had some recommendations, but I don’t and @welfedfred the reference to Himself was hilarious!

    4. Thank you! And agree on 50-15 first I thought the 15 was in addition...


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And now back to J.Crew! :)