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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew

This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. I so dislike bright cerise/fiery sunset/modern red - I was under the impression that this was a "Jenna color", so why are they still using it so much? I'm probably just grumpy because it always looks just red on my monitor and I get excited - then I see the color name.

    1. And it changes too. I have some bright cerise that’s not bad and then some shows up and it’s more orange and intensely bright, the the deconstructed blazer in,cotton twill I got yesterday.
      In a classic red it would be wearable, in this color it looks childish and cheap.

    2. I might be in the minority, but I love red-orange (modern red/flame) better than true red. It coordinates with the other colors I wear, so I'm happy they have kept it. I don't like cerise as much, as it is more pink. I know most don't like it, but I'm happy it is still in rotation.

    3. I don’t mind it as an accent. But I wear mostly black and it ends up looking very orange in comparison, which makes me feel like I’m dressed for Halloween.
      My bright cerise Sophia pumps are the perfect cross between the too orangey red and the too pinkish version. I wear them a lot!

    4. I was just thinking this this AM as I got dressed for work. I’m wearing this holiday’s red lace easy pants. If I had gotten them a year earlier, they would have been that orange red color. Mine are darker red, and I’m so happy I waited to buy them. I think they were both labeled as cerise.

    5. I’ll admit I’m in the minority here - love bright cerise. I also don’t wear a ton of black but steer more towards navy most days. Bright cerise with navy polka dots or French blue stripes is my jam!

    6. Suz Has, that is a peeve of mine that the same-named color isn't the same on different items. If it's "cerise", it should all look the same. Athleta swim does this really well. Year to year to year they offer a "dress blue" color (it's navy), and items I ordered this year perfectly match items I ordered 3-4 years ago in the same color. That is excellent quality control, and it's especially hard with navy blues since they vary so much anyway. This is not J. Crew's biggest problem, but still.

    7. I don't get why they can't offer two reds: cerise/fiery sunset and cherry red/or whatever they want to call it. They offer numerous blues even though some might say their navy is sometimes too dark. I wonder if the fabric might affect the color too.

    8. cerise means cherry, so naturally the color is orange. trembling at the thought of other fruit-y mixups: bright green “banana”, anyone? pale pink “blueberry?”

      Does anyone else remember when JC’s colors were consistent, season to season, year to year, so that one could keep building outfits ?

      I’m working on a Serious Vent-Vent, hope to post it later today.

    9. EEPS. Yes. I actually bought the previous cerise pants which are more orangey red BUT they match the shoes well and my lady day coat. OTOH they don’t match several other reds called Ruby or Poppy.

    10. Thanks, wellfedfred. Maybe they can change it to french red, then have an english red and then a moroccan red and so on?

    11. Yes! I’ve always avoided that orangey “modern red.” The undertones make me look nauseous and I’ve always thought it was flattering on almost no one. I’ve been a little dismayed that they’ve brought it back, when J Crews spectacular color library is filled with scores of better choices.

    12. I am with bythelake and liztriden - a fan of bright cerise. I've seen it marketed as flame as well. This is actually the best shade of red for my coloring. I have a dress, a jacket, a linen shirt, some tops, pumps, and even a smart trench coat. Probably a good thing we don't all like the exact same thing...would not want to see myself coming and going all day!

  2. My vent...orders from 3/15 havent shipped yet. I mean come on.

    1. Me too. This was somewhat acceptable during crazy sales but there’s nothing crazy happening now and you’d think they’ve had a month now to catch up on inventory.

    2. Same! Meanwhile, I have had 3 orders from the Gap ship, many items received, worn the clothes (handwashed after) and did returns!

    3. Same here. I'm wondering if that's because of those super cheap mules. Another order of mine was shipped on 13th and zero update since then.

    4. I just got a ship notification for all the items in my March 15 order except the super cheap Sorels, so maybe Natalya has a point.
      I'm guessing they will likely cancel the Sorels.

    5. Oh man, I was looking forward to the Mules and used rewards to pay for them so I hope they ship. :( I think that was probably the only thing I ordered for myself.

    6. I think both the mules and Sorels will ship...both have been popping up since the original sale date.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. My mules and Nordic boots shipped, not only that they’re due to arrive Friday!

  3. Why do they give us a promo for card holders (Cardlove) and it NEVER works when used with another promo?

    1. Yes - this code does NOT work with anything else (even though it says it does).

  4. When I try to log in, it lets me, then it tells me I have to change my password to make it be up to their new higher security standards. So I try, then it tells me it failed, I try several more times, it keeps telling me I failed, then I notice I was logged in initially so I complete the order. Next time I try to log in, my original password still works. I have lots of emails saying my password has been updated (one for every failed attempt). I don't know what is going on but it's annoying.

    1. And still, my original password is the only one that works.

    2. I've had to reset my pw twice since they forced me to change it. It wouldn't let me in with the correct (changed) password, so I had to reset it again. I don't know why it gives you an option to provide a hint but doesn't give you the hint when your password doesn't work.

    3. me too, had to change my original no numbers or anything password to a new one.

    4. I got the message to change my password as well, then when I logged in with the new one the upper right corner of the main page said "Hi, Katie" - not my name. : |

    5. silver_lining, that is not good! I hope katie isn't receiving your packages, although maybe she's paying your bill!

      It's just confusing because it never did change my password successfully (got an error every time I tried), but I got all those emails saying my password was changed.

  5. Weird vent. I have been trying out using Rent the Runway's unlimited service to keep variety in my wardrobe without buying a bunch of things I may not get a ton of wear out of and/or don't necessarily care to store. It's helped me be much more critical about things I do actually buy.

    That said, I had 3 pieces arrive last night, and nothing fit or flattered. It was demoralizing, and while intellectually I know that different designers all fit differently, it still felt like my body was the problem. This morning when I got dressed for work, I decided to turn out a very Jenna-inspired outfit in head-to-toe J.Crew, and I feel awesome. Blue velvet kitten heels, khaki skinny chinos, cognac leather belt, blue and white striped shirt, and my awesome unicorn Drake's blouse. Everything fits, everything flatters, and everything was purchased on sale ;-)

    1. Sort of the reason I've stuck with JC for so long and continue to shop there. There may be problems, but sizing and styles are somewhat consistent, and the color families are also somewhat consistent, so that I can buy something a month ago and it'll probably match something I bought 5 years ago. It's comforting to have somewhere to turn to that you can rely on for the most part.

    2. I've been doing unlimited for the past few years and it can take a little while to get your groove and figure out what brands work for you and what brands don't. I have totally been there - you feel like crap when you try stuff on and it looked great online and not so much on you. I try to read reviews and look at photos and try to make determinations from there. But I've had orders where everything looks horrible on me and other orders where I love everything. The loves outweight the misses for me which is why I keep going - the trick is now to buy less which I haven't quite figured out how to do :)

      That being said - I also love that I can always go back to my stand by Crew favorites and make good outfits :) For the most part I've enjoyed RTR for dresses (work and summer) but now that our work dress code has relaxed I'm looking more at blouses and knits.

  6. A double vent, color and finishing. I posted this review yesterday and didn’t look too closely but today it’s worse than I feared. The deconstructed blazer in cotton twill.
    Received 3/19, an order placed on 3/10.
    Belvedere Red. In comparison to my linen schoolboy in Belvedere red, this is an almost fluorescent orangey red. The interior is unlined, which I knew, but there are some areas where it seems unfinished. There’s some cute striped lining that I believe is a pocket and it’s just hanging there kind of loosely with what looks like interfacing or webbing exposed. The material + lack of finishing makes it seem very casual.

    For a fair price none of this would matter as long as you liked the color. It’s too bad the color is a miss for me because I could overlook the other negatives for a cute, summery blazer, but this one won’t be it. If it was Chambray, black or white I’d have to think long and hard. The quality is what I would expect to see hanging on a clearance rack in the Gap or Macy’s for 9.99.

    Hopefully they take the shape of this blazer and make it into a real garment like it would have been five/six years ago.

    1. That is awful. It makes me really sad for our beloved J. Crew.

    2. I ended up wearing mine yesterday and I loved it less and less as the day went on. I had a super early morning and hadn't really outfit planned well - wore my poppy blazer and just couldn't commit to a top so grabbed the blazer. It just looked sloppy by the end of the day. I took the tags off so I'm probably SOL but I should have gone with my gut and returned it. I didn't hate the color but personally I prefer a more structured blazer and would have liked a cotton blazer that wasn't twill - my favorite summer blazers are the cotton campbell blazers and cotton stretch suiting from years past.

    3. It makes me realize that even though I paid over $100 for my linen schoolboy the quality is significantly better. I might have to stop lifting weights so it doesn’t get any tighter.

  7. Another non Jcrew vent. I bought these leggings for yoga. GapFit High Rise Print Full Length Leggings in Sculpt Revolution They are matte black with tonal stars. I usually wear my thicker new balance ones but bought these for warm yoga as they’re lighter. Well where the points on the stars end there are holes. THROUGHOUT the pants. I thought I was crazy thinking there was a hole on my ass AND THERE IS and the holes are everywhere. I Just reached out to Gap CS for a refund or credit. This is unacceptable!

    1. That certainly is unacceptable! I cannot believe there are holes throughout the entire pant. I usually do okay with Gap. Keep us posted!

    2. Would you believe they told me to bring them to a store for the managers discretion, or send it back to the gap for them to decide. I sent a pic of the holes. And they said to call for replacement. Replacement? Replace my money, that’s all.

    3. WOW. I hope you told them to refund you or you’d be filing a dispute with your credit card.
      To go into the store for MAYBE a favorable decision? Dependent on whom was working? Talk about passing the buck.
      Keep us posted. Good luck! They don’t know who they’re dealing with!

    4. I used my gap card. I might tweet or go to other social media.

    5. I’ve gotten a second response saying to bring them in so when I go return the red deconstructed blazer I will. Ridiculous. They’re just over a month old. At least I have my emails to show Some sort of a timeline. I’m annoyed at myself, I should have realized sooner. They were $48 each and I had a promo and some rewards I used but still, about $35 each.

  8. My vent from last week is that I ordered a few items with the 50% off sale and then received an email the next day that my "items in my cart were hot" (aka the items I'd purchased the day before) and here's an extra 10% off code. So I forwarded the email to CS asking to get the extra 10% off and oh by the way I had already purchased the items. I received an email response stating that the 10% off wasn't stackable with the 50% code ( was with the next sale). I've been too busy to respond or argue but...come on.

  9. Not a vent. I like the Point Sur flutter-sleeve midi dress in printed cotton voile, the button-front linen midi dress in faded indigo stripe and the Point Sur flutter-sleeve pom-pom midi dress in cotton voile. Would I ever need all three? The silhouette is basically the same.

    1. Not unless you move to a warm-weather resort full time! Why not start with one (I think the Ikat print is pretty) and see how the summer goes. If you can't live without, they'll be on sale in a few months.

  10. I was reading reviews of the French Girl blazer & matching crop pant during the 50% off sale last weekend - was hoping to score an $80 suit. According to the reviews, the black and navy colors on the blazer are noticeably different from the same colors on the suit pant. Despite being billed as a matching pair and being made out of the 365 crepe and labeled with the same color name, somehow they are NOT matching! Unbelievable. No wonder the suit was on sale so cheap! Thankful for reviews!!

  11. Shipping. Why. Does. It. Take. Over. Two. Weeks.

    The speed, or more correctly the lack of is painful. Over two weeks from time of the order till I receive it. By the time if does show up I've forgotten I ever wanted or felt I needed the item. BR orders arrive in four days. Guess who's been seeing more of my money lately.

    1. Sadly...I placed a large Everlane order on Monday and a large order on Saturday. Neither have shipped yet. I’m kind of annoyed. Meanwhile turf shoes from Dicks shipped same day.

    2. I get everything sent to the store. It arrives at least five days earlier than my having it sent to my home. The store is eight miles away.

  12. My vent is that I miss the beautiful leather bags of yore. Not the too-small crossbodies or totes or backpacks that seem to be the only choices now at J Crew. Id love a medium-to-large beautiful satchel like the multiple options every year in the Borge Garveri days. I can’t stand logo bags and that was one of my favorite things about J Crews Collection bags. Anyone else miss them?

    1. Yes I really miss those bags. Can’t find anything similar. So I cherish the ones I do have, which still look great.

    2. It isn't special in a standout way, but I really like Madewell's new Abroad Shoulder Bag (not the mini). It's the first normal sized, functional crossbody I've seen from J. Crew or Madewell in years. I'm using it daily and really like it. I'd love it if they'd take this size for crossbody and make variations on it going forward. I don't have any need for tiny crossbody bags or large totes, but I'd definitely buy interesting mid-size crossbody bags.

    3. I’m so glad I snagged a beautiful yellow Uptown tote 2 years ago as the age of the great leather bags seemed to come to an end. It’s a great size, more purse than tote, and an amazing thick leather that should last a lifetime. So many of the bags since then have been so small. I’m not into huge purses, but a good mid-size bag can’t be beat. Based on the quality of the Uptown I bought a Harper satchel in January. It’s for work so I need it to be a larger than a purse, but I like that it isn’t huge. Very few of the bags in between those purchases have been of any interest to me.

  13. I ordered the Superga mule sneakers in white that popped up this am. The only discount was the 15% that Mygoddy kindly posted. But perhaps there will be a better % off sale before the 7 day window closes. That worked for me when I ordered a leopard tissue tshirt a couple weeks ago. I've never worn this kind of shoe, but it looks fun to slip on quick in the summer with shorts or a tshirt dress. Has anyone tried these?

    1. Haven’t tried those specifically but I did have mule sneakers back about 15-20 years ago. Several different ones. I think they were fine for slip on and go but not for longer walking, but YMMV.

    2. I have an old pair of mule sneakers that I like to wear when I want more coverage than a sandal, but don’t need the full support of a running shoe. They’re comfortable, but I wouldn’t want to wear them if I was going to be doing a full day of walking.

    3. Yes, pretty much how I planned to use them. I have lots of sneakers for walking. I do not like sandals, so this would be a stand-in.

    4. I haven't tried those however, I am a big Superga 2750 Cotu Sneak fan since I was a teenager. This style is perfect for me as it is cut more narrow and looks great on large feet. It is a little on the heavy side(doesn't bother me) but they are bullet proof when it comes to wear. (size 10) Will be interesting to hear feedback from you regarding the fit on the mules. Look around there are always specials on other websites for all of their sneakers, etc.

  14. Thinking of taking a chance on the Cameron slim crop pant in bi-stretch cotton. But, even though it’s an ‘online only’ item, measurements are not provided. It’s sort of difficult to decide without knowing at least the inseam. What does ‘crop’ mean to J. Crew? Also, it doesn’t help that now the reviews are gone from the website.

    1. You can message CS for specific info. At least you used to be able to. I’ve seen Camerons look lovely on others but they don’t work for me. I couldn’t begin to tell you why but the shape is just wrong.

    2. I'm a devotee of the Cameron slim crop. I can't wear any of J.Crew's dress pants that have a side zip, but the front zip on these is flattering. They remind me of what the Ryders looked like at their best (some of different colors of the Ryder pant stretched horribly, but others have stayed perfect despite multiple washes and years of wear). I wear a 2 in the Cameron, which is the same size I took in the Ryder. I'm pretty consistently a 2 in bottoms (26 in jeans).

    3. That’s what I’ve done, Suz. In my experience, J. Crew is very responsive on IG. I never tried any type of ‘Cameron’ pants, so I’m in the dark when it comes to fit. Still, I find it odd they don’t provide any measurements online.

      Monica, size zip doesn’t work for me either - I remember when the ‘Minnies’ were all the rage, but I could never find a pair that would fit me properly. I used to purchase the ‘Paley’, but I reckon J. Crew discontinued this style.

    4. I am also a Cameron slim crop devotee. Note that the fit of this style depends on the fabrics. I only own the style in 365 fabric (aka 4-season) and I love it so much I have replaced all my work pants with it. I’m 5’1 and the crop length is nearly full length on me. I am pear shaped and it is a great slim cigarette pant style that is stretchy enough to accommodate hips with a capital H. I haven’t tried in the cotton so can’t say how the fit compares but I tried the full length (too long for me) and the ponte (too much like a thick legging).

    5. Thanks, eeps.! Even though it’s conventional wisdom that cropped pants visually shorten the legs, I think I look better in ankle length, because they are more to a petite "scale". Hopefully, the bi-stretch cotton will be a good option.

  15. Does anyone have the point sur pointelle crewneck sweater? They came out last fall and have the spring color versions. Kinda drawn to it but I keep going back and forth on them. Can't tell if its a nice transitional piece or a big smart moth attacked it type of sweater! Any feedback appreciated! tia

    1. I think the copywriter from space is at it again. To me, this sweater looks more "moth attack" than pointelle. IMO, it is missing the delicate lacey look of most pointelle pieces, but I also know my style is fairly traditional and these "hole chic" sweaters are really on trend. I don't think this answers your question, but I figured I'd chime in :)

    2. There are two pointelle sweaters. A more fine delicate one and a chunkier one that also comes in a very vibrant stripe and is a little fuzzy.

    3. Thanks! I should have clarified. The one I’m referring to is the allover pointelle crewneck cotton sweater.

  16. My vent is that I so miss J Crew warehouse sales here in NC. I usually catch at least five a year...I have been going through serious withdrawal.

  17. Sad they just can’t get it right:

    1. Their "fast fashion" approach was a total loser. They need to return to their roots as we've all be saying here for years.

    2. Thanks for this, eeps - I posted it in the weekend thread. Interested to hear what JCA's think.

  18. Item K9860 Cross Strap Sandal Made in Italy, my PA just gave me feedback on this shoe as well as the decal affixed on the sole of the sandal. Upper synthetic,lining leather, sock bonded leather, sole sole synthetic. No support at all. Red is not a bright Cerise but more of a Belvedere Red which I like very much, tts, and would like to know what is Made in Italy? No Made in Italy stamped on the box. For the price too much, at half price maybe, but one could probably find something similar in a discount store. She is sending them back for me.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)