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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew

This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. Not a vent, but a question

    I buy a lot of J. Crew online. I end up keeping too much, but I do end up returning a fair amount to my local stores. Even if I get the email telling me that my return has been processed, should I check against my credit card statement or is it a waste of my time to do this?

    Thank you!

    1. I do check each month to make sure that my credits for returns show up on my statement. As far as I can tell the credits always are deducted from my balance. You may want to spot check just for peace of mind.

    2. sounds like a coincidence But I just had one error on my statement. credited 0$.79 instead of $21. 27. not huge, but all the other items were correct. if you had not mentioned this I would have not checked. thank you. J Crew said " sorry" but no offer of maybe waiting shipping or a little perk.
      so between my not getting credited items at store and now on credit card...when online paperwork was correct. other lesson learned

    3. opps waiving shipping. obviously I am holding out on this ...I and not ordering in Oct due to last mths $$ in shipping.

    4. I check every morning. Their bookkeeping operation is amateur night.

  2. I am not sure if this is really a vent but made my first purchase in over six weeks based on the % off sale, extra 15% off from catalog and $20 in rewards. I ended up paying with my Discover card for the first time instead of my J. Crew card. The 5% cash back is better than Ebates and I no longer buy enough to really justify getting a $10 reward. I will hold on to the card for now.

  3. I fell for the 40% promo and pricing games. I should have checked before I hit the order button. I bought a pair of Camerons at $56 a week ago without any promos, and then yesterday I rebought them at $70 with the promo. JC gave me a PA for the order last week, and last week's price + PA turned out to be the exact same price as this week's + promo. I'm stupid. Now I have a pair of pants to return next week.

  4. Pricing games again. I was awake at 2 am ET and browsing for popbacks. When I got up this AM and checked the sale section, prices went up for a ton of stuff, some by $20+ within a matter of hours.

    1. Very bad that they’d do that, I noticed a sale liberty shirt I bought 2 days ago went up $36 today.

    2. Yes the pricing games are terrible now that there is 40% off on sale. Was considering a sweater that was $42 + %off, but now it is $78 - no thanks JC. I guess it will linger on the sale site.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)