Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, September 6, 2018

JCA "Help Style Me!" Weekly Post

This is the weekly "Help Style Me!" post, where we can share items we are having trouble putting outfits together with. Elaine (in this post) says it best, "You know, that thing you bought because you love it and you keep pulling it out and then putting it away without wearing it?"

Please share your J.Crew item (either that you own or are thinking about getting) that you would love help creating an outfit with.

Also, please help out by offering your styling advice. Feel free to include links to your blog (where you incorporated that piece) or to Polyvore (where you showcased an outfit with that piece). Thanks in advance! :)


  1. I’m tired of print mixing. The whole “stripes w floral” thing looks really dated and trying too hard to my eye. I’m also tired of cropped pants and midi skirts. What are your favorite styling ideas and color combos for fall? I’m pretty sure most of us have the same stuff in our closets and I need ideas!

    1. Hubs and I were just talking about what we want to wear in the fall.

      I have never done florals, so that trend passed me by. Also with my muscular calves I wear pants/skirts to the ankle (or lower of course) or above the knee. Crop pants and midi skirts are my enemy and I will not miss them at all!

      As for me, I am looking forward to wearing flare jeans this fall. When I wear higher-waist flares, I prefer a tucked in top or a shorter top/jacket. For the best tucking I will go with bodysuits. I think they are worth the bother!

      Red, orange and coral. My *new* old favorite colors. I just did a closet clean out and most of what I gave away was grey, beige, now I have a higher proportion of bright colors! During the last sale I bought bright red patent Evie ballet heels and a red and white scarf. This should cheer up outfits. I also snapped up the Academy loafers in leopard calf hair. Do not know which I prefer - the calf hair or the metallic gold Academy loafers.

      So my fall colors will include more brights overall, and metallic and leopard belts and shoes. I will also continue my love affair with white and ivory pants. It has been too hot this summer for my white jeans so I will wear them now. And transition to the ivory later on.

      What are you eager to wear?

      What are you thinking?

    2. I'm always obsessed with leopard print in the fall. Color-wise, this year I find myself drawn to golden yellows and pine greens.
      Regarding styling, I'm very into eyelet this season, which I've been seeing everywhere. I've always been a huge fan of eyelet during the summer months, but am loving it for fall also.
      Trends I'm ready to see die are velvet everything and high-waisted mom jeans. If they make my butt look long and flat, no thanks! And also I'm already over the balloon and lantern sleeves. Maybe if we weren't coming out of the bell sleeve circle of hell, it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm just so over all of it.

    3. I hate balloon and bell sleeves. I don’t know anyone who looks good in them. I stay away from velvet because the fabric care is annoying and velour brings back bad middle school memories of Delia’s catalogs and Wet Seal.
      For colors I’m really drawn to pops of mustard with teal. I love jewel tones in autumn - deep purples with fuschia, royal blue and deep emerald. This autumn I’m inspired by an elderly man I saw on the street in Lisbon this spring. He had on four layers of different fabrics and patterns in the same color family and he looked amazing. Plus he has a silk cravat. So I’m inspired by elderly menswear - digging out my silk scarves and silk squares, and my giant flower pin from JC circa 2009.

    4. Thanks for the ideas, ladies. Eeps, I still have my giant flower pin too! Loved the accessories at J Crew from those days.

    5. I know it dates me but I love that dang flower pin! I never got to use it because the color I got didn't go with my coat at the time, but I got the green Daphne topcoat last winter and I think it will look really cute with all the colored speckles.

    6. I love mixing wine/eggplant with light pink, orange or dark yellow with dark grey, etc. Fall/winter colors are my favorite to play with!

      Partial to Pink

    7. I like mixing prints but not stripes with florals! I'm still loving neutrals but another vote for jewel tones.

  2. OT but Mercantile is now available on Amazon:

    1. Hudson Bay up here in Canada has Mercantile advertised as a new Brand. good luck. I do not think this is a good move at all. leave factory at the outlet malls . The Bay is already overloaded with Brands both high and low. it will flop.

    2. Thanks for the heads up. The prices look higher?

  3. Styling the white disc earrings from a season ago on the blog today.

    Partial to Pink

  4. I'm looking at the Going Out Blazer H2778. It comes in three colors, all dark. Gray, navy, black. Which color would you opt for and why? I guess I am trying to figure out what you could and couldn't use each color for.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)