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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

J.Crew Reviews {straight from the JCAs!}

This is the weekly "J.Crew Reviews {straight from the JCAs}" post, to help each other share our reviews.

So if you have recently purchased, or stopped by a J.Crew store to try on an item (or two) from J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Also, this request is not just limited to clothes. Please feel free to discuss bags, shoes, jewelry, accessories, etc.

In particular, if you could mention a few of the noteworthy details like fit, size, fabric, and the like— that would be fantastic! Thanks in advance! :)


  1. The flannel SeaVees are very nice, and TTS. I wear a 10, ordered a 10 and will keep them. Will look great with jeans, black chinos, or my grey any-day pants. Fall is coming, so this was a good purchase from the summer sale.

  2. OT Can anyone comment on what the color “dark cognac” looks like in person? The Parke topcoat from last autumn came in that color. Does it have a reddish hue to it or is it more brown in color? TIA!

    1. I think I got this color. I'll check

    2. To me it's like a light brick red. i remember when I was contemplating it i found these images and I like how the color works with leopard. It's a warm, muted red.

    3. Thank you so much, Suz! More red than brown is what I was hoping! It looks like a reddish color online, but we know colors don't always look the same in person. Thanks for the blog link as well! :-)

    4. I actually got that Parke topcoat in that color and returned it because I wanted more of a camel. Dark cognac is definitely brick reddish brown.

  3. Madewell Fall 2018

    1. Thanks! That has potential!

    2. You’re welcome. On, Madewell’s entire fall 2018 Collection is online to view.

    3. A few cute things, but I can't stand browsing Madewell's site anymore, as it is cumbersome to have to click on everything to see more details. And I am so sad to see my wishlist replaced with some strange favorites page with tiny pictures the size of rice grains. (ok this is hyperbole, but seriously, How am I supposed to look at this?) Has anyone figured out a fix?

    4. Madewell website is horrible for me too. Pics are low res and it's difficult to use. I still prefer the layout of filters and categories to J.Crews site, but overall it's a horrible online shopping experience.
      Also, though I always manage to find something, aside from basics, it's not my taste whatsoever.

    5. They've started to repeat themes too much at Madewell (denim dresses, mustard/orange blouses - too skewed to warm colors in general, 70s stripes). I still find things I like too, but they could step away from those things and go for more elegance in my opinion.

  4. If you like the magical bouquet print it is now in a skirt at Nordstrom in the same style as the paisley - high low hem. Very pretty (but reads very spring).

  5. I stopped in to Factory w the kids today and they were putting out a bunch of new, fall-ish arrivals. I saw wool flannel Sidewalk skirts, a Camo Tippi (whatever the Factory version is called), colored skinny denim in olive, grey and rust, Excursion Vests in blue plaid and olive, a lot of tie-back tees, a Downtown Field Uncoated w silver tone instead of gold buttons, and a couple meh darker florals I’ve never seen before.

    Lots of basics if you are looking for that sort of thing or for replacing what you have, but nothing very notable IMO. The good news is it all seems very wearable - I really don’t even recognize retail these days, though fall may bring a better assortment.

    I did buy the Camo Tippi as I know that one will be gone quickly. Oh and 50% off almost the whole store.

    1. Ruffles, is the camo Tippi cotton or wool? I missed getting the retail version!

    2. Hi shop a lot, it’s cotton. The colors are nice, not too muddy. If you can get to a Factory store, it was 69.50 - 50% off plus another 20% if you use your j crew card. I’m happy with it for that price.

    3. Thanks, Ruffles! The sweater just showed up on the Factory site this morning. Very cute. I may be headed to the store this weekend so I will pick it up then.

  6. Stores are stacking 25% off your purchase with 50% off sale if you use your J Crew card. Picked up black signet bag in Italian leather for less than $40. SA said 25% off stacking is good through 7/26. Was looking for a cross body for upcoming trip, so this will work well. Really like the size & leather is nice.

    1. That's nice. The extra 25 off helps, unfortunately last visit my store didn't have much of interest in the sale section, and it was marked final sale.

    2. Stores can also order for you and the discount still applies. My store said final sale too, but the receipt doesn’t, so they can’t enforce that here.

    3. They usually don't enforce but sometimes you get "the one." 😉 I just hate to be seen as a trouble maker.

    4. FYI stores were instructed to not stack the 25% off with the 50%.

  7. The Mr. now has the 484 Bedford cord. The fabric is light, almost like a ribbed khaki more than what I think of a corduroy. The fit is true, not super skinny, and will work for business casual. At 14.99 we ordered him both the olive and khaki.

    1. What a price! I was thinking about ordering them for my guy.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)