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Thursday, January 18, 2018

JCA "Help Style Me!" Weekly Post

This is the weekly "Help Style Me!" post, where we can share items we are having trouble putting outfits together with. Elaine (in this post) says it best, "You know, that thing you bought because you love it and you keep pulling it out and then putting it away without wearing it?"

Please share your J.Crew item (either that you own or are thinking about getting) that you would love help creating an outfit with.

Also, please help out by offering your styling advice. Feel free to include links to your blog (where you incorporated that piece) or to Polyvore (where you showcased an outfit with that piece). Thanks in advance! :)


  1. Would you wear the Liberty ros floral pajama top out in public? Wondering if this is acceptable. It looks like the same fabric as the perfect shirt. I just love this so much and it is adorable with the red piping.

    1. i bought a liberty print pj set a little while back... it's the same kind of short sleeve top with long pants for bottoms. (it's the white background with lots of bright colored flowers on it.) i wear the top part as a regular top and the bottoms to bed as pjs. no one noticed it was a pajama top until i actually told them.

    2. Thanks for the reply, Miss JR. I am going to do exactly that. Wish J Crew would make some Liberty shirts with short sleeves. I have the one from a few years ago with the tiny pink flowers and Peter Pan collar and wear it so much in the summer.

    3. Agreeing with Miss JR I certainly would!

  2. I was in a JC in a nice mall (Neiman Marcus anchor) today. It reeked of desperation. Taking into consideration that it was the middle of the day and we had snow the day before, it was sad. I don't think they even had the music on.
    On a side note, when I see see Final Sale my brain reads: This is so bad, we don't want it back
    Really hate this for the brand

    1. While I know some high end retailers have Final Sale, I do think it should be banned :)

  3. I was picking up a pkg at my store today (last of the gift cards) and there was a very bizarre conversation going on a the register. A woman was trying to use rewards and the register kept denying the card. The SA ended up calling corporate and while still on the phone, told the poor woman that there had been a mistake at J Crew and a number of customers got the rewards email in error and there was no $25 rewards for her. She actually had her phone out w the email and the very rattled SAs said it was a mistake. The woman got on the phone herself and it didn’t get any better. I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t just acquiesce and give it to her for heavens sake. Anybody else have trouble redeeming the email?

    This is a small store (Lake Forest) and the whole vibe there was so depressing and different. I’ve loved visiting for more than a decade but between the weird exchange w the woman, jittery SAs and blah merchandise, I barely recognized it today.

    1. Oh, ruffles, that is a poor experience. And honestly, if you make a mistake and accidentally give out a reward email, you apologize for the inconveniences and honor it! A simple price override, whatever. In what world is J.Crew operating there? Witnessing that would put me off.

    2. I also get confused with the rewards the way they're currently set up. I can't keep track of how much I'm supposed to get and when so if I got an email saying I had rewards, I'd totally think I had $$ that I forgot about.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)