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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew

This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. hi...the sale page, then in under new arrivals on "main" page is the place to click on for the # of items 4o% off. like I have time for all this. just have a sale page. 40% off. clear all the summer stuff and lets move on. J CREW you are wearing me out!!!

  2. stopped in to Factory to buy ONE THING. Store was almost empty. Two SAs moving slowly at registers - one customer buying clothes for a very large family, double-checking each size blessherheart, the other customer having a fit of indecision over a return. I timed it - 10 minutes after I joined the line, no progress at either register and customer with return and her SA were discussing whether something was black or navy. SA did not suggest looking at tag. Finally that customer left, and i moved up. SA asked for my email and had trouble with the word “dot”. I handed her my JC card. Phone rang, she picked it up, listened, told me i had to wait while she did a stock check. No, said I, I have already done my waiting for the rest of the MONTH. She may have picked up just a trace of a threat in my voice, but she put the call on hold and rushed through the rest of the sale at almost the speed of a human being trying to earn a living. My vent: what kind of training do these people get? It’s not fair to inexperienced workers to turn them loose on the public without at least one or two orientation sessions. Not fair to customers either. Just looking sort of like a cool girl is not enough. And yes, I have worked retail, summers, part-time, holidays, and decades later my feet still remember, because if you do this job right, it is work, and it does thought and ingenuity and shoes with good support. I’m getting emails from JC and Factory telling me to apply for a job that will bring me fun and joy and I am wondering- what job are they recruiting for? OK, vent over.

    1. I feel your pain. And re: working at Crew or Madewell (or other decent retail operation) I've actually worked retail and liked it, I've applied actually to a few positions, but I guess I can't give enough evening and weekend hours for it to be worthwhile. Too bad.

    2. Ridiculous. I've worked several different retail jobs and the first thing you learn is that the customer IN the store is your number one priority.

    3. Oh, I loved my retail jobs, I loved finding things for my customers, I loved my co-workers, I loved having a customer with her arms full of merch ask me which things she should try on (much better for building customer’s faith in me than asking to hide things in a dressing room if you ask me)... I loved finding gifts for wives and daughters... I don’t sense enthusiasm at the JC stores any more, haven’t in a long time.

    4. @wellfedfred

      doesnt sound good. cashier sound ask phone customer to wait

      the sales people at the Factory store near me are very helpful and nice
      it's a store close to NYC and I think its very busy and "they" keep and eye on it, this is just MO

  3. Factory e-mail this morning: 50% off EVERY.SINGLE.THING. Some exclusions apply.


    1. OMG I laughed at this so hard! I feel like a bunch of kids are running the show.

    2. Yes, I was excited to see this and then went to the website. Of course the pants I wanted ARE NOT INCLUDED!!!! J Crew, it's not every.single.thing if EVERY SINGLE THING is not included. Oy vey!

    3. Also, I clicked through that email when I first received it and felt like prices were just okay. Put a few things in my cart and left it. When I looked last night, many prices were significantly lower. Why wouldn't they have price changes set when they sent out the email? They should be embarrassed.

  4. So I rarely go on Facebook and have never gone on the JC FB page but I just had a look today, and it seems everyone leaving comments say the same things as we do here. How can JC be so deaf? (also a lot of the comments are really funny. I was having a crappy afternoon and reading some of them back to August or so cracked me up).

  5. A vent about Style Hacks. Didn't hack used to mean doing something in an unexpected or innovative way? What's up with the latest Style Hacks showing 3 of the most basic ways to tie a scarf? Nothing wrong with it, I wear my scarves like that all the time, but calling it a hack? What fashion "hack" will be next -- buttoning up your shirt or putting on a belt? There are so many scarf videos that are far more informative and entertaining, maybe they should leave this one to the pros?

    1. Preach. I saw the latest one and eye rolled SO hard.

    2. Yes! If immediately click away the second I see the word "hack", that also goes for any Pinterest pin that says hack in the title.

  6. been ranting on twitter so may as well rant here - ordered two velvet hair ties last Wednesday (as in September 27) with the free shipping promo - got one yesterday and one still has not shipped. complained to jcrew, they just said apologies lots of orders you should have paid for faster shipping. No coupon, no discount, no offer to expedite, nothing. It's Friday Oct 6 and still no hair tie. I told them flat out I stopped buying February and now I'll be sure to continue that streak because this is dreadful.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)