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Friday, February 3, 2017

Seek & Find: Will you visit J.Crew this Weekend?

This is the weekly "sale watch" post, to help each other find sale items at our various local J.Crew stores. ;)

If you are stopping by a J.Crew store this weekend to see what's available (if anything!) in the SALE, or to see some NEW ARRIVALS {sigh!} in person, maybe you might be willing to share that with us in this post. In particular, if you could share with us a few of the noteworthy items that are available, at what prices, and potential sizes the store is carrying (as well as the store location)- that would be fantastic!

Also, please let us know if your local store is carrying an additional percent off sale. Thanks in advance!!! :)

P.S. I noticed that many of you have already been reporting sale items (and in which stores) in other posts which by the way "thank you!" :) I really appreciate how helpful we are for each other!


  1. Hi ladies, OTbut thought it might be of interest to some

    1. Oh, that IS interesting!! Thanks for sharing.

    2. On that same subject...

      If folks are supposed to boycott Nordstrom and other stores because they carry Ivanka Trump's brand, are we supposed to boycott J Crew because they carry New Balance? I love a good boycott, but I wonder about inconsistency.

    3. Protesting does work! Good for Nordstrom.

    4. ...and more directly: J Crew doesn't merely carry New Balance, it is a featured collaboration. Nordstrom didn't have much of a stake in the Trump brand. But J Crew has put a huge stake in the ground with NB athleisure.

    5. My sense was that people were boycotting her line at Nordstrom (they said that one reason they dropped the line was because it was underperforming) and now not purchasing J Crew's New Balance line, so that they stop collaborating with them. -lep33shops

    6. The CEO of Uber stepped down from his position as an advisor to this administration after people protested the company's handling of that immigration order.

      so yes, protesting works!

    7. JSR - agreed that protesting works. And I quite sympathetic to this cause. But if we're being disciplined about it, then that means we need to boycott J Crew, not just their NB line. Would be tough for a lot of us (I really want the beaded Tippi sweater...)

    8. I could boycott new J Crew right now, no problem. They haven't put anything out lately I'm particularly interested in anyway - any of their items I'm buying, I'm buying from eBay or Poshmark. Boycotting is one of the only ways we can be heard right now - I don't know about anybody else but I am feeling more & more hopeless & powerless as the weeks go by. /political talk - sorry all!

    9. Cousy - so hard. I love J.Crew too much to part ways... 🙈😂

    10. Those are fair points, cousy. At the very least, I do wish JC would at least address the stupid collaboration (even a statement like Nordstrom's initial one, back in November), but I imagine that given how poor JC is doing financially and how they have so many eggs in this Sports line basket, they don't want to rock the boat. Disappointing, to say the least. I know other JCAs have mentioned not buying from the NB line for this reason, and this is something easy enough for me to do, as I never planned on buying from it, so the greater impact really would be boycotting JC entirely. Sigh. I wish all retailers would steer clear of political crap altogether. (LL Bean, etc)

    11. Cousy I do agree with you and JSR I agree with you too! LOL!! So how about those that are so inclined write J crew and express their disappointment at the collab? I have thought of doing it and haven't gotten around to doing so (I know-lame), but you all have motivated me to do so.

    12. I will 100% do this! Thanks for the motivation. Also Taylor, I know how you feel. I am, however, encouraged by how many people will not stand for this bigoted agenda. Our voices will eventually be heard.

    13. @Taylor hang in there:) for a good laugh take a peak at JK Rowling's twitter account

    14. I agree that a boycott without an accompanying letter is not effective. Companies need to know that their loyal customers are taking action.

    15. I'm in for a full boycott. I want the beaded Tippi, but won't buy it. This pains me for many reasons, not the least because NB is a major employer in my neck of the woods, but actions (political donations) have consequences. JC should understand their customer base a little better.

    16. I'm confused. I get the part about Ivanka Trump and Nordstrom. How does New Balance relate to this? Are New Balance products connected to Ivanka Trump some how?

    17. I think you should feel free to protest (or not) in whatever way makes sense for you. We're not a monolithic group and so do whatever makes sense for you. For me, I target the specific brand i.e. I don't buy Ivanka's products but I still shop at Nordstrom). Social activism isn't one size fits all. The objective is to ensure your voice is heard i.e. people are calling their members of Comgress to make their voice heard.

    18. @maryeb, here's a link to an article that provides some background, but I'll copy a snippet for reading ease:

      New Balance’s head of public affairs, Matthew LeBretton, told the Wall Street Journal a day after the election: “The Obama administration turned a deaf ear to us, and, frankly, with president-elect Trump, we feel things are going to move in the right direction.” Dude, read the room. Or at least, read the room of the millennial, ethnically diverse, liberal-leaning sneaker fans who have seen the company’s circa-2010 revival from running purists’ choice to Hackney stomping-ground staple.

      The masses have been taking to Twitter to swear off the brand for life, torching their trainers, as if in a PE version of The Wicker Man.

      another article:

      There was also this:
      BOSTON -- Athletic-gear company New Balance is distancing itself from a white supremacist website’s call to support it for statements a company executive made backing Republican President-elect Donald Trump.

      So yea, a mess. The company went into damage control after all that, of course. This is why the topic came up a few weeks ago, with many JCAs explaining why they were disappointed with the brand. Anyways, I hope this info helps.

    19. TM93: the issue is that the founder of NB gave a 400K contribution to Trump.

      (I know this is a non-political site. And I know that we are not monolithic in our collective thinking. Just putting the core fact out there that is the reason for the NB boycott.)

    20. Ah, thank you, cousy!! I thought I remembered something like that, but in my quick Google search, those seemed to be the first results that came up. That's actually much, much worse than what I posted -- thanks for the confirmation & clarification! It's good to be fully informed of the facts.

    21. Here is the letter that one woman wrote to Nordstrom back in the fall--I'm going to use it as a template for my letter to JCrew. -lep33shops

    22. @Lauren, I was wondering/hoping there might be something out there that I could use as a guide/base, so this is perfect, thanks very much!! I will tailor it for my own needs.

    23. Hang in there Taylor, you are not alone!

    24. Guess I will support J.Crew even more now! As a woman who voted for Trump I am irked to see so many stores dropping his daughters line and even more so to see people wanting to boycott J.Crew over it. As upset as I was the past 8 years with a liberal in office, I never once boycotted places over wether they supported him or not. I'm not saying I'm a Truml lover, honestly would have rather had almost any other republican running but I just can't believe how many people are in full blown hysteria and boycott mode.

    25. These are not normal times. We would not need to boycott a mainstream repooplican administration ( even though we wouldn't like them very much). Nazi balance ceo, Jim Davis donated almost 500k to feuhrer trumps campaign. He was also a major (and vocal) opponent of gay rights and marriage. His vp, Matt leBretton could not resist making praise of feuhrer trump public. New balance should contribute $500k to aclu or planned parenthood. then we can go back to jcrew.

  2. Bravo Nordstron. NM next?

    #grabyourwallet and #resist !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Making your voice heard with your dollars is powerful and makes a HUYUGE difference!

    3. I see what you did there :) -lep33shops

    4. Grabbed my wallet early becasue I will never support hatred, discrimination and bigotry. Our differences make us interesting and in the end race, religion and all the rest are all window dressing. Underneath we're all the same flesh and bone.

  3. I am going to try and stick with the no shopping form J Crew through Feb. resisted yesterday with the 20% Off and free shipping.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Please, whatever your beliefs are make them be heard by members of Congress and businesses. A lot has been done by both sides on social media but taking action has real effects, don't give up or feel powerless.

    I will be sending a letter to J. Crew today.

  6. I think it's a bit overbroad to boycott J.Crew. Just don't buy the NB line. I did the same with Nordstrom--I still shopped from them but refused to buy Ivanka Trump stuff. Considering the JC is based in downtown NYC, I really doubt you will find many Trump-supporting people in the company and there's no need to punish them in general. Just be targeted.

    1. Agree, I feel bad for Jcrew as I really don't think they should be punished for selling NB. Jcrew is on shaky ground financially already. People not buying the NB line makes sense if it offends someone. I'm sure that lots of NB employees don't support trump so I kind of feel for them too as an executive made the donation and I don't think it necessarily reflects the company as a whole.

    2. I agree with you. J. Crew is probably already in trouble as a company. People will do what they need to do, but boycotting J. Crew altogether might finish them off, and if we're on JCA then we don't want that to be the result.

    3. Cass, respectfully, this is not about punishing people working for companies supporting Trump. Surely JC wasnt aware of NB political standig while working on the collab, i get it. Btw, do you think Jenna is a big trump suporter? If you are an ardent JC fan, you know the answer!
      But now they know where NB stands, so maybe they need to rethink future partnership with them.

      In my opinion, it is imperative to let JC know the reason WHY you won't buy NB collab rather than merely not buying it, as it can be interpreted as a design/pricing issue.

      A very helpful link to those wanting to learn about #GrabYourWallet action

    4. And as an over decade long, loyal customer, i do not want to see JC folding either, but I refuse to buy any merch of a company that supports trump!

      #grabyourwallet #resist

    5. anon, I get that, but as you wrote, JC probably wasn't aware of the NB stuff when they partnered wth NB. I'm not sure what they can do at this point except not collaborate with them in the future, if their customer base gives them that feedback. I don't think J. Crew can afford to break their contract or pull all NB off of their web site.

    6. Agree with everyone's thoughts here, including the realization that JC couldn't possibly have had any way of knowing what NB's CEO was going to do when they paired up with them. But this is precisely why it's too bad JC can't at least issue a neutral statement of sorts, acknowledging the situation. In this day and age, these companies stand to alienate a lot of people, no matter their position, so I know they have to tread lightly. But I still wish they'd say something.

  7. Never supported Trump throughout any stage of the election, and was shocked when he won, but I have never once considered boycotting an organization that supported him, or vilifying anyone who voted for him. Everyone has different opinions and if someone voted for or supported Trump, I respect that decision as they probably had valid reasons for doing so. All the boycotts in the world will not change the fact that Donald Trump is president, and typically those hurt the most by any boycott are the lowest level of workers who can least-afford to lose their job or lose hours. If I boycotted every company who supported a political candidate or cause that I didn't agree with, I'd literally never buy anything ever. I've always found boycotts on both sides of the aisle to be juvenile and embarrassing, akin to a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

    This political activist/protesting talk has really become off-putting here. Have fun with all your boycotts.

    1. Good job Violet . Disappointing to see this forum steered away from its purpose of helpful and fun insight into our most favorite retailer.

    2. I have appreciated the respectful and civil discourse about the brand that many of us love. And until now, there was no name-calling.

      The conversation may have run its course but I see the questions raised here as relevant and legitimate for active J Crew customers. I am happy that there are a wide range of opinions.

    3. Yes! I, too, appreciate that we can share our different opinions, whether it be about a specific item of JC clothing or something else, in a respectful manner.
      Agree with, @cousy, I'm happy we have such a diverse range of opinions.
      Thanks, everyone!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. As much as i understand this is an important topic I am also disappointed to see the forum steered away from it's main purpose. I am so inundated with politics on a daily basis that it is nice to come here and just read about clothes.

    6. Interestingly enough, your comment, Violet, is the closest to a child throwing tantrum in this thread so far.
      Didn't you just said "Everyone has different opinions" and "I respect that" in one sentence? Hypocracy?

    7. Thank you, Violet! I totally agree--Let's get back to the purpose of this forum. :)

  8. I'm a Trump supporter and i find these protests/tantrums laughable. Businesses are going to do better under trump-it's why the stock market responded to his win & why more businesses are investing in America again. This new liberal party is the modern day totalitarian movement in the US-they want to silence anyone who disagrees with their narrative no matter who it hurts and at what cost. New Balance is an american company that manufactures & employs american workers. this doesn't matter to liberals-they only care about their narrative and everyone else must be silenced. it's beyond anti-American. When jcrew dressed the obama's I didn't boycott jcrew. You think if New balance goes out of business you hurt the owners & CEOs? lol No you hurt the workers and the american economy all because your candidate lost. Donald trump is the President whether you like it or not, the senate & house are republican, trump will nominate at least 2 supreme court justices-these are things you are going to have to accept. Instead of "protesting" and spending millions of dollars on marches why not use that money for something beneficial and figure out a constructive way to work with government. The only things these protests have accomplished is making the liberal party look worse.

    1. How unkind to call a protest or honest discussion laughable. Those who responded to the NB story treaded lightly.

    2. in the end, as many people who boycott will buy in support.

    3. emma i think that's a bit of an oversimplistic economic analysis. The stock market went back down again after the turmoil Trump has started causing with our allies and his threatened trade wars which will raise the cost of goods and most likely cause a recession.

      In any event well done boycotts do work--people stopped buying Ivanka Trump at Nordstrom, sales tanked and they killed the line. I personally just target Trump businesses because there is the direct link. Ivanka helped put a pretty face on the candidacy of a guy run by a white supremacist and fueled by racist dog whistles. Not cool with me.

    4. Oh and just to keep directly on the topic of J.Crew, imagine what will happen to their prices and how that will affect their business if tariffs get imposed on items manufactured overseas. Or imagine how much they would have to charge to have the items made here and still make a profit. People complain about the prices as is. That will really put them six feet under.

    5. I'm sorry that you think it's laughable that Americans are taking a stand against unconstitutional acts and fighting to protect values that others have fought hard for us to have. I guess I would just encourage you to try to understand where protestors are coming from. Perhaps businesses will do better under Trump (though I suspect that there isn't a systematic way to keep factory jobs here), but real people's lives and rights are in jeopardy. And this supreme court seat is one that Republicans denied Obama for nearly 11 months. So it's a little hard to be told to just accept it now. Cheers, Lauren

    6. @emma, there's no good reason to laugh at others for holding beliefs different from yours. Others have already pointed that out, but I want you to know that sentiment is not an anomaly. You can support Trump and not get laughed at here. That is how it's done.

    7. CASS- clearly you don't own any stocks because you have zero clue of what's happening in the market. The stock market surged because businesses have confidence in the future again after the past 8 failed years of a stagnant economy & doubling the national debt. just so you know-stocks go up & down and the market will be better under trump because he's better for business. Boycotts are stupid and selfish.You boycotted nordstoms because of ivanka's line!LOL you didn't hurt ivanka at all or the trumps empire-you hurt all the employees putting food on their tables so well done. you're on here bragging about hopefully putting people out of work because someone has a different political opinion than you, very intelligent! Stop talking about tariffs and all the imaginary things you think are going to happen, when in fact, nothings happened yet. You're clearly brainwashed and repeating liberal propaganda slandering someone by calling him a white supremacist & racist when you have zero evidence of either. You forgot to use the rest of the liberal playbook of identity politics-sexist,bigot,xenophopic, nazi....... LOL it's actually enjoyable to see you repeat pure slander and ironic to see who the real bigot is. You want to to disagree with someone's politics-GREAT! you start name calling and slandering people then you're just as disgusting as a white supremacist.

    8. Lauren- i do think it's laughable that you call it a protest when it's really just a tantrum because your candidate lost. There have been zero unconstitutional acts committed- even in the temporary restraining order on President Donald Trump's executive order, the judge did not rule it unconstitutional. By the way, it will be overturned in the courts because Trump's 90 day temporary ban is absolutely legal and well within his authority. They absolutely did deny obamas supreme court and should have! We can thank joe biden & chuck schumer whose the precedence for not nominating a supreme court justice in a presidents final year. SO when the democrats did it it's ok, but not the republicans. You have a trump presidency, a republican house & senate now-you are going to have to accept it, just like we had to accept obama.

    9. sarah- I'm not laughing at beliefs. I'm laughing at a trump tantrum disguised as a protest. I'm laughing at people repeating myths, slander and propaganda. I can support trump and not get laughed at- you're right it's worse, you get called a racist or white supremacist supporter did you read cass's comment? You criticize my comment, but silent on that disgusting language.

    10. Woah Emma......deep breath.....yikes

    11. Okay, I guess you don't want to try to understand where protesters are coming from! Too bad!

  9. Be engaged. Be strong. Every little thing counts. There is strength in numbers. The real ones, not the alternative facts.

  10. If anyone has tried the Slim Boyfriend jeans, I'd appreciate a review. I've really been wanting to try a pair and they get mixed reviews on JCrew's site. TIA!

    1. I did order a pair of white ones when they were on super sale. I've always had a hard time with JC pants (with the exception Cafe Capris). I am 5'5" pear shaped and carry weight in my legs. These were too tight on my calves and too large in the waist and trying on 3 different sizes didn't help either end. The white denim was good quality and opaque. If you have chance to try in store that would be easiest.

    2. Thanks @Muffin! That's really helpful.
      I usually order a petite size, since the stores don't carry this option. I'll just pass on this style for now and save myself the return shipping.

  11. I for one am uncomfortable with the way the tone has changed as the discussion has veered off topic here. There is no shortage of forums for expressing opinions on both sides of aisle - a lot of us come here to avoid politics lately. Out of respect for Alexis who graciously provides this place, take the non-J Crew and the negative political energy offline.

    1. Agree. I'm bugging out of here for a while until things get back on topic.

    2. uncomfortable once a trump supporter spoke up and so offended by the word laughable, but no mention of the hateful disgusting words CASS used in her response. slandering people by calling them white supremacists & racist. ironically you were more offended by the word laughable. You weren't uncomfortable when the conversation was just about protesting, just when a trump supporter spoke up.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Well I'll be venturing into the store this weekend for the first time since before Christmas! Hoping to see a few things in person like the Mermaid Tippi, Liberty Lady Jacket and the Ratti Pencil Skirt. Happy weekend JCA's!

    1. The Mermaid Tippi is *awesome*! Tried it on in-store, as I was unsure of the extra ruffles -- but they thankfully lie flat, so don't add volume.

      Would have taken the one in store home right away, but found a small hole in the knit ruffle. Ordered one for delivery (nice gal at the cashwrap gave a $10 coupon to use, too!), and crossing fingers it arrives in perfect condition.

      Highly recommend!

    2. Thanks Mika! Were it not for the ruffles, I'd have ordered it already.....I need to see how they look/fit on my person :)

    3. I called ahead and my store didn't get the Liberty lady jacket so I took a chance and ordered it with the 20% off yesterday. I like the mermaid print but I agree I would need to try on to see how it works on me- but love to hear good reviews!

  13. I've seen the following issues discussed on the blog:
    -- working conditions in overseas factories
    -- the horror of the fire in the large factory in Bangladesh
    -- mistreatment of sheep in the production of Merino wool
    -- political and other messages conveyed by the absence of appropriate workwear offerings
    -- silent body-shaming as conveyed by the absence of "large" sizes from the stores and website
    -- lack of diversity among the models
    -- absence of designs wearable by those whose culture and beliefs require modesty
    -- classism shown by the attitudes of store personnel

    And I think J.Crew has shown appropriate reactions to at least some of these concerns.

    In a larger sense, discussion of any large industry or any large corporation, not just fashion, not just J.Crew Group, will inevitably turn to political issues or political analysis, even as in other times trading recipes led to discussing shortages led to discussing War. Someone close to me has returned from a war zone and will shortly leave again for another. Of course that fact colors every thought I have, of course wishes for peace and sanity are always in my heart, of course these things inform my shopping, my dressing, my donations of things that don't fit, my interactions with colleagues and friends. I've learned things I wish I didn't know about people I thought were compassionate, logical, intelligent, and I've learned things I'm happy to know about total strangers. We live in changeable times and if some of us were brought up to set an example for younger siblings and cousins by standing up for principle - well, that's a habit that dies hard.

    1. Wellfedfred - As a Canadian I feel a bit hesitant to add to the discussion, but I want to thank you for your thoughts.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Of course I agree with all your points,WFF, but I will leaving the "example setting" for those throwing political insults and calling the actions of others " laughable" on a shopping blog to others.

    4. Hear, hear, WFF! Well-spoke and said!

    5. @wellfedfred, well said and eloquent as always! Sending good thoughts and prayers for your brave friend.

    6. Thank you for your thoughtful words.

    7. You always say the right thing, WFF, such a thoughtful way with words and I know that many of us appreciate it and are grateful. Thank you. Thinking of your friend as well.

    8. I was waiting for your sage opinion!

  14. On topic, there's nothing else that I absolutely must have at the moment though I did manage to order a couple of items during the week. I'm still a year and a half strong on my less is more, quality over quantity shopping method. I'm much happier with the results and my closet.

    1. Great to hear that it is lasting :)

    2. It's still a work in progress. Christmas, which all it's shiny things, is the hardest.

  15. I am so sad that I missed the one day 20% off promo! I hope J.Crew brings it back and does one better (maybe 25% or 30% off) this week. :)

    1. @Roxy, that would be wonderful (PAs for those that ordered last week) and perfect for those that missed out! Fingers crossed !

    2. Maybe they'll be a promo for President's Day????

      Ina mentioned on her instagram that she saw the new catalogue. Maybe they'll be a promo with the next roll-out.

    3. Fingers crossed🤞🏻 ladies!

  16. May I please have some thoughts on the Lady Jacket with Liberty Trim (G2354 regular sizing and G3153 petite sizing). When I saw it online I almost swooned. Ok, that's an exaggeration but I did feel greed kicking in. I saw it at the store yesterday and tried it on. Canadian stores no longer carry petite sizing in store, and I think I need petite sizing so I was saved from the temptation to buy it. But as I thought some more about it, I wondered "What will I wear it with". Yes, I can wear it on Casual Fridays with jeans, and I do have navy skirts and pants I can wear it with, but I've had a fair bit of experience with pieces I love on their own that turn out not to be very versatile. Is this jacket one of those pieces????

    I also tried on the lightweight tweed pieces (pencil skirt G0945, sheath dress G0951 and jacket G0944). I had seen them on line and thought they were really promising, but I was really disappointed. The front panel of the skirt made my stomach "pooch" out. The jacket was boxy and unflattering. I have other similarly styled J Crew dresses from last season so I was surprised to find that the hips seemed bigger on the sheath dress and stuck out at the sides with excess fabric. (Or maybe it's because the fabric is slightly less draped than in past years). I was disappointed, but at least the temptation is gone...

    1. I got the lady jacket with gold buttons, and think I should have gotten the petite. I should have waited like you did @Toronto Modern! I am 5'3", and the first lady jacket I tried on in 00 had decent sleeve length on me. The one I bought actually seems longer, and I am sure Petite is the way forward. The regular size looks like too much for my frame.

      As for practical wearability... I know what you mean! I have had two J Crew jackets prior to this. I didn't reach for them frequently. I love the idea of dressing up, but the reality is that I am a minimalist dresser. If I remember to put earrings on, I'm really happy. If I add another element to that like a bracelet or scarf, I feel overly made up. My rationale with the lady jacket is that the style is more classic and chic than the others I had. I plan to wear it to work so I can look polished and still wear a cute tee, shorts, or casual skirt. I love black. I'll never spend the money on a Chanel jacket. If I need to dress for a more formal occasion, it's good to know I have something smart in reserve. Over-justification much?! I'll let you know if I get the fit right and report on how much use I get- was this an imagination piece or a practical life piece...

    2. I bit on the lady jacket too and it will be delivered next week. I haven't seen it in person but I am hoping to match one of the colors in the print to a skirt or pant (matching navy is as hard as matching black) and of course wearing it with jeans. Because it already has a lot of detail I'll keep my accessories to a minimum. I do think ultimately because it is a classic style and color it will be in my closet for a long time even if it's not a constant wear piece.

    3. Toronto,
      I had the same thought about the Liberty lady jacket and had come up with the same outfit combinations you did. I know it would cheer me to see it hanging in my closet, but is that enough?Someone referenced the Astrid, which still haunts me, though I'm thinking of the turquoise silk jacket version with the trim of little silk-covered balls. I know I would have worn it with black pants/skirts and jeans, but I was stumped after that. Still, I have a torn out catalog photo of it somewhere which I keep like a photo of an old friend. Maybe that's the best course for me with the Liberty. I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing others wear it on Instagram.

    4. The haunting is why I bought it. Many a time I have looked at a piece like that, thought I wouldn't wear it, then two or three years later when someone pulls it out, I think "why didn't I get that?!" This has happened several times. When I saw the jacket I really debated then thought, it's on sale, it's adorable and if I get it and don't like it I can return it but at least get it and decide.

    5. There's great blog called TheDirectrice which often features JCrew pieces, and she had a recent post featuring a similar "orphan" piece from her closet, which looks like a purple tweed Lady Jacket. Her layering and styling, though not always to my taste (which goes for any fashion blog I guess), is quite innovative and fearless. She inspires me to look beyond the obvious when it comes to layering, and her writing is quite entertaining.
      On a different note, if you really love a piece, there's nothing wrong with wearing it the same way, as long as you wear it!

    6. Just checked out The Directrice and agree with you on her styling. Thanks for the tip. I appreciate Alex for continuing this blog. So many other good ones have disappeared. I miss A Bigger Closet, who always offered a lot of styling options for J. Crew pieces.

    7. I'm liking this blog already, from just the first few posts that I read. She seems sublime and refreshingly real. I can relate to the closet orphans. I have quite a few pieces that I've never worn that I just cannot give up because they'll forever be in style. I have faith that I'll one day be able to style them. On a side note, Lantern sleeves are back? I have a navy lantern sleeve trench from about ten years ago. Happy I kept that one. All theses styles keeping back around eh?

    8. Thank you for recommending TheDirectrice! While I'm open to many fashion blogs, it's nice to find something directed more to my age, and witty to boot. I look forward to following this one. And does anyone know what happened to A Bigger Closet? I know the blogger had health issues, and there hasn't been a post in months . . .

    9. Yes, I have been wondering about A Bigger Closet too! I hope she is well and I miss her posts very much.

  17. Just wanted to share:

    Maybe it is a coincidence, or maybe it is a response to our discussion - JC is hosting a special event in 5 NYC stores for to take our workout to the next level and to take a first look at their latest collection of NB workout clothes) today 11-3pm. Free snacks from Zito and Health Warrior, 25% and a free workout class with a purchase.

    A perfect opportunity to respond to the management for hose who care - whatever your stance is. Will also step by a store to share my 5c, too.

    1. I just got that e-mail as well for a west-coast store.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Can anyone report back what percentage off sale prices stores are offering?

    Collection leather Ryder pants became available in my size (smaller of the two) so I took a chance and ordered them. I know it seems ironic from my posts but I've really eliminated so much clothing this year and I'm trying to buy classic pieces. I've never owned leather pants, but have loved and worn several faux leather pants to their demise. We shall see if these work for me. Reviews are pretty positive, aside from some sizing issues.

    1. Yesterday, Mayfair in WI had the extra 50% off any sale items. I didn't notice any other promos. The cropped lady jacket with gold buttons was included, so I picked one up. I was able to use a discount card as well, so it was $68 all told.

    2. I ordered the leather Ryder pants as well. Hoping they fit, as the price was awesome. Good luck-- :)

    3. I'm almost nervous! Now I need to get rid of ten more things. Lol.

    4. And maybe I shouldn't eat until they come. Or wear a corset.

    5. One of my local stores was 50% off also, I just checked.

    6. Those pants are soooo tempting, but I really shouldn't buy anything else for a bit. Just picked up VIP tix to see John Mayer this spring that we're crazy expensive, but the tour sounds amazing. I'm hoping to spend more on experiences than on stuff this year, but I don't always have enough self-restraint. I'll live vicariously through your Instagram posts!

    7. The two NYC stores I was at this week (Flatiron and Rockefeller Center) both had an extra 50% off sale.

    8. Suz Has, leather pants are classic to me. I have a pair of tan skinny fit ones from about six years back that I've worn with a navy blazer and dress shirt for a new take on office casual. Every time I wear those pants, people are so surprised by how sophisticated and unexpected they are. It's all in how you wear it. Treat it as you would classic pants.

    9. Agree! I'm only concerned that they may not fit, not about wearability,

  20. Ok, I just had an interesting exchange with a VPS. I contacted two yesterday to see if I could apply my rewards to the order I placed and to confirm measurements of a coat. I got an automated response that one was out until April and didn't hear back from the second.

    Then today I placed another order and called one of the stores near me who confirmed they were offering 50% off sale. I reached out to a third VPS who responded once in the past, and this time I included my second order and asked if I could get a price adjustment since my store was 50% off sale as opposed to 30, and two of the items in particular were fairly expensive.

    First she responded very helpfully, but forgot to provide measurements. So I quickly responded (I was waiting in my car to pick up a kid, so I was checking emails) and I thanked her and asked again about the measurements. I got a second response while I was typing, saying, oh, by the way, anything 50% off is final sale.

    Uh..this has never happened with a price adjustment before. Now of course I'm nervous because I don't know if these items will fit. I checked my order and none of the items are showing up as final sale. So I'm hoping everything works out and it's not an issue.

    I'm a good customer, and don't think asking for a price adjustment is taking advantage, it's being a smart shopper.

    Anyway, the whole thing kind of made me feel bad.

    1. @SuzHas, I don't think asking for a PA is at all taking advantage!! But in this particular case, I'm wondering if the VPS said that about Final Sale because if you HAD bought the items in the store, they would also have been FS? I know that's true for my store -- whenever they have 50% off, it's FS. I'm hoping the items work out for you, too, in any case! Ack.

    2. Thanks. They're still not showing up as final sale. Today the 0 popped back in the leather pants so I ordered those too and I'll juts return the ones that don't work, and ask them to match the lower price if I have to get the larger size.

    3. @Suz Has, oh that's great news about the popback!! I'm certain one of these will work out for you and I cannot to wait to see how you style them on your Insta -- you have such great taste and i know those will be very flattering on you!

    4. I hope so! Thank you so much.

  21. Replies
    1. Love the beautiful cover on the March catalogue. The colors are so pretty. Thanks for sharing! Here's the link, if someone needs it.

    2. @Ina, I'm so excited to see the March style guide! Thank you for your help as always! Looking forward to the next rollout.

    3. There will be a pilot in two cities (atlanta and chicago) where you can order online and then pick up in store!

    4. I wonder if i can pull off wearing a tulle skirt. So pretty and feminine

    5. That would be nice Ina! You wouldn't have to worry about packages being stolen off the porch or seeing the eye roll from your family:) You could collect them when it was convenient, try on and return if needed.

    6. wow...seems like the Feb guide just came out! I am keeping my fingers crossed a certain JCA gets their hands on it and puts in on her instagram......#can't wait

    7. @ShoppingCelle, hadn't thought of it, but those are some really good points! I get all of my packages sent to work and it can get a little embarrassing! No one cares, but I find myself explaining how you have to order two sizes sometimes, or return/exchange, etc. I have something like TEN packages from Groundhog day order all arriving this Tuesday because items are being shipped separately 🙈😳 I'd love to be able to receive dinner at my local store so I could return extra size, etc, if need be. Curious to see how this pilot works out!

    8. Grrr, 'some', not dinner! (* though dinner would be a treat, haha!)

    9. Same. Sometimes I go right from work with packages to the store to do try ons and returns. Especially if I've got multiple sizes.

  22. The cutest top with bow on Net-a-Porter, might be in the new roll out too:

    1. That is cute! Thanks for sharing it.

    2. Darling top. I can totally see you wearing it!

    3. Oh no, if this a sign of things to come, I'm in big trouble! Thanks for the sneak peek, super cute!

    4. That is cute, thank you! I also see the stripe sweater skirt and navy foulard items which I believe are in the next rollout. (The sweater skirt and foulard pants are also on Nordstrom.)

    5. @shoppingcelle Me too, so cute, still trying to stick to my #shopless resolution though;-))

    6. The striped sweater skirt ( with matching short sleeved sweater) and the Foulard stuff is all in the new catalog. Rollout is the week of the 13th

    7. @fleurdelys My no shop February is already in the crapper!

    8. @Ina, thank you! Feb 13 isn't far, can't wait!

    9. @shoppingcelle The No Shopping ban has proven to be too hard, so I'm trying to shop less. Kind of being on a diet but allowing yourself a piece of chocolate in the evening as a reward, which works for me. Fingers crossed ;-))

  23. Factory site is 40% off everything plus free shipping. Cute spring things for girls - I bought the Tulle Dress in pink for my niece. Adorable!

  24. So looking at Netaporter and Nordstrom, I notice that Nordstrom is charging $98. for the distressed chinos instead of $79.50. I bought three sizes on Ground Hog discount since I wasn't sure on sizing but interesting that Nordstrom is charging more. Also, J. Crew if you're reading this, I also buy iron on patches for any distressing that goes all the way through. If I wanted to show my legs I'd wear shorts. ;) IMO patches and minor wear=cute, outright holes=not cute.

  25. I just read in the news that Jcrew is suing its lenders, basically trying to stop the lenders from declaring Jcrew in default. (In December Jcrew moved a lot of intellectual property to another subsidiary -in Cayman Islands I think. Sounds like they're worried that the lenders will say that wasn't allowed and try to declare Jcrew in default of the terms of their agreements.) It sounds promising that Jcrew has the right to move their intellectual property but either way Jcrew doesn't want lenders to hold them up if they're going to try to turn things around. Anyway, whatever jcrew's plan for restructuring, it appears the ball is rolling so we'll likely find out the plan in the next few months.
    I'm praying that they can turn things around and am hoping the lenders will be supportive in jcrew's efforts. Hopefully we'll all be loving the next rollouts so we can help out with sales. :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh wow, that's some interesting news, thanks for posting, Jan. Sincerely hope JC re-discovers what their magic formula is (again), as this upcoming year is crucial. Fingers crossed.

  26. If you want to get the most out of your training, you go into the gym with the intent to really have a good workout.That, however, can be a problem. If we consistently go into the gym and train at a ten,

  27. I cannot believe that people actually want politicize shopping.

    Look, we are a diverse country, and there is no way on God's green earth we're all going to agree on everything, including important things. We are diverse, and we're going to disagree.

    But if we're going to start drawing lines all over the place about where we'll shop and with whom we're going to be friends - we'll be at each other's throats forever. It will never end and there will be no 'nice' places left.

    Sure, get involve politically - try to make your voice heard. But please don't drag it into very nook and cranny of our lives.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)