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Monday, February 8, 2016

Sought & Found: Did you visit J.Crew this {past} Weekend?

This is the weekly "sale watch" post, to help each other find sale items at our various local J.Crew stores. ;)

If you are stopped by a J.Crew store this past weekend to see what's available (if anything!) in the SALE, or to see some NEW ARRIVALS {sigh!} in person, maybe you might be willing to share that with us in this post. In particular, if you could share with us a few of the noteworthy items that are available, at what prices, and potential sizes the store is carrying (as well as the store location)- that would be fantastic!

Also, please let us know if your local store was/ is carrying an additional percent off sale. Thanks in advance!!! :)


  1. I just happened to be by the mall and of course I have FOMO (fear of missing out) so I had to go by the store and do a quick run through. I left empty handed, it almost seemed depressing in the store. Not really any sale and not really any cute new stuff. I would like to get the red sunday slim chino if they go on promo plus rewards card and there is also one button up shirt I would like but nothing at full price.

  2. New promo on the website with 25% off on a wider range of items...

  3. I just saw that the Sunday slims are on promo for 25% off, now just need the rewards card.

  4. Seems like j crew doesn't want my money right no. No % off sale and no rewards card yet = no spending for me. Have a return to make next weekend. Hoping to have rewards card by then.

  5. Yes..depressing..same old sale junk that was half off is now 30 off and hugely picked through...if no one wanted it at half off why would they want it at 30 off.....

  6. I think J Crew is experimenting....with the promos. It has been on and off the last few weeks with the sale section.
    Someone mention a short time ago a SA said J Crew was going to have less 40 and 50% off sale promos. I think J Crew is in trouble $$ and looking for changes. I have bad feelings about this as up here in Canada we still do not have as loyal of a customer as in the US. C

    1. That was me. One of the SA told me they are trying to get away from so many promos. I don't think it is going to work.

    2. I don't think it's going to work either. Until J.Crew restores the quality across the board for all items, customers (even loyal ones like all of us!) are just not going to pay full price, and are not going to bite on sale items unless they are deeply discounted.
      I've noticed that of the few sale items I have wishlisted, most aren't even in Only a Few Left status yet, and the two that are have been that way for at least a couple weeks. I really don't feel any sense of urgency to make any purchases until there's a really good promo.

    3. Agreed. They keep tinkering with the basics and degrading the quality of materials used. The quality needs to improve if they expect me to pay more. I just don't feel like the items last very long hence I am not going to pay full price or even sale without a % off. If they did away w/ final sale and moved to a 14 or even 7 day return policy for those items I would be more willing to take a chance. I am not going to spend $50 plus on something I cannot return. It all comes full circle though because if the designs and quality and fit were on the items would not be languishing in the sale section to begin with.

    4. I find it kind of funny they keep sending me emails about items in my shopping cart. Today I get an email about loafers that last week were 40% less, telling me they are on sale. I could see changing promos on new items, but there's no way I'm spending almost double what I would have last week!

    5. My VPS said she is one is buying at full price without a promo so she's not making many sales. I was in on Saturday trying on a new items for when they are marked down. Everything looks like the items I already have and there was only one jacket out of everything I would even consider buying when it goes on sale.

  7. The Madewell x Daryl K Limited-Edition Collection debuts on the 10th of this month. I've shared a link for early access to the items, as well as my personal picks in this post on my blog today for those interested. :)

  8. If anyone is interested in the yellow version of the matte Chelsea rainboots, they were marked down further from $75 to $37 at the Eaton Centre, plus additional 30%-off, final sale.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)