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Monday, September 14, 2015

Join J.Crew on Sept 17th to Check Out New Arrivals!

J.Crew sent out an email letting customers know that brick & mortar stores will be offering a "First Look Event" on September 17, 2015 from 6PM to 8PM.

In addition to having all the latest arrivals on the floor, ready to purchase, J.Crew will be offering light refreshments.

I have been to these "events" before and they are kind of meh. But if you happen to be there, then it's worth picking up a treat or two while brrowsing. ;)

Will you be stopping by your local J.Crew to check out the new arrivals? Are there any new arrivals you are in love with? If so, please share! :)


  1. Not going. It is my husband's birthday. They don't typically do these events well. Refreshments are usually pretty lousy.

  2. New arrivals will be on the floor today, according to the SAs at my store, despite their unwillingness to part with a Style Guide "early." Such variation in policies between stores! Also had no trouble using my educator discount on a sale item (painter Tee in Striped Bronze - love), and SA said there is no change at all in educator discount policy.

    1. @ruffles It is true,there is no change in the educator discount policy.

    2. Thanks, Ina! I thought another JCA mentioned it was going away last week so I was relieved to hear it's not!

  3. Ruffles, I was denied an October catalog yesterday. Was reminded that new arrivals would be out tomorrow (today) and to stop by. Guess those new catalogs are arriving via express courier tomorrow morning! ;)

  4. Sooooo... No October pinterest board. No NY fashion week hype. No catalog (for me anyway).

    Feeling a little unloved here. :/

    1. J.Crew posted a couple pics of NYFW sneak peeks, last night on their IG. One pic of a model-very colorful, looked preppy, and very J.Crew (gingham shirt, stripe cotton tee, and printed pants, in one outfit).

    2. ...and I asked J.Crew on IG if they are posting sneak peeks of their upcoming show (which they have done every NYFW), and they said it'll be on their blog AFTER the show..and then they posted it early. Confuse much?

      And what is up with the absence of Pinterest photos??

    3. thanks...didn't see these. the comments are hilarious. esp. the one from the pic with all the necklaces layered. this is when an intervention is needed. heee heee

    4. Re: that gingham/stripes/print. Oh, I see, so now I have to buy everything they sell to pull one look, smart. another failed idea for vast majority of us, imo.

  5. The catalog thing is so baffling. Mine arrived in the mail on Saturday. While I like the presentation and styling of the style guide nothing really jumped out at me except a pair of windowpane pants. I have been inspired by the ladies here trying to downsize and really want to only purchase a handful of key pieces this upcoming season. I also started purging the closet and have been able to let things go that I couldn't before. Hoping to keep going little by little.

    1. Good for you JessF! I found when I did the major closet purging ( LOTS of Crew) it felt so freeing and looked so neat and tidy I had no desire to clog it all up again with a bunch of junk. I've become much more picky about adding new items and feel no pressure just because it's a new roll out or a new catalog has hit the mailbox. Speaking to the catalogs....I have received catalogs lately from apparel companies I've never heard of let alone shopped there! I see it as a test of my resolve....I'm holding strong. From what I've seen online, I don't see anything in the Oct. Crew catalog that I need or want. And I'm fine with that.

    2. Thanks for the encouragement Stray Cat! It does feel good and I hope to make more progress. For me the hardest pieces to let go of are the ones I paid a lot for or that I still Iove but don't quite fit. I will be 40 soon and I feel like it is a good time to make the change and start new. That being said I will never be a minimalist and enjoy shopping but I am going to careful about what I purchase.

  6. October sneak previews on my blog (sorry, linking on my ancient iPad doesn't work).

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I got my October Style Guide in the mail on Friday. I really, really want those wool patio pants, and saw a few others things that caught my eye.

    Like many of you, I recently did a major closet purge (lost quite a bit of weight, so had a good motivator), and now am trying to buy only things that really call to me or that fill a major gap in my wardrobe.

  9. Question for the group-I tried on that Campbell Blazer in the P8 and P10- the P8 wouldn't close and the P10 elbow patches wouldn't line up with mine.....but it did close. So my question is if you never button your blazer would you rather buy the smaller or stick to the larger? I also tried on a blue metallic tweed cropped jacket....same issue (actually no 6 for my to try and the eight was just right....but looked bulky (I was wearing a tippi underneath). Opinions?

    1. My two cents - I think it's a mistake to buy a blazer that can't button. I know people disagree with this, but, in general, I think you can tell if t can't button and then it looks too small and has the effect of making you look bigger. Perhaps not always true (depending on the overall fit), but it's my general rule of thumb.

  10. It's a miracle! I received a Style Guide in the mail today! First time in probably a year. The JCA gods must have heard all my grousing ...

  11. Made some returns and saw new arrivals being displayed. Lots of "back to the basics". Quick glance-saw the copper gold sequined jeweled appliqué sweater- nice color combo but think I'm over sequined sweaters. (Jenna's legacy- splash of sequin on everything). It looked like the jeweled sweater that inawonderland5 tried on in her IG account but in a diff color combo. Saw a navy sweatshirt with that same copper gold design but on the front rather than the shoulders-reminded me of their previous gold foil front panel sweatshirt few yrs past. *sigh* I too am trying to "pare my closet down" hearing about it from u guys motivates me!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)