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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew

This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. Why are all the current pants so tight through the thighs? I have never had that problem before with J.Crew. I am wearing the Collection women's Ludlow pant in Italian linen chambray today and they are a tad snug when you stand but when you sit down, whoa they are tight. Same with the garden pant. BTW, has anyone washed the gold foil leaf print garden pant? It says they are machine wash, but I was a little hesitant.

    1. I thought it was only me as I do a lot of spin and have larger thighs. I ordered two sizes of the gold foil leaf garden pant and ended up keeping the larger size which is too large in the waist but still tight on the legs when i sit down. Although the smaller size fit in the waist I could not sit down comfortably in the smaller size. I love the print but maybe the pants aren't for me. I was wondering about how they wash too. Linen tends to shrink especially if you put it in the dryer and I want to shrink the waist but not the rest of the pant.

    2. My guess is that this is just another way to cut costs, along with the slimmer sleeves. They probably think that 1/4" here and there isn't going to make a difference to customers.

      I got the indigo striped Sideline pants and found them to be really cute, but tight in the bum/thighs in my usual 4. Tried on a 6 and they were enormous. I haven't usually had the tight thigh problem with the pants but was disappointed in these. I don't know if they'll stretch out or if I'll take a chance on keeping them.

      As far as the tight upper arms go, I definitely noticed it in the linen perfect shirt. I tried sizes 2, 4, and 6 and the upper arms felt a little restricted on all of them. Also, the 4 in the green felt the same as the navy 6? Such inconsistency in their sizing.

    3. I have always had the same problem too. It's a rare thing when I find a JC pant I can wear with only minor alterations. I rarely have this issue at other retailers but almost always at JC. Luckily, I don't have any body dysmorphia issues ;-) because it's a little disheartening to always be returning cute pants to them.

    4. Same complaint. I bought two pairs of the Andie pants last summer, thinking they were the best pants ever. I don't know what I was thinking. I tried on two sizes and up keeping the larger size because of the tightness in the thighs. The waist seemed OK, but they definitely stretch out as the day goes on. By the end of the day, the thighs are OK but the waist, butt, and knees are baggy -- it looks awful. And the pocket seams on the hips -- blech. I thought maybe it was just the Andies that had the thigh issue, but sounds like that's not the case.

    5. I like the fit of the Martie pant - slim but not too tight in the legs. I have them in ivory so also ordered in black. They were waitlisted but I thought no big deal. Then they extended the waitlist until end of July. Then this week they cancelled the order because they were "sold out." But I see them on the website in my size so how can they be sold out?? Darn J.Crew!

    6. I like the fit of the Martie pant - slim but not too tight in the legs. I have them in ivory so also ordered in black. They were waitlisted but I thought no big deal. Then they extended the waitlist until end of July. Then this week they cancelled the order because they were "sold out." But I see them on the website in my size so how can they be sold out?? Darn J.Crew!

    7. I have never been able to wear most of J Crew's pants due to the Slim Thigh Syndrome they all seem to have. I personally do not suffer from said syndrome... can only manage some of their denim if it has spandex involved.

    8. Glad to hear I am not the only one with pants too snug in the thighs! I was getting depressed every time I tried on pants at Jcrew!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just saw this about sweaters and J Crew. Apparently the Tilly wasn't a success. Mickey, please just read our reviews : ) : )

    1. Interesting article and I totally agree. I didn't completely hate the Tilly, but I'm 5'9 and it was just too short to own more than one. However, I have about a dozen of the Tippi. (I would love a full-length sleeve Tippi though.)

      I feel like they have been making really bad, really obvious mistakes that someone with Mickey's experience should not be making.

    2. Great article. I read through it and agree. At 5'1", I thought the Tilly was too short. But my collection of Tippi's increased through purchases on EBay. There were other article links associated with this one, this one I especially liked since it talked about the Cece re-creation flop and mentioned J Crew Aficionada.
      However, I think they were wrong in the article by saying the new Cece is Made in America, I can't believe that is true.

    3. Someone once said (here, or somewhere else) that if a retailer provides too many wardrobe staples that are too good quality, they "miss out" on the opportunity for people to buy new items. Because once I have the Tippi in the colors I like, theoretically I don't need to buy anymore. Same for other staples like the Minnie, Pixie, Toothpick, whatever. So, retailers have to reinvent themselves and mess with classics so we'll buy more. I think it's dumb and I think consumers are sick of it. I'm not a teenager. I don't want to follow every trend. Sure, every decade or so, my style will evolve, but I'm not buying a new silhouette or trend every season.

    4. This was yesterday's news.. More trouble today as a new article says that JC is letting go 10% of its NY offices workforce ( at all levels, madewell included). The ones that are leaving are being asked to leave immediately and being escorted by security.
      Although JC did not comment on the information, promised to release a statement later today.

  4. So I woke up at 6 am to an amazing selection of jewelry on the sale section + free shipping! I made two orders totaling +$200 with beautiful earrings and necklaces. That was last week. Since that day, I have been getting 3-4 emails a day letting me know that my items are sold out. As of today, one complete order is cancelled and my +$200 turned to $20. It was horrible getting those emails throughout the day.

    On a slightly good note, their Twitter support page has been trying to make it better.

    1. Missjackiedenise, the same thing happened to me! I couldn't believe all the items (over 400) in the jewelry section that morning. All of mine got canceled too. It was the same day that their website crashed so I wonder if it had anything to do with that? Either way, it is really annoying!

    2. same thing happened with me. I had some things added to my cart and then when I was trying to check out they had all sold out, in minutes. def seems like a major - and irritating - website glitch.

  5. I know I'm the thousandth person to complain about the Cece downfall, but I've been waiting for J. Crew to come to its senses and reinstate the real Italian thing, and I'm too stubborn to accept the reality that they probably never will! The old pair I've still got have been amazing workhorses, the best flat I've ever had, but now they're really in their last gasp — and I still won't get rid of them because they're and they will only leave a sad void with nothing to replace them.

    I've migrated to other clothing companies for better quality knits, button-ups, and jeans. But I've stuck with J. Crew for its great Italian shoes, many of which have served me for years of walking, work, and walking to work. It's irritating to see this department drop in quality, too.

  6. I am over JCrew and them not carrying size 14 in EVERYTHING in their stores. I ALWAYS have to order online and it takes FOREVER to come!!! AND...the pants are cut wwwaaaaayyy to slim. I recently purchased the beautiful floral collection in a size 14 and I thought I was going to bust out of them.

    1. Yes, the oft-complained about vanity sizing does not run all the way up the size spectrum.

  7. Has anyone else seen this article? Talk about a "vent"!

    1. Thanks for sharing the article. Nan, maybe that's the one you read online? On my FB thread, someone mentioned that 175 were let go, including Tom Mora.

      Yay for Rynetta/J Crew Is My Fav Store for being quoted in the NY Times. Congratulations!

    2. Thanks for sharing the article. Nan, maybe that's the one you read online? On my FB thread, someone mentioned that 175 were let go, including Tom Mora.

      Yay for Rynetta/J Crew Is My Fav Store for being quoted in the NY Times. Congratulations!

    3. Gigi: thank you SO much!!! You're the absolute BEST!

    4. You're welcome :) I love seeing JCAs in the news!

    5. Yeah I don't know...this article doesn't really hit it for me either. Please for the love of god J.Crew DO NOT DO ATHLEISURE. I don't think anyone gives a damn whether you've 'missed the boat' on it or not.

      Lots of retailers I usually like have had off-years this year, especially with their Spring stuff. Vince, J.Crew, Rag & Bone, those are my usual three aisde from Anthro (which is also struggling right now) and I haven't bought much of anything at any of them. Factory has gotten me a few basics. And there have been a few hints of glimmer: the Floral Scattered Sequin Shell might be among my favorite J.Crew items EVER, and I really like the Crossover Wrap Skirt, especially since it comes in tall.

      I don't know exactly what the answer is but in my head I think they need to find the right mix of classic staples (Theory is priced higher and releases the same items each year but does gangbusters because it's well-made and FITS WELL), on-trend pieces, and coordinating items.

      I'm rooting for you, J.Crew. And hoping you'll get your preppy stride back.

    6. I'm shouting with you, Roxy. I hate athleisure. Why are people wearing those clothes 24-7. After working on your body and making it look good, don't you want to show it off in nice clothes?

    7. Not to mention, it's been done, done, done. Who needs another place to shop for yoga pants?

    8. ^ this. I have my go to places for athletic clothing (meaning stuff i actually run and bike and all that stuff in). I don't need j crew's two cents in that arena.

    9. Totally agree with athleisure clothes. Focus on quality fabrics, size/fit, and have all the shoes made in Italy again!

  8. This just came up on my Facebook feed:
    Tom Mora is out as women's designer.

    1. i just saw that article on my FB too! i'm excited for these changes

    2. I wonder when Somsack will debut his designs? I'm guessing this September for Spring '16 NYFW?

  9. Yes, Somsack of Madewell (since 2013) taking over at J. Crew Joyce Lee of Madewell will suceed Somsack.

    ANOTHER interesting article, in the NY Times focusing on Mickey Drexler. One of my favorite quotes:

    "And Mr. Drexler appears to be caught a bit flat-footed. On J. Crew’s recent earnings call, he attributed the decline in earnings in part to stocking too much of the Tilly cardigan but not enough of the Tippi. That sounds like someone who is too caught up in the details. Absent from the call was any grand vision of what J. Crew should be and where it should go other than a return to classic styles and basics."

    1. I loved it when Somsack was part of the Women's design team (Marissa Webb and Jenna Lyons). I'm excited that he'll be the head of women's J.Crew. They should've promoted Somsack when Marissa left?

      I wonder who will be head designer for Madewell?

      While its nice that the company is making changes, kind of sad that those people lost their jobs.

    2. OK, but I hope Somsack is not just going to make JC a Madewell clone now. One of the reasons I have been shopping at JC less is that it went too casual. Leave the casual for Madewell and give the professional women some clothes to buy.

    3. Cass..Somsack started at J.Crew as an accessories designer, after that, he worked with Marissa and Jenna at Women's, then they moved him to Madewell. I have confidence in him. He's a good designer.

    4. Touche Gigi. This is not about one sweater or a shoe, the whole company heading into wrong direction. My favourite quote:
      "This is a turn (referring to going back to classics) from what the company’s creative director, Jenna Lyons, has pushed — trying to sell more fashionable and expensive goods to compete with the fashion crowd"

    5. I'd like to see them move Jenna Lyons OUT. I think she is part of the problem, not the cure.

  10. This article discusses the shake up...

  11. I chuckled at this line from NYTimes article : "The couture wannabe J. Crew Collection". So true!! Nothing personal, but when is Jenna going to be fired? IMO, she turned the store into her personal dream closet. Her couture/high end fashion inspiration took the company into wrong direction.

  12. In a possibly related move, there's this:
    The one-of-a-kind Tribeca apartment owned by J. Crew CEO Mickey Drexler dropped its asking price from $35 million to $29.5 million just one month after hitting the market.

  13. There are a lot of things wrong at J Crew that I'm sure are not Jenna's fault but I would feel like they were really trying to turn the brand around if she decided to move on, bet the Gap is hiring! I would also hate it if they decided to throw in with the Athleisure thing, that's already done to death. If I find a brand to run in that I like, I tend to not branch out since I want something that will last through the wash well and not be an annoyance when I am exercising. If J Crew can manage that great but I'm not holding my breath.

  14. Athleisure is likely to be a challenge for J. Crew. Obviously I love their clothes, but the reality is that, for the most part, they do not wash well. The t-shirts shrink and/or get holes. The button-downs shrink and don't look good if they go in the dryer. I have to be careful with sweaters. I'm afraid to put a lot of my J. Crew stuff in the dryer (and I don't). But athleisure, those are clothes you are going to wash a lot and I would want to put them in the dryer without worrying about them. I'm not sure if J. Crew can make clothes that can do that. It's not their strong suit, so far.

  15. J. Crew can replace all their staff, but unless they address their quality issues I am not buying anything from them. Time after time, I buy something and, despite gentle washing and not drying, the items degrade after only a few wearings. And I don't want viscose and polyester items. I really am willing to pay for items that last the the J. Crew garments of yore.

    And yes, stay out of the athleisure market. There are many retailers who do it well, and I personally do not like workout clothes worn outside of working out.

  16. J Crew ! no to adding yoga pants,

  17. I bought a couple of pairs of J Crew's work-out capris ages ago. At least I think they were sold as work-out wear. I can't remember, it's been so long.
    I still wear them to class. Except for a bit of fading, they've held up unbelievably well. I wouldn't mind being able to purchase these again.

  18. Does anyone know if J Crew is no longer introducing new Liberty of London items? I keep checking back and the same things are listed, mostly children's items. Thanks for any info.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)