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Monday, December 15, 2014

Flash Sale at J.Crew Factory {30-35% off & free shipping!}

"Thanks!" to  many of you, including GigisGoneShopping (in this post), who shared the following email & promotion from J.Crew.

J.Crew Factory is offering an additional 35% off merchandise (for those using J.Crew's credit card) and free shipping (on all orders) with promotional code JOLLYCARD. This offer expires tonight, midnight EST.

For everyone else, J.Crew Factory is offering an additional 30% off and free shipping with promo code JOLLY.

Will you be taking advantage of this promotion? If so, please share!


  1. This is a Factory promotion only

  2. After reading all the positive reviews about the Factory stacked heel leather boot, I decided to give them a try. They are still at $98, so with the extra % off and free shipping I just couldn't pass up trying them out.

    1. Hi Melissa - I think you'll like them. They are most definitely the Madewell Ames boot... although the box I received said they are the "Sammie" boot on the side. I think these boots are having an identity crisis! : )

    2. I did the same - for under $75, it seems like a great deal on a perfect basic boot.

    3. I'm wearing them today-they were a great purchase! I had concerns about the heel height, but they are super wearable and comfortable.

    4. I love mine, I wore them all day Saturday and I generally don't wear heels that high and they were so comfortable. Mine said Sammie also on the box. I did return one pair to Factory since I purchased 2 different sizes and they did not want to accept them since they said Madewell right on the box but I had the packing slip and order information. They were surprised that they were Madewell selling on J Crew factory.

    5. JRSConifer, once I bought a pair of Madewell Sidewalk Skimmers at the J. Crew Factory store. I was very surprised to see them there and I've never seen another Madewell item there since then. That's a good tip to hang onto that invoice for these.

    6. Jrsconifer - what size did u end up keeping ? Also I'm a little skeptical- why r they selling Madewell boots at factory? Is there something wrong with these boots ? Are they not selling well at Madewell? Or maybe these r boots from last year or just surplus inventory ?

    7. Hi pels - I don't think that there's anything wrong with the boots - Madewell probably just overbought (if I recall, there was a whole page devoted to them in the fall catalog) and didn't end up selling as many as they expected. They have good reviews on Madewell's website here.

      Personally, I think that's what they should be selling at Factory - overstocks from JC retail store and Madewell - especially considering how big JC's sale section is lately.

    8. Peis, I kept the 6, the 5 1/2 was tight in the foot and ankle. I am always a 6 in J Crew and have never had any luck with the Madewell boots I have tried on in the past. I was not confident they would work out but I love them. I agree, since JCAs have gotten them with different names on the boxes, just an overstock. Silver_lining I so agree. That is what I liked about factory stores, back in the day. It was prior season retail items, not the same line in cheaper materials.

    9. Thanks silver_lining, Wendy, and JRSConifer! I'm really looking forward to getting them. :)

    10. silver_lining and JRS - I completely agree about the factory stores. It was so much fun shopping there when the merchandise was all overstocks instead of 'made for the factory' items.

  3. They raised the prices on everything from the weekend so on some items they're actually more expensive even with the 30% off. I wish they'd stop the fluctuating prices, I would have definitely purchased with the 30% off the weekend prices, but now I'll hold out until they drop them again

  4. I found out about this promo through Gigi while the 50% promo was still on. Finally got my flannel shirts in buffalo plaid and heather graphite maple. Gigi, you're the real MVP!

    1. Yay, momoberry. Glad you saw the crossover :)

    2. Thanks from me, too, Gigi!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)