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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Racked Mentions the J.Crew Aficionada Blog

I just want to mention that I was interviewed by Chavie Lieber, who writes for Racked (a place that this site frequently references). To check it out, click here: "Meet The Bloggers Tracking J.Crew, Anthro and Lulu's Every Move".

On another (related) bright note, a "J.Crew spokesperson" reached out to me let me know if I ever need any information, to reach her. Alright, will do! :)


  1. Wow, that is exciting! I am glad you are getting recognition. I am sure that taking care of this site is a large undertaking. Thank you!

  2. Wow, that was super interesting! A lot to think about as far as companies relationships (or lack thereof) with bloggers. I didn't know JCA has been around since 2008... I think I first started stalking it in 2009 and it's slowly grown to a daily addiction! I LOVE this blog, that you are keeping it real and calling JC on dumb things they do and giving them props for good things (and good designs! when they happen). I wouldn't say anything I've ever read here has "soured" me on the brand, as any negative things I'd usually already thought/noticed myself. I LOVE this blog for the reviews and photos people contribute, seeing things on real bodies is so helpful, and since I live an hour from a store, having people talk about fit and fabric is awesome. I'd say my JC consumption has gone way up the past few years, due in no small part to what I read here!

    1. It's funny what gets used in interviews. I actually mentioned that even someone else's negative review will get me to buy the item. I agree with you that everyone's reviews are so helpful and a real bonus to JCrew. :)

  3. So glad to hear J.Crew reached out to you Alexis!!! It's wayyyyyyyy past time. And it was lovely to read your interview in the article. :)

    1. Thanks Roxy! :) Although it was initially to clarify my post on vanity sizing (will have a post up tomorrow about it). I am hoping that maybe I can get on the press release list now. Fingers crossed! ;)

  4. Congrats Alexis! The Crewniverse (nod to Gigi) appreciates you and the community of JCAs you have nurtured!

    1. 8plaidturtles - Thank you for the sweet mention. JCAs untie the mysteries of the brand and unite! lol

    2. Thanks 8plaidturtles (great screen name btw!) I couldn't agree more, our crewniverse is really great. And I second a nod to Gigi, she is amazing!!! :)

  5. So awesome! The write-up was very interesting and highlights what a strong leader you are- as well as a person of great integrity! Your site has allowed me to hear the thoughts of other like-minded folks who have consumed the Crewlade : ) It's my go-to site every day and I love it! I agree with you and Julie- if anything, I have bought more and spent more time on the J. Crew website and in stores than before-but in a more targeted, educated and decisive way. Your blog is extraordinary!

    1. Thanks Calicoandtweed! I too, love hearing/reading other JCAs take on items. And I love knowing that there are others who "get me" when it comes to J.Crew! :)

  6. Yay, Alexis. You are finally get recognition for all your hard work. (Well besides all the love that we give you, I hope!)

    That was a really cool article. I loved the insight into how brands work with bloggers (or don't). The bit about the IKEA blogger is stunning, though, talk about a *really* bad move on IKEA's part. It's their call, but a bad one.

  7. Congratulations, Alexis! Glad to hear you are getting some well-deserved recognition. I'd be interested to hear if J. Crew starts collaborating a bit more with you!

    1. Thanks Louise! Although my expectations with J.Crew are very low... ;) Here's to hoping though! :)

  8. That's awesome, Alexis! We certainly appreciate what you do for us!

  9. Great article! I love that the incident with ajc was chronicled.

    Congratulations to you, Alexis! Congratulations to Roxy for being mentioned as well! I enjoyed the read. :)

    (balloons icon)

    1. Thank you so much Gigi! You do an amazing job with your blogs too! J.Crew owes many a sales (from just me alone), thanks to you and your in-depth reviews! :)

  10. congrats Alexis! Love the community you have helped form. I have often felt J Crew needs to be giving you and Gigi a cut if their sales! I have made so many purchases based on reviews I have read here.

  11. Thank you Alexis. Not a day goes by without a peak at your blog.

  12. Great read! How cool! I am fairly new to the "Crewniverse" (really got into it in early 2012) but I definitely am a daily (if not multiple times a day) visitor to JCA now. I still trust the reviews here (and by Gigi, natch) over the retail site's reviews. Thanks for doing what you do, Alexis! (Also, my middle name is Alexis so... we're cool like that.)

    1. I definitely love the reviews by fellow JCAs. Better than on J.Crew's site too. In depth with pictures- can't top that! :)

  13. Alexis, thanks for creating and maintaining the blog. Your industry and drive really are incredible. This blog is one of my daily must reads.

    Thanks so much.

    1. Thanks JCrew Guy In Canada! You have been here since the very beginning too- so I really appreciate it. :)

  14. Cool, Alexis!

    Are some bloggers really making millions? I like blogs done by "real" women doing fitting room reviews, etc. like Gigi but steer away from the over-styled trying-to-paint-a-fantasy-life-picture blogs where the bloggers get all their stuff for free and are really just like paid advertisements for stores. Like, would you really have bought and worn that Ann Taylor top if they hadn't given it to you for free?

    1. Cass, couldn't agree more. When I see "c/o" on every single item, and only see it worn once, I kind of question the review. It's when you see the person wear the item multiple times, that you know they really like it. :)

  15. Alexis, I wonder if you were not a little unfair to jcrew in the interview. They put your link on their "cool clicks" list on their blog, and they have for years. It is where I first found you (yeah!) I wouldn't call that "hate/ignore."

    1. You are right Cedar Lotus! When I first read the article, I too thought I sounded a little harsh on J.Crew. A brand that I actually really like.

      I mentioned this above, but it's funny what gets used in interviews. I spoke to her for 30 minutes and the quotes used are a snapshot of an entire conversation. Which I totally get, when you have a story to tell, you just want to focus on it. (Plus, you can't print the entire 30 minutes because it would take forever to read.) :)

  16. Great work, Alexis, and so satisfying to see it recognized. JCA is the first thing I read in the morning, even before I check the sale section. I'm sure there are hundreds like me. JCA is real, the tone is frank, refreshing, helpful and amusing, and your talent for moderating has kept things fair and even-handed. Congratulations ! PS, I'm travelling and Blogger would prefer me to have stayed home . Sigh.

    1. Thanks WellFedFred! Speaking of great reads, all of your comments are!!! You have a gift for the written word. :)

  17. Congrats, Alexis! I so appreciate and look forward to this blog. I don't think I would buy nearly the amount of Crew I do without JCA (and certainly wouldn't be as informed as I am). I think the greatest testament to JCA is the intelligent, kind community you've established here-I've never come across anything like it online (and it's fairly rare IRL). Cheers, and thanks!

  18. Congratulations Alexis! We all so greatly appreciate all you to do to maintain the JCA blog, and the wonderful community created by starting it all those years ago! :)

    1. Thanks Melissa! I am so impressed with how much you do as well- you are great! :)

  19. Congrats! I have been reading your blog for years and I keep coming back because of the wonderful community you have created. It's always amazing to me to see how something as simple as a clothing brand can bring people together. I applaud all of the hard work you must put in to the site - thank you! Here's hoping for some more positive recognition from J.Crew going forward...but in the mean time, know you have a huge legion of fans! :)

    1. Thanks Anne! I agree that it's some kind of amazing that we all came together over J.Crew. :)

  20. Congratulations Alexis!!!! You're amazing... so talented and spot on. I've been following your blog forever. I read it every day, a number of times a day. I've gotten so many great ideas/information from you and the members of the JCA community. Keep up the terrific work. Thanks so much for all of the effort you put into this. Irene :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)