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Thursday, June 12, 2014

My "Let it Go" List {what's yours?}

Handknit marled sweater (item 07856; $129.99)

In the last few posts, many of us discussed how we are surprised at J.Crew's reluctance to reduce prices on certain pieces that are lingering in the sale section.

I thought it might be fun to have a post about our "Let it Go" list (I dare you to try not singing the song from "Frozen"). This is a list of items that (1) we are tired of seeing in the sale section and (2) we hope that J.Crew will offer kill prices to put them out of their misery.

The following items are the ones that made it to my "Let it Go" list....

 Jeweled Fair Isle stripe sweater (item 07873; $119.99)

Fair isle leggings (item 08407: $69.99)

MacAlister wedge boots (item 28671; $89.99)

Meander pant (item 47328; $59.99)

Pajama pant in navy plaid flannel (item 06756; $39.99)

Robe in bright cerise plaid flannel (item 06754; $59.99)

Silk metallic tunic (item 07031; $59.99)

Skier sweater (item 09136; $79.99)

Sperry Top-Sider® for J.Crew leather shearwater boots (item 07511; $119.99)

Stained glass jacquard opera gloves (item 08001; $99.99)

Tiered dress in blurred floral (item A1380; $79.99)

Zigzag stripe scarf (item 07466; $39.99)

Which items from J.Crew's sale section are you tired of seeing? Which pieces would make it to your "Let it Go" list? Did you end up singing the song from "Frozen", be honest!


  1. The Collection sequin patchwork pencil skirt has been in the sale section for a while. Too long. I think that they came out last Spring. J.Crew really needs to give up on that atrocity.
    If they don'y want to do kill prices online and in their retail stores, then simply do kill prices at their warehouse or sample sales.

    I keep hearing about Frozen but I've never actually seen this movie. I've never even heard this song since I listen to rock/alternative on satellite radio. No I don't live under a rock but I severely limit my television viewing, am rarely subjected to advertisements and I'm an action flick kinda gal. Okay I feel like I've sufficiently defended myself in advance of possible ridicule or disbelief. LOL.

    1. I thought of that sequin patchwork skirt right away for this list and I also have no knowledge about Frozen except for being fairly certain it's the name of a movie. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I was coming here to post that one too haha! The song is playing in my head now, good thing I like it, Alexis! :) This is a great idea for a topic, maybe it should be a regular feature!

    4. Key to knowing all about Frozen...have a five year old little girl. Then you will KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT FROZEN. My daughter even wants me to sew her an Elsa Dress. Sigh.

      That patchwork sequin skirt. Wow. The fug. Yikes. The colors are pretty, but the silhouette, the length, and the OTT sequins, not a good look.

    5. Agreed about the patchwork sequin skirt - that is perhaps the worst offender.

      My other picks:

      1. satin Mary Janes with ankle strap
      2. Crimson tweed sweatshirt
      3. anything delphinium jacquard
      4. Anything silver paisley

    6. I meant gilded paisley jacquard for #4. Lots of those items for sale still.

    7. LOL! Yes, that skirt is definitely a "Let It Go" piece. ;)

  2. Fun question! I'll add the keeper chambray in star dot and the knock-knock stickies to the list.

  3. Topping my list are the various sweatshirts that came out in the fall/winter, they have been there too long. I wonder if the website change with its sale page "improvements" had something to do with items moving so slowly during the time they normally would have sold. I probably skipped the entire section for almost a month.

    1. I would also have to add any item that has already been knocked off at Factory.

  4. Anything wool. I don't want to look at it in the middle of June.

    1. That is how I feel about wool! I love wool, but just not during Summer. ;)

  5. OT - Madewell has 20% off sale with code SUNNY

  6. Yes, anything flannel or wool. Over it. (PS Now that song is stuck in my head - my six year old son loves that movie & sings it ALL THE TIME.)

    1. Sorry about the song... I totally know about it being stuck on infinite loop. ;)

  7. I nominate the Carrie dress in Hawaiian Sunset. It's from last summer for heaven's sake. And it's not even in the 50% off bucket.

    1. Huh? I got that dress for like $15 last fall maybe. They jacked the price up?

    2. I guess so. Perhaps they think we forgot that it was from last summer even though they repeated that print at Factory.

    3. D*ska, I'm also surprised to hear that the Hawaiian sunset Carrie I back. I guess those adoptions fell thru.

  8. Thank you for bringing the humor with such a timely post.
    Superb list :)
    Well done!

  9. I am a shopper who will stock up on classic pieces (cashmere sweaters, tissue turtle necks, tights) during the summer if the price is low enough (75% off). Not sure what J Crew should do with the "one season wonders" that sit and languish in final sale section though. I agree with Alex, visually and psychologically they lower the value of the more desirable items in the sale section when they stick around to long.
    FYI, I own and love the Fair isle leggings that I got for $25.00 with discounts last winter. They kept me toasty warm and happy worn as indoor lounge wear during the long and cold winter and spring.

    1. Awakening my Wardrobe, you are so right! The pieces that should have moved a long time ago are dragging down the entire sale section. I think to myself "don't bother checking the sale section", because I am so tired of the seeing the same things even if J.Crew adds new stuff!

    2. Alexis, I just got home and realized that I rushed through writing my comment before leaving this morning and misspelled your name (and to instead of too). I'm so sorry...You work so hard on this fantastic blog day after day and I managed to make multiple mistakes in one tiny comment. My brain is on vacation today!
      Have a great day!

    3. No worries Awakening my Wardrobe! I make so many grammatical errors, that fellow JCAs gave up correcting me. ;) P.S. I did not even realize you misspelled my name until you mentioned it. ;)

  10. The funny thing is I have the jeweled fair isle stripe sweater and think I paid almost the same price it is now minus 40 or 50% off and wore it around Christmas. I love the sweater but I too am sick of seeing it. Something I bought six months ago on sale should not still be available at the same price I paid!!! Just looking at all those leftover sweaters is making me sweat!

    1. Right?! I love the Sperry boots but I just don't want to see them right now! ;)

  11. Wow. Alexis, your list of items is revolting. I can't even believe J.Crew is selling some of that crap, and at those prices! Yuck.

    1. JCrewJD: I know! It's the sale price point that really amazes me. Why would I want a $120 wool sweater for Summer?!? I would not even get it for $20 right now because I am just not even in the mood to entertain such a purchase.

  12. Thanks for this post. Gave me a chuckle :)
    Those boots... Jeez...Just price them at $50 bucks, already.

    1. Exactly! Just lower the price on the boots- how else will they sell out! I think J.Crew is waiting for the Fall season to roll around again so they can sell them at the higher price point. ;)

  13. I'll play.Collection Chelsea Glitter Boot (item 08869).

    Originally $350, now priced at $300 - and with (only) 30% off.

    1. ...especially since the boots would make the wearer look like a member of the Village People...

  14. I can't help but thinking that I'd bring the current 'looks we love' list in a non-stop trip to the 'let it go' list. Especially the sweater on the top left, it really looks like it has three decorated hot dogs!

  15. somehow I find all of this intensely sad. I'm remembering
    all of the lovely, drool-worthy silks and wools and velvets, things that would disappear if you didn't phone in an order... it's criminal.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)