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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Drexler University {how does one enroll?}

The following article is from the Observer (click here to read in its entirety) that I really enjoyed reading and thought you all might as well:
Drexler University: How J. Crew Became Fashion’s Finishing School
Unleashing an army of orange-panted entrepreneurs.
By Megan Deem
September 3, 2013

...Under Mr. Drexler, J.Crew has become an incubator for fashion self-starters. ...

...neon peach Kool-Aid seems to flow from the faucets at a company known among headhunters for breeding lifers who are notoriously hard to extract. The company’s famed president and executive creative director, Jenna Lyons, has spent her career at the company, working her way up from assistant. ...

Ms. Van Voorhis recounted a time when the company was building its third-party business and asked his employees for other brands they loved.

“One of the women on the men’s merchant team, Tracy Rosenbaum Georgiou, was an assistant and put together a list of brands she thought would be a great addition to J.Crew and sent it to Mickey,” she recalled. “He absolutely loved it and basically said to her, ‘There are a bunch of merchants going on a trip tomorrow to secure these brand partnerships, and I think you should go.’

“So this girl, who is essentially an unknown men’s assistant merchant, put together this really kick-ass list and the next day booked a flight to meet with a bunch of these brands. She later became the women’s branded buyer.”

Young talents angle for jobs at the company for precisely such opportunities. “As soon as I started there, every friend I knew—and plenty of other people—came out of the woodwork to try to get an in at J. Crew,” Ms. Van Voorhis said.

It’s not easy to land employment at 770, as the corporate offices are called (after their Broadway address). “If you had worked as a bartender or a waitress, you would probably have a better chance of getting hired,” Ms. Van Voorhis said. Mr. Drexler “was never too interested in people that were entitled in any way or spoiled.” (Being attractive seems to help too: “Everyone here is extremely well-dressed and goodlooking,” said an employee. “It’s striking.”)

Admission to J.Crew U begins with the interview, which frequently involves Mr. Drexler himself. “I’ve seen Mickey interview everyone from a starting position to a director or vice president,” said Lisa “Lele” Sadoughi, the former head of the J.Crew accessories department, whose eponymous line of crystal-and-stone jewelry debuted to wide acclaim in the fashion press in 2011. (At least one grilling occurred in the backseat of Mr. Drexler’s car on the way out of town—he gave the young woman cab fare to get back to the office before crossing the bridge.)

Ms. Van Voorhis got her position after winning a bet with the boss. The two disagreed on the opening date of Uniqlo’s Soho outpost. Mr. Drexler immediately got on his famous office-wide intercom (one thing he had installed when he took over the company) asking anyone that knew the exact debut of the store to ring him. The applicant bet him that if she were correct she would get the job. “I don’t know what possessed me to be so brazen,” she said. “But someone called and confirmed the date I said was right, so he wrote on a little piece of paper, then passed it to me. It read, “You won.” And I said, “O.K., I’ll give my notice.”

Getting hired on a bet is a sharp departure from the regimented processes that can characterize the H.R. gauntlet elsewhere in fashion retail. “When I started at The Gap, I was in its very formal retail management department, and there were nine months of intensive training,” said Ms. Bell, who co-founded after leaving J. Crew, said. “That’s very much in stark contrast to J.Crew, where we really learned on the fly. It’s very sink or swim, which is an important and special opportunity, especially for young college graduates, and one you can’t really have at any other large corporation.”

Mr. Drexler also encourages employees to suggest ideas during his semi-regular open office hours or in response to an intercom call. Open-plan offices encourage cross-pollination, all the better to keep the ideas  flowing. Though a jewelry designer, Ms. Sadoughi was seated next to the shoe and handbag designers. “You could be working on a piece and someone would walk by and say, ‘That could be great for a shoe buckle,’” she said.

Mr. Drexler is obsessed with real-world feedback and insists his team members riff with one another as well. “Every piece of jewelry we created at J.Crew would be passed around to other employees, not just in the design department, but in sales and production, too,” said Ms. Sadoughi. “It was a good mixed demographic of who we were actually selling to.”

All of these practices foster an entrepreneurial working style that makes J.Crew employees viewed as hot hires by other companies. Luxury headhunter Laurent Guerrier said that compared to candidates from competitors, a J.Crew staffer would have an edge. “The accomplishments in positioning the brand clearly in the last five years, moving gradually to a more premium label, working on the customer experience at the retail level and on merchandising make me more inclined to go for a J.Crew profile—on paper,” he said.

Beyond a line on their résumés, many graduates of J.Crew U get lifetime assistance from the big boss, whose legendary communication skills seem to extend to keeping in touch with everyone who has ever drawn a paycheck from the company (though not so much to newspaper reporters—he declined to be interviewed for this piece). Ms. Van Voorhis is planning to have coffee with Mr. Drexler in the coming weeks to update him on Robin Hoods, while Mr. Snyder said the two are “still very connected. I talk to him about once a month.”

...But even when challenges arise, the fashion business needn’t be a slog. That, in some ways, is the real takeaway from the J.Crew employee handbook. “We knew we had to be on our toes, but he had so much fun with it,” said Ms. Bell of Hukkster. “That’s what inspires us now as business owners.”.
I always enjoy reading about J.Crew's inner workings. The company definitely does a good job fostering an environment for growth and opportunities for their employees to shine. (Not that I know personally, but it seems that way from every article written about them.) ;) So it's easy to see why so many employees think about starting their own businesses.

Lastly, it is really impressive to see how many of their former members are so successful on their own.

What are your thoughts? Would you want to attend J.Crew U? Do you think J.Crew is "doing it right" when it comes to fostering creativity among their staff?


  1. I would love to attend! I have been at Gap for 22 years, back in the days when Mickey was there. I loved the company back then, I would love to work with him again.

  2. I think it sounds like a great environment for creativity and encouraging employees to keep growing and developing their skills. Did you see the CNBC piece on Mickey Drexler last year? I thought it was interesting to learn about his background, childhood friends, etc. Thanks for posting this article!

  3. Valuable information, thanks! The educational system and process aren’t perfect, it’s a fact. As a student can say that there are too much homework, especially written tasks. Yes, each student use help of different resources like but still, it’s hard to do everything. I think that students’ opinion should be taken into account, but we don;t have such an opportunity.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)