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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Random Note: Alternative to Google Reader

I was sad to learn that Google Reader was no longer being offered by Google. In the "Quick Question: Alternative to Google Reader?" post I inquired about an alternative RSS feeder that could replace the void left behind.

After signing up with several choices, none really fit my needs in a blog reader. But one finally appeared... InoReader (click here). I am so pleased with this RSS feeder for the following reasons:
  1. I can sign in with my existing Google/Blogger account. If I am already signed in, then I don't even need to fill out the username/password box.
  2. It has the look and feel of Google Reader. In fact, they admit to being inspired by Google Reader's platform. 
  3. It works on my iPhone and iPad, in addition to my desktop. 
  4. I can read full posts that get shortened with one click- very convenient!
Since so many fellow JCAs were looking for a new RSS feeder, I thought I would post about InoReader and its benefits. Hopefully it will work out for some of you like it has for me! :)


  1. Thank you for this suggestion. I will check it out. I've tried a few also and am not happy with them. I know that I am missing out on some of my favorite blogs. Bloglovin brings them up in a weird order, and I wind up going to each blog myself. So really, what's the point? Thanks again Alexis!

    1. Suzy: I agree about Bloglovin- I did not like the appearance/layout too much.

      I am so use to/comfortable with Google Reader's layout that I had a hard time adjusting to the other readers' "dynamic" views.

      That is why I am so pleased with InoReader.

  2. Well, I've checked it out and cannot figure out how to import my various blogs. I've got well over a hundred, and it looks like I have to enter them all manually. While I don't like Feedly as much as I liked Google Reader, it imported everything automatically. After all the work setting up Bloglovin, I'm not up for another marathon session. Wish it were easier!

    1. Sorry to hear that! I was able to import all my blogs easily through the zip folder downloaded from Google Reader before it shut down. I did not have to enter the sites manually. Plus it remembered my favorite / starred posts, a feature the other readers did not have.

  3. Alexis, I emailed them and they gave me some instructions on how to get my feeds out of Feedly. I think it was very easy to do out of Google Reader, unfortunately that's not available anymore. The instructions are pretty "techy" but I'm going to give it a try tonight! Cross your fingers.

    1. I didn't realize you were trying to save your blog list from Feedly. Hopefully the process is easy. Good luck! :)


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