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Monday, July 22, 2013

Sneak Peek: J.Crew's August 2013 Catalog {thanks Slastena!}

A big "thanks!" to Slastena, (check out her {amazing} About All and Nothing at All blog), who shared more sneak peeks from the upcoming August catalog with us. {yey!} Just click on the image to view it larger.

The word from fellow JCAs is that the new arrivals will hit store shelves today and online this Wednesday. The catalog/ style guide will be arriving in customers' mailboxes starting this week too.

Personally, I am excited about the new arrivals- the Fall season tends to be the best season of offerings from J.Crew.

What are your thoughts? Do you know when the newest arrivals are expected to be available? Are you looking forward to the upcoming new arrivals?


  1. I was told tomorrow and Tuesday we will see new arrivals in the local stores. I see some very pretty fall colours there.

    Check out some of the photos of the catalog here.

    1. My store is so empty; even the sales section has been picked through. SAs were folding clothes to be boxed up in order to make room for the new arrivals. Yep, Fall is coming to stores!

  2. It's so hot right now and my mind is nowhere near wool or cashmere. I wish retailers would roll fall out in August. I think shoppers' habits have changed enough that it makes sense.

    Imo, J Crew is light years away from some of the epic, iconic catalogs we went crazy for. Lots of repeats like popovers, Everlys, Ettas and Tippis. I like some of the offerings, though. Joining Slastena, I have additional catalog images to share for both men & women. Click here for the slideshow.

    1. I agree gigi, so many repeats. Aren't those the tuxedo scout chinos from 2010? And that two tone foulard dress, that looks alot like some thing we have seen recently. Oh, to go back to Fall 2007 again!

    2. Hi J.CrewJD, I think those are the tuxedo stripe Andie chinos. Supposedly these are skinny, cropped and, yes, even sexy (their words, not mine! lol). Cotton with a hint of stretch. So basically, yeah not very new, although I am hopeful that the hint of stretch will be a nice addition.

    3. Yes, tuxedo stripe Andie chinos $98. I began adding prices & style #s in the comments of some of the photos, but don't have time to finish.

    4. Yeah they are almost exactly the same as the tuxedo scout chinos as far as I can tell! How lame of them. I have them and never wear them, they are just an odd piece of clothing. Looks like the new ones are "skinnier" and "sexier" (haha) so maybe they will work better.

      I also just noticed the "no. 2 pencil skirt in tipped double serge wool" which is VERY similar to a skirt offered in 2011 (I think), the double serge stripe pencil skirt. The 2011 version did have a front fly. Otherwise, it's the same. Geez. Were all of the designers on vacation when this collection was put together?

    5. J.CrewJD - I have long wondered how Marissa Webb's departure affected the design timeline. They should've just said they are spending the next year reissuing former pieces and variations on the themes. Call it what is. These are not really new offerings.

      And another thing. I think J Crew shot themselves in the foot by asking A JC Habit to stop posting fitting photos before items were rolled out nationwide. That was a major fail. Simple, free marketing that got us excited about things. Gone. I definitely sought items after she previewed them. I've been meaning to post this in the vent thread. But there it is.

    6. gigi, I agree with you completely about the way J. Crew handled the AJC fitting room photos. I loved seeing her early reviews and it got me wishing for the new pieces. Now, there is nothing. J. Crew's collection lookbook brochure doesn't do it, they are too high-end runway-type pieces. They really did shoot themselves in the foot. It was great free advertising. I guess they didn't like not being able to control the narrative. It's silly because all the bloggers and/or JCAs are going to review the pieces after they buy them anyway and if the reviews aren't all glowing it's the same thing just a couple of weeks later.

    7. Gigi and Cate, I totally agree with you about AJC as well. It makes no sense to tell her she cannot take pics. I often buy product even when the reviews are not the best because I know I have a different body type than the reviewer or can live with a certain cut others don't like. I miss her reviews and actually pre-ordered some items after seeing them on her blog. BIG MISTAKE JCREW !!!!

    8. Ditto! Count me in as missing AJC's preview picks, pics and reviews. Would have to go back and count to see how many items I bought as a result of her blog-several, I know...

    9. Chiming in to say I miss the reviews too. I can't really "see" what a piece looks like just on the models in the catalogue. I could relate to AJC. At the same time--the word "relatable" can have loaded connotations so I want to be clear. AJC has a fantastic figure, is attractive, presents everything with taste and as far as I'm concerned, really represented JCrew well. They had great free advertising with her!

    10. I was so upset about AJC's incident that I sent Mickey a letter.I didn't mention her name or the store. To his credit he said he would check with his dept. about pictures. He did get back to me and told me that it's fine to do so.
      Most of my purchases were a result of her wonderful reviews. Miss them.

    11. Marsha, did Mickey said it's fine to take fitting room pictures? or pictures in the stores in general? This is really interesting.

    12. Yes he said that it shouldn't have happened. He then told me he instructed his right hand person to make the stores aware of this. I haven't shopped Crew for a long time as AJC has the exact size in clothing
      How foolish of them because I was spending a lot of money .

    13. Thanks for the reply Marsha, that is great but unfortunately too late in this case. I think it's very cool that he replied to you, though, and even more so that he checked and got back to you.

    14. I meant too late in the case of AJC's blogging, not your reply to me :)

  3. Thank you Slastena, Rose and Gigi for all the pictures! I like the look of the trench dress and the navy lace-front sweatshirt (but it may be too sheer - you can see the model's white tee underneath). I've reached my saturation point with the other items, though.

    I will say that the current "Instant Gratification" sale is a good one if you want to get some similar items to the August catalog at a discount. For example, if you don't care about getting a "New Schoolboy", you can get a "Classic Schoolboy" at half the price. Not bad.

    1. I agree. Just ordered the classic schoolboy in the tall sizing. Im 5'7 1/2, and i unfortunately fall right in the middle between lengths.I figure I can get the sleeves taken up a bit if needed and save myself $99

  4. Great new items! Thanks for posting!

    I checked out Slastena's All About Nothing and Nothing at All and saw no new posts since May. Am I missing something?

    1. I too tried to go over to Slastena's blog, and didn't find any new pictures, or any JCrew pictures. The links at the top of the page didn't take me to new postings. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, as I love having a new blog to read!

      Thank you everyone for sharing the photos with us!

    2. I believe she sent JCA the pics above. I like her blog but I don't think she's updated it in a while.

    3. I think that Slastena just forwarded these pictures to Alexis, rather than post them on her blog (she's done this in the past). Miss seeing you around, Slastena - please drop in! :)

  5. Another sizable update to the sales section with new items that never go on promo (e.g., the icon trench). I am sorely tempted and if I had my rewards cards (hint, hint J. Crew), I would surely purchase.

    If only J. Crew would take a cue from Nordstroms and have rewards dollars loaded directly to a person's online account.

    1. The icon trench is part of the expanded instant gratification sale. Unlike the pricing games J. Crew typically plays, I really like this sale.

    2. I have the icon trench and I really love it. It seems to be much strider and better made than many of the things they have been offering lately. The only thing I was disappointed about is the lining is a pretty cheap acetate type material....considering the cost...I expected that to be higher quality. I got mine about a year ago for $149..99 plus an additional 30% off with free shipping....which was a great price. I am not sure I would buy it at $200+.

  6. I'm with you, gigiofca. I'm in perpetual mourning for the old J Crew. I hope there will be few pieces that inspire me, but my fall purchase used to be huge, and I don't see that happening this year.

  7. Clothes - we'll see.

    Male model - yes please!

  8. I received an email announcing a cardholder only advance sale on selected new arrivals: no discount, just free shipping through Tuesday. My favorite of the selected new items is that the Schoolboy now comes in black!!

    1. That's interesting. Are the items online somewhere?

    2. roxy turtle, thank you!!!!!! That's awesome!

  9. Enough with the Ettas and Everlys. Not only are the heels just so high as to be impractical, I tried a size 11 in the everlys, and I could not even begin to stuff my feet into them. Mind you, I wear a 10 at most retailers. Bring back the Juliets! Or something similar. Sky-high heels... ugh. No, I do not want to wear them with my ripped boyfriend jeans for that high-low look we love. Sorry.

    1. JCrewJD, I second that about the Juliets! My favorite shoe EVER.

    2. I admire the high heels from afar, I cannot wear them. I thought J. Crew was on the right track with the Miri Midheels and Valentinas, they are just priced too high. I don't mind spending a bit more for shoes I will wear a lot, but I don't wear shoes like this a lot. I've got a few basic colors in the Valentinas and a pair of black Miri Midheels, so unless the prices come way down, I won't buy more. I was too late to J. Crew for the Juliets. Too bad, they seem like they'd have been perfect for what I'd wear.

    3. Cate--I'm a huge, huge fan of the Loeffler Randall Tamsin shoe. I find them extremely comfortable, though I go up a half size in them--just as I did in the Everly Wedge.

      I suspect that some of the Valentinas this year are sort of knocked off Loeffler Randall Tamsins--with the animal prints and studs etc. I usually wait until the Tamsins go on sale: you can find them at Shopbop, Piperlime or on the LR site itself.

    4. Hi Unknown, thanks! I'd never heard of those, but they look a lot like the Valentinas (or vice versa!). I will keep an eye out for them/a sale on them.

    5. cate, ITA about the miris and valentinas. Great ideas there... but poor execution, because neither style came in a 10.5, which is the size I need with J.Crew's odd sizing. As a result of their poor shoe offerings/not offering my size, I haven't bought any shoes from J.Crew in many months. Very unlike me!

    6. I completely agree, J.CrewJD! I love the Ettas (esp. the cap toe ones) but I returned the pair I ordered a while back because they are just way too high to be practical. I would never, ever wear them to work and they are too pricey for me to purchase just for a nice going-out shoe. If they were only an inch or two lower...

    7. Hello Ladies...At the risk of being one of the few, I love the Ettas. It is my go to shoe for work, going out, and even shopping. I am on my second pair of leopard Ettas because I have worn out the first. Perhaps the answer for J.Crew is to off variety because we can all agree, "one size does not fit all." Thanks! :)

    8. They should definitely offer variety. It just seemed like they had a gap there for a while since the Juliets were offered, not much in the way of mid-height heels but lots of flats and high heels. It seems like they're working on it, though.

  10. The guys stuff looks do the guys. Blech on the women's stuff. Looks like repeats from last year to me. And I see "crotch tops"! I doubt I'll be buying. I just don't care anymore and never see anything I want when I do look.

  11. I just received an email with links to the new merchandise. It also came with a promo code--but I have no idea what the promo code is for.

    I was most curious about the Schoolboy length because I am (maybe in the minority) a fan of the old Schoolboy. But for reference, the new jacket is 25 1/8 inches, as opposed to 24 1/4 inch. So--not quite an inch gain.

    1. the promo code is for free shipping. says one-time use only. - masha

    2. Sigh. Thank you, Masha. I didn't bother to actually read the whole email. ;-)

  12. can you post the link to the new merch?

  13. I loooove the print on the skirt in the third photo down, but it looks more like a diaper than a skirt. How long is it, 14" max???

    1. Roxy--I *think*, but am not sure, that that skirt is a version of the Collection Mini (in the link they sent us, the skirt is shown in Jade Foulard, and not the print you see here) and it is supposedly 17 inches long.

    2. Thank you Unknown, I just peeped it in my link. 17" is still too short for me to wear to work but it is better than 14". ;)

  14. So, now that I've seen the new arrivals (thank you roxy turtle for the link), I am interested to see that the "new schoolboy blazer in tipped wool" has the same nautical buttons as the 2007 lexington blazers did. I love those buttons! The vintage mahogany color is atrocious, though, and how many times are they going to release the citron color, only to put it on deep discount later in the season because it's just so impractical? I hope they release some pretty solid colors, and in tall sizes too!

  15. It's been fun looking at the catalog (thanks, Gigi) and the new arrivals link (thanks, roxy). Definitely feels like deja vu all over again. Like the jeweled-collar sweater...wasn't the long-sleeve version of that down to like, $39.99-30% in stores last month? And there's the same Peter Pan collar tee from last fall (with the SAME exposed zip - that's also on the Factory site), except somebody outlined the collar in black Sharpie. The gingham stuff looks like it came right from Madewell (along with the Super Ciccio eyeglasses). This just seems more like a strange mishmash of odds and ends than a fall 'collection' - we'll see what the rest of the rollout looks like on Wednesday.

    I look forward to JCA's thoughts, photos and reviews much more than JC's "style guide" and press these days. Keep 'em coming, ladies!

  16. So...I received the email from J.Crew with an access to their August roll-out. I thought i would love a lot of things, but I didn't. Hmm...
    Maybe I need to see the clothes in person, or see the style guide first. Or is there more J.Crew is not sharing that's not on this email link? Because I was not impressed. Especially the shoes? They only shared two. Studded loafers and pumps. Those have been done already. It looks like something Zara has done two to three seasons ago. Bah.

    1. The cardholder email says "a selection of our newest arrivals" -- so it's definitely not everything.

    2. Wheew..Thanks AJ! I was getting worried there. :)

    3. That was definitely not everything in the catalog.

    4. I hope they do another 30% full price promo. ;-P

  17. BTW, thanks Gigi, Slastena and Alexis for sharing images from the August style guide. Much appreciated!

  18. I keep hoping for the THRILL of pouring over the fall catalogs from years past, remember?

    No THRILL, but on the positive side I do like some of the (recycled) looks. I have so many of them in my closet already.

    Don't see many exciting new things I have to have from this preview - maybe when more items roll out, and we have the chance to see some JCA IRL feedback. Until then, my Boden and Tory Burch Fall wish lists are much longer :)

  19. Thanks to those who have shared images and posted the preview link. Looks like there is not an option for a tall version of the new blazers. I sure hope that's just because it's so early and they haven't included it yet rather than they will not be offering a variety of sizing options.

    1. The pics in gigi's catalog seemed to suggest they would be offered in tall sizes. I don't know why they're not on the website. Perhaps they haven't gotten around to it yet.

  20. Has anyone received the most recent rewards card? According to my account, it was mailed July 2. Does it really take 4-6 weeks? Thanks.

  21. My link to the preview is "broken"; has anyone else had this problem?

  22. I guess they aren't going to offer a percent off promo with this rollout, or they wouldn't have cardholders early access without a promo, right? Too bad. I don't know what I will buy, if it's all full price. Very little, I guess.

  23. Regarding the rewards cards. I believe if they have been issued, a telephone sales associate should have access to the information and be able to apply it to an order. At least that's what JCAs were saying the last time around.

    Also 40% off continues in store. I was told today is the last day.

  24. Thanks, Gigi, for the info on rewards. Mine are on the way, but I have my eye on a couple of things, and I'd hate to miss out on a good promo while waiting for my rewards. I'll have to try calling to use them if my items go on promo before they arrive.

  25. I like the mixed print liberty boy shirt, although I'd have to see it on.

    And the slightly longer schoolboy blazer is great! I have never purchased one previously - now I might.

    The studded shoes are definitely not my thing.

    I'm getting worried about all the camo items. Camo is for hunters and members of the military IMO. (It's illegal for civilians to wear it in my beloved Barbados!)

    1. Camo is all over pieces in mags I just bought.....not my thing at all!

    2. I don't remember seeing anything camo other than the belt. Did I miss something?

  26. I like the Liberty Print shirt in Strawberry Thief, I also like the beanstalk print skirt but afraid of the poofiness, I'm petite and curvy and poofy can be a fashion death sentence.

    I'm over the studded/spiked everything, especially shoes, then again I don't go for a lot of trends so they rarely appeal to me but this one I find particularly annoying, it even looks bad on Louboutins, enough already.

  27. "Only a few left" of the Collection Pleated Chiffon silk blouse in the navy gingham. This is the message that shows up in my Wishlist for this item (size 10). How is it possible there are already only a few left? It's a $188 blouse and it's cute but not super special. And I was surprised to see it is navy, I thought it would be black or gray.

  28. Great eye, katertott. I went back and re-examined both pieces and love them. I have gift cards. I might have to order.

  29. I received my August Style Guide last night and that is all it is for me. A style guide on how to take existing J Crew items I have and put them together. Nothing shouted 'buy me now at full price'. The Liberty in Strawberry Thief Floral is beautiful but I don't like popovers. The shirtdress in Dual Foulard is an amazing print, as well as the jade foulard which comes in a top and skirt but it is a mini. The jeweled short sleeve sweatshirt looks interesting and a maybe with a promo.

    1. I'm debating about the Dual Foulard Shirtdress, I think that might sell out quickly at full price, I don't see it making it to sale or at least much of a cut. I actually like a few things in this catalog but I have to pick one to get that would be it. I also love the Liberty Strawberry Thief but wish it was in a Perfect Shirt as well, hopefully they'll offer it in a few other items, it's a great print.

  30. I got the style guide yesterday and just shared a few pics on my blog here:

    Love some of the styling ideas although I can't say I'll be purchasing anything...

  31. I was going to place an order but when I called the customer service person said that the rewards aren't issued until the beginning of August and she couldn't apply it to an order until then. That stinks.

    1. Thanks for the rewards info, katertott. They are soooo sloooow.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)