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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Questionable Item of the Week: Hawaiian Sunset Tie

"Thanks!" to Cousy (in this post) who pointed out an interesting addition to J.Crew's accessories line: Hawaiian sunset tie (item 11588; $65.00).

J.Crew shares the following: "We're always borrowing his ties, so we figured we might as well design one of our own: This handmade version in a breezy beach print is understated yet pretty—and it's just what we've been waiting for." Whaat?!? Understated?

The style of this tie (out-dated) seems like the complete opposite of what J.Crew portrays themselves as: classic with a twist. All I can think is the 80's tv show "Miami Vice". No, this tie will not do.

What are your thoughts on the Hawaiian Sunset tie? Would you buy this or leave it at the store? Have you see this first hand, and if so, what are your impressions?


  1. Miami Vice was cool. At the time. In the 80s! I'm not sure this tie would fly even then. It's like something awful in a souvenir shop.

  2. Oh this tie just awfully ugly. Makes my eyes hurt.

  3. Ugly, ugly, ugly! I would not pay 65 cents for it; $65 is crazy.

  4. I dont wear ties,but i did preorder the hawaian print tank.

  5. I dunno. I could see this tie working nicely as a sash with an understated navy or white dress (like a shift or a shirtdress).

  6. I do not wear ties, but if I did, I would probably give this one a try. I do like the print, and have actually been contemplating the linen Hawaiian sunset tank (same print).

  7. Wow! All I can say is CHEESEY!

    I regularly wear ties to work, I'd never wear anything close to this. I completely agree with Alexis, bad Miami Vice at best.

  8. Despite my low vision, I can see this tie just fine. Understated? Not so much. I love patterns from J. Crew, but not this one.

  9. Sigh - and we have another item that qualifies for this post. The Kids Suede Paint Splatter Macalister Boots (#71548). They are on sale (7% off full price), and available in a full range of sizes.

    Call me crazy, but I'm not going to pay $118 (sale) for boots with paint splatters on them for my kids (not that they are asking for them). Apparently I am not alone.

  10. awful tie.
    pre-ordered the tank, though.

  11. How 'bout that Pre-Order Collection Fringed Linen Skirt?


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And now back to J.Crew! :)