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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jenna at the Oscar Party {like her dress?}

Every once in awhile, J.Crew's 770 blog offers really interesting insight into their inner workings. Their "Getting (Oscar) Ready" post is one of them:
This past weekend Jenna headed to Hollywood to attend the annual Vanity Fair Oscar Party at the Sunset Tower Hotel. So what does one wear to one of the year’s hottest tickets? A custom dress of her own (J.Crew) design, of course.
Here, five of her favorite star-studded moments of the night…
  1. “Having Amy Poehler introduce herself to me—and say she knew who I was—and that she was a J.Crew fan. I almost died.”
  2. “The gracious Anne Hathaway casually carrying her Oscar around. (I touched it!!)”
  3. “Being in the same room as people I’ve watched and loved for years.”
  4. “The In-and-Out burgers served at the after-party. I love a high-low mix.”
  5. “Dancing until 4:30 am at Madonna’s house. Yes, Madonna. She is still just as hot as she was when I was 16. You do the math. On second thought…don’t.”
P.S. We love the idea one of our Instagram fans had to turn Jenna’s Oscar party design into a wedding dress. (Look for it in spring 2014.)

Photography Bryan Derballa.
It would have been nice to see an image showing the front of the dress. Alas, the 770 blog did not include one in their multi-shot. However, J.Crew did offer a link to one on their Instagram site (image shown directly below).

I also found another front view over at BusinessInsider (click here). From the images on J.Crew's blog & Instagram, the dress on Jenna looks rather pretty. However, seeing the full view outside the party... yikes! Jenna is a gorgeous woman and the dress designed for her does her no help. It just looks awkward. Maybe this is the type of dress that you have to be posing in a certain way to make it work?
In regards to the notes, I love NBC's "Parks & Rec". To get recognized by Amy Poehler is pretty awesome.

What are your thoughts on Jenna Lyons outfit? Do you like the overall style, length, color scheme?

Quick Poll: Do you like the dress Jenna Lyon's is wearing? 


  1. Wow! I think she pulls it off, but I'm personally not keen on the sheer décolletage. She looks a bit self-conscious to me, but perhaps I'm just projecting how I would feel with that much chest on show.
    Wonder if much Hollywood tape was used?

  2. The first thing that strikes me is how ill-fitting it is. And, is that netting over her decolletage? She does nothing to make me want to buy clothes from her. It's one of the worst dresses/outfits I've seen.

  3. Yipes! I really love the back and the pretty details, but I think the front is kind of a mess on her. It's too low cut and looks a bit ill-fitting. And I would have gone with a different "look" for hair/makeup... it's all just not quite adding up to "glam" for me.

  4. im not sure what im looking at, lol.

  5. I think she looks awful and I love her. COmpletely devoid of taste.

  6. That dress is awful, those sleeves look like they were added at the last minute and that netting doesn't make sense. While I appreciate her quirky sense of style, the cleavage baring dress and oversized glasses really seem to clash, maybe if her hair was down that would have helped a little, I don't know...

  7. Um, I think she's lucky the ladies at 'Go Fug Yourself' left her alone (so far) on this one. Wow. She's a beautiful woman, but this is 'not her dress' as Tim Gunn would say. Who is the rather angry-looking lady next to her?

    1. Ahem, that's her partner, Courtney Crangi.

  8. I think that I would like this a LOT better if the sheer parts of the dress (top front and back) also had the black fabric under them. I think the sheer panels just look...weird.

  9. Enough with the military issue glasses. The dress looked quite pretty in all the J Crew pictures but....not so much.

  10. I'm going to say it.....too much boob. The idea of the dress doesn't bother me, if the bust would have had about 2-3 inches more of fabric to cover her chest. She is not JLo. A classy lady always keeps what her mamma gave her covered.

    1. Haha, thank you for saying it! Totally agree with everything you said. Notice how the 770 blog avoids showing the front of the dress.

    2. It's so out of character, from images I've seen, for her to be showing 'what her mamma gave her', that the dress just doesn't 'fit' her image. It looks out of place on her.

    3. Not only too much, too much and all mushed in odd position on her chest.

    4. agreed. i like the dress except for the excessively plunging neckline.

    5. The chest/boobage whatever is AWFUL. How could she even walk out of the house looking like that????

  11. I don't know what to think of it. I like the contrast between sheer of dark red with dots with the navy fabric behind and also the neckline/chest is interesting, I haven't seen anything like it.

    What I did not like was the length. it should be cut a tad shorter, like a cocktail dress. Not too fond of the way she styled her hair. It would have been gorgeous if it was down, and styled like something from the 40's, but now that i see the back of the dress (lovely BTW), explains why she styled it up in a chignon.
    I wish she had taken her glasses off that night. Nothing against her wearing glasses, just wished she wore pretty make up.

    It is what it is, as long as she felt fabulous that night along with her love, Courtney, its all good! :)

  12. This a terrible dress, period. I would fire the designer!

  13. I'm with others who say the main problem is that this dress simply doesn't fit her. Love the polka dots, the sleeves, and the sheer bodice, but it's WAY too low-cut and too long. The end result is that the dress looks droopy and constricting at the same time. If the skirt hit slightly below the knee and the sheer netting exposed just about three inches below her collarbone, this dress would have been lovely and elegant.

  14. NO, no no no no no no no.....'nuf said

  15. I don't really mind the boobage. I don't think the hair and glasses work in combination. It is a weird mix. I guess she feels lie this is her "look" which is fine but then keep the girls under cover. She just looks half normal, half va-va-voom.

  16. Gosh her life must be just like a dream! lol
    I think the dress could be pretty. It is hard to tell because of the awkward pose in the above photo. Regardless, I don't think it is "Oscar" party caliber. Come on, J.Crew, you could have really made her stunning!


  17. If Jenna's found the love of her life, why do they both look so miserable in that last photo? Jenna's dress is doing her no favors. It simply isn't flattering, and on a body that great, that's hard to do.

  18. I am sorry to say it is an ugly dress. I also do not like the hair/makeup/glasses. Nothing in these pictures remind me of the confident Jenna. It is a mess. What happened?

  19. It looks like a reject from Game of Thrones.

  20. I love her and her quirky boho glam style - minus the glasses. Even though its not my style, I think she looks amazing in almost everything.

    Almost. Showing so much cleavage is out of character for her and I think she looks uncomfortable. The dress is too small and ill-fitting. A rare miss for her and J. Crew. And even if it is the Oscars, J. Crew knows how to make a lovely dress.

  21. I love the idea of the dress, but I think that the execution is lacking. Mainly because cleavage doesn't really "go" with this dress, imo. If you keep the netting and just make the neckline a really deep V from the point of the shoulders, that would look cool. Or, imagine it without the netting as a long-sleeved wiggle dress and her cleavage as the sexy focal point. I do think the back is gorgeous and very "Jenna".

  22. There is something very cool about Jenna wearing whatever she feels like regardless of current trends. She could have easily designed soemthing safe or "appropriately edgy." Her Vanity Fair party dress has a bit of the NYC East Village "party club scene" circa 1980's look to it. Maybe a nod to the style Madonna wore in Desperately Seeking Susan and Betsy Johnson's party dresses of that era using sheer, flowing ballerina skirts and spandex leggings or tight skirt layered underneath. I agree with others that the décolleté on Jenna's dress needs to be completely reworked to flatter. The back of the dress is very pretty.

  23. Wayyyy too much boobage. *shaking head no*

    1. LOL, just read the responses. Guess I'm not alone in my thinking.

  24. I think this was a total miss for Jenna. It doesn't flatter her at all. A great choice would've been something that showed off her beautiful long legs and much less cleavage. Also, does her posture bother anyone but me? She always seems hunched over or slouching. She has long legs and awesome height, but she is always slouching and it looks awful. I notice that about many of the J.Crew models as well.

  25. Too 'Sex and the City' for my taste (1998–2004). It's trendy, but not practical or gorgeous imo. Looks more like something I'd find at Pat Field's.

  26. I'm actually surprised that I sort of like it. I do not like the back, however. The cutesy little bow is too much.

  27. Not at all. I am not sure I would like it on anyone. For starters as a professional woman why is she showing so much cleavage-lady you have more to offer the world. The dress is unbelievably frumpy. It is her business what she wears and how she wears it-however if one was going to the Oscars would not do something more than putting your hair in a pony tail. Given all the fun shoes J. Crew currently has could she not pick a pair with some color.

  28. Not sure what is wrong with me but I like it!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)