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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sneak Peek: More to Come this Spring {thanks Slastena!}

A big "thanks!" to Slastena (check out her "Sneak Peak-February 2012" post from her {amazing} About All and Nothing at All blog), who shared some sneak peeks of the upcoming catalog with us. {yey!} For more images, check out her post. Also, just click on any of the images to view them larger. 
The latest collection from J.Crew is expected to arrive both online and in-stores next week. 

I am loving the new mint color that the Janey Patent Flat will be coming in. (The second photo from the top.) Those shoes offer the perfect amount of heel for a flat-loving-wearer like myself. Plus, the gold heel is adorbs. I already own 5 different pairs of the Janey!
I did not notice that the Beaded Rose Necklace (item 14576; $128.00) has a matching bracelet, until I saw it in the top photo: the Beaded Rose Bracelet (item 14450; $88.00). I also did not realize how large the flowers were until I saw J.Crew's Tumblr "Lunch Break" post. (J.Crew shows off the necklace using three of their designers.)

What are your thoughts? Has your opinion on the upcoming line changed? Are you looking forward to the upcoming new arrivals?


  1. I am always looking forward to the new arrivals and I see a very cute blue bag!

    1. LOVE the blue bag! Very reminiscent of last year's blue sea Tillary Tote, which I still regret not purchasing.

  2. I love simplicity of the Merino Boyfriend sweater (first picture). That's one of the items on my Spring wishlist.

    1. Totally agree and i am happy i already have it.
      Love the tippi(i think)in the lemon lime color in the third picture.

  3. I totally want the skirt in the first picture!

    1. Second that! In fact, I love the whole outfit.

    2. That's the outfit that caught my eye and a look that I can recreate using clothing I already have to boot. Yay! Although I might 'need' those mint colored heels.

    3. Love that skirt too, but found out it's $425.00. So pretty.

    4. Does anyone know if the shoes in this picture are suede? I would love these as long as they are not suede I seem to scuff suede shoes so easily!

    5. Amahendra: You can see many Spring shoes in this post, as well as the purses, and some jewelry that will be released

    6. OMG $425!!! sigh I guess I am not getting them LOL! Thanks for the link Suzy, that's some sweet eye candy. Loving the handbags!

    7. Well, to quote my VPS exactly "It should be around $400.00."
      @ Amahendra - You're welcome! I have browsed those pics many times, lol!

    8. I pre-ordered the shoes in the first pic, they are the Collection Contessa snakeskin bow pumps, style # 64788, vivid aqua. My PS said they come in other colors as well. $278

  4. I'm loving the pops of mint throughout the spring collection. A little goes a long way.

  5. Finally! I can't wait to get my hands on the style guide. Thanks for sharing, Slastena and Alexis. Some nice stuff as always...I like that blue bag, I've had my eye on that since i first saw it back in November.

  6. I like these pics, especially #2 and #5. Alexis, I had the same exact reaction about the flower necklace - no idea it was so big until I saw it on the J.Crew blog!

  7. Oh god, THOSE SHOES in the first photo! I can't wait for these clothes to come out!

  8. The new shoe offerings finally peak my interest. LOVING the mint and purple in the first photo! Also the tassel loafers are looking cute and I think I saw another colorway in the pre-orders photos on the website.

  9. I like it. And the styling is not bizarre!

  10. Oh how I love those shoes in the first pictures!

    A bit OT, but here is a link to the new Heartbreaker silk shirt for Factory.

    I never got the regular JCrew shirt--I remember it was the first thing that made me really look at JCrew online. Anyway, I sprang for this one right away because I want at least *one* heart shirt for Valentine's Day . . .

    1. I needed to replace one of my Polly popovers in stripe crepe de chine and I ordered the Factory version since it was sold out in the retail store by then. IMO, the silk was sub-standard. It was very thin and I didn't like the quality at all. I sent it back and purchased the original on ebay. I hope this shirt isn't a disappointment for you.

  11. Looks like another version of the ever so popular Tillary tote only maybe bigger? The loafers with pink tassels are so cute!

  12. I love that rose necklace. I saw it on the blog, too, and I'm a sucker for a statement necklace.

    I'm also waiting for J.Crew to put out a universal discount...I want some jeans that never go on sale...argh.

  13. Curious about that fatigue jacket.

    1. It's already available at Net-A-Porter:

    2. I'm pretty sure you can get it online directly. I ordered it to try for size in case they offer a % off FP promo.

  14. Thanks Slastena and Alexis for this post. I love the Janey gold-heel flats. I wonder if I should have sized-up since mine rub on the top of my foot. I have the dark green ones but may need those mint ones too. I love the heels with the bow and that skirt in the first picture. The fatigue jacket looks nice too.

  15. Thanks for posting this!
    There are actually quite a few J Crew new season pieces available on Net-a-Porter.
    I'm loving this neon tweed dress -

  16. Could someone tell me If the rhinestone necklace on J Crews new instagtam picture (the one with 3 different necklaces) is new? It has names but I can't find any of them.

    1. Jolinda, jcrew just posted that they are vintage and only the flower necklace is jcrew.

  17. The blue bag - the Tartine Satchel - is now available online in casablanca blue and black. The product # is 21986 and the price is $325.

    I chatted to ask measurements, but they're not available yet. They're going to email them to me.

    1. This item seems to have disappeared from the website already, though I was able to order the bag this morning at 7am. I received an order confirmation by email; we'll see if it actually ships!

    2. I saw it too. It disappeared just as I was about to order it. I asked my online personal shopper for help finding it and she found it. I received my email confirmation not long ago. :-)

    3. I clipped it to polyvore this am. I wanted to have it in my items so I could "hunt" it and see if it ever got to a price I could afford. ;)

      (I doubt it.)

      Here's the link to the polyvore page, which has a direct link to the item page:

  18. Please forgive my ignorance--can someone explain to me the benefit of ordering through Net-a-porter instead of JCrew's own site? I see references to Net-a-porter here, but don't understand them . . .

    1. It is worth having a look over there if there is something that has sold out on the JCrew website that you want (I don't have the option of a brick-and-morter store).

      For the last Net-a-Porter sale, they had the cheetah brocade dress (Lucille?) on sale that had long since sold out on the JCrew website, and I got it at a good price, very happy about that.

    2. It's also because some of us are from other countries, so until recently J Crew didn't ship to us. In addition, it's sometimes cheaper to buy from NAP than the seriously inflated prices that J Crew charge us international customers!

  19. @ Unknown: I think the deal with Net-a-Porter is just that they purchase some stock from designers as soon as it hits the runway and sell it immediately to those who don't want to wait until the mother company rolls it out in stores and online. I don't know if this means that the customer pays more or what - I've never used them.

  20. Does anyone know what happened to the rose necklace and bracelet? I was considering buying the necklace and went to refresh my browser (I had it opened in a tab) and it disappeared. I went searching for the bracelet and it's gone as well. It couldn't possibly be sold out already, right?!

    1. Per online chat they expect to receive the necklace on February 7. He said to check the website for it to become available again. Not sure why they aren't doing backorders for it.

  21. I'm obsessed with the shoes in the first picture and the blue tote/satchel! I called my VPS and found out more about them--thanks for the leads from the other JCAs on here! I wanted to provide some more info I learned:

    The shoes are indeed the Collection Contessa snakeskin bow pumps, style #64788, $278. I was confused about the snakeskin in the name but my PS said it is the bow, not the shoe, that is snakeskin. From the fabsugar link provided by another great JCA, you can see all the colorways. As much as I love that "aqua" (mint) one, I pre-ordered the blush/stone ones--basically nude with a gray bow. She said they're coming in on Feb 4!

    As for the bag, it's the Tartine Satchel and she said that although the website says they are sold out, they have a ton in stock so just call. Right now it's offered in the bright blue, black, and the colorblocked version seen in this post ( The cached JCrew page is here:

    In April, they will also offer it in Sheer Mint, Vintage Sandstone, Modern Red and Vintage Navy. I am going to go see the bag IRL at my local store today (my PS confirmed that both DC stores have them in stock) and then decide about the color.

  22. I regret that this is such an old post, but do you know what the print in the first photo is called? I was a poor recent graduate in 2013, and I have to find it now!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)