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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jenna Lyons Is Lucky's Queen

Lucky's Tumblr page (click here) posted a picture of J.Crew's Jenna Lyons, titled "Le Queen". Honestly I don't know if I really hate or kind of like this outfit. Am I crazy that the pops of red seem to work?

What are your thoughts on the outfit? Do you think top and bottom prints can be worn together? Should Jenna give up on the glasses? Please share! :)


  1. I love this outfit! The silver, pajama-like threads + stark black coat + red touches = AWESOME. My friend saw Jenna Lyons at Legoland a few years ago, and she described her as looking "very tall" and "avant garde."

  2. Oh Alexis, don;t ask me - I love it, but I just did a post about my own awful concoctions, so I think I am no judge. But yes, I think the red is awesome!

  3. Umm, shouldn't it be "La Queen?" ;-)

    1. La being the feminine and le being the mansculine...??? is this a relection of the her lifestyle. I hope not...I like her.

    2. I guess Lucky it was not. ;)

      She looks good.

    3. I think their grasp of French is based on J.Crew's t-shirts.

  4. I love, love, love it! I just wish I had the nerve (or confidence) to wear it :)!

  5. I love this outfit especially with the pops of red. It looks great on her...

  6. Ok, is it just me or an optical illusion. The print looks like it goes from large on top to smaller on bottom. The lips look orange...hey, hey,hey

  7. LOVE IT! She looks great! It's her look and she rocks it. The glasses are her signature after wearing them the last few years. If I don't like something she wears initially, I usually end up liking it a few months later. She's a style setter.

  8. I'll be the token hater. Hate those glasses. All I think when I see them is Harry Carey. And I probably wouldn't mind the outfit if there were no glasses and it wasn't Jenna Lyons wearing it.

  9. As Rod Stewart would say "you wear it well"!
    As much as I hate the glasses, and in 99%of the pictures they are not flattering ( they accentuate the part of her face she says she hates- why wear them?!)she rocks this look. She is chic, simple, elegant and looks totally comfortable. We all know this is not easy to do all at once.

  10. No.....just no.

    Her eyeglasses are just WRONG.

  11. She looks flawless. Not for everyone. Works for her.

  12. Color combo works well. Evrrything on her is on trend - metallic, sci-fi, so i dont find it revolutionary but sge rocks the trend well. Please forgive iphone typos

  13. J.Crew has the outfit on their collection page, but not for sale, maybe for their next roll-out, in a couple of weeks.

    I like what she's wearing, it looks good on her because she's tall. She is actually wearing a lattice flower necklace, its hard to tell from this photo, I saw J.Crew's instagram photo of her wearing it.

    She's fine with those glasses on..its her signature look, its part of her identity.

  14. Love Jenna! She is making the nerd look chic, and I can tell ya that a lot of us nerds are happy!

  15. I am not a big fan of her me it's almost like she's trying to make herself look as unattractive and severe as possible. In my opinion, she should flatter her tall frame with more skirts and high waist pants à la Katherine Hepburn. And I would get rid of the heavy glasses that I think overpower her face.

    1. I agree with you, Meredith. I am puzzled at all the love this look is getting. Not flattering or attractive... bpparently that is not her goal.

  16. I think the shoes are the best part of the outfit. In theory, it looks like it fits her well, but, it's just so not something I'd wear, that it's not relate-able for me.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The pop of red looks amazing with the silver and black, and call me crazy but I like her glasses (although I could never, ever pull them off). I hate her pants though, the print is fun/unique on her top but I just think her pants look so gaudy...

    Even though the pants aren't my taste, I do think the look works for her (I guess because she's Jenna...)

  19. She wears it well, but give up on the glasses already.

    The other "pajama" looks that JC is selling this season don't work at all.

    1. Agree about the pajama looks! That's a trend I was wary of from the onset, however I fell hard for the Cafe Capri in silky dot when I spotted them online - until I tried them on in-store. I think I look more polished in my actual pajamas! (Mind you I've not had success with the fit of the Cafe Capris so I may be biased.)

  20. She does wear it well, but I am not a fan. She would never be on my list of style icons.

  21. I like the outfit. The pieces are done in classic colors and it works on Jenna.

  22. To criticize the style of her glasses is one thing, but to criticize the fact that she's wearing glasses is rather mean. Maybe she needs them? I can't wear contacts and for me it's nice to see so-called style setters dressed up and still wearing glasses.

    1. Thank you, AJLinBoston. I just like her for being who she is, thick rimmed glasses and all. Like I say, its her signature style, and yes maybe she needs prescription glasses. At least she's having fun with it! :)

  23. I'll never be a fan of top and bottom matching prints. That said, Jenna possesses a great ability to coordinate pieces that work well on her and reflect her personal style. I find this inspiring in that I seek to do the same; I just wish I got more of a sense from the styling in the J.Crew catalogs and on the website that I was being encouraged to explore my own personal style rather than mimic Jenna's. I will say that I find the store mannequins more helpful in this regard, as they have often inspired me to think outside the box in terms of pairing items and have added another level of versatility to my wardrobe as a result.

    On a side note, I agree that the color scheme of this outfit works very well - so well in fact that I am far less put off by the matchy-matchy prints than I would normally be. The red heels are a great addition.

  24. I'm not much for prints on me but I like this outfit a lot. She looks smashing and very festive. I'd love to see her in a smaller, more angular pair of glasses but maybe she prefers the larger lenses for better vision. I don't wear glasses myself so I don't know if that is a stupid thing to say.

    I am in love with those red suede shoes. And that coat!! I look at her outfits as if they are something we'd see on the runway. Most of us could never wear it all together but each individual piece is totally wearable and could find its way into one of our outfits.

  25. I hope it didn't come across as mean about Jenna's glasses. I didn't mean for her not to wear them at all- if she has to wear them there are so many other styles that could be more attractive on her. Why not a different style for each outfit? I personally think this style is becoming overdone- it's everywhere- there has to be a new trend somewhere out there...


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)