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Monday, November 12, 2012

Sneak Peek: What's to Come this Holiday Season {thanks Slastena & Fabulous Florida Mommy!}

 A big "thanks!" to Slastena (check out her {amazing} About All and Nothing at All blog), who shared some sneak peeks of the December catalog with us. {yey!} Just click on any of the images to view them larger.

Also "thanks!" to Fabulous Florida Mommy, of the lovely Fabulous Florida Mommy blog, who scanned 36 pages of the December 2012 catalog for us to view. {yey!} To view the catalog in an easy-to-view slideshow, check out her "J.Crew December 2012 Catalog - 36 Page Sneak Peek" post.

I have to say that the inside of the catalog looks quite lovely so far! Can't wait to see the whole thing. :)

What are your thoughts on the latest catalog? Do you like the styles displayed on the pages? Anything you love or question? Please share! :)


  1. I was a little hard on the cover photo, but I liked the inside. It was festive and had lots of real world styling ideas.

    1. I agree Cate! The cover looked so "meh" and the inside looks quite nice! :)

  2. Is anyone else missing the cute tees J Crew used to have around the holidays? I wanted to like the velvet tee but saw it yesterday in person. TOO SHORT. It's a recurring trend I'm noticing at J Crew. Sorry, no can do.

    1. Oh! I was going to comment on that velvet tee! UUGH! I love the velvet schoolboy blazer, the velvet matchstick pants, all smart and classy. The velvet tee has no shape and is very 90's.

    2. Factory has the cute holiday tees. I wanted the velvet tee too until I heard it was short.

    3. Cate, I bought the gray Factory tee with the silver sequin snowflake on it. Need another snowflake tee like I need a hole in my head but it is adorable. The green one is really pretty too. The quality on this one is good; much better than the too short, too sheer necklace tee they are peddling over on the Crew side.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. shopalot, I got the green snowflake. I had reservations about the color, but I found ways to wear it so I'm keeping it. It looks good with navy and gray/silver sweaters. I liked the gray one too but I didn't need two!

    6. The velvet tee is short and this is coming from a short person. I reviewed it in this post.

  3. What REALLY baffled me was the signature tee on page 30. Why would i want a nice tee that is signed by the entire women's design team?! Like there are literally 30 handwritten signatures and little doodles all over the front of the shirt. Where would i ever wear that? At best ppl would see it and say aww, is that from your college/high school/ work friends? And Id say no, ive never met these women, they work at jcrew and i paid $45 for this shirt.

    Besides that and the velvet tee, I liked most everything :)

    1. Hannah, I giggled at that tee, too! Bet it gets holes in it after the first hour if wearing.

    2. Yeah, that one boggles the mind a bit, doesn't it? UGLY!

    3. I saw it today and thought the same thing. What were they thinking? It is cute though

  4. I have had my catalog for days, and I just had the time to sit down with this afternoon. I might be in the minority, but I was a little underwhelmed. I don't think it is the colors, I think it is just that I didn't see anything that jumped out at me as being particularly gorgeous or unusual. I also feel like like the color and style stories are less cohesive than usual. The shoes are pretty, but they are not usually the first items I am drawn to , and the jewelry seems like a rehash of the last few months. I always wonder why, when the entire B&M store is filled with scarves, do they never feature any of them in their catalog shots. OK- enough negativity. I don't dislike the catalog- I am just not as drawn to it as much as I have been in the past!

  5. Adore the entire outfit with the red coat, cream cords, sweater, scarf and matching beanie. Fortunately for me, I realised I have pretty much all of these items from previous seasons of j.crew and can thus recreate the look by just buying a cute scarf/beanie combo! Thanks j.crew for your styling advice!

  6. I got it Friday & already recycled it. Nearly spilled my wine when I saw they want $950 for a *polyester* sequin skirt. Some of the styling ideas were cute, but nothing stirred me, like in past Holiday catalogues, where I've wanted to re-create entire looks.

    Agree with other posters - that signed tee is ridic. I have one like it, actually signed by my old Latin club at University.

    P.S. I am going to have to start an anti-chambray shirt club. I just can't stand seeing them any more. Contrary to what J.Crew pushes, they *do not* go with everything.

    1. I have to agree with you Barbabelle on this chambray shirt issue. Someone needs to pry this shirt from the stylist's hands.

  7. J. Crew is really pushing the crazy pants in this catalogue. They have a whole section specifically for them. I love their printed cafe capris but they do not love me back. I feel like a crazy old grandma in them.

    1. I agree, D*ska. I know that this has been said before but really a) I don't look good in capri pants and b) hello J. Crew it is winter in a good part of the country. Not all of us can go skipping about in high heels and capri pants in November. I actually like the catalog (except for the cover) some nice styling ideas but nothing said 'buy me' to me.

  8. I appreciate the preview images. Maybe it's just me but the catalog didn't have a very festive feel. I was looking for a shot of the stretch suede pencil skirt but couldn't find one, did I miss it?

    1. That suede skirt looks amazing. I see it is selling out in some sizes already. I hope you will share a review with us if you get it.

    2. I did order it after talking with my VPS. She said it is absolutely stunning IRL, silky soft nap, rich deep blue violet color and body-skimming fit. Well, that pushed all my buttons and I couldn't resist. It has already sold out in my size so glad I took the chance. I'll definitely put up a review once I get it. Hopefully next week sometime, it seems my orders are taking longer and longer to get to me here in Western Canada.

  9. Super exciting for us J.Crew lovers! On my way to check out the pics!!

  10. I received the catalog and it looks fab!

  11. Is it just me, or are the male models looking particularly emaciated? They're skinnier than the female models! Certainly not representing the physiques of real men I know.

    I still love the snowy winter location shots for the holiday catalogue, but this year I'm not dying for anything they're showing. Maybe a cashmere sweater or two, but that's it.

    Was it last Holiday season when JC was offering awesome promo after awesome promo? I remember shopping like a fiend, packages arriving every third day! They need to do that again!

  12. farmgirlsue, I agree with you about the male models. I also would love to hear J. Crew Guy in Canada's take on this.

  13. JC likes its women *and* men superskinny, apparently. My bf is a swimmer with a muscular torso. I was looking at some of the men's sweaters for xmas gifts for him and was wondering if the XL would even fit him in JC sizes...thinking I might have to get XXL? I doubt my bf would be pleased to see that in the size tag of a shirt I buy him!

  14. Re: Superskinny male models, maybe that means women can start shopping in the men's section if all the clothes are smaller. That way we can get some full-length lined wool trousers and non-blend sweaters :p

    Wasn't Fall/Winter 2012 the season that J.Crew was originally supposed to partner with Manolo Blahnik on all those uncomfortable-looking stilettos? Makes me think that's why all of the pants are short - they were all designed to showcase the shoes, but then the deal fell through and it was too late to change the line.

  15. JC's proportions are getting more and more untenable. I love velvet T's, but not this one. Too short and too baggy. Same with many of the skirts and dresses. Many of this season's jackets - previously an area of strength for JC - are cropped and boxy, which flatters some women but not most.

    I think most of us are aiming for longer and leaner looks...

  16. A couple of J. Crew offerings made our Holiday 2012 Gift Guide. Check it out here:

  17. I received the catalog and am working on scanning it. It will be up on The J. Crew Archives by the end of the day! (Sorry for the delay!)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)