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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

J.Crew Skirt Spotted in People Stylewatch

"Thanks!" to Karen, who not only let us know about a J.Crew item being spotted in the latest issue of People's Style Watch, but also scanned the image for us to view! (Click on the image to see it larger.)

The item featured is a skirt from J.Crew called "Ladies Night Skirt" (giggling at the name!) in wool with sequin detail, retailing for $250. This appears to be an upcoming new arrival as I was unable to locate it online.

It is a pricey pencil skirt. I am curious if the sequin detail is on the backside as well. Could you imagine how difficult it would be to wear this skirt sitting down? All I could think about is protecting the sequin detail!

Did you catch the skirt in People Style Watch? Are you a fan of the wool with sequin combo? Excited or disappointed to see it will be a part of of J.Crew's clothing collection?


  1. Looks very Anthro to me. lol at Ladies Night.

  2. Meh, it's pretty enough, but they've done other impractical sequinned skirts that are much prettier. That blue and white collection sequinned skirt from this past spring/summer was really stunning.

  3. Does not do much for me. And at that price it should really wow me. Hope there is better stuff coming out for holiday.

  4. Nothing screams party to me like brown tweed! LOL! Just because you stick sequins on something doesn't mean it's suddenly festive. Another head scratcher from J. Crew, where do you wear this?? Out to get groceries? Nah. To work? Nope. To the new year's eve party? Hardly.

    1. I'm thinking that this will be a popular "stand in the middle of a field, touching my hair and staring at my toes while someone takes my picture" kind of skirt.

    2. Ladies, you are too funny! Thank you for the morning giggles. ;)

  5. I wouldn't bite at that price, but I really like the skirt. I can see wearing it to my DH's work party with a rich silk shirt or to a holiday dinner with a simple sweater.

    I had a black and white tweed skirt with black sequins from Loft a few years back that was the perfect answer to several questionable party dress codes around the holidays.

  6. Not for me, but I'm sure there will be some JCAs that it will look lovely on.

  7. It would be a really easy DIY job on an old or thrifted skirt. This will undoubtedly be Collection and I don't see paying that much on something that won't get much wear.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. DIY! Exactly what I was thinking - it would be a cool project to try out.

  8. Tweed and sequins together...heart melted :-)


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And now back to J.Crew! :)