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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

J.Crew's November 2012 Catalog {take a quick look!}

A big "thank you!" to Life as a Cat (in this post), of the amazing The J.Crew Archives blog, who is currently scanning the November 2012 catalog. WAHOO! She has also posted a preview of some pages in her "J. Crew November Style Guide catalog preview" post.

Also, HeatherInSearchOf (in this post), gave a very detailed review of the upcoming catalog that just had to be shared:
Just got my November Style most things J Crew this year, I'm on board with the accessories/shoes...and not much else. What is up with Easter Egg colors for winter?! Lilac and buttercup yellow everywhere, baby pink as well. Thought process may have been "no one else is doing it..."; there is a reason JCrew! Spring will come in it's due time.

Few highlights, gorgeous nudish pink Edie grand bag, two tone oxblood fuchsia little Edie, the Fair Isle turtleneck in greens is gorgeous to me, but not $650 gorgeous...J Crew is trying to grow up in the fashion world a little too fast. Lest they forget, when high dollar fashionistas wear J Crew they say, "It's J Crew, can you believe it?!" NOT "It's J Crew (dramatic pause)". This is a brand in transition, and they're doing it rather poorly at the moment.

The green ribbon cord toothpicks are sweet and unique, but your bum must be in summer condition or you may end up looking like one of those lumpy plastic Christmas sacks your parents used when they were too lazy to wrap your toys...odd bits poking out in all directions. A print on a toothpick is NOT forgiving! The vivid jade, more foresty if you ask me, pencil in serge is beautiful...but I am a pencil skirt fiend who cannot be stopped; I could be totally biased and wrong on that skirt. I don't know about any of you, but I find tweed hard to pull off without looking like I'm going for granny chic...yet, the lady jacket in corkscrew pinks is quite the stunner. I could always buy it for my gran this X-Mas and admire it from afar.

The hothouse dress is gorgeous, and if it has the right weight to it, could be a nice score for J Crew in their ever quickening race to the top of the fashion ladder. One note, I wish they would add more interest pieces to their special items such as the hot house dress. I'm sure it has a plain back. I'd like to see a nude mesh center panel with invisible zipper detail to spice it up, nothing low cut, just something else to look at other than the print.

I'd love to see some full skirts from them, the Green Tinsel fabric on their no. 2 pencil would do well on a full skirt. Page 32, why does J Crew pretend the chiffon dot top is not see through...better yet, why did they MAKE IT so see through(shakes fist at sky)???

Moving on to the collection pencil skirt in brushed wool, in chartreuse, with a thigh high slit...I like; however, only chartreuse? J Crew, I realize you are striving to be chic, but give us a color option, and pairing it with a brown lady print sweater??...the model is laughing for a reason. Although, I would totally buy that sweater in ivory or red...again only one color option, and that color is an unfortunate shade of dried mud they beneficently call caramel (eyes roll out of head).

I'm not going to lie, I will buy the polka dot sequin top in both colors (champagne and black), completely versatile and festive. The flame floral jacquard skirt in "dried papaya" (cue second eye roll, they roll farther away)...what to's a digital print, an affordable alternative to the pointelle that is making the rounds at D&G right now...but I can't help to think that with a mix of cotton/nylon/silk, the only silk to be found may be in the washing instruction tag...I wouldn't put it past you J Crew!

The moral of the November Style Guide story is this: For winter, J Crew wants you to douse your self in pastel, wear fair isle at every turn, and always, ALWAYS part your hair down the center!
That review was really great! (Had me laughing, like at the shaking fist of fury over the Chiffon Top being see through.) Of course, now I am curious about the catalog even more. Can't wait to get it in the mail (how do some customers get is so quickly???) to see all the new items.

What are your thoughts on the latest catalog? Did you already get a copy? (If so, how?) Do you like the styles displayed on the pages? Anything you love or question? Please share!


  1. i think "la parisienne" bears a little too much of a resemblance to le gorille for my liking... although the last two "statement sweaters" had animals on them so maybe that's what they were going for?

    1. I could not agree more, the wild hat and furry coat scare daylights out of me. Kossak invasion, anyone?

    2. No one is going to buy that hideous sweater. At least, that is my hope.

    3. Itchy sweater with furry 'Parisian' gorrila that also looks like the love child of dirty snowman and under-the-bed monster??? Like Gigi once said, they are laughing all the way to the bank...

    4. I swear I've seen that "thing" in a Dr. Suess book. Was it the cat in the hat? It is hideous beyond belief.

    5. It's Phyllis Diller's silhouette...or the villain from Disney's 1960's animation, 101 Dalmation, Cruela de Ville.

  2. Great. Another statement sweater. How many more months can they drag this trend out?

  3. I got my catalog in the mail yesterday, which was a nice surprise bc I haven't been receiving them lately. There are a few shoes I'm interested in, but that's about it. There really aren't many things we haven't seen before, which is disappointing. And what's with all the pastels? Ugh.

    The bow pants. I don't even have words. What were they thinking?? It looks like they stole the pattern from a wrapping paper scrap circa 1988.

    1. StylishlySpoken, now that you say that, I officially hate the bow cords. Your description is spot on! And that is the last thing I want to look like!

    2. Happy to save your closet the inevitable regret :)

      Seriously though, I am getting a little tired of the designers obsession with patterned pants. Yes they can be cute, but the honest truth is that patterns on the lower half are extremely difficult for most women to pull off. Plus, the ridic obsession with "vintage" patterns is turning me off. Just because a pattern is vintage, doesn't mean it is automatically stylish. Some patterns should stay in the past!

      Now, if they would put these patterns on some pretty silk tops instead, I would be all over it!

  4. I usually get the catalog early, I believe that since the website change the Canadian version is now printed and mailed from Canada so it isn't arriving 2 weeks after the U.S. customers get theirs, which is great.

    I'm becoming intrigued with the slit skirt. I just bought one in grey from a local boutique. The slit is smaller and right at the left side seam but it's incredibly cute. Love the idea to freshen up the pencil skirt look. More colors would be appreciated though.

  5. Yes I'd love the slit skirt in anything but chartreuse, I think everyone here got drunk on that when they were under age as it was the one thing you could glug from your parents cocktail cabinet without them noticing.

    The green bow cords are awful, they are for little girls.

    1. Tabitha, you are breaking my heart, my inner little girl's heart.:)

    2. You guys nailed it with the "little girls" print and the wrapping paper print! That is also a wallpaper print for little girls.

      It's okay Slastena, you will rock those black and white print toothpicks. So much more chic, in my opinion! :)

    3. Slastena - you strut them with pride and don't listen to me, go with your heart!

  6. HeatherISO - Thank you so much for your review of the November catalog (I refuse to call it a "style guide." Hmph.)! It had me laughing over my coffee this morning. Please please please do more reviews of future catalogs! I haven't seen the November one (couldn't sweet talk an SA into giving me one over the weekend), but like Alexis, your review has made me even more curious. :-)

    1. I know- so curious now to find out what everyone is talking about!!! :)

  7. $275 for what is essentially a No.2 pencil with a slit on the side instead of the back (and a blend that will probably shed)? I just can't with you anymore, JC.

  8. Will do patmosjd! I plan on creating my own blog soon, but will do a new review for each of the catalogs here. Also, wanted to further my point that J Crew is reallllly reaching for the big leagues...they have been for some time giving exclusives to, on some high ticket items not seen in the lookbook, or catalogs. There is a silver sequin skirt on there today for $850. Also, they put up the pink boucle coat I wanted, but as of now have yet to release through their OWN channel, for $550. Innnnnteresting (taps fingers together).

    1. So glad to hear that HeatherISO! I will be looking out for your blog. :)

  9. My catalog came early, yay! And way out in the pacific northwest!

  10. Thanks for the mention, Alexis! I'm done scanning the catalog and am most of the way done with editing. Will be up shortly!

    1. Thank you for scanning those catalogs- I know how time consuming they can be- so I really appreciate it! :)

  11. Yes, thank you for the post, Alexis. I was not expecting that when I checked the site this morning. I really enjoy the camaraderie (and commiseration) of JCA!

    1. Thank YOU for a great and detailed review!!! You really captured the essence of the catalog (which now I can't wait to get so I can understand all the references!) P.S. Echoing the comments of others, that you should start a blog! :)

  12. I was a little shocked to see what was essentially a spring collection arriving yesterday at my home. I live in Los Angeles so many of the fall items are doable weather wise but LA is probably the least "J Crew" market in the country.

  13. I have not received my catalog yet, but have not seen one item I am interested in out of all the images that have been shared so far. Hopefully there is more to like in the rest of the catalog.

  14. I just grabbed a copy from a store.

    The copy on the sweater with the picture of the Green-legged Yeti says it was inspired by the designer's trip to Paris. Somebody please tell me this is irony.

  15. My copy came in the mail yesterday.
    I like the color of the suede Everlys on the front cover, and I like the Sasha suede pumps as well. Outside of the shoes, there are a few things I like but nothing I absolutely must have.

    That giant bow pattern is absurd. I agree with Tabitha-- those cords are for little girls. And why is the shift dress featured with the work wear (pg 97)? Who would wear that to work?

    I laughed at page 11-- the model's holding that Edie Grand like it's a boom box in 1993.

    And it's been said before but I'll say it again: 1.) Less brights and pastels, please. It's getting cold out. 2.) More pants that aren't cropped or ankle-length please. It's getting cold out.

    1. One more thing-- I'm surprised the (pretty freaking cute) polka-dot sequin top doesn't cost more; I feel like they easily could have called it "Collection" and charged at least another $75 for it. I almost feel like $128 is a typo.

    2. Careful what you ask time you check, it will be $138! LOL:)

    3. I can relate to your comments re cropped pants. Every store I go to of late is showing cropped or ankle-length and November is in the wings.

    4. @EmilyBethzzz, I was wondering about that pose with Carolyn Issa holding the bag to her ear, it's rather odd.

  16. Just got my catalog in the mail and flipped through it over lunch.


    Seriously, am I being Punk'd? When does the real J.Crew catalog - the one for November, not March - get here? Some of the styling is really poor. The only section that appealed to me was "Tried and Blue". I mentioned in a previous post that I like that green bow print, but on a blouse or dress instead of pants. There it is, on a dress on page 97, blown up to giant scale. I guess I'll wait until they show us the FRONT of the dress to pass judgement. *sigh*

  17. Or that the yeti sweater doesn't really exist and it is a marketing strategy to sell more of the hen, that I am kind of regretting now if this is what's around the corner!

  18. Sorry, I was trying to reply to wellfedfred post

    1. And now I've found it!
      I'm actually dreading the holiday rollout.

  19. I was hoping for some wool Minnies in blue or green, but instead I see pale pink. I don't think so, no matter how much I love pink.

  20. I echo many of the comments here. I was very disappointed in the November catalogue. The pastels are just wrong for the season. The printed items (bow pants and dress) are just not for me. The only item that piques my interest is the white pencil skirt with navy piping, but I fear it has suffered the fate of so many Jcrew items with respect to quality as it appears not to be lined. The lack of quality is becoming, hands down, my number one complaint about Jcrew. They simply cannot expect me to pay hundreds of dollars for a skirt or a pair of pants that are unlined when I can go to a competitor and purchase the same item for the same amount of money without these quality issues.

  21. I just got back from the concept store, and I, too am surprised. I don't necessarily have to see tartan and red and green. I don't even mind the pastels. But, the shapes were repetitive, and the styling was mundane. I do like the lustre lace mockneck, but it appears in the catalog to have very narrow arms. If that pink were paired with grey or brown,winter white, camel or black, it would be gorgeous. As shown with olive and aqua pants and a mint bag, it is laughable.

  22. This catalog is "Groundhog Day" in mother-of-bride-pastel colors.

    I'm so disappointed in the new arrivals and the styling at J. Crew lately. I've purchased nothing since August and I don't think I've taken such a hiatus in 10 years.

    Everything is so recycled and reductive. Really, how many times can you look at sequin tops, capri pants, and Edie bags? And how many times can you try to convince yourself that NEXT TIME the garment will be a quality fabric and constructed in such a way that it is worth that ever-increasing $200 price tag?

    The women's brand has lost its way since Marisa's departure. Aspiring to be couture doesn't make you so, and Tom Mora is NOT the guy to lead these people out of the woods.

    1. Well said ruffles! I've never been more disappointed in a JC catalog. What are they thinking???

      Guess I'll be spending my $ elsewhere this winter. Sigh.

    2. Tom Mora is ruining J. Crew! Maybe Jenna needs some stronger lenses in those hideous glasses she wears so she can see how awful these clothes are.

  23. I picked up a copy instore today. Just as I suspected ! The 3 pairs of "crazy pants" that I like are $$$$$. Love the cafe Capri in camel plaid $168 and I knew the pink graphic tweed would be collection but $398. My favorite of all is the abstract diamond print in warm ivy a bargain at $225. I guess I could buy all three at $800. I probably should size down though since I wouldn't have enough money left for food this month!

  24. I usually tab tons of pages for things I want to order, especially in october, november and december because, in my opinion, those are the best jcrew catalogs! YUCK. I was only digging on some of the jewels (heart bracelet and jeweled bracelet) but otherwise, super pass for me. Stop with Edie, the Everly pump (very uncomfortable hence all the older styles in the sale section) the etta pump (yuck again) and dream sweaters! How about the sweaters that are $595 and $650?? JCrew has gone cray cray!!

  25. Someone, or some people, are seriously asleep at the wheel b/c they drank too much of the crewlade. Everything is recycled but not the really good stuff. the prices are going up, the quality is going down and the linings for woll pants and skirts has disappeared. Everyone that took sewing in Home Ec in high school knows you need to line these articles of clothing. JCrew may be delusional enough to think they are becoming "couture" or at least able to hang with the big boys of fashion but as soon as one of those real designers sees and feels the clothes and fabrics, they will realize they have nothing to worry about. Even the quality at H& M and Exoress is better. What gives?

  26. Does Tom Mora moonlight for Carter's kids clothing? Went into a Carter's store today and there were bows all over everything in the little girls section, had to do a double take because I wasn't sure if I was in Carter's or the November style guide.

  27. Does anyone know if the J.Crew Ankle Toothpick in Neon Violet is on sale? I was in the store this morning and saw that the light green shade was in the sale section for $69 with the extra 25% off I believe? I did not see the neon violet pair in the sale section but am kicking myself for not checking if it was on sale.

  28. Am I off base, or is La Parisienne Isabella Blow, great stylist and friend to Akexander McQueen? That's what I see. I like it and hope all the loathing means it goes on sake soon.

    I like the patterned pants. Alas JCrew pants and I don't get on well. So far their cuts don't work at all onto body.

    Love the fair isle. Waiting.....waiting for sales....

  29. Anyone know how a sweater in a Wool/yak/nylon blend would wear? Pill? I am unfortunatly ($$) in love with the Nili chunky turtleneck....

    1. I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to comment. Hope you see this in time. Yak wool is the coolest thing ever. I have a Vince sweater from a few years back that is a Yak/Cashmere blend and it has not pilled AT ALL! I wish more manufacturers would use yak, it's very similar in feel to the cashmere and super pillowy. Off to check off the Nili turtleneck now...

    2. Thanks so much for your help !

  30. I like the La Parisienne sweater just because it's wacky (reminds me if Anna Piaggi, though she was Italian)..the rest of the catalog, I don't get. At all.

  31. I haven't gotten the catalog, but from a quick glance, the only thing that caught my eyes are the pencil skirt with navy piping.

    I agree with most comments on this board, many styles look recycled and I do not see any reason to keep buying the same styles.

    On the other hand, I do like a lot of J Crew shoes this season. Well, I should confess that I am a recent convert to J Crew (used to buy mostly Marc by Marc Jacobs), so I could not compare J crew shoe offerings to prior season.

    I like the shoe color choices and the price ($150 when they are on sale and they are Italian made). I bought six pairs of shoes already this season, 1 Etta, 1 Everlys, 3 Monas and 1 Valentina. I thought I scored a deal, but may be I did not.

    Someone mentioned J Crew shoes are "YUCK" this season, am I missing something? Did they used to be lot better in prior season? I am curious.

    1. There shoes were like dessert after a French meal. Scrumptious. Great quality, beautiful designs and amazing little touches that made them look and feel special. Their shoes used to actually look like designer pieces, now they're just trying to be. IMHO

  32. I've been racking my brain and I've finally identified la Parisienne. It's that puppy hater Cruella Deville. She appears to have moved away from dalmations and a skunk coat to a fur made of black laboradors. Just what were the designers smoking that night! At least it will keep my sweater budget lower this month. A good thing since as I mentioned before I'm blowing it all on my crazy pants!

    1. Now that you mention it I see the resemblance. You are so entertaining wellfesfred.

    2. The silhouette reminds me Phyllis Diller. Something she would have worn during her stand up in the 60's-70's.

  33. #IMI:

    I love jcrew shoes also, almost all my work shoes are ordered from jcrew, along with nice boots from a few years ago and ballet flats. In my opinion they are made poorly now, on the Everlys I ordered you could see the glue and the Etta shoes were crazy uncomfortable and again, i could see the glue on the cap toed shoes. Not what I have come to expect with some of the styles I have are 5-7 years old and still in great shape. I also think the comfort factor is gone in most shoes now at jcrew.

    1. In terms of comfort level, I agree with you that J Crew heels are definitely less comfy when compared to other brands like Cole Haan, which have Nike air inside the shoes for extra comfort.

      I think what stands out for me with J Crew shoes are the color and style offerings. I could not find other brands that offer such a variety of colors outside their normal black/tan/grey, which are boring to me.

      I will keep your comment in mind as to the signs of lower quality like the sight of glue. I will keep a tally as to how long they last as well. Italian made shoes do not imply better shoes if they are not well made.

      Thanks again for the tips.

    2. Despite their poor quality, I still find myself drooling over the calf hair leopard print Everly and snakskin ballet flats, those animal skins just excite me. I might order the Everly for a round of inspection but the snake is going to stay in the pit. Their last few snakeskin offerings have been just plain awful.

  34. I received my catalog today and agree that I was disappointed. I am interested in the sweatshirt in byzantine blue. I love the crewcuts jeweled snowflake sweatshirt. If I could wear crewcuts, I would get it for myself! Why can't JC produce something like that (at that price please) for women?

    I had my ps pull the graphic print skirt since it went on sale. I can't get to my b&m until Saturday - hope they extra % off is still on then. I've had a lot of unexpected expenses lately, but I love it enough to get it. (That at the cream toothpick cords are all I'm willing to break my "spend no money" rule.)

  35. Count me in the disappointed in the catalog as well. I don't get the pastels, even if they're pretty. I just wouldn't wear a light pink purse in the snow! I think the jade wool pencil skirt looks lovely, but I don't need it. I also like the look of the Lustre lace Mockneck (though I'm sure it's not everyone's thing). The Vivs in chocolate calf hair are pretty. The Hothouse dress is pretty for an event/wedding.

  36. Oh dear - am heading over to look at the whole thing right now...

    See my blog tomorrow. I have an imaginary conversation between Jenna, Tom and Gayle, which may turn out to be quite accurate...

    WMM (

  37. darn it! meant to type

  38. Replies
    1. Thanks, life as a cat! The only item I want is the luxe silk crepe blouse in navy. How sad. This catalog/collection is horrible, even worse than Fall/Holiday 2010, which I also disliked rather strongly.

    2. Thank you for all your time and energy. It's very appreciated by all! You ROCK!

    3. Thank you life as a cat. I enjoyed scrolling through the catalog and I really appreciate all you do to put it up there for us. I wasn't crazy about much that was offered but I can see a few things that have promise and I look forward to checking them out in detail along with the rest of the new arrivals tomorrow.

    4. Thank you so much life as a cat!

  39. The catalog is so thin and boring. At least my wallet won't be thin this season! Thanks, J. Crew for saving me $$!

    1. After looking at the j. Crew archives from Life As a Cat, I realized that my catalog is missing 1/2 of the pages. No wonder it was so thin!

  40. Any idea when the new releases will be available online?

  41. I wish there was a "like" and "laugh" button to push for all the comments!
    Totally agree with everybody. Such a dissapointment for me..this is normally my favorite time of the year for J Crew catalogs.

  42. My husband and just fought over and then looked at the catalogue together. There were quite a few shirts that he liked and some of the accessories too. He liked all the Alden boots featured but wouldn't spend that kind of money on shoes. I always find a few items I like for every roll out but with our limited budget I might just encourage my husband to drink a little of the crewlade this time.

  43. First off, thanks "life as a cat" for all the work on getting the catalog up and viewable. Not sure when my IRL catalog will get here so it's nice to get a sneak peek at everything.

    Second, I have to agree with everyone else's comments. Boring and repetitive styling, wrong colors for the season and outrageous price points on the few things that are a bit different from the norm. What happened to the wonderful catalogs of years past, where you wanted to recreate an entire look? If I tried to recreate the majority of the looks in this catalog, I'd be a laughing stock :-)

    For now, I'm retreating to Ebay or the JCA Exchange where I can find lined wool pants and skirts in sumptuous and thick materials, jackets with contrast and/or repp lining with beautiful buttons, and silk blouses (lined and not sheer) that don't break the bank.

  44. I finally looked at the catalog!

    I saw the tipped Hacking Jacket that people have been talking about. I am fairly new to JCrew, and I am wondering if this jacket is the same one people talked about several years ago as the best jacket ever.

    I may have to order one to at least try on.

  45. Got the catalog today and a separate note from my VPS. Haven't even had a chance to look at the catalog and normally I would have looked at it immediately. Just lost interest and mainly too busy. Off to read my book....

  46. Thanks to life as a cat for posting the catalog! The styling and the looks are repetitive but I did see a few things that I liked and I am looking forward to seeing in real life.

  47. I got the catalog yesterday on a work trip and sort of liked the look of the green silk tie Cafe Capris. That was it. The mint Hacking jacket was so pretty (love their mint color) but cheap. Speaking of cheap, I bought the wool Cafe Capris in black and grey as a last minute purchase for the trip. They looked cute on but no lining. As I type, I'm sitting in this airplane wearing itchy wool pants. I wore them, I'll keep them but no more of these for me!

  48. Some of the new arrivals are up. I'm not sure if they're transitioning their site now.

  49. The new arrivals page just finished updating!

  50. this isn't the holiday is it? i know it comes out in november. oh, i hope not - i hate most of it!

  51. Like Baileylovesjcrew, I used to tab my older J. Crew catalogues to death. Not this one. It gets about three tabs, if that. I cannot begin to express how disappointed I am, like most of you, with this fall's offering. I can't help thinking Please do not let this be the final Holiday collection.

    And then to boot, if you actually find something that you like/love you have to consider the quality issues that it might have. Will this sweater go to hell in two wears? Can I walk for more than 15 minutes in these shoes? Will my skirt split at the seams in public?

    Despite this, the crewlade still lingers in my system. I've crossed off this year's hacking jacket in double serge wool because it's already been reviewed as a dud. But I am going to give the Everly, Nora and Viv flats, all in leopard calf hair a try because I'm a sucker for anything that's both leopard and calf hair. I love snakeskin but had to throw out my snakskin Lula after 3 months of wear.
    Other items on my radar are the Lustre Lace mockneck, Polka dot sequin and Tuxedo pencil skirt but they all have to be vetted before I can commit. Anyone try those already?

  52. The new arrivals are up. The only thing I like is....the loomknit sweatshirt in heather. Sigh.

  53. I am so disappointed. Everything seems to be so uninspired. I will shop my closet for the beautiful items J Crew use to present. This fall and holiday looks like just a few jewelry items on my wishlist.

  54. I miss Marrisa Webb at J Crew. There are many beautiful colors this season but it is hard to tell with pastels piled onto "Easter egg inspired" styling that gets in the way. I'm mostly "shopping my own closet" this season but will take advantage of something in the beautiful green color pallet that J Crew is featuring this season.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)