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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

J.Crew of Seasons Past: {a look in the closet}

It's that time again, to take a look at an image of J.Crew pieces from seasons past! As caribbelle (in this post) so beautifully termed, "ye olde j crew of yore".

This post features the Wool Flannel Trapeze Dress from 2007. Truth be told, I love the whole look in the image. So simple and so put together at the same time. {Heart it!}

What are your thoughts on the look(s)/item(s) from the past? Do you find the look(s)/item(s) classic or do you think they are dated?


  1. I love the Parisian chic vibe that the outfit has going on. Still totally wearable today.

  2. what a gorgeous and timeless look. love this from head to toe!

    xox P

    1. I agree. It's a very classic look.

    2. i'm going to have to use this as a future outfit inspiration!

  3. Tres belle. Love the simplicity of the look - not weighed down with jewelry or smothered in obligatory chambray shirt.

    I just moved my Cheshire jacket back into my main closet to pick up the rotation for fall. That's one of my top 10 J.Crew purchases ever.

    1. LOL J.Crew really does rely too heavily on the chambray shirts. It's become very a very tired look IMO.

    2. I'm also not a fan of chambray shirts. I had a couple that I never wore and I finally got rid of them a couple months ago.

    3. xoxo - agreed. j crew uses chambray excessively.

  4. Love! The uptown tote was one of the greatest J.Crew bags ever.

    1. I agree, the Uptown is a marvelous tote and I love the Borge Garveri leather. I have two, one in a summer color and one in a winter color. They are my go-to totes that get a lot of use and they have held up really well. You can still find them occasionally on ebay, which is where I got my "winter" one just last year.

    2. I have the tote in the color in the picture. The leather is pretty, but I really don't care for the bag due to the open top.

    3. I agree! I have a grey Uptown Tote (but I don't think it's the one pictured) and it gets me through all seasons, every year. And I personally think it's getting better with age, water stains and all. A friend calls it my 'Shellye bag'.

  5. Love, love, love! Thanks for sharing the pic Alexis.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)