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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Exclusive Look at J.Crew's Spring 2013 Presentation

J.Crew posted two images of their Spring 2013 Presentation for Fashion Week on their Facebook page. One image showcases the Men's collection and another the Women's collection.

I hope you like to stand out in a crowd, because there is a whole lot of merchandise with bright brights on display!

P.S. What is up with the polka dot pants? It's like pick a color and stick with it. Amiright?

P.S.S. "Thanks!" to xoxo (in this post), as well as Life as a Cat & Kat (in this post), who let us know that all the individual outfits (for both Men & Women) are available over at Now Fashion (click HERE to check it out!) "Thanks!" to Roxana, who shared a post over at NY Mag (click HERE to check it out!) that shows the collection, including accessories.

"Thanks!" to J.Crew Guy in Canada who let us know that men outfits are also available to view HERE.
On a pretty note, check out the photo of the Biennial hobo that J.Crew also posted on their Facebook wall. They state: "in supple pebbled leather (our designers spent months perfecting the finish) and two eye-catching blue hues". Very, very pretty.
What are your thoughts on the upcoming Spring 2013 collection? Are you excited about it? Are there any items that interest you? Please share! :)


  1. Check out the individual outfits at this link.

    1. Thanks for sharing that link- just updated the post with it too! :)

    2. You're welcome Alexis. And you are so right about those polka dot pants. It looks like mommy raided the children's Hallowe'en costume closet.

  2. I'm not really thinking spring right now...but that seems like a lot of bright colors. Maybe too much for me.

  3. Nope, not a fan. Over the bright colors and too many prints. Been there done that. Guess I'm a classics girl.

  4. I do like the sweaters with the flower and the butterfly(?) print, but they'll probably be like $200 or something.

    Cracked me up that I saw another version of Gigi's favorite 1992 anorak in there though!

    1. I saw that anorak and immediately though of Gigi too! My second thought was "OMG, they made it in fluorescent green..."

  5. My initial reaction: Nothing caugth my attention as an individual piece. A lot of pinks and pastels. Not digging the prints. Styling seems random. Quite a few a-line skirts. Love the shoes.

  6. The first photo of women's outfits the white tux/suit - gorgeous. Hope the jacket isn't $$$$$

  7. I am like AJC - I loved the shoes! I liked a couple of the sweaters and the peachy cafe capris!

  8. That lime green sequin skirt looks familiar! Thanks for these links xoxo and Alexis. I like the peachy shades and Julie I agree that white suit is beautiful. Much of it I don't like but I am trying to be positive!

  9. Eh, not crazy about anything. Geez, so many prints. And I'm with Shariyu-- I'm pretty much over brights. I did like a lot of the shoes though, and there was a purse or two that caught my eye. And one solid, non-print top. =)

  10. Well, I didn't think the dresses could get any shorter. Will they be selling matching bloomers to go underneath? Some odd proportions showing up but it could just be my perspective as a top-heavy gal.

    The Biennial bag with the stripes down the middle looks like a Thom Browne bag. I don't like that look at all, it has turned me off all of the Black Fleece bags. J.Crew did this before with the Spritzer bags that languished in the sale section forever. Why repeat that mistake?

    Not liking the colors and prints. One last go-round with the garish brights while the pastels are sneaking in the back door.

  11. Mehhhhhhhhhhhhh. Kinda like the current rollout for me. I'm just not feeling it.

  12. Sigh....all of this feels very recycled - more variations on the capri pants, the sequin skirt. Whatever happened to the "classics with a twist"?

    1. Yes that is what I thought. I know we often pine for JCrew to bring back some of the classics but that doesn't mean recycling the same old every season. the capris, jules and sequins have been done to death. Or at least I wish they were dead. It looks a real mess of this and that, all of which can be found at other stores for a whole lot less!

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Overall, I'm not very excited. Pastels seem like an over-correction from all the neon, and they aren't particularly flattering on me. Isn't there a happy medium between blinding neons and washed out pastels?

    I agree the shoes look promising. Kind of glad to see oversized florals, would like to get more wear out of the garden floral tie neck top. I also love the solid purple maxi, simplistic perfection. Hoping it isn't $1000 collection piece.

    Confused by the lack of cohesiveness and wacky styling. Those striped and polka dot pants are awful!!!

  15. No, no and no. Nothing for me. All the patterns, stripes, florals are just over the top. It seems sloppy too me..and nothing seems coordinated. I'm still sad about the fall line and now feel sad about spring. I sure hope they change direction and find their bearings.

  16. Can we please move on from the shiny, weird printed crop pants?? I'm not a size 0 and these would be so, so unflattering on me, not that I even like them. I like the tropical-ish prints.. the beach umbrella top under the white suit, the purple/pink tank. Also the white shorts with pastel flower print. The green hibiscus wide-leg pants and the green/red polka dot pants are hideous.

  17. Hm I didn't think it was *that* bad... some pieces could work well (restyled). However, I think a majority of the items look like they'd be better suited for Madewell than Jcrew. The ankle-strap heels look surprisingly similar to Marissa's shoes in her Spring collection. I like Marissa's shoes a whole lot better (just look more streamlined, especially with the cutout straps in the back).

    1. ITA with the madewell comment. I was just looking more closely at the tank paired with the black skirt on the left in the 3rd pic up top.... Looks like a bad airbrushed t-pattern you would have seen in Daytona beach circa 1986. Yikes!! Seems better fitted for urban outfitters than jcrew...

    2. Yeah. I thought much of it seemed kind of 80s, especially the pastels and weird large floral prints. As in, golden girls style 80s. Don't get wrong, that is one of my all time favorite TV shows, but the fashion is horrendous.

  18. What is up with the "Banana Shirt"??

    My DH is going to get a good laugh at some of the men's styling…purple socks, white bucks, colorblocking outfits with swim trunks? No thanks :)

  19. It's hard to tell what the individual items will actually look like, but I'm not seeing much that is either NEW or WEARABLE.

    It's looking like Spring 2013 will mark the third season of "meh" for me. I am starting to accept the sad reality that the days of coveting beautiful things on literally every J. Crew catalog page - every page with a corner folded over - are long gone for me.

    1. I agree, ruffles. It's not necessarily a bad thing for me, though, as my closets have hit the one in, one out stage!

      The topic rears its sequined head every time we talk about this subject ... to those who may be wondering, *yes*, we get that these shows are meant to 'inspire' and all that. That they're not necessarily saying "run out and wear our stuff just like this."

      Overall and from looking at individual pieces, though, I just don't see anything I loooove or have to have. It could just be that I'm starting to tune in to fall, so maybe I just can't wrap my head around spring right now ... ?

      Either way, I'm pretty sure I just heard my wallet breathe a sigh of relief. :P

  20. Heh--I love it. I love the wackiness of it all. Granted, some things worry me--the tight ankles on the pants aren't going to do my silhouette any favors. But I love the aspiration in the color and pattern mixing, and am glad this stage of design isn't over. I assume JCrew will still release lots of basics that they didn't show. It'll be fun to put together something classic with the oversized houndstooth.

    But then I have a creative job and can supposedly get away with wearing weird things.

    It's funny-I'm late to the whole J Crew and Anthro fandom. Fans of both barnds complain that the glory days have passed. But as a newbie, I still find fun things to admire and to wear.

    1. Unknown, great point. I would look at things differently if I were in a creative field. Sigh, that's my fantasy life. The life I needs outfits for is midwest college town.

  21. They show all of the weird/collection pieces in these presentations. That gives me hope that there will be some stuff they didn't show that regular people can wear.

  22. Slightly OT, but I'm grossed out by the "new" way to hold handbags like clutches. I know I set my bag down in some not nice places. I don't want that ick all over my palm.

    1. blame that one on Victoria Beckham. She keeps trying to make it happen with her handbags.

  23. Nothing here that I want, but I am not usually drawn to the edgier pieces and I will probably like the more everyday version of the collection. I am surprised to see so many pastels, though. Did anyone else think that gray sweatshirt with the pink writing said "dear leader"? ... On second look, I think it says "darling"! :)

  24. I saw one poufy pink skirt, that was it, the rest was yuksville.

  25. Looks like a parade of cotton candies. Isn't it time for some quieter colors? Some neutrals, maybe?

  26. I was very interested in all the colors and bright patterns, but when I looked at each outfit individually, they reminded me of when my daughters were young and use to dress themselves. They would pick the brightest and most mismatched pieces to wear. That is what the styling looked liked to me. Maybe when some of the pieces are paired with more neutral items, they will work.

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  28. Oh no, my hopes have been dashed. It's looking like Spring 2013 is a pass as well. I saw a sweater with a big X in front and that is how I feel about this collection, a big Don't.

  29. Here's another link with more pics.

  30. I actually like it! I think it has refreshing pastels and some new silhouettes. Obviously, some pieces are very body conscious (short shorts) but overall I think this collection has some great pieces. If you check out what is showing at fashion week you will see that pastels and tropical prints are trending. I love the blue maxi dress and the cafe capri's with skunks on them. WWD (women's wear daily) has said that they like this collection because it is different. I guess to each is own. We already assume what is going to happen, all of these prints will end up on some great pieces for spring!

  31. As for what I think about the collection itself, I agree with some others - it's a lot of bright colours, especially a lot of pink. Not really my colours, but then again, I am more of a fall colour girl. Not super crazy about the styles or prints either, though there was one dress that I loved the styling on (pink silk? shirt dress), but not the colour or print. And that bright green skirt looks like one Jenna was styling earlier this year? These pics certainly don't make me excited about the Spring collection, but luckily we're still smack in the middle of the Fall/Winter one where I am madly in love with many, many items!

  32. Okay, now that I was able to view the collection again, this time on my laptop instead of my iPhone earlier. I must say the collection is not that bad, if you were to pick and choose separate pieces on its own. is an excellent site to view the collection up close. You can magnify each outfit worn with the accessories.

    Its hard to critique clothes without feeling it, and seeing it IRL. IMO, there are separate pieces that are cute, but as a collection, its not as nice as when Marissa and Jenna were in charge of the designing and styling during Spring 11' and Spring 12'. Such a huge difference between Marissa/Jenna vs. Tom/Jenna. I certainly am for team Marissa/Jenna. There was something soft about it, there was cohesion, it was feminine, smart, confidence with the Spring/Summer 2011 & 2012 collections. I don't know about this one...I am trying to understand Tom's vision for J.Crew. I'm still lost.

    1. PS: That Banana tank is funny. Nod and Wink to Stella McCartney who used the bananas when she was head designer at Chloe, back in the early 2000. Even Prada did bananas on her spring/summer collection.

    2. This SS'13 is not sending the love vibes on me either. If I were a bit younger, maybe 20's and more fit I would probably go crazy. But alas, I'm in my 30s, done with cute-sy prints and combinations. I've reached a certain level at work so I need the more feminine yet serious look, which is not I will get with this one. Maybe if I break up the pieces I would? Let's see.
      Back when it was Marissa, it was truly tomboy chic. But with Tom, it's more kooky chic to me. Tom lost the femininity in the clothes, in my opinion.

    3. Oh, almost forgot... Can somebody take a stand at the office and say, "no Jenna, the nerdy glasses got to go."

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    5. G_g: I'm in my early 20's and I REALLY don't like the collection. I find a lot of the looks kind of gross actually! Besides that, very few of the individual pieces look wearable to me. I'm super disappointed.

  33. Anybody else notice that the skirt in look 30 (the hot pink floral one farther away in the main shot) has a recycled pattern from 2007? (Albeit re-sized, re-colored, and upside-down). I can just imagine the copy now...

    "We traveled to glamorous New York City and dug through the archives of storied fashion house J. Crew to find this fabulous vintage floral print. Then we had it recolored (exclusively for us) in this season's must-have neon. We're obsessed!"

    That said, I don't fault them for recycling prints. Of course, I could be biased, because I own a dress in this print from the first time around. Watch out, world, I'm so cutting edge it hurts!

  34. Refinery29 posted the Spring '13 Collection lookbook here


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)