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Friday, August 3, 2012

Learn How to Wear a Scarf {video time!}

"Thanks!" to Elaine (in this post) who raised a great style-related question:
...First, I need someone to tell me how to start working scarves. I have a small box FULL of JC scarves because I can't resist the beautiful prints, but then they just sit there unworn!

When I try to casually loop them around my neck atop a tank or cami, the way women in their 20s do (I'm 39), or the way the scarves are looped in the hero shots online, I look like a neckless bag lady and like I have no idea what I'm doing. ...
This topic pops up often in the fashion-blog-o-sphere. Truth is, it can be really tricky figuring out how to properly loop the scarf into a chic style around one's neck.

One post to check out is Slastena's "How to Wear Scarves in Summer". A lot of visuals to help illustrate the tips mentioned.

Also, there is a great tutorial that has been making the rounds on the net. (For example, check out the "25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!" and "How to Wear a Scarf" posts.) The video showcases several easy ways to wear the same scarf:

As long as retailers keep rolling out amazing prints for their scarves, we will be rocking them! They are a great, and simple, way to accessorize any outfit.

How do you wear your scarves? Do you have any tricks of the trade that you employ? If so, please share! :)


  1. There is also another site called that has video tutorials and 37 ways to tie a scarf. Click here to see it. :)

  2. I love scarves. Been collecting them fo over 20 yrs. Wish I could say I have a small box! They take up 5 shelves in one of my closets and 3 in my butlers pantry downstairs!

  3. I have a dozen or more of the long ones too and aren't finding many ways to use them. I personally am moving to the 36" silk square scarf. The longer fluffy rectangle versions are too much for me. They swallow me up. The points, drape and size of the silk 36" is so much more versatile.

    1. Scarf tying 101 has a great series of videos on youtube. One is a super way to tie the long narrow scarves! HTH

  4. I just wrote a post about J Crew scarves a little while ago

    Hope this helps someone!

  5. Thanks to all for these great resources! I will have some fun this weekend trying to pick up some tips. Maybe all is not lost for me, lol. Thank goodness for y'all.

  6. For some reason I can't 'reply' to a comment from my home PC, but Genny, WOW! I thought I was bad, lololol. That's something!

    1. Yes. I was just organizing them a bit the past two days...I have slowed down the past year and only bought 5 scarves:-) while most r new many I found at charity shops while living in the UK for very little $. I have most jcrew silk sashes and scarves from 2003-2008.

  7. There are a few blogs I have bookmarked solely because the authors have tons of scarf ideas. Check out and Both have tons of instructions and videos, check out the sidebar on the right side of each blog. HTH.

    1. I love MaiTai's blog. She has an elegant, understated style that really appeals to me.

    2. Thanks for mentioning these blogs! I'm now a huge fan.

      :) Jen

  8. I tend to wear my scarves the same old way or not at all. Now I have some great new ideas. Thank you everyone for sharing.

  9. I have tons of scarves, all sizes, and nearly all super thin cotton or else wool. I must wear a scarf nearly every day and it does become second nature to tie them, wrap them around, etc.
    For summer, start with some easy thing like a cotton bandanna and just tie in a basic knot, pull slightly to the side - t shirt and jeans and you're done. Long ones - hold the one end in front of you to about waist level, wrap the rest around neck once, loop in front - done! You can adjust how tight or loose the thing is.

  10. Wow, great post Alexis. I friend has a book on tying scarves but I need to see it in action. Thanks!

  11. Thanks for the link love! That video totally changed how I wear scarves. :)

  12. Thank you so much for the link love, I haven't even noticed I was mentioned- I would have replied sooner.:))) I love Wendy's tutorial, can't wait to try more ways to tie the scarf.

  13. Great video... I love all the ideas!,

  14. What about vintage scarves? I bought some cute 70s ones this week, but they're often smaller and square. Thoughts?

  15. Found two new scarves to add to my collection yesterday:) I forgot to mention that Talbots used to give away an entire booklet on scarf tying for the past two year when you bought a scarf from them. I have many lying around the house and pass them out to friends when I give them scarves as gifts.

  16. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information.

    Singapore Silk Scarf


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