Referencing {FAQ}

Sunday, August 5, 2012

J.Crew's August Catalog is {finally} Available

Well it is about time! The August catalog is finally up and available to view over at (click here to view).

We got an early look at the catalog thanks to fellow JCAs generously scanning the pages and posting them online for the rest of us to view. Refer to the "Sneak Peek at Upcoming J.Crew Catalog" and "J.Crew's August 2012 Catalog {take a look!}" posts for more.

I am not sure why J.Crew is delaying the publication of their catalogs/ style guides online. J.Crew somehow manages to mail catalogs to customers via SnailMail, and put them out near cash register in stores, at the same time new arrivals are rolling out.

This is one of the better features the website has to offer too. It makes sense to have these up when the website updates with the latest offerings. Ah well... In any case, I am happy to see the catalog is updated!

Will you be checking out the catalog online? Have you received your copy in the mail already?


  1. I received the paper copy in the mail on Friday along with a $25 card. Yay!

  2. Nice, Rose. Maybe I should check my mail box...


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And now back to J.Crew! :)