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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew

This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. Cardholder benefits need an overhaul. If that's too dramatic, then adding a few more perks -- real ones -- would be nice. Shipping should be $5 at all times for cardholders. On 30% promos, shipping should be free no minimum or free on $100 or more when paying with a JC credit card.

    Why is a WWFIFY so difficult? I had my ps check on a necklace and she saw 40 count in a store, based on the computer stock info. We placed a WWFIFY with a phone rep. I figured it would "be found" the next day. Nope, it took 2 days. After the first 24 hours passed it occurred to me that my ps should've just call the store herself and ask them to waive my shipping. Haven't they raised enough prices on basics to cover the shipping profit they seem to want to retain? The WWFIFY needs some work anyway. JCAFIFY (J Crew Aficionadas Find It For You) is way faster. My guess this is a software issue. It's like their logistics are lumbering along, stuck in the late 90s. They need to get agile. I'm embarrassed for DL that he's on the Apple board and his shop is lagging in the technology area. I hope we see major improvements as the iPad devices are rolled out.

  2. And can someone find a way to turn off WWFIFY? I got 2 messages about how sorry, etc., and then out of nowhere my item arrived. And arrived. And arrived. I like it a lot, and fortunately one spare isn't a bad idea, I often buy doubles, but triples?

    Oh, and Gigi, I'm embarrassed for Apple.

  3. I wish they'd roll out jewelry more often. It seems like the same old things have been sitting on the web site forever. The store hasn't been getting anything interesting either (my store that gets zero shoes, zero handbags, and not much jewelry either).

  4. ITA with Gigi. I think J Crew focuses too much on trying to get that shipping profit. Why don't they just give free shipping all the time like most other stores? Even GAP companies give free shipping over a certain REASONABLE amount. It makes customers happier knowing that they can spend what they want without worrying about paying a half or third on shipping costs!! As far as WWFIFY service, anytime I get a message from John O'Dell (sometimes after 5 mins) of putting in a request, I know nothing has been done on his end, especially when the SAs have done an inventory search and found the item in several stores in large amounts!! Geesh!!

  5. My biggest vent is about fit. It has become so inconsistent that I STOPPED ordering by mail because I hate to send things back.

  6. Vent about returns in Canada. We don't get the free shipping package sent with our items (so if we return we have to personally pay for the shipping to make the return). Which stinks, but what really irks me is that we also can't make returns to the stores! So we're SOL when it comes to returns which really stinks!

    1. Yes it costs me close to $55 to make a return.

    2. Seriously! It drives me up the wall. If I could at least go to the Yorkdale store and make the return there it wouldn't be that bad, but that's not even allowed! SO FRUSTRATING. It makes it so that basically every single thing I buy is final sale because the return is too expensive.

  7. My only vent is that I want my order that I place at 5:30 AM on Friday the 6th to ship! This morning the CS rep even said that there was no one "in the office" because of the holiday.....oops. That is a phrase YOU NEVER say to a customer! And P.S. the holiday was a week ago! Come on!

    1. Stray Cat: Every now and then a package will ship out without the information being updated on the website in your account. I have received tracking information the day an order is to be delivered in the past, so this could very well be what is going on with your order.

      Are you signed up with UPS My Choice? UPS will send you tracking information on packages that you do not have a tracking number for with this feature. For example, if you do a charge/send and the store doesn't give you tracking info, UPS will send it to you with your delivery status. I recently even had an order placed by my in-store PS, which I didn't receive tracking info from J.Crew for, but did get it from UPS My Choice. It's a really great feature, and it's free to sign up, too.

  8. Have to agree with savvy shopper. The shipping is a bit much. Everytime I shop with JC I get a shock when I check out because of the shipping charges. BR's shipping charges are so much more reasonable.

  9. Fabulous Florida Mommy...I suppose that could be it. But it still says my order is "open" and CS is telling me the same thing. I guess they know as much as I do. And I do have UPS My Choice. I really love being able to anticipate my packages since I have to be home to sign for them.

    1. Stray Cat: Fingers crossed your package arrives soon! Keep us posted! :)

  10. I hate, hate, hate, HATE final sale. I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but seriously. It's fine for in-store because at least then you can try the item on. But for online ordering, it's completely ridiculous. I (stupidly) ordered a dress on final sale with the 30% off promo. I honestly thought it would fit, since I ordered a size that consistenly fits me (plus I had no choice but to order online... it was a petite size, and they don't carry petites on the store). Alas and alack, the top portion of the dress is too tight through the chest. I want this dress, and now I can't even exchange it because of the final sale!! I sent an e-mail asking for a consideration, since I've never asked to return a final sale item before, but haven't heard a word. It's unfortunate... do they even know how many people hold off ordering because of the final sale policy? I suppose it was my bad taking the chance, but I've been purchasing from J.Crew forever and really thought the size would be fine. Now I'm stuck with a dress that makes my boobs look like they are trying to bust out of a sausage casing. Boo, J.Crew. BOO.

    1. Danielle, I hate final sale for online ordering too. If I were you, I'd try giving them a call since customer service seems to be a little more accommodating over the phone. You could try to at least exchange it - they do make exceptions sometimes.

      I find that being very polite helps a lot too :-)

    2. Danielle, you should be able to argue that since you haven't been able to try the item on beforehand, they should allow you to return it. Try doing it through your PS, if you have one. Last summer I had ordered a skirt in my usual pencil skirt size and the fit was completely off, so they allowed me to return it. Same with a coat last winter, since it was not available in any store around me.

  11. Thanks, Cate! (For some reason I can't reply... that function doesn't seem to be working right now.) Totally agree, politeness is definitely key. I also have to stop by the mall today. I know the PS will be in, and she knows me, so I thought I'd talk to her too to see if she could help me out. I definitely want to exchange the dress, so I'll be totally grateful if they'd let me do that. I certainly don't want to be snarky about it, but it's so frustating!!

  12. Danielle....I agree with you. Online only items shouldn't be on final sale. I have "been trained" to order the online only item just to see if I like it and it fits. Then I can opt to return it and wait and see if it goes to a lower price.....but, this is so time consuming and annoying. But on the other hand, if there wasn't ever FS the buying, returning, rebuying, price adjustments, calling CS, etc. etc. etc. would literally go on forever. I'd just like to know how much money in shipping J. Crew has paid just on MY buying and rebuying things because of on going sales. On a company whole the number must be astronomical. I'm totally burned out on online ordering now....once I get this last package I'm done for a long time. I'm just tired!

  13. I really wish J.Crew would offer a regular % off promo for non-sale items. There are several things in my shopping cart that I would really love to buy but until quality improves (ha ha) I refuse to pay full price and hate Final Sale. Seems like last year they offered % off promos for non-sale items a bit more frequently.

  14. I recently started shopping at JCrew and have a lot to vent about:
    -Inconsistent Customer Service: Sometimes a phone customer service rep is able to do more than a personal shopper, and sometimes, 2 CS reps give different answers. I have had CS match the store price without asking questions, and reps telling me it can't, under any circumstances, be done. Also, some stores honor the educational discount, some don't.
    -Shipping costs: this is also a big gripe I have with Anthro. I refuse to pay $9 to ship a $10 shirt.
    -WFIFY: My personal shopper called a store, secured the item and still, the request got sent to another store across the country that did not have the item. I called the store that had my item on hold, and they refused to waive my shipping. Finally, 6 days later, my item shipped. To the wrong address. Actually, to my address but in a different city. I figured it out by fiddling with the tracking number provided by "John O'Dell" since the one sent in the email was incorrect. In short, I had to call, get the item rerouted, and long story short, 2 weeks later I still don't have an item that shipped from a store 200 miles away from me.
    -Personal shopper service: I have yet to be wowed. I find that I get better luck just calling the regular customer service line. My in-store PS is only there 3 days out of the week, and I have yet to reap benefits from having an online one. Can anyone share any good insight on the personal shopper service? I know it's complimentary, so I shouldn't expect much, but my PS at Nordstrom has spoiled me.
    -Sizing inconsistencies and final sale don't mix. Enough said.
    Phew, that was a mouthful. Wow, don't I sound pleased? I promise I really love J Crew clothing!

  15. Maybe a bit nitpicky but the Summerweight Bermudas used to have a button at the top and now it is a hook/eye closure. I much prefer the button and probably won't buy any more of these now.

  16. This is a side note about UPS My Choice. From the minute I signed up for the free service I started receiving phoney phishing emails requesting me to upload my new UPS invoices. So if you sign up for this service, please beware you may get some phoney emails.

  17. Just pulled my cafe capris out of the wash, which were on the lowest setting, now the stitching at the crotch/butt region has completely come undone and there is a hole! They were one of my favorites and I did wear them often, but they weren't tight and I see no reason as to why they should just fall apart. A big thumbs down for quality J.Crew. Also, another thumbs down for all the vintage cotton tees I bought that got holes in them.

    1. oh no! Were they one of the newer colors? I just ordered the soft fuschia ones...what is up with their stitching? reminds me of the no.2 pencil skirts seams coming undone up the back....

    2. Hey Nicole!
      No, they weren't any of the new colors. They were a soft, pale pink. I think I got them on sale last season. I've never had pants do that, but yes, it sounds like the skirt seam problem.

  18. My vent is that I ordered my husband a pair of stanton pants, and I got the dreaded we wish we made enough email. I had put them in a large order so I got free shipping. I went and ordered them the very next day no problem (WTH???) and had to add other stuff to get my free shipping. THEN they go on sale, and I end up getting them for 34$. So why did they get taken out of my very first order? Although, maybe it should be a love b/c I saved about $40.

  19. Agreed that inconsistent answers are frustrating. It just ends up leaving me confused about what the policies actually are and what services they offer. I called a b&m the other day that wouldn't check if they had an item in stock!

  20. Re. Final sale, they should at least align their online and store polices. In store it isn't final sale without the 30% off and I have been recently asked if I wanted to opt out of the 30% off and make the sale not final. It is ridiculous that the same item it is still final sale AND a lot more expensive than before once a promo ends.

  21. Quality control issue here-during the 30% promo (but not final sale-yay!) I stocked up on some of the chino shorts in multiple colors since I love them. One pair came without a closure clasp at the top-it didn't look like it had fallen off-just that it had never been put on. And one pair I can't even open. Somehow the top portion of metal clasp that slides into the bottom one got seriously bent out of shape right where it joins and I'm having a hard time straightening it out to even try them on. Thankfully it's two colors that I think I'll send back anyway-but still annoying. I'd love a button closure as well as xoxo pointed out.

    1. This is why I detest the hook and eye closures. They are prone to issues that can't be easily fixed, unlike buttons that can be replaced with a few quick stitches. I also find that they tend to make the top of the fly flare out a bit because they are not as anchored and if the fly flares the closure is visible. I don't need a flash of shiny, cheap-looking gold at the top of my shorts. It really is a huge drawback IMO.

    2. Yes! Totally agree, xoxo!!

  22. They had over 1000 final sale items this morning. That is just insane. AJC said it best a while back; price the merchandise correctly at the start and you don't have to play the pricing game and deal with final sale nonsense. I can't tell you how many things I would have purchased full-price if they were priced reasonably from the start. Then I forget about them and move on. And, I am shopping BR and Anthro now because I refuse to shop final sale online.

  23. My vent, I finally ordered a JC bathing suit for sizing, needed to size down so returned. When the 30% off sale came along, no sizes available in that suit now there are 5 different sizes available, what they just found a box of them in the warehouse???? I agree with AJC and Shekster, pricing is crazy. Some items have been on sale + 30% off and now are back up to full price..if merchandise is not selling price it right and it will.

  24. I get so aggravated with Live Chat and PS being inconsistent. My nearest J Crew is 2.5 hours away (a pain I know, and half the time they have NOTHING!) If I hear about someone finding a good sale item on here, I usually have to get advice from a JCA who sees it or sometimes, every now and then, live chat will offer a WWFIFY on it. However, I signed up to receive a PS and said I had a couple of "sale items" I would like to find. The PS emailed me back and said she couldn't find promo priced items-UGH, then I tried it again and complained about the first PS and the second acted like she couldn't find promo priced items, but would do a one time courtesy. I'm so sick and tired of these one time courtesy's!!!! Has anyone had a GOOD online PS??

  25. My order place at 5:30 AM PST Friday the 6th has just been shipped tonight. Or at least I got an email it was shipped. So I guess there really wasn't anyone "in the office".

    1. That is so weird. I know Madewell and J.Crew aren't the same but I assume they both use similar systems. I placed an order at Madewell yesterday mid-morning and it is already being delivered tomorrow. Both J.Crew and Madewell packages originate in the same place. It'd be nice if they could be consistent!

  26. I have a really nice online PS, but truthfully, if you're trying to track down a hard to find item, it can be days before the online PS gets back to you and by then, the item is probably gone. I realize they mostly work part-time, but much of the time I do better being my own "very special personal stylist" or whatever they call it.

  27. I wish J.Crew would make it easier to love them. I'm tired of the pricing game, the high shipping prices, poor quality and inconsistent CS. BR and Anthro have been seeing more of my dollars lately.

  28. It was pretty frustrating to have my bridesmaid's dress increase from $235 to $250 over the course of 6 months, let alone they don't bother doing an actual size chart for the only online dresses. According to the chart based on bust I needed an 18, in reality I fit in the the 12 of the Sinclair just fine. They've also gotten really stingy on sales on all merchandise in the 6 months I had to buy the dress only once was their a 20% off everything coupon, when based on RetailMeNot history it used to happen about every two months, now it's always restricted to sale merchandise.

  29. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage cotton tees. Love the colors, love the fit, love the hand feel of the cotton. So, tell me, why do they have to develop holes on the VERY FIRST WEARING? My last three tees (all purchased for $12 or less, but still!) have developed a hole where the top of my pants rubs the tee. Maybe this is why JCrew half tucks everything?

    It pains me to say, it's time to switch to the GAP Mercer VNeck. I don't love the colors as much, but when I can usually get them for $14 or less on one of their many cardholder promos, and my first ones are on their 3rd washing wit no holes...I guess I'm finally seeing the light.

    Time to get back on the quality bandwagon, dear leader. And, I heartily agree with Gigi's suggestions for changes to the cardholder program...maybe you should work at TPG, Miss Gigi...aren't you in the Bay?

  30. I'm so, so over the tank tops and sleeveless items with the huge armholes.

    Like, some of the armholes are so big they resemble those tank tops I see gross guys wearing at the gym with their Zubas and non-ironic mullets.

  31. Speaking of the quality bandwagon, my factory casbah print pencil skirt that I love and have only worn a couple if times just started splitting up the back seam!!! Grrr these quality issues are so. freaking. frustrating. I haven't even washed it yet since I've only worn it to the office. Turns out the back seam is just one single line of stitching that just turned the corner to form the vent. The skirt fits me beautifully, not too tight at all. Don't you think maybe that the highest stress part of the skirt should be reinforced by more than just a single strand of thread that turns a corner?! Grrrrr....

    1. And of course I have no safety pins in my desk. JC should start selling sewing kits in a cute little print bag to keep in your purse or desk! Kind of like how they started selling sweater combs after everyone complained about the cashmere pilling. Lol.

    2. ajr - they do sell little sewing kits in cute little bags "for brides" etc. - there's like 3 different ones - they are in the retail stores. Not a good sign, now that you mention it. I hadn't related it before now. ;0/

    3. How perfect! See, they're just creating a market for themselves! ;)

  32. I'm very confused as to what JCA's want. Correct me if I'm wrong but we want clearance prices, high quality, the ability to make returns and have items price adjusted after purchase, extra percentage off full price items, free shipping, and amazing customer service all at the same time.

    1. @c6a1ff2e-cd86-11e1-88f9-000f20980440:
      well, that would be nice, but I think JCA's simply want JCrew to catch up to other retailers' standards. Nordstrom's appears to have achieved it just fine: AMAZING customer service, great personal shoppers, no limits on returns, free shipping, significant perks for loyal customers, high quality merchandise, clearance prices (my last purchase was a high quality wool sheath dress for work, which I wear a TON & get multiple compliments every time, for $55, down from $280), ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Which is why I seldom shop at JC anymore and Nordstrom is my go-to store, hands down.

  33. Has anyone noticed a difference since that Drexler guy has taken over. J CREW preaches quality - and you really do expect it when you are shelling out a lot more cash lately; however, for many of the items I have purchased the quality is really not matching up to the $. And don't even get me started on the 'fit'. I wish they would bring back those warehouse sales - at least them I didn't mind so much ending up with item that fell apart or fit weird because I hadn't spent that much. Either drop the prices or step up your game J CREW!

  34. I honestly can't think of many mass retailers (i.e. Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, etc) who are still producing the same quality and fit that they were 10 and more years ago. Consumers have changed and companies have changed in response and not necessarily for the better. I'd hardly say this is a problem specific to J.Crew or Mickey Drexler.

  35. That is true. Quality has gone down across the board. The problem is customers who want something new every time they walk in the door. Once upon a time, retailers put out new clothes only at the change of the seasons. Then, fast fashion retailers discovered that customers would return to stores with low-quality merchandise if it was cheap and updated regularly. If we refused to buy FS items, J. Crew wouldn't have FS. If we didn't buy t-shirts that got holes on the first wearing, J. Crew would manufacture better ones. If we decided that we hated the yucky rayon they're using in those striped tops, they won't make rayon shirts again.

    We are the problem. Vote with your wallet.

    :) Jen

    :) Jen


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)