Referencing {FAQ}

Friday, July 6, 2012

An Interview with Feather Factor

I just want to mention that I was interviewed by the lovely Katherine, who runs the super cool Feather Factor blog (a "life, travel & style diary"). To check it out, click here. I really enjoyed the process, as she asked some really fun questions!

Also, make sure to check out her other interviews. Especially since she interviews some pretty awesome folks (like author George R. R. Martin!)


  1. It was an honor to have you, I loved learning more about the brand and your lovely self!! Thank you so much for participating Alexis!

    1. Thank you Katherine, I really had a lot of fun answering your questions!!! :)

  2. Great interview, Alexis! I loved the little tidbits about yourself. I, too, was/am a HUGE Golden Girls fan (my fave was always Rose)! In fact, I was just saying to someone the other day how odd it was for me as a young kid to be watching Golden wonder I act and feel like an old woman now :)

  3. Congrats, Alexis! Great interview!

  4. Congratulations, Alexis! Fun interview. And I totally heard the 3-2-1 Contact theme in my head when I read that :)

    1. You really can't forget that theme song! ;) It was such a great show too.

  5. Congrats Alexis! I totally watched the Golden Girls too!!

  6. I loved the interview. Learned some interesting tidbits. I love Golden Girls too, watch it everyday.

  7. congrats Alexis!! love the golden girls! kat is amazing, and it was so fantastic to read about you on her blog. she's one of my favourites. and you are too!

    xox P

  8. This is great Alexis. How fun to be interviewed. I'm a GG fan and I think of them as the original SATC gals. Rose is Charlotte, Blanche is Samantha, Sophia is Miranda and Dorothy is Carrie. It's a dynamic that totally worked then and again for SATC. LOL

    1. You are so right- the SATC formula is totally based of the GG! :)

  9. Really enjoyed reading it and getting to know more about you Alexis.

  10. What a great interview Alexis! Loved your picks from J Crew and I think the Golden Girls are fun, too!

  11. Thanks everyone for the nice words!

    I really do love the Golden Girls. Isn't it amazing how great the writing is?!? Still funny today!

  12. Congrats, Alexis! I really enjoyed reading the interview. I too love the Golden Girls. :)

  13. Alexis, I really appreciate how you conveyed some crucial critical points alongside the love.

  14. Great interview, Alexis!! I loved all your catalog photo picks. 2008 was such a incredible year for J. Crew.

  15. Congrats, Alex- I am so proud of you! Loved to learn a bit about you- have been there since the beginning and yet feel that you are very private.:))

  16. How cool! Loved learning more about you and seeing some beautiful J. Crew pieces from the past :)

  17. Alexis, you will probably love that my nephew used to bounce and dance to the theme song as soon as he could stand. My sister & I watched it daily after I worked & she was home w/him in the first year. We had the routine down pat. She's Dorothy. I'm Blanche. lol Sometimes Rose.

    Thank you for bein' a friend!

    1. p.s. Got the warm fuzzies reading more about you. You always do such a good job of balancing the good w/the bad in the Crewniverse.

    2. You are so funny- The Golden Girls theme song is such a memorable 80's tune!

  18. That is great that you liked The Golden Girls too! My sister and I used to watch it when we were little on a Saturday night. It was our routine. We still talk about the characters. As an adult, I used to watch it daily after work while eating my dinner. Those were the days. I bought the DVDs when I went on maternity leave, but barely got to watch it. My mom has the custody of the collection now. She loves it just as much as I do! Great writing + great acting= classic television! You're doing a great job with this blog, Alexis! Thank you!

    1. I love that the show works for women at all ages. I have to get the DVDs now!!!

  19. Alexis, I so hope your future plans include, if not the diplomatic corps, then some kind of public service. You have such a talent for making your point without using a sledgehammer (too often my tool of choice). Lovely interview, and I'll continue reading FF's blog because of her obvious good judgment.

  20. Alexis, you rock! I am obsessed with the Golden Girls, too... I have all the seasons on DVD and the show never gets old :)

    1. Lucky duck! I have to get my hands on those DVDs now. :)

  21. Thanks again everyone for the nice words- you guys are the best! :)


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