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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to Get the Jenna Lyons Look

"Thanks!" to Stacey who let us know about a post over at Mizhattan (click here to check it out in its entirety) that shows us how to get the Lyons Look.

Considering the Mizhattan post and how she dressed certain models during Fashion Week (refer to the "J.Crew Works Fashion Week {2012}" post), this got me thinking... do fellow JCAs want to dress like Jenna?

Personally, I think she definitely has a signature style to her outfits. Her black glasses comes to mind immediately. Sometimes Jenna knocks it out of the park and pulls pieces together in a really casual, yet sophisticated way (like in the top image of this post, as well as here, here & here). Other times, I question her sense of style altogether (refer to the "Jenna Lyons Spotted Being Jenna Lyons" post, as well as this & this photo). In other words... although I don't want to dress like Jenna all the time, I do take some styling tips from some of her looks. :)

What are your thoughts on the Jenna-inspired look? Do you think Jenna Lyons has a signature style? Do you try to emulate that style in your own outfits? Please share! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love Jenna Lyons style! In my opinion, she has a look that is "always put together" but doesn't look like she is trying too hard...I love to see her selection of clothing...the unexpected for sure!

  3. I have to say I do like Jenna's style - in general - there are always some misses, but I think Tim Gunn describes people like Jenna or Sarah Jessica Parker as the sartorial risk takers - they are either magnificent or a flop and they are not for the weak of heart, but they can give us a glimpse of who we can amp up our outfits...

  4. I love Jenna and her style, but because she's so tall and I'm not, most of her looks won't work on me. Also, I think everyone should have his or her own style and not try to copy someone else's. Just my $0.02 though. That said, my style usually means a longish sweater, skinny pants and tall boots in the winter (or top, pencil skirt and tall boots) or floral dresses and wedged sandals in the summer. Usually combined with a messy bun.

  5. I don't try to emulate Jenna Lyons though I would like to copy that mint green Chanel handbag!
    I think she is beautiful and she definitely has her own style. I really like the outfit she is wearing in the top picture, she looks amazing without those glasses!

    1. I agree with you! You really can see her beauty when the glasses don't distract from it. The outfit she's wearing is great, too!

  6. I like Jenna's style and I am OK even with the occasional blanders but looking at the selections I have to say it is definitely easier to have impeccable style when you can select from top designers and items that cost thousands of dollars. Not saying it is everything and there are certainly many that have all the money and no style but it helps.

  7. I love Jenna's style on Jenna. I would look like a demented bag lady if I tried to pull it off myself. And I agree with ajc, certainly easier to make "high-low" work when you can afford the high!

  8. she looks SO much prettier without the Groucho glasses

  9. I may not always like her style, but I always admire her confidence to wear whatever she feels like. Her confidence is what I want to emulate.

  10. I am tired of the Jenna Style... I miss the old JCrew with the preppy style, bright colors, classics...

  11. Most of the time I'm not looking to wear any of the clothes she has but I do lust after her designer shoes from time to time.

  12. Would love the green chanel bag but other than that I would never want to look like Jenna. No thank you.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)