Referencing {FAQ}

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Tale of Two Coats {help me out!}

Fellow JCAs, I need your help! I manage to secure the Double-Cloth Townhouse Trench (Item 49612; $350.00) in both "Heather Majestic Purple" and "Vibrant Flame". But I don't know which one to keep!

Please help me decide! If it helps at all, I have included a real life image of the coats (please note that I did use the flash on the camera):
For some real life images and reviews, check out the following:
As you can see, the Heather Majestic Purple is more of a blue and the Vibrant Flame is more of a red. Both are lovely and bright. Now tell me which one I should keep!

UPDATE: Okay, I am including these two quickly snapped images of me throwing on the coat. (Ladies, I don't know how you all incorporate OOTD photos with your blog. It was so hard finding a spot for the digital camera to rest on, let alone coordinating it to snap an image on self-timer. "Kudos!" to all of you who make it seem so seamless!)

UPDATE 2: Thank you everyone for your votes and great advice. Based on all your great comments, questions, and suggestions, I decided to keep the Heather Majestic Purple version. Yey! :)

Quick Poll: Which Double-cloth Townhouse Trench should I keep?


  1. They are both such bold punchy colors - I personally prefer the red, but I'm not the only who'll wear it!
    Are there any coat color voids you could fill by keeping one color over the other? Also, which color would go best with the color bottoms you usually lean towards in the colder months?

  2. Without knowing some more about you like your coloring, what else is in your wrdrobe, what other coats you might have, etc., it's very hard to advise. In general I would lean toward the red.

  3. Definitely go with the "vibrant flame." I have a j.crew coat in a similar color and get compliments every time I wear it.

  4. I agree with Desert flower! It's impossible without seeing them on you, or knowing you.

    For example, I am definitely a "warm tone" person. I don't like how I look in blue.

    They are beautiful coats, and I know you will look stunning in whatever you choose!

  5. This is tough! I agree with Desert Flower, it comes down to which is more flattering to your coloring and which will be more versatile considering the rest of your wardrobe. ...

  6. Please model both coats and post snaps, would love to see them on you and give you some feedback. What a lovely blog you have kept for all of us!

  7. Aimee: I agree! :)

    Lisa - respect the shoes: I can honestly say that I have most of the color wheel in my outerwear closet: yellow, white, navy, iris, poppy, black, camel. I don't have a Royal Blue coat though...

    Desert Flower & AJ Candrian: Thanks for your advice! :)

    Rosie: Thank you for the sweet compliment! :)

    Elaine: I know what you mean. It's hard to tell which shade is best on me without seeing what I look like in them. ;)

  8. They're both beautiful, but, as the others have already noted, it really depends on your coloring. For me, the royal blue would be the obvious choice, since it's probably my best color.

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  10. Tough decision- my 2 favorite colors! The vibrant flane is truly gorgeous but only looks best on people with cetain coloring. The royal blue, however, is a bit more forgiving and almost universally flattering. Also, personally, I always go the opposite of the general opinion so I think the royal would be my choice. You will see more red coats on teh street but not as many royal blue ones. Either way I am sure you will look fabulous!

  11. I would choose the blue/purple, but if you are a blonde, the red might just be a knockout. They are both gorgeous, so it should be a win/win!


  12. I would chose the blue b/c of the military like look of the coat/buttons.

  13. Red will never go out of style. It is also a colour that is associated with confidence.

  14. Kumi: I added a photo to the post with me wearing them both. Love to hear your advice! :)

    Jeanne: Thanks for sharing! The Royal Blue is pretty. :)

    MJ: Thanks for sharing your thought process! It is a tough choice and you made some great points. :)

    Wendy: I know, the vibrant flame looks amazing on the blonde blogger behind Atlantic Pacific- she makes it look fabulous!

    Genny: Good point about the blue & the buttons! :)

    Rose: Another good point about the red!

    Overall: So many pieces of great advice! Keep them coming!!! :)

  15. RED after seeing the photos.

    Tell me about OOTD's. :)I take about 20 photos before one is in focus.

    Thanks also for the link love!

  16. Red is more wearable - goes with camel, grey, navy, black, and brown - the only real complications come if you want to mix it with green or purple. Plus if you like leopard, red and animal print is timelessly chic.

    Blue is more unique, but doesn't go so great with black unless the Olsen twins are to be believed. I think the blue would stand out more in a crowd and be more fun for color blocking though!

  17. Alexis, I laughed when I saw your posted pics as the point was to see them with your coloring, i.e. hair, undertones in your complexion, eye color, etc., and we can only see your hands! So cute. I would say, from what I can tell, the red is really glamorous and stands out, the buttons just pop. I know that there are a lot of red coats, but this one in such a bright red is just stunning on your figure. Good luck making a decision. My vote is go red.

  18. Rose: LOL! I believe it (about taking 20 photos to get one)! Especially going back and forth, figuring out where to stand- it's a workout. ;)

    Le Crewsette: Love, love, love your screenname! Also, great points! :)

    Kumi: I know! I know! ;) I thought about leaving my hair in and just blurring out my face, but I am too nervous about being discovered by my local J.Crew store associates as the Alexis of JCA. (I already am on their radar. Not as the blogger Alexis, but as the girl who shows up every week at their stores!) Thanks for your vote! :)

  19. I say blue, definitely. Yes, the red stands out in terms of brightness, but not in rarity in terms of other coat colours you see on the street. Lots of people wear red coats to stand out, but this blue is really unique and so I think it will actually stand out more. Also, the flame might be more similar to the poppy outerwear that you said you already have in your closet, whereas this blue is vastly different from navy. Finally, the red with the buttons reminds me so much of a marching band uniform. So I guess that depends on whether you're into that look or not ;)

  20. I voted for the blue one. I can't say exactly why, but I really just like it better on you. Either way, it looks great!

  21. My mom, my 3 year old son, and I all say to go with the blue! It is definitely different and unique.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Both color great choices. Personally I will choose red becuase I have black hair and petite, but if you are blond and tall, blue might be better choice. Somehow they made this blue so elegant and goes so well with milatary style

  24. Blue! I have the Lille Pique coat (2008?)in a similar color and love it more each year that I own it. I always get compliments, too. It feels special without feeling too seasonal and I've always comfortably worn it with all colors in my wardrobe. Another plus is that it's not overkill when I want a red lip or nails. Can't wait to read which you choose!

  25. I voted for blue but if you can't decide between the two, keep both.

    Coat choices aside, I have to say Alexis, it's a bit thrilling to finally see you!! You're kind of along the lines of Charlie from Charlies Angels. We always get to read you but never see you. ;P

  26. I can see why you're having such a tough time deciding because I was originally going to say you should go with the red one, but now I'm leaning toward the blue! It's a unique enough style, that I'm not sure you should keep both, but I do think either choice will be great. So, I think I'm leaning blue...

    And, I agree with the previous poster - so fun to actually see you, even if you are headless! I totally understand wanting to remain anonymous, but it is fun to see you do at least have a body! ;)

    Can't wait to hear which you pick!

  27. A very tough decision indeed. I voted for Vibrant Flame, but on further inspection of the photos, blue looks great on you as well. Perhaps I should change my vote to "keep both"! ;)

    Blue I see as the practical/everyday coat. Red is more the fun/weekend/special occasion one. Have I swayed you at all? :D

  28. Now after seeing the actual photo I definitely think the blue.

  29. I love red but agree with Rebekah that might be too close to the poppy you already have and for some reason, I like the blue on you. Isn't it funny, I don't recall who said different but to me, the buttons pop more with the blue and the blue has more of the definitive look of this coat.

    So here's a question for you Alexis, if you had them both, which would you wear first? That's the one I would keep.

  30. Blue, even though I can't see your coloring. I agree about red = marching band, except on At-Pacific. But now you can't reveal which one you kept. ;) Good luck w.your decision. Remember there will be more coats next year and almost for sure a red one.

  31. Late to chime in on this, but I vote for the Heather Majestic Purple. :)

  32. Alexis, you look great! I deliberated too, and although it is probably the most fancy coat in my closet, I will keep the Majestic Purple ( that I tried on. The color is too gorgeous!

  33. Rebekah: I thought the same about the red/marching band uniform!

    JRuby18: Thanks for voting! :)

    Wendy: Love that your family all voted!!! :)

    Melissa: The blue does work well with the style! :)

    Erin: That is a good point- that the blue is not necessarily a seasonal color!

    JustVisiting: I thought about keeping both!!! :) I would if the coat was warmer (like stadium cloth) for super cold days. Also, I laughed at the Charlie reference! ;)

    AJR: I know- it is a tough choice! At least it is a fun tough choice. ;)

    Sue.Bee: You have given me great advice about which to keep! :)

    Original Genny: Thank you! :)

    Tiffany Rose: AH! Your last question is the best! Definintely had an answer for it.

    FFM: Thank you for voting! :)

    Dinster: Thank you for voting! It's good to know I was not the only one deciding which color to choose. :)

    Based on all the reviews... I have made a decision!
    I am going with the Heather Majestic Purple! Many of you raised great questions for me to make the choice: which color would I wear more? Which color would I wear first? Which color is there a void in my closet? Although both colors are absolutely lovely, I would grab for the Heather Majestic Purple first and wear that coat more overall. I also don't have a coat in this shade (I have navy, but not any other shade of blue.) Also, I have the Sybil Coat in Poppy (an amazing shade of red which I think is lovelier than Vibrant Flame) and find I do not get to wear it more than 3 times a year (around Christmas).

    Thank you all for voting & sharing your advice! It was actually incredibly helpful in making my decision. You are all the best!

  34. That was fun! Can we have more posts like this, please? :D

  35. Good call on the majestic purple. It's gorgeous and more of a classic color while still being unique!

    I don't like the vibrant flame color in general... it's just so LOUD.

  36. Sasha Obama wearing the townhouse trench

  37. Sue Bee: It was fun! :)

    JCrewJD: I think so too! :)

    Kerrie: She looks so cute in the coat!!! :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)