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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& 2012 day planner}

"Thanks!" to so many of you, including Happylittlewitch (in this post), who shared the following delightful surprise.

J.Crew has delivered their Holiday present a bit early this year to some very lucky JCAs. In the mailbox, they found a gift of an orange 2012 Day Planner. (Incidentally, the image above is from 2010's "Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& day planner}" post where J.Crew sent a similar planner, but in a pink version.)

What an absolutely lovely gesture for loyal customers! It is a great gift and more importantly, a touching offer for those who receive it. :)

So check your mailbox in the next few days to see if you got something extra special from J.Crew. :)


While I am writing here, let me take a moment to talk to J.Crew...
Dear J.Crew,
You sent me one last year (the only gift I ever received) and I adore it. I would love to get another one this year too! It would make my day. So fingers crossed, I made it to your "nice list".
Love always,
Alexis {J.Crew Aficionada}


  1. I got one and my husband too. Both orange and lovely, mine is larger (guess who spends more). Thanks J. Crew, very much appreciated. Alexis, and other JCAs, hope you get yours soon. If I don't get to post before Christmas, wishing you all a happy and restful Holiday season.

  2. I didn't get one last year and not expecting one again this year. So if anyone has the 2012 calendar and would be willing to part with it I'd be happy to pay shipping for it!

  3. What a nice surprise! I wonder how they determine who gets one.

  4. sue.bee, As far as I know no one has figured it out yet. I spent a ton in 2009 and nothing. Spent much less in 2010 (was pregnant all year) and nothing. Spent even more in 2011-not crossing my breath. I would love one b/c I refuse to give up using a paper planner, but I've yet to receive any of the gifts. Good luck everyone!

  5. I've received one each of the last 2 years (2010, 2011), but seems this year I fell off the preferred discounts, ie, I didn't receive the free shipping, monogramming, gift boxes etc by logging in to my acct, so curious to see if I'll get a 2012 planner. I have stepped down my purchases so we will see! Fingers crossed

  6. Very nice. I haven't received one this year...hope it's in the mail, though! :)

  7. While I think it is a very generous gesture on J Crew's part, I also think that it is a little rude. In school we were always told not to give out things unless we had enough for everybody. If they were clear that it was a bonus for spending so much money - okay.The thought that someone might have spent less than me, but gets a planner is frustrating. I am glad for them, but I get tired trying to "figure it out."

  8. Like Ana I didn't receive the free monograms, gift boxes and other goodies I've been given the last couple of years. My returns this year were way up, which meant I spent quite a bit less money. So I'm not expecting a planner but I think they are a really nice gift from JCrew. Those who get them: enjoy!

  9. I agree with ebe. What if someone who spent $100 gets a planner and someone who spent $5,000 did not? I mean... it's not a big deal by any means, but easy to make a good customer feel slighted.

    Meh. At the end of the day... it's a planner.

  10. I received one last year and the year before and I usually get all extra perks and gifts. I did not get one this year (maybe it is in the mail), but frankly, a nice gesture but I never used mine. Don't most people have a smart phone for this purpose? Much more convenient since you carry the phone anyway. So,if by any chance I get one, I will post here and would be happy to send it to somebody.
    My verification word is 'atist', there for being a non-believer here, lol.

  11. Oooh, I hope Santa Crew gets your letter, Alexis.

    I'll admit I hope to get one this year. I'll feel special. If I don't, I'll be ok with that. The promos have been quite the gift this season.

    ebe - I agree

    ajc - I still write everything down! *lol*

  12. I actually received one this year. It was quite the surprise! There's even an NYC map in the back.

  13. I actually received one this year. It was quite the surprise! There's even an NYC map in the back.

  14. Hmmm. I've gotten them the past few years...but so far not this year...I actually do use them now! Fingers crossed...

  15. I kind of hope I get one. I actually prefer paper day planners to electronic ones for some reason. I hope you get one, Alexis!!

  16. Despie all the wonderful technology that's available , I rely on a planner like this. I did not get on this year {yet again}, but I'd love if someone passes one along. My email is slastena at hotmail dot com.

  17. So the same question every only card holders get one, and will any Canadians be on the list? I've never had any of the lovely gifts from JC, but I'm still hopeful. For those who do get one -- good for you!

  18. @Clicquot: I am not a cardholder, I've received one the past three years - so far this year I have not. But I my JC items (catalogs etc) usually get here a few days after everyone else. I am not a cardholder, but usually receive the free shipping, monograms, gift boxes on my account (it has been on my log in page for the past month or so). Being a cardholder, as this forum has proven in the past, has nothing to do with whether you receive items or not.

  19. I got one in 2010 but not 2011. I used my 2010 one as a diary of sorts and it still is sitting on my desk. I would love to have a 2012 one as I really missed one last year. If anyone gets one I would be willing to pay for your time and shipping costs.

  20. @Clicquot: you're right, I've never heard of anyone international getting one before. Here's hoping we won't always be excluded!

  21. If you like the calendar so much (as I did in 2010, haven't received one since) order one from Graphic Image, where J Crew gets theirs. You can have your own name put on it instead of having J Crew on it. Graphic Image calendars are great! My personal shopper told me all gifts are based on dollars spent. Calendars are probably going to the $1000+/month shoppers. I can't imagine what was spent by the few that received a piece of the luggage a few years ago. My shopper didn't know but I remember he said it must have been a ton of $$$s.

  22. Cliquot, I seem to get all the gifts and perks and I'm in Canada. The only gift I did not get was the box of peaches. I have received the daytimer the last two years but it usually arrives sometime in January. As far as daytimers go, the J.Crew one is quite nice. Here's hoping some other Canadian JCAs get them too.

  23. Holiday cheer from JCrew did make it to my mail box. Along with others who mentioned it, I adore a hardcopy elegant calendar. The color is a sweet coral/pink this year, but the size is smaller. More convenient, in fact, for those who want to toss it in a purse or briefcase. Love the maps, multiple calendar by days/weeks, ribbon page marker. *sigh*

    Hoping many others receive one, as well.

  24. Jcrew1985 Thanks for posting what company makes the journals so I can buy 1 if I don't get 1

  25. I never get the gifts from J.Crew...I'll pout about it for a few minutes and then move on, haha. Of course, I haven't had the same street address for more than 2 years in over a decade's time so they probably said "To heck with her!" I would too!

  26. @xoxo: I'm glad to hear that they spread the love internationally!

  27. I just got mine! :) Such a nice surprise year after year!

  28. I just received the planner in the mail today.

  29. Mine arrived as well. Love it! :D

  30. I just received a journal today. Very nice gesture. Thank you JCrew.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)