Referencing {FAQ}

Monday, December 26, 2011

J.Crew Email: A special thank-you...

"Thanks!" to many of you, including Marisa, Prettyboy, IRL, & Irina, who shared the following email from J.Crew.

Mickey Drexler sent out an email to J.Crew customers reminding them that they are appreciated. The note shares the following:
We know there are a lot of choices when it comes to where you shop, so on behalf of the entire team. I want to personally thank you for being a J.Crew customer. As we head into 2012 our most important mission continues to be providing you with the very best in design, quality, and service. We look forward to seeing you in the new year.

If there is anything we can ever do better, please don't hesitate to let us

Wishing you a very happy holiday
The wording is very similar (if not identical) to the postcard size note they include in online purchases. As for the intention behind the note, it is actually sweet. It is a nice touch from our favorite retailer.

Although, to be completely honest... When I received this email, I was searching to see if they included a unique one-time code for free shipping, a percent-off, or something. I was hoping they still remembered me since I didn't get a 2012 day planner (refer to the "Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& 2012 day planner}" post). ;)

Did you receive this email from Mickey Drexler? Were you surprised to get it? Do you think it was a nice touch or unnecessary from J.Crew? Please share! :)


  1. Alexis, I too searched around a bit for a "gift" of free shipping or % off with this e-mail note!

    Nice gesture conveyed with sincerity ... and I hope the words are backed with a commitment we can see in quality and service improvements in 2012!

  2. i definitely was hoping for a code of some sort as well. ive seriously gotta stay out of crew for a while, they get me everytime!

  3. I searched for a special code too.
    Nonetheless, I thought it was a nice, thoughtful note and appreciated the sentiment.

  4. I too looked to see if there was a little bit more of appreciation but alas no go...

  5. I will admit, I definitely checked that email twice, just to be sure I hadn't missed an embedded coupon code. But, I think of the retailers I do patronize from whom I heard nothing. Even though this is a widely spread email that is similar to the cards in purchases, I like the gesture; I also appreciate that the message was not bound to an incentive to review the site and purchase anything and that the email was meant to stand on its own as a "thank you." Thanks for this post!

  6. I received the email and was touched. I love J Crew so much. No other store am I even remotely this invested in.

    Merry Christmas Mickey and J Crew.

  7. I received 5 other similar emails from online stores that I shop at; seems to be the "in" thing to do this year

  8. I got the email too. I always love to hear Mickey and Jenna talk, I don't know why, but I like to hear how they word things, and to hear what sparks their interest. It brings such a human element to this store. Maybe it's a gimmick, but I love the East coast, NY, "classy" spin they put on things. I thought it was nice :>

  9. I received the same e-mail from Mickey but to the e-mail linked to my blog, which is NOT the one I use for my online shopping at J. Crew.

    Since I have never received it before, I didn't know a code might be something to look for.

  10. I got the email. The gesture was lovely considering in this day and age it's the best way to reach their millions of customers all at once while still remaining as personal as possible. I still think the whole planner-only-for-high-rollers is annoying but again, it IS just a planner.

  11. I received the email, too. I looked up and down expecting a code like everyone else...I noticed how similar it is to the note they put in a shipped order so I felt like it was kind of silly...would have been nice to write something we haven't all read so many times. I am a little in the minority, I think---I wasn't too impressed. :(

  12. I got it too, and my reaction was just like Patsy Stone's. J.Crew puts out an awful lot of recycled copy. On the other hand, I'm still reeling from having received the planner (a first!), and I was very pleased as well as astounded. I received a lot of Happy Holiday emails, and many included codes, so it wasn't unrealistic to have searched for a "secret word." Maybe birthday greetings are next?

  13. Dude, not even a free email message....Millard, you suck.

  14. LOL! At least I wasn't the only one wondering if there was something else inside the email! ;)

    Christy: Your comment made me laugh so much!!! ;)

  15. I got the email and laughed to myself thinking "boy, I know I spend at least 5 grand (if not more) this year at J. Crew, you'd think I'd get more than a mass circulated email". Let's see if they improve quality standards and offer age appropriate styles I really can wear for 2012. That would be a real thank you and show me they really do appreciate my finacial support and allegiance.

  16. Like everyone else I looked for a code and then hit delete. I did receive some other emails with codes so this one seemed pretty lame. Pretty much the same old schpiel that comes with every order.

  17. I've been trained to expect nothing. I didn't look for a code at all and totally expected the msg we've been getting int he boxes. As someone said, recycled copy. Well hey, at least the email is the green way to communicate a thanks.

  18. I'm in the minority...I thought it was cheesy. There was no warmth conveyed. It seemed like something the marketing department "forced" him to write.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)