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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

J.Crew of Seasons Past: Highlands Revisited

So far we have seen some images of 2005-7 (refer to 2007, August 2007, November 2007, Fall 2005, Holiday 2006, Paris 2007, & October 2005).

Today, I thought I would share another set of images found on the The Terrier and Lobster blog (click here) of J.Crew's Holiday 2007 catalog set in the Highlands. There is a little something for both women and men! Just click on any of the images to view them larger.

I love all the bright colors!!! These images are so beautiful, perfect for setting the festive mood of the upcoming holidays.

What are your thoughts on these catalogs from the past? Do you enjoy looking through them for outfit inspirations? Do you find these looks classic (like I do) or do you think they are dated?


  1. This was one of my favorite JCrew catalogs ever. Such beautiful locations (and, of course, beautiful clothes!!)

  2. Definitely classic, and wishing that somehow J.Crew would revisit the Highlands for an upcoming season. How neat would that be a "return" or "revisit" with many of the classics still mentioned but updated (the stadium coats for instance)...would be amazing.

  3. That catalog was beautiful, but I have no desire to revisit the color combos and looks in it. I see several pieces that I had that have moved on.

    I do wish they would bring back the quality.

  4. Gorgeous catalog. Is it too much to ask them to bring back that simple Jenny jacket in black? Simple jackets like that in a good quality fabric (!) are so flattering. That grey argyle cardigan with the green and yellow diamonds looks good to this day after many wears. Looks great with jeans.

  5. Loved this catalog... I still have many of the pieces. My favorites are the headbands they had that were made out of the same silk used in those patchwork ties. I really wish J.Crew still made beautiful silk headbands.

  6. This was the catalog and year I started paying attention to Jcrew. I still have cut outs from this catalog pasted in a notebook.

    My wish is for JCrew to release some of the colors from this scheme. IE the reds and green are beautiful.

    Also would love to see some of the accessories: heavyweight silk headbands and bow ribbon belts etc.

    AND the cut of those chinos were the BEST!

    AND I still have bootcut cords from this year.....and they are the best quality. Still pining for a return to this quality.

  7. I wish I dressed like that every time I went out the door here!

  8. This one of my favorite catalogs, as well. Love seeing Vanessa and Anouck. They are by far my favorites out of all the models J.Crew has photographed for their brand.

  9. It's fun to look back at these old catalogs and think what items you still love, or better yet - still have! I love my Lady Day coat from HO07. One of my all-time favorites.

    Thanks for sharing these photos Alexis.

  10. Interesting timing, since a lot of those trends have come back for 2011! In particular, tartan, lots of tweed, bold colors, flared skirts and fair isle knits.

    I've always loved the page of the girl with the argyle cardigan and the bicycle.. Perhaps not practical, but so chic!

  11. My all time favorite catalog!!!

    Like Pathos mentioned, this was also about the time I really discovered J.Crew.

    I'm still in love with my Sybil coat:)

  12. This is absolutely one of the best catalogues ever! I remember being so in love with JC but having no money back then. The outfit Vanessa is wearing with the gray/green argyle cardi belted over the dress...I die!

    Also, I've actually been to that castle! Sadly I wasn't dressed as beautifully as the models...

  13. One of the best catalogs ever. I own several pieces and wear them to this day and get so many compliments still. I believe in investing in my clothing and making sure I truly love each piece, taking care of it, and wearing it for a long time! So glad I was able to buy from J.Crew during this time:)

  14. I do love this. I agree with Bourbon & Pearls. I want to look like this every time I leave my house.

    Now, completely OT: Has anyone seen this ? A $15 100 page notebook is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I don't care if it does come in "cool" neon colors.

  15. I love this catalogue and I wish I had purchased more that year.
    I love the look of the full skirted silk dresses with the wellies and the belted cardigans!

  16. Thank you, Alexis, for this beautiful walk down memory lane. My favorite catalog EVER. Isn't it amazing how so many of the pieces and the styling still look current. The true definition of CLASSIC. These were items you could invest in and love forever.

    I wonder how well the catalog content from the frayed, bedazzled, ruffled, sequined-out, washed-out, borrowed-from-the-boys period will withstand the test of time.

  17. i loved this one more than the paris catalog!

  18. I'm trying to collect all the silk Josephine bags. I carry them in the winter with jeans and sweaters.

  19. Thanks for this posting. I have so many items from this year especially sweaters that I love and wear every fall/winter.

  20. Love love love! Thank goodness for ebay as I collect the pieces from this catalog that I missed out on. Thanks for posting!

  21. I always loved this catalog! This and the Paris one are my all time favorites! I only wish I would have bought more back then. I think the colors and cuts are quite classic. Definitely miss those cute silk printed clutches. I have a few but should have bought more!

  22. yes, this one and the Paris catalog are the stuff that dreams are made of. Today's, um, not so much.

  23. I definitely use the older catalogs for style inspiration. This one was classic J Crew, I miss those days....

  24. Clicquot, what castle is it? I don't recognise it.

  25. I love this catalogue so much, too!

    it was so beautifully styled and the models were so fresh-faced...

  26. Love, love, love this catalog. Agree with everyone that this and the Paris catalog were just so gorgeous and happy. Thanks for sharing Alexis!

  27. Bourbon and Pearls: Clicquot can correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like Eilean Donan Castle way the heck up there in northern Scotland, almost to Skye.

    I still adore and love my Sybil Coat in burnished yellow. Comes out every winter. Such great colors!

  28. I too love this catalog but I do really love some of the styles that Jenna and Marissa have done, especially this year. I do long for better quality but some of the most recent season design and collection pieces are awesome and maybe a step up design-wise, unfortunately not quality-wise.

  29. Oh yes, my fave catalog too. Was just looking at this recently thinking how much I loved the looks and wished JCrew would return to classic quality pieces.

    Thanks for posting, Alexis, this is just droolicious

  30. Wow! I remember saving this catalog then losing it in a move :( Love this one as well as the Paris catalog. I love seeing the beautiful colours, and while I may not sport the combos head to toe, I really wish I had collected a few pieces to jazz up my outfits! Very inspirational! Thank for sharing Alexis!

  31. I've been thinking more about this catalog. The recent ones in comparison are so BLAND. I am actually in the camp, or am leaning, away from the Jenna camp. Partly because I don't particularly like "runway" trends and celebrity style (well some, but most are over kill), and I haven't been convinced that JCrew's interpretation and/or incorporation of runway trends has been that successful. kInd of a bold statement to make, but really, it's JCrew trendy pieces that really are not working. IE military inspired, 4.5" heels, skin tight chinos, slouchy sweater over a pencil skirt (?). I guess I'm bold to admit my critique, and give a bigger hand of applause to their men's styling.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Pathos,

    I agree whole heartedly. That is why I just threw away my 2011 catalog. I could not believe I was doing it as I save my JCrew catalog now for many years but these new ones do nothing for me so get rid of the clutter!

  34. pathos, I agree with you about the runway and celebrity style. I am all about the classics and expect to keep most of my clothes for several seasons or longer. I'm fine to pay more for quality that will stand the test of time and any of these styles could work in a 2011 wardrobe. You may want to change up the color pairings or proportions but the items themselves are still great.

    With the economy forecast to be depressed and possibly get even worse for the next while, I think a lot of people will look for quality and more classic designs. We are seeing it almost across the board this season. I sure hope that is the direction taken before we get back into another era of wacky styling trends.

  35. I guarantee you that those guys have socks on! I'm kinda over the too-skinny too-short pants look, especially after looking at the old catalogues.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)