Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, November 17, 2011

JCA "Help Style Me!" Weekly Post

This is the weekly "Help Style Me!" post, where we can share items we are having trouble putting outfits together with. Elaine (in this post) says it best, "You know, that thing you bought because you love it and you keep pulling it out and then putting it away without wearing it?"

Please share your J.Crew item (either that you own or are thinking about getting) that you would love help creating an outfit with.

Also, please help out by offering your styling advice. Feel free to include links to your blog (where you incorporated that piece) or to Polyvore (where you showcased an outfit with that piece). Thanks in advance! :)


  1. website just flipped 560+ to 898

  2. I recently bought the double serge pencil skirt in the in store only teal color. Thing is, it's too cold here in Ohio to go bare legged in the winter. Any suggestions for tights/nylons options to go with this skirt? Or should I just stick with nude nylons?

  3. @Lauren PhD: With the bright skirts, I either like to match my tights to my shoes (gray, black, whatever), or I wear nude micro-fishnets. They are still subtle and more fun than your usual "Royal Family Issue" nude pantyhose ;). Hue makes a decent pair and I think that you can pick them up for about $14.

  4. LaurenPhD,

    The rule I have always followed is 2 of the 3 (skirt, tights and shoes) should be the same color. So, you can do green skirt, navy tights, navy shoes. Or green/black/black, green/grey/grey. Or, if you had shoes that matched the skirt, you could do green/grey/green or green/blue/green.

  5. Lauren PhD, when I can find them I love to wear tonal tights with my pencil skirts. With the teal (dark turquoise) pencil have worn dark gray and navy tights with matching shoes.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. For those of you who have the hacking jacket in charcoal, (which are now on sale in stores for $119), could you suggest styling options for this color? I have the purple already and i got the charcoal thinking it's a nice neutral/basic color but I can't help think it's just a "meh" color. Kinda like a color my dad would wear (no offense to dad or anybody else).So i'm on the fence on whether to keep or not. Plus, I feel I could find this kind of color anywhere else....
    I think if i had some style inspiration i might change my mind. People have suggested wearing a pop of
    color underneath but i think i need to see some outfit inspiration.

    It could just be my skintone not looking great with the color too. Last year my sister looked better in the charcoal shawl popover sweater while I looked better in the dark olive one....she has fairer skin than me.

    TIA JCAs!

  8. I just got the rose print flair skirt and love it. Having trouble with hose/ shoes though. I really don't want to wear ivory tights (reminds me of my 3rd grader) so all suggestions welcome!

  9. Preppy and Proud of it, I know this is nothing very creative but I LOVE my Flair skirt in Floating rose with all black. Either black v-neck sweater, black tights and black boots or black shirt, nude hose and black pumps. It is a pretty loud piece, so I like it to stand on its own, black also offsets the feminine red rose print. I have also worn it with camel and nude stocking/brown tights plus nude/brown shoe. Right shade of navy would work similarly to black and if you are daring you can do red top and shoes. Shopwith M had some great styling pictures on her blog. I personally would stay away from ivory at all cost, unless you are going for 'church' look.

  10. Thanks Whitney, xoxo, and blakemdjohns!

  11. I'm having trouble wearing the Herringbone Hacking Coat in Vibrant Flame. I had so many ideas in my head when I ordered it but I've tried it with work pants and work skirts (J.Crew wool pencil) and it just doesn't look right. Maybe too manly or old lady? I know I can wear it with jeans but was hoping for this piece to be uber versatile and get me through the winter at the office. Until I can wear it multiple ways I'm waiting to order another (I really want the charcoal and blue). Can anyone help?

  12. Hi all,

    Just received the leopard jacquard ballets - not sure if I will keep them... As you know i sent back the matching pants. Any ideas on colours/styles I could wear them with?

  13. @ JenLynn: I have the Herringbone Hacking Jacket in Grass green. When I wear mine, I try to work a little bit of the equestrian vibe since that's how the jacket is tailored...I pair it with my Minnie pants (any slim-fitting or johdpur-like pant will work) and pumps, or buttoned over a lightweight dress and worn with a high-heeled tall boot. For work, I think that the combination of heels and more feminine fabrics help to balance the masculine cut of the jacket. Flat boots or loafers with either the dress or johdpur combo would be a great non-denim option for casual Fridays (if you get those at your office...I don't). HTH!

  14. JenLynn, my PS had this same jacket on the other day with the leopard perfect shirt and it looked great. She had it on with skinny jeans, but you could do black pants.

  15. Hi Ladies,
    Any thoughts on how to keep warm in the Cafe Capri's? I've been wearing them with heels and bare legs but am beginning to wonder if I can wear them much longer. I would buy more colors and those cute plaid ones but I am not sure my ankles can take the cold....

    Will tights or hose look lame?

    What does everyone else do?


  16. Hey, MommysShoppingAgain--I haven't bitten on the cafe capris yet, but I asked the SA how to style them for winter, and she suggested tucking them into tall boots or wearing them with tights and pumps. I think either of those would be cute!

  17. I have the vibrant flame cashmere cardigan and was wondering what tops to wear under it. Gorgeous color, just not sure what to mix it with. Any advice?


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)